**** Merged from MCS ****
[mono-project.git] / mcs / class / System.XML / Test / System.Xml / XmlAttributeCollectionTests.cs
1 // XmlAttributeCollectionTests.cs : Tests for the XmlAttributeCollection class
2 //
3 // Author: Matt Hunter <xrkune@tconl.com>
4 // Author: Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@sysrq.dk>
5 //
6 // (C) 2002 Matt Hunter
7 // (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
9 using System;
10 using System.Xml;
11 using System.Text;
12 using System.IO;
13 using System.Collections;
15 using NUnit.Framework;
17 namespace MonoTests.System.Xml
19 [TestFixture]
20 public class XmlAttributeCollectionTests : Assertion
22 private XmlDocument document;
24 [SetUp]
25 public void GetReady()
27 document = new XmlDocument ();
30 [Test]
31 public void RemoveAll ()
33 StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder ();
34 xml.Append ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><library><book type=\"non-fiction\" price=\"34.95\"> ");
35 xml.Append ("<title type=\"intro\">XML Fun</title> " );
36 xml.Append ("<author>John Doe</author></book></library>");
38 MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (xml.ToString ()));
39 document = new XmlDocument ();
40 document.Load (memoryStream);
41 XmlNodeList bookList = document.GetElementsByTagName ("book");
42 XmlNode xmlNode = bookList.Item (0);
43 XmlElement xmlElement = xmlNode as XmlElement;
44 XmlAttributeCollection attributes = xmlElement.Attributes;
45 attributes.RemoveAll ();
46 AssertEquals ("not all attributes removed.", false, xmlElement.HasAttribute ("type"));
49 [Test]
50 public void Append ()
52 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
53 XmlElement xmlEl = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("TestElement");
54 XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = xmlEl.SetAttributeNode ("attr1", "namespace1");
55 XmlNode xmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Attribute, "attr3", "namespace1");
56 XmlAttribute xmlAttribute3 = xmlNode as XmlAttribute;
57 XmlAttributeCollection attributeCol = xmlEl.Attributes;
58 xmlAttribute3 = attributeCol.Append (xmlAttribute3);
59 AssertEquals ("attribute name not properly created.", true, xmlAttribute3.Name.Equals ("attr3"));
60 AssertEquals ("attribute namespace not properly created.", true, xmlAttribute3.NamespaceURI.Equals ("namespace1"));
63 [Test]
64 public void CopyTo ()
66 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
67 xmlDoc.LoadXml("<root a1='garnet' a2='amethyst' a3='Bloodstone' a4='diamond' a5='emerald' a6='pearl' a7='ruby' a8='sapphire' a9='moonstone' a10='opal' a11='topaz' a12='turquoize' />");
68 XmlAttributeCollection col = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes;
69 XmlAttribute[] array = new XmlAttribute[24];
70 col.CopyTo(array, 0);
71 AssertEquals("garnet", array[0].Value);
72 AssertEquals("moonstone", array[8].Value);
73 AssertEquals("turquoize", array[11].Value);
74 col.CopyTo(array, 12);
75 AssertEquals("garnet", array[12].Value);
76 AssertEquals("moonstone", array[20].Value);
77 AssertEquals("turquoize", array[23].Value);
80 [Test]
81 public void SetNamedItem ()
83 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
84 xmlDoc.LoadXml("<root />");
85 XmlElement el = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
86 XmlAttributeCollection col = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes;
88 XmlAttribute attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("b3");
89 attr.Value = "bloodstone";
90 col.SetNamedItem(attr);
91 AssertEquals("SetNamedItem.Normal", "bloodstone", el.GetAttribute("b3"));
93 attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("b3");
94 attr.Value = "aquamaline";
95 col.SetNamedItem(attr);
96 AssertEquals("SetNamedItem.Override", "aquamaline", el.GetAttribute("b3"));
97 AssertEquals("SetNamedItem.Override.Count.1", 1, el.Attributes.Count);
98 AssertEquals("SetNamedItem.Override.Count.2", 1, col.Count);
101 [Test]
102 public void InsertBeforeAfterPrepend ()
104 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
105 xmlDoc.LoadXml("<root b2='amethyst' />");
106 XmlElement el = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
107 XmlAttributeCollection col = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes;
108 XmlAttribute attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("b1");
109 attr.Value = "garnet";
110 col.InsertAfter(attr, null);
111 AssertEquals("InsertAfterNull", "garnet", el.GetAttributeNode("b1").Value);
112 AssertEquals("InsertAfterNull.Pos", el.GetAttribute("b1"), col[0].Value);
114 attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("b3");
115 attr.Value = "bloodstone";
116 col.InsertAfter(attr, el.GetAttributeNode("b2"));
117 AssertEquals("InsertAfterAttr", "bloodstone", el.GetAttributeNode("b3").Value);
118 AssertEquals("InsertAfterAttr.Pos", el.GetAttribute("b3"), col[2].Value);
120 attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("b4");
121 attr.Value = "diamond";
122 col.InsertBefore(attr, null);
123 AssertEquals("InsertBeforeNull", "diamond", el.GetAttributeNode("b4").Value);
124 AssertEquals("InsertBeforeNull.Pos", el.GetAttribute("b4"), col[3].Value);
126 attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("warning");
127 attr.Value = "mixed modern and traditional;-)";
128 col.InsertBefore(attr, el.GetAttributeNode("b1"));
129 AssertEquals("InsertBeforeAttr", "mixed modern and traditional;-)", el.GetAttributeNode("warning").Value);
130 AssertEquals("InsertBeforeAttr.Pos", el.GetAttributeNode("warning").Value, col[0].Value);
132 attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("about");
133 attr.Value = "lists of birthstone.";
134 col.Prepend(attr);
135 AssertEquals("Prepend", "lists of birthstone.", col[0].Value);
138 [Test]
139 [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
140 public void InsertAfterError ()
142 this.document.LoadXml ("<root><elem a='1'/></root>");
143 XmlAttribute attr = document.CreateAttribute ("foo");
144 attr.Value = "test";
145 document.DocumentElement.Attributes.InsertAfter (attr, document.DocumentElement.FirstChild.Attributes [0]);
148 [Test]
149 public void InsertAfterReplacesInCorrectOrder ()
151 XmlDocument testDoc = new XmlDocument ();
152 XmlElement testElement = testDoc.CreateElement ("TestElement" );
153 testDoc.AppendChild (testElement);
155 XmlAttribute testAttr1 = testDoc.CreateAttribute ("TestAttribute1");
156 testAttr1.Value = "First attribute";
157 testElement.Attributes.Prepend (testAttr1);
159 XmlAttribute testAttr2 = testDoc.CreateAttribute ("TestAttribute2");
160 testAttr2.Value = "Second attribute";
161 testElement.Attributes.InsertAfter (testAttr2, testAttr1);
163 XmlAttribute testAttr3 = testDoc.CreateAttribute ("TestAttribute3");
164 testAttr3.Value = "Third attribute";
165 testElement.Attributes.InsertAfter (testAttr3, testAttr2);
167 XmlAttribute outOfOrder = testDoc.CreateAttribute ("TestAttribute2");
168 outOfOrder.Value = "Should still be second attribute";
169 testElement.Attributes.InsertAfter (outOfOrder, testElement.Attributes [0]);
171 AssertEquals ("First attribute", testElement.Attributes [0].Value);
172 AssertEquals ("Should still be second attribute", testElement.Attributes [1].Value);
173 AssertEquals ("Third attribute", testElement.Attributes [2].Value);
176 [Test]
177 public void Remove ()
179 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument ();
180 xmlDoc.LoadXml("<root a1='garnet' a2='amethyst' a3='bloodstone' a4='diamond' a5='emerald' a6='pearl' a7='ruby' a8='sapphire' a9='moonstone' a10='opal' a11='topaz' a12='turquoize' />");
181 XmlElement el = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
182 XmlAttributeCollection col = el.Attributes;
184 // Remove
185 XmlAttribute attr = col.Remove(el.GetAttributeNode("a12"));
186 AssertEquals("Remove", 11, col.Count);
187 AssertEquals("Remove.Removed", "a12", attr.Name);
189 // RemoveAt
190 attr = col.RemoveAt(5);
191 AssertEquals("RemoveAt", null, el.GetAttributeNode("a6"));
192 AssertEquals("Remove.Removed", "pearl", attr.Value);
195 [Test]
196 public void RemoveDefaultAttribute ()
198 string dtd = "<!DOCTYPE root [<!ELEMENT root EMPTY><!ATTLIST root attr CDATA 'default'>]>";
199 string xml = dtd + "<root/>";
200 XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
201 doc.LoadXml (xml);
203 doc.DocumentElement.Attributes ["attr"].Value = "modified";
204 doc.DocumentElement.RemoveAttribute("attr");
206 XmlAttribute defAttr = doc.DocumentElement.Attributes ["attr"];
207 AssertNotNull (defAttr);
208 AssertEquals ("default", defAttr.Value);
210 defAttr.Value = "default"; // same value as default
211 AssertEquals (true, defAttr.Specified);