**** Merged from MCS ****
[mono-project.git] / mcs / class / System.XML / System.Xml.Serialization / standalone_tests / potest.cs
1 using System;
2 using System.Xml;
3 using System.Xml.Serialization;
4 using System.IO;
6 // The XmlRootAttribute allows you to set an alterate name
7 // (PurchaseOrder) for the XML element and its namespace. By
8 // default, the XmlSerializer uses the class name. The attribute
9 // also allows you to set the XML namespace for the element. Lastly,
10 // the attribute sets the IsNullable property, which specifies whether
11 // the xsi:null attribute appears if the class instance is set to
12 // a null reference.
13 [XmlRootAttribute("PurchaseOrder", Namespace="http://cpandl.com",
14 IsNullable=false)]
15 public class PurchaseOrder
17 public Address ShipTo;
18 public string OrderDate;
19 // The XmlArrayAttribute changes the XML element name
20 // from the default of "OrderedItems" to "Items".
21 [XmlArrayAttribute("Items")]
22 public OrderedItem[] OrderedItems;
23 public decimal SubTotal;
24 public decimal ShipCost;
25 public decimal TotalCost;
28 public class Address
30 // The XmlAttribute instructs the XmlSerializer to serialize the Name
31 // field as an XML attribute instead of an XML element (the default
32 // behaviour).
33 [XmlAttribute]
34 public string Name;
35 public string Line1;
37 // Setting the IsNullable property to false instructs the
38 // XmlSerializer that the XML attribute will not appear if
39 // the City field is set to a null reference.
40 [XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable=false)]
41 public string City;
42 public string State;
43 public string Zip;
46 public class OrderedItem
48 public string ItemName;
49 public string Description;
50 public decimal UnitPrice;
51 public int Quantity;
52 public decimal LineTotal;
54 // Calculate is a custom method that calculates the price per item
55 // and stores the value in a field.
56 public void Calculate()
58 LineTotal=UnitPrice*Quantity;
62 public class Test
64 public static void Main()
66 // Read and write purchase orders.
67 Test t=new Test();
68 t.CreatePO("potest.xml");
69 t.ReadPO("potest.xml");
72 private void CreatePO(string filename)
74 // Creates an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
75 // specifies the type of object to serialize.
76 XmlSerializer serializer=new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrder));
77 TextWriter writer=new StreamWriter(filename);
78 PurchaseOrder po=new PurchaseOrder();
80 // Creates an address to ship and bill to.
81 Address billAddress=new Address();
82 billAddress.Name="Teresa Atkinson";
83 billAddress.Line1="1 Main St.";
84 billAddress.City="AnyTown";
85 billAddress.State="WA";
86 billAddress.Zip="00000";
87 // Sets ShipTo and BillTo to the same addressee.
88 po.ShipTo=billAddress;
89 po.OrderDate=System.DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
91 // Creates an OrderedItem.
92 OrderedItem i1=new OrderedItem();
93 i1.ItemName="Widget S";
94 i1.Description="Small widget";
95 i1.UnitPrice=(decimal)5.23;
96 i1.Quantity=3;
97 i1.Calculate();
99 // Inserts the item into the array.
100 OrderedItem[] items={i1};
101 po.OrderedItems=items;
102 // Calculate the total cost.
103 decimal subTotal=new decimal();
104 foreach(OrderedItem oi in items)
106 subTotal+=oi.LineTotal;
108 po.SubTotal=subTotal;
109 po.ShipCost=(decimal)12.51;
110 po.TotalCost=po.SubTotal+po.ShipCost;
111 // Serializes the purchase order, and closes the TextWriter.
112 serializer.Serialize(writer, po);
113 writer.Close();
116 protected void ReadPO(string filename)
118 // Creates an instance of the XmlSerializer class;
119 // specifies the type of object to be deserialized.
120 XmlSerializer serializer=new XmlSerializer(typeof(PurchaseOrder));
121 // If the XML document has been altered with unknown
122 // nodes or attributes, handles them with the
123 // UnknownNode and UnknownAttribute events.
124 serializer.UnknownNode+=new XmlNodeEventHandler(serializer_UnknownNode);
125 serializer.UnknownAttribute+=new XmlAttributeEventHandler(serializer_UnknownAttribute);
127 // A FileStream is needed to read the XML document.
128 FileStream fs=new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
129 // Declares an object variable of the type to be deserialized.
130 PurchaseOrder po;
131 // Uses the Deserialize method to restore the object's state with
132 // data from the XML document. */
133 po=(PurchaseOrder)serializer.Deserialize(fs);
134 fs.Close();
136 // Reads the order date.
137 Console.WriteLine("OrderDate: "+po.OrderDate);
139 // Reads the shipping address.
140 Address shipTo=po.ShipTo;
141 ReadAddress(shipTo, "Ship To:");
142 // Reads the list of ordered items.
143 OrderedItem[] items=po.OrderedItems;
144 Console.WriteLine("Items to be shipped:");
145 foreach(OrderedItem oi in items)
147 Console.WriteLine("\t"+
148 oi.ItemName+"\t"+
149 oi.Description+"\t"+
150 oi.UnitPrice+"\t"+
151 oi.Quantity+"\t"+
152 oi.LineTotal);
154 // Reads the subtotal, shipping cost, and total cost.
155 Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t\t\t\t Subtotal\t"+po.SubTotal+
156 "\n\t\t\t\t\t Shipping\t"+po.ShipCost+
157 "\n\t\t\t\t\t Total\t\t"+po.TotalCost);
160 protected void ReadAddress(Address a, string label)
162 // Reads the fields of the Address.
163 Console.WriteLine(label);
164 Console.Write("\t"+
165 a.Name+"\n\t"+
166 a.Line1+"\n\t"+
167 a.City+"\t"+
168 a.State+"\n\t"+
169 a.Zip+"\n");
172 protected void serializer_UnknownNode(object sender,
173 XmlNodeEventArgs e)
175 Console.WriteLine("Unknown Node:"+e.Name+"\t"+e.Text);
178 protected void serializer_UnknownAttribute(object sender,
179 XmlAttributeEventArgs e)
181 System.Xml.XmlAttribute attr=e.Attr;
182 Console.WriteLine("Unknown attribute "+attr.Name+"='"+attr.Value+"'");