**** Merged from MCS ****
[mono-project.git] / mcs / btests / AccessibilityC.vb
1 Imports System
2 Class C1
3 Protected Friend a As Integer=20
4 End Class
5 Class C2
6 Inherits C1
7 Public Sub S()
8 Try
9 If a<>20 Then
10 Throw New Exception("#A1-AccessibilityA:Failed-error accessing value of protected friend data member from derived class")
12 End If
13 Catch e As Exception
14 Console.WriteLine(e.Message)
15 End Try
16 End Sub
17 End Class
19 Module Accessibility
20 Sub Main()
21 Dim myC1 As New C1()
22 Try
23 If myC1.a<>20 Then
24 Throw New Exception("#A2-AccessibilityA:Failed-error accessing value of protected friend data member from another module")
25 End If
26 Catch e As Exception
27 Console.WriteLine(e.Message)
28 End Try
30 Dim myC2 As New C2()
31 myC2.S()
33 End Sub
34 End Module