descriptionJekyll sources for our website.
homepage URL
last changeSun, 3 Dec 2023 12:09:43 +0000 (3 13:09 +0100)
content tags
2023-12-03 MichalDraft: minimalism filmmaster
2023-12-03 MichalUpdate Michal’s link
2023-08-14 Ivandowngrade sass-converter to use sassc instead of fancy...
2023-08-13 Ivanupdate gems
2022-12-29 Ivanupdate gems
2022-12-29 Ivanfix typo + publish mene odpadu, mene starosti
2022-12-28 MichalDraft: Méně odpadu, méně starostí
2022-08-07 Ivanupdate about us
2022-08-07 Ivanupdate gems, sitemap plugin
2021-11-14 IvanUpdate Jekyll to v4, Ruby 3 support
2021-11-14 IvanRelease "Nehromadte male ukoly"
2021-11-06 MichalDraft: Nehromaďte malé úkoly
2021-11-06 Michalbundle update
2021-01-13 MichalDrop www
2021-01-12 MichalFinish move to the new domain
2021-01-12 MichalPublish the post Nejlepší dárek pro minimalistu
4 months ago master