Correction d'une faute d'orthographe
[memoirecycle.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # generated by wxGlade 0.6.3 on Wed Mar 16 11:01:01 2011
4 import matplotlib
5 matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
6 from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas
7 from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
8 import wx
9 import wx.propgrid
10 from wx.lib import sheet
11 import element
12 import connection
13 import notif
14 import project
15 import prop
16 import os # New! Manon need
17 import datetime
18 import wx.lib.newevent
19 import logging
20 import math
22 # create event type
23 wxLogEvent, EVT_WX_LOG_EVENT = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
24 # create logger
25 logger = logging.getLogger()
28 def sortBykey(dikt):
29 #method that sort dikt by keys
30 lyst = list()
31 length = len(dikt)
32 for i in range(length):
33 lyst.append(0)
34 for x in dikt:
35 lyst[dikt[x].labelKey]=x
36 return lyst
38 def isSelectable(obj):
39 #Return true if obj is selectable
40 if type(obj) != type(None) and type(obj) != connection.Connection:
41 return True
42 else :
43 return False
45 def isDragable(obj):
46 #return true if obj is drang and dropable
47 if type(obj) != type(None) and type(obj) != connection.Connection:
48 return True
49 else :
50 return False
52 def isConnectable(obj):
53 #return true if obj can be connected
54 if type(obj) == connection.Connection:
55 return True
56 else :
57 return False
60 class MySummaryPanelState(wx.grid.Grid,notif.Notifiable):
61 ''' Panel that contain the grid with all state'''
62 def __init__(self,frame, parent,id):
63 wx.grid.Grid.__init__(self,parent)
64 notif.Notifiable.__init__(self)
65 self.frame = frame
66 self.project =
67 self.project.addNotif(self)
68 self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE,self.OnChange)
69 self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK,self.OnDoubleClick)
70 self.lyst = ['name','temperature','pressure','quality','enthalpy','entropy','exergy','specific volume','I1','O1']
71 self.CreateGrid(1,len(self.lyst))
72 self.SetRowLabelSize(0) #permet de ne pas afficher la premiere colonne
73 i = 0
74 for x in self.lyst:
75 self.SetColLabelValue(i,x)
76 i += 1
77 for x in range(len(self.lyst)):
78 self.SetColSize(x, 110)
81 def OnChange(self,evt):
82 row,col = evt.GetRow(),evt.GetCol()
83 if col<6 :
84 elem = self.project.elemList[self.GetRowLabelValue(row)]
87 def OnDoubleClick(self,evt):
88 #Allow to travel between element
89 row,col = evt.GetRow(),evt.GetCol()
90 if col>=7:
91 elem = self.GetCellValue(row,col)
92 if elem != None:
93 for x in self.project.elemList:
94 if str(x) == elem:
95 if self.project.currentElem != None:
96 self.project.currentElem.deselect()
97 self.project.currentElem = self.project.elemList[x]
98 self.project.elemList[x].select()
99 else :
100 elem = self.GetRowLabelValue(row)
101 if elem != None:
102 for x in self.project.elemList:
103 if str(x) == elem:
104 if self.project.currentElem != None:
105 self.project.currentElem.deselect()
106 self.project.currentElem = self.project.elemList[x]
107 self.project.elemList[x].select()
110 def OnNotif(self):
111 #Delete previous Grid
112 numRows = self.GetNumberRows()
113 if numRows != 0:
114 for z in range(0,numRows):
115 self.DeleteRows(0,1)
116 #Create new grid with updated value
117 #sortedList ne fonctionne pas car les elem n'ont pas de key
118 i = 0
119 for x in self.project.elemList:
120 if self.project.elemList[x].genericName() == 'state':
121 self.AppendRows(1)
122 self.SetRowLabelValue(i,x)
123 j = 0
124 for z in self.lyst:
125 if z != 'I1' and z != 'O1':
126 value = self.project.elemList[x].properties[z].value
127 if value != None and z != 'name' and z != 'quality' and z!= 'specific volume':
128 stringvalue = str('%0.2f'%value) #set two digits after decimal
129 elif value != None and z == 'specific volume':
130 stringvalue = str('%0.4f'%value)
131 elif z == 'name':
132 stringvalue = str(value)
133 elif z == 'quality':
134 if value != None:
135 if math.isnan(float(value)) :
136 stringvalue = str(prop.qualityKind(self.project.elemList[x].properties[z]))
137 else :
138 stringvalue = str('%0.5f'%value)
139 else :
140 stringvalue = str(value)
141 else :
142 stringvalue = str(None)
143 self.SetCellTextColour(i,j,self.project.elemList[x].properties[z].colour())
144 self.SetCellValue(i,j,stringvalue)
145 else:
146 link = self.project.elemList[x].connection[z].link
147 if link != None:
148 self.SetCellValue(i,j,str(self.project.nameList[link.elem]))
149 else :
150 self.SetCellValue(i,j,'Not connected')
152 j += 1
153 i += 1
156 class MyAnalysisPanel(wx.Panel):
157 '''Panel that contains piechart'''
158 def __init__(self,frame, parent, id):
159 wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,id)
160 self.frame = frame
161 self.project =
162 #self.SetBackgroundColour('WHITE')
163 self.figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure()
164 self.subplot = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
165 t = []
166 self.subplot.pie(t)
167 self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.figure)
168 self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
169 self.sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.GROW)
170 self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
171 self.Fit()
172 self.Show(True)
173 self.add_toolbar()
175 def add_toolbar(self):
176 self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Wx(self.canvas)
177 self.toolbar.Realize()
178 # On Windows platform, default window size is incorrect, so set
179 # toolbar width to figure width.
180 tw, th = self.toolbar.GetSizeTuple()
181 fw, fh = self.canvas.GetSizeTuple()
182 # By adding toolbar in sizer, we are able to put it at the bottom
183 # of the frame - so appearance is closer to GTK version.
184 # As noted above, doesn't work for Mac.
185 self.toolbar.SetSize(wx.Size(fw, th))
186 self.sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
187 # update the axes menu on the toolbar
188 self.toolbar.update()
190 def OnPaint(self, event):
191 self.canvas.draw()
193 def OnPageChange(self):
194 self.subplot.cla()
195 t = []
196 label = []
197 i = 0
198 j = 0
199 for x in self.project.elemList:
200 for y in self.project.elemList[x].properties:
201 if y == 'power' and x[:6] != 'boiler':
202 i += 1
203 if self.project.elemList[x].properties[y].value != None:
204 j += 1
205 t.append(abs(self.project.elemList[x].properties[y].value))
206 label.append(x)
207 elif y == 'power lost':
208 i += 1
209 if self.project.elemList[x].properties[y].value != None:
210 j += 1
211 t.append(abs(self.project.elemList[x].properties[y].value))
212 label.append(x+' lost')
213 print i, j
214 if i != j:
215'All the powers have not been computed')
216 self.subplot.pie([0])
217 elif i != 0:
218'All the powers have been computed')
219 self.subplot.pie(t,labels = label)
220 else :
221 pass
222 self.figure.suptitle('Energy Balance',fontsize = 12)
223 self.canvas.draw()
224 self.Refresh()
228 class MyCyclePanel(wx.Panel,notif.Notifiable):
229 ''' Panel that contain cycle'''
230 def __init__(self,frame,parent,id):
231 wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,id)
232 notif.Notifiable.__init__(self)
233 self.frame = frame
234 self.project =
235 self.project.addNotif(self)
236 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN,self.OnLeftDown)
237 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION,self.OnMouseMove)
238 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP,self.OnLeftUp)
239 self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP,self.OnRightUp)
240 self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN,self.OnKeyDown)
241 self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP,self.OnKeyUp)
242 self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT,self.OnPaint)
243 self.checkCycle = {'draganddrop':None,'onArrow':False,'onArrowFirstConn':None,'dpos':(0,0)}
244 self.checkCycleKey = {'control' : False}
247 def OnLeftDown(self,event):
248 posEvent = event.GetPosition().Get()
249 obj = self.project.isZoneClick(posEvent)
251 if isDragable(obj):
252 dx = posEvent[0]-obj.pos[0]
253 dy = posEvent[1]-obj.pos[1]
254 self.checkCycle['dpos'] = (dx,dy)
256 self.checkCycle['draganddrop'] = obj
258 def OnMouseMove(self,event):
259 if self.checkCycle['draganddrop'] != None:
260 posEvent = event.GetPosition().Get()
261 self.checkCycle['draganddrop'].pos = (posEvent[0]-self.checkCycle['dpos'][0],posEvent[1]-self.checkCycle['dpos'][1])
262 self.Refresh()
264 def OnRightUp(self,event):
265 #Deconnect connection if click with right mouseon it
266 posEvent = event.GetPosition().Get()
267 obj = self.project.isZoneClick(posEvent)
268 if isConnectable(obj):
269 if != None:
270 elem_a = obj.elem
271 elem_b =
272 elem_a.connect(obj,None)
273 self.Refresh()
274 elif isSelectable(obj):
275 self.project.removeElem(self.project.nameList[obj])
277 def OnLeftUp(self,event):
278 posEvent = event.GetPosition().Get()
279 obj = self.project.isZoneClick(posEvent)
280 self.checkCycle['dpos'] = None
281 if self.checkCycle['draganddrop'] != None:
282 self.checkCycle['draganddrop'] = None
283 #si on veut pas de selection apres un dandd, il faut mettre elif dans la creation de composants, mais alors les selection se font en doubleckick O_o
286 elif self.frame.window_4.checkBibli['composant'] != None:
287 self.project.createElem(self.frame.window_4.checkBibli['composant'],posEvent)
288 self.frame.window_4.checkBibli['composant'] = None
290 elif isSelectable(obj) and self.checkCycle['onArrow'] == False :
291 if self.project.currentElem == obj:
292 obj.deselect()
293 elif self.project.currentElem != None and self.checkCycleKey['control'] == False:
294 self.project.currentElem.deselect()
295 self.project.currentElem = obj
297 """doit se faire ici et pas dans, car en cas de selection multiple ou l'on utilise aussi, il ne faut pas changer l'elem current
298 autre remarque : le doit se faire apres que le currentelem soit changer, car c'est select() qui contient de doNotify"""
299 elif self.project.currentElem != None and self.checkCycleKey['control'] == True :
301 elif self.project.currentElem == None :
302 self.project.currentElem = self.project.isZoneClick(posEvent)
303 self.project.isZoneClick(posEvent).select()
305 elif obj == None :
306 for z in self.project.elemList :
307 self.project.elemList[z].deselect()
309 elif isConnectable(obj) and self.checkCycle['onArrow'] == True :
310 if self.checkCycle['onArrowFirstConn'] == None:
311 self.checkCycle['onArrowFirstConn'] = obj
312 elif self.checkCycle['onArrowFirstConn'] != None:
313 conn1 = self.checkCycle['onArrowFirstConn']
314 conn2 = obj
315 if type(conn1) == type(conn2) :
316 self.checkCycle['onArrowFirstConn'].elem.connect(conn1,conn2)
317 else :
318'Please select a connection not an element')
319 self.checkCycle['onArrowFirstConn'] = None
320 self.Refresh()
323 def OnKeyDown(self,event):
324 key = event.GetKeyCode()
325 if key == wx.WXK_DELETE:
326 self.project.removeSelectedElem()
328 elif key == wx.WXK_CONTROL:
329 self.checkCycleKey['control'] = True
331 def OnKeyUp(self,event):
332 key = event.GetKeyCode()
333 if key == wx.WXK_CONTROL:
334 self.checkCycleKey['control'] = False
336 def OnPaint(self,event):
337 #Dessine a partir de elemList les elements et de arrowList les fleches
338 newpaintdc = wx.PaintDC(self)
339 newpaintdc.Clear()
340 for z in self.project.elemList:
341 for y in self.project.elemList[z].connection :
343 #Draw Connection's Element
344 newpaintdc.DrawBitmap(self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].bmp,self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].dpos[0]+self.project.elemList[z].pos[0],self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].dpos[1]+self.project.elemList[z].pos[1])
345 pen = wx.Pen('BLACK',width = 6,style = wx.SOLID) #Set color and width of connection's line
347 #Set color and width of connection's line
348 #pen = wx.Pen('BLACK',width = 6,style = wx.SOLID) # merge manon sait pas si c le bon >.<
350 newpaintdc.SetPen(pen)
351 if self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].link != None :
352 elem = self.project.elemList[z]
353 if elem.genericName != 'state':
354 x1 = elem.connection[y].dpos[0]+elem.pos[0]
355 y1 = elem.connection[y].dpos[1]+elem.pos[1]
356 elif elem.genericName == 'state' :
357 x1 = (elem.pos[0][1][0]/2)
358 y1 = (elem.pos[0][1][1]/2)
359 x2 = elem.connection[y].link.dpos[0]+elem.connection[y].link.elem.pos[0]
360 y2 = elem.connection[y].link.dpos[1]+elem.connection[y].link.elem.pos[1]
361 newpaintdc.DrawLinePoint((x1,y1),(x2,y2))
362 #Draw Elements
363 newpaintdc.DrawBitmap(self.project.elemList[z].bmp,self.project.elemList[z].pos[0],self.project.elemList[z].pos[1], True)
364 for y in self.project.elemList[z].connection :
365 #Draw Connection's Element
366 newpaintdc.DrawBitmap(self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].bmp,self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].dpos[0]+self.project.elemList[z].pos[0],self.project.elemList[z].connection[y].dpos[1]+self.project.elemList[z].pos[1])
370 def OnNotif(self):
371 self.Refresh()
374 class MyBibliPanel(wx.ScrolledWindow):
375 """ Panel which contains the cycle component library """
376 def __init__(self,frame, parent,id):
377 wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent = parent, id = -1)
378 numberOfelement = len(
379 height = 40
380 self.SetScrollbars(0,height,0,numberOfelement)
381 self.frame = frame
382 self.checkBibli = {'composant':None}
383 templist = list()
385 for elem in
386 templist.append((elem,[elem]))
387 templist.sort()
388 x = 0
389 y = 0
390 for z in templist:
391 button = wx.Button(self,id=-1,label=z[0],pos=(x,y),size=(140,height),name=z[0])
392 self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnElem,button)
393 x = 0
394 y += height
396 def OnElem(self,event):
397 bmpButton = event.GetEventObject()
398 elemName = bmpButton.GetName()
399 for elem in
400 if elem == elemName:
401 self.checkBibli['composant'] =[elem]
405 class MyPropertyGrid(wx.Panel, notif.Notifiable):
406 ''' Panel that contains a grid with properties of selected element '''
407 def __init__(self,frame,parent,id):
408 wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,id)
409 notif.Notifiable.__init__(self)
410 self.frame = frame
411 self.project =
412 self.project.addNotif(self)
413 self.propertygridsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
414 self.SetSizer(self.propertygridsizer)
416 def OnNotif(self):
417 self.propertygridsizer.Clear()
418 self.mypropertygrid = wx.propgrid.PropertyGridManager(self,style=wx.propgrid.PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER|wx.propgrid.PG_TOOLBAR)
419 self.mypropertygrid.Bind(wx.propgrid.EVT_PG_SELECTED,self.OnSelected)
420 self.mypropertygrid.Bind(wx.propgrid.EVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK,self.OnDoubleClick)
421 self.mypropertygrid.Bind(wx.propgrid.EVT_PG_CHANGED,self.OnValueChange)
423 if self.project.currentElem != None :
424 self.mypropertygrid.Append(wx.propgrid.PropertyCategory(self.project.nameList[self.project.currentElem]))
426 sortedPropList = sortBykey(
427 for x in sortedPropList:
428 if x[:9] != 'reference' :
429 a = self.mypropertygrid.Append([x].display)
430 a.SetTextColour([x].colour())
433 self.mypropertygrid.Append(wx.propgrid.PropertyCategory('Connections'))
434 for x in self.project.currentElem.connection:
435 if self.project.currentElem.connection[x].link != None:
436 self.mypropertygrid.Append(wx.propgrid.StringProperty(x,value=str(self.project.nameList[self.project.currentElem.connection[x].link.elem])))
437 else :
438 self.mypropertygrid.Append(wx.propgrid.StringProperty(x,value=''))
440 self.mypropertygrid.Append(wx.propgrid.PropertyCategory('Reference'))
441 for x in sortedPropList:
442 if x[0:9] == 'reference':
443 a = self.mypropertygrid.Append([x].display)
444 a.SetTextColour([x].colour())
446 else:
447 self.mypropertygrid.Append(wx.propgrid.StringProperty('No current element',value = 'Please select an element'))
450 self.propertygridsizer.Add(self.mypropertygrid,1,wx.EXPAND)
451 self.Layout()
453 def OnSelected(self,event):
454 #event.GetProperty() event.GetPropertyName() event.GetPropertyValue()
455 #print("Selection :",event.GetPropertyName,"\nvalue :",event.GetPropertyValue())
456 pass
458 def OnDoubleClick(self,event):
459 #Allow to travel between element
460 if event.GetPropertyValue() != None:
461 for x in self.project.elemList:
462 if str(x) == event.GetPropertyValue():
463 self.project.currentElem.deselect()
464 self.project.currentElem = self.project.elemList[x]
465 self.project.elemList[x].select()
467 def OnValueChange(self,event):
468 #Impose new value given by user
469 propName = event.GetProperty().GetLabel()
470 prop =[propName]
471 if propName == 'fluid':
472 num = event.GetPropertyValue()
473 fluidname =[num]
474 val =[fluidname]
475 prop.impose(val)
476 elif propName == 'reference state':
477 val = event.GetPropertyValue()
478 if val == True :
479 prop.impose(val)
480 else:
481 prop.impose('')
482 else:
483 val = str(event.GetPropertyValue())
484 prop.impose(val)
488 class wxLogHandler(logging.Handler):
490 A handler class which sends log strings to a wx object
492 def __init__(self, wxDest=None):
494 Initialize the handler
495 @param wxDest: the destination object to post the event to
496 @type wxDest: wx.Window
498 logging.Handler.__init__(self)
499 self.wxDest = wxDest
500 self.level = logging.DEBUG
502 def flush(self):
504 does nothing for this handler
506 pass
509 def emit(self, record):
511 Emit a record.
514 try:
515 msg = self.format(record)
516 evt = wxLogEvent(message=msg,levelname=record.levelname)
517 wx.PostEvent(self.wxDest,evt)
518 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
519 raise
520 except:
521 self.handleError(record)
524 class MyStatusPanel(wx.ScrolledWindow,notif.Notifiable):
525 ''' Panel that inform user with log '''
526 def __init__(self,frame,parent,id):
527 notif.Notifiable.__init__(self)
528 wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self,parent,id)
529 width,height = self.GetSizeTuple()
530 self.SetScrollbars(10,10,50,0)
531 self.Bind(EVT_WX_LOG_EVENT, self.onLogEvent)
532 self.SetBackgroundColour('BLACK')
533 self.SetForegroundColour('WHITE')
535 date =
537 date ="%d-%m-%y ~ %Hh%M ")
538 self.startText = 'Welcome to UCycLe\n'+date+'\n'
539 self.disp = wx.StaticText(self,-1,self.startText)
540 self.logtext = []
542 # create logger
543 self.logger = logging.getLogger()
544 self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
545 # create custom handler and set level to debug
546 = wxLogHandler(self)
548 # create formatter
549 #self.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
550 #self.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s',datefmt='%d-%m-%Y - %H h %M')
551 self.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
552 # add formatter to ch
554 # add ch to logger
555 self.logger.addHandler(
559 def onLogEvent(self,event):
560 pass
562 Add event.message to text window
564 tempText = self.disp
565 msg = event.message.strip("\r")+'\n'
566 self.logtext.append(msg)
567 disptext = str()
568 if len(self.logtext) >5:
569 for i in range(1,6):
570 disptext += self.logtext[len(self.logtext)-i]
571 else:
572 for i in range(len(self.logtext)):
573 disptext = self.logtext[i]
574 wx.StaticText.SetLabel(self.disp,str(disptext))
577 class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
578 ''' Principal frame of the interface '''
579 def __init__(self,app, *args, **kwds):
580 # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__init__
582 wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent = None, *args, **kwds)
583 = app
584 self.project =
585 # Menu Bar
586 self.frame_1_menubar = wx.MenuBar()
587 global ID_NEW; ID_NEW = wx.NewId()
588 global ID_OPEN; ID_OPEN = wx.NewId()
589 global ID_SAVEAS; ID_SAVEAS = wx.NewId()
590 global ID_PRINT; ID_PRINT = wx.NewId()
591 global ID_EXIT; ID_EXIT = wx.NewId()
592 global ID_ABOUT; ID_ABOUT = wx.NewId()
593 wxglade_tmp_menu = wx.Menu()
594 wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_NEW, "&New", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
595 wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_OPEN, "&Open", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
596 wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_SAVEAS, "&Save As", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
597 wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_PRINT, "&Print", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
598 wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_EXIT, "&Quit", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
599 self.frame_1_menubar.Append(wxglade_tmp_menu, "&File")
600 wxglade_tmp_menu = wx.Menu()
601 wxglade_tmp_menu.Append(ID_ABOUT, "&About", "", wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
602 self.frame_1_menubar.Append(wxglade_tmp_menu, "&Help")
603 self.SetMenuBar(self.frame_1_menubar)
604 # Menu Bar end
606 # Tool Bar
607 self.frame_1_toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1)
608 self.SetToolBar(self.frame_1_toolbar)
609 global ID_CYCLE; ID_CYCLE = wx.NewId()
610 global ID_DATA; ID_DATA = wx.NewId()
611 global ID_ANALYSE; ID_ANALYSE = wx.NewId()
612 global ID_ARROW; ID_ARROW = wx.NewId()
613 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_OPEN, "open", wx.Bitmap("images/toolbar/open.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), wx.NullBitmap, wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Open a project", "")
614 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddSeparator()
615 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_CYCLE, "cycle", wx.Bitmap("images/toolbar/cycle.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), wx.NullBitmap, wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Display cycle", "")
616 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_DATA, "Data", wx.Bitmap("images/toolbar/data.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), wx.NullBitmap, wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Display states panel", "")
617 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_ANALYSE, "Analyse", wx.Bitmap("images/toolbar/piechart.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), wx.NullBitmap, wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Display energy balance", "")
618 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddSeparator()
619 self.frame_1_toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_ARROW, "Arrow", wx.Bitmap("images/toolbar/fleche.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), wx.NullBitmap, wx.ITEM_CHECK, "Allow to connect element", "")
620 # Tool Bar end
621 self.window_1 = MyStatusPanel(self, self, -1)
622 self.window_2 = MyPropertyGrid(self, self, -1)
623 self.notebook_1 = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style=0)
624 self.notebook_1_pane_1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_1, -1)
625 self.window_3 = MyCyclePanel(self, self.notebook_1_pane_1, -1)
626 self.window_4 = MyBibliPanel(self, self.notebook_1_pane_1, -1)
627 self.notebook_1_pane_2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_1, -1)
628 self.window_6 = MySummaryPanelState(self, self.notebook_1_pane_2, -1)
629 self.notebook_1_pane_3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook_1, -1)
630 self.window_5 = MyAnalysisPanel(self, self.notebook_1_pane_3, -1)
632 self.__set_properties()
633 self.__do_layout()
635 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnNew, id=ID_NEW)
636 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnOpen, id=ID_OPEN)
637 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSaveAs, id=ID_SAVEAS)
638 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPrint, id=ID_PRINT)
639 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, id=ID_EXIT)
640 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=ID_ABOUT)
641 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnOpen, id=ID_OPEN)
642 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnCycle, id=ID_CYCLE)
643 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnData, id=ID_DATA)
644 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnAnalyse, id=ID_ANALYSE)
645 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnArrow, id=ID_ARROW)
646 self.Bind(wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnPageChanging, self.notebook_1)
647 # end wxGlade
649 def __set_properties(self):
650 # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__set_properties
651 self.SetTitle("frame_1")
652 self.SetSize((800, 600))
653 self.frame_1_toolbar.SetToolBitmapSize((20, 20))
654 self.frame_1_toolbar.Realize()
655 self.window_3.SetFocus()
656 # end wxGlade
658 def __do_layout(self):
659 # begin wxGlade: MyFrame.__do_layout
660 sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
661 sizer_4 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
662 grid_sizer_1 = wx.GridSizer(1, 1, 0, 0)
663 sizer_3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
664 sizer_2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
665 sizer_2.Add(self.window_1, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
666 sizer_2.Add(self.window_2, 3, wx.EXPAND, 0)
667 sizer_1.Add(sizer_2, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
668 sizer_3.Add(self.window_3, 6, wx.EXPAND, 0)
669 sizer_3.Add(self.window_4, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
670 self.notebook_1_pane_1.SetSizer(sizer_3)
671 grid_sizer_1.Add(self.window_6, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
672 self.notebook_1_pane_2.SetSizer(grid_sizer_1)
673 sizer_4.Add(self.window_5, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
674 self.notebook_1_pane_3.SetSizer(sizer_4)
675 self.notebook_1.AddPage(self.notebook_1_pane_1, "Cycle")
676 self.notebook_1.AddPage(self.notebook_1_pane_2, "Summary")
677 self.notebook_1.AddPage(self.notebook_1_pane_3, "Analysis")
678 sizer_1.Add(self.notebook_1, 2, wx.EXPAND, 0)
679 self.SetSizer(sizer_1)
680 self.Layout()
681 # end wxGlade
683 def saveAs(self): # ajout de Manon
684 dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, "Save project as ...", ' ', "", "*.*", wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT)
685 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
686 val = dlg.GetMessage()
687 saveName=dlg.GetFilename()
688 dirName=dlg.GetDirectory()
689 filehandle= self.project.saveProject(saveName, dirName)
690 dlg.Destroy()
692 def OnNew(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
693 exitDlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, "The document has been modified.\n Do you want to save it?\n","Confirm", wx.YES_NO)
694 gotcha = exitDlg.ShowModal()
695 if gotcha == wx.ID_YES:
696 self.OnSaveAs(wx.ID_YES)
697 elif gotcha == wx.ID_NO:
698 pass
699 self.project.newProject()
701 def OnOpen(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
702 self.OnNew(event)
703 dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", ' ', "", "*.*", wx.OPEN)
704 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
705 fileName=dlg.GetFilename()
706 dirName=dlg.GetDirectory()
707 self.project.openProject(fileName, dirName)
708 dlg.Destroy()
711 def OnSaveAs(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
712 self.saveAs()
714 def OnQuit(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
715 exitDlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, "Are you sure you want to quit ?\n","Confirm", wx.YES_NO)
716 gotcha = exitDlg.ShowModal()
717 if gotcha == wx.ID_YES:
718 self.Close(True)
721 def OnCycle(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
722 self.notebook_1.ChangeSelection(0)
724 def OnData(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
725 self.notebook_1.ChangeSelection(1)
727 def OnAbout(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
728 about_text = 'Bienvenue sur UCycLE,\n le logiciel de calcul de cycle thermique moteur.'
729 dial = wx.MessageDialog(None, about_text, 'Info', wx.OK)
730 dial.ShowModal()
732 def OnAnalyse(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
733 self.notebook_1.ChangeSelection(2)
736 def OnArrow(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
737 if self.window_3.checkCycle['onArrow'] == True :
738 self.window_3.checkCycle['onArrow'] = False
739 self.window_3.checkCycle['onArrowFirstElem'] = None
740 elif self.window_3.checkCycle['onArrow'] == False:
741 self.window_3.checkCycle['onArrow'] = True
742 else:
743'Error in Arrow')
744 def OnTab(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
745 if self.notebook_1.GetSelection() == 0 :
746 self.window_3.Refresh()
749 def OnPageChanging(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
750 if event.GetSelection() == 2:
751 self.window_5.OnPageChange()
753 def OnPrint(self, event): # wxGlade: MyFrame.<event_handler>
756 # end of class MyFrame
759 '''if __name__ == "__main__":
760 app = wx.PySimpleApp(0)
761 wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
762 frame_1 = MyFrame(None, -1, "")
763 app.SetTopWindow(frame_1)
764 frame_1.Show()
765 app.MainLoop()'''