Optimize some boolean conditions.
[marekmrva_bc.git] / StackViewClass.pas
1 unit StackViewClass;
3 interface
5 uses
6 ConstantsClass, FloatEditClass, FunctionsClass, HardwareClass, ResourcesClass,
7 TagEditClass, TypesClass,
8 Classes, Controls, Graphics, Grids, Menus, Types;
10 type
12 { TStackView }
14 TStackView = class(TStringGrid)
15 private
16 pChanges: array [0..2] of array [0..7] of Boolean;
17 pColorTheme: TViewTheme;
18 pFloatEdit: TFLoatEdit;
19 pHardware: THardware;
20 pOldOnState: TChangeEvent;
21 pTagEdit: TTagEdit;
22 function pGetChanges(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
23 function pGetWidth: Integer; virtual;
24 procedure pCustomDblClick(Sender: TObject); virtual;
25 procedure pCustomDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); virtual;
26 procedure pCustomKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); virtual;
27 procedure pCustomMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); virtual;
28 procedure pDrawSingleCell(Canvas: TCanvas; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; Colors: TColors); virtual;
29 procedure pOnSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); virtual;
30 procedure pOnState(Sender: TObject); virtual;
31 procedure pSetChanges(ACol, ARow: Integer; Change: Boolean); virtual;
32 procedure pSetColorTheme(ColorTheme: TViewTheme); virtual;
33 procedure pSetHardware(Input: THardware); virtual;
34 procedure pSetWidth(Width: Integer); virtual;
35 public
36 constructor CreateStackView(AOwner: TComponent; Hw: THardware); virtual;
37 procedure ChangeStack(Line: Integer); virtual;
38 procedure ChangeTag(Line: Integer); virtual;
39 property Changes[ACol, ARow: Integer]: Boolean read pGetChanges write pSetChanges;
40 property ColorTheme: TViewTheme read pColorTheme write pSetColorTheme;
41 property FloatEdit: TFLoatEdit read pFloatEdit write pFloatEdit;
42 property TagEdit: TTagEdit read pTagEdit write pTagEdit;
43 property Hardware: THardware read pHardware write pSetHardware;
44 property Width: Integer read pGetWidth write pSetWidth;
45 end;
47 implementation
49 // ************************************************************************** //
50 // * TStackView implementation * //
51 // ************************************************************************** //
53 function TStackView.pGetChanges(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean;
54 begin
55 Result := False;
56 if (ACol < 0) or (ACol > 2) or (ARow < 0) or (ARow > 7) then Exit;
57 Result := pChanges[ACol, ARow];
58 end;
60 function TStackView.pGetWidth: Integer;
61 begin
62 Result := TStringGrid(Self).Width;
63 end;
65 procedure TStackView.pCustomDblClick(Sender: TObject);
66 var
67 lkey: Word;
68 begin
69 lkey := KEY_RETURN;
70 pCustomKeyDown(Self, lkey, []);
71 end;
73 procedure TStackView.pCustomDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
74 Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
75 begin
76 if (gdSelected in State) then
77 pDrawSingleCell(Canvas, ACol, ARow, Rect, ColorTheme.Line.Selected)
78 else
79 pDrawSingleCell(Canvas, ACol, ARow, Rect, ColorTheme.Line.None)
80 end;
82 procedure TStackView.pCustomKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
83 Shift: TShiftState);
84 var
85 lselect: TGridCoord;
86 begin
87 lselect := Selection.TopLeft;
88 case Key of
90 case lselect.X of
91 1: ChangeTag(lselect.Y);
92 2: ChangeStack(lselect.Y);
93 end;
94 end;
95 end;
97 procedure TStackView.pCustomMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
98 Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
99 var
100 lcol, lrow: Integer;
101 lselect: TGridRect;
102 begin
103 MouseToCell(X, Y, lcol, lrow);
104 if SelectCell(lcol, lrow) then
106 SetColRow(1, 0);
107 // Lazarus is really nice, by having incompatible calls :-(
108 {$ELSE}
109 begin
110 lselect.Top := lrow;
111 lselect.Bottom := lrow;
112 lselect.Left := lcol;
113 lselect.Right := lcol;
114 Selection := lselect;
115 end;
116 {$ENDIF}
117 end;
119 procedure TStackView.pDrawSingleCell(Canvas: TCanvas; ACol, ARow: Integer;
120 Rect: TRect; Colors: TColors);
122 lsize: TSize;
123 lx, ly: Integer;
124 begin
125 with Rect do
126 begin
127 Canvas.Brush.Color := Colors.BG;
128 if Changes[ACol, ARow] then Canvas.Font.Color := ColorTheme.Change
129 else Canvas.Font.Color := Colors.FG;
130 lsize := Canvas.TextExtent(Cells[ACol, ARow]);
131 lx := (Right - Left - lsize.cx) div 2 + Left;
132 ly := (Bottom - Top - lsize.cy) div 2 + Top;
133 Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
134 Canvas.TextOut(lx, ly, Cells[ACol, ARow]);
135 end;
136 end;
138 procedure TStackView.pOnSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
139 var CanSelect: Boolean);
140 begin
141 CanSelect := not(ACol = 0);
142 end;
144 procedure TStackView.pOnState(Sender: TObject);
146 i: Integer;
147 begin
148 with Hardware.State.FPUState do
149 for i := 0 to 7 do
150 begin
151 Changes[1, i] := not CompareStateTag(Hardware, i);
152 Changes[2, i] := not CompareStateStack(Hardware, i);
153 Changes[0, i] := Changes[1, i] or Changes[2, i];
154 Cells[0, i] := DESC_STACKS[i];
155 Cells[1, i] := DESC_TAG[GetTag(Hardware.State, i)];
156 Cells[2, i] := CustomFloatToStr(@ST[i], SizeOf(ST[i]));
157 end;
158 Repaint;
159 if not(@pOldOnState = nil) then pOldOnState(Sender);
160 end;
162 procedure TStackView.pSetChanges(ACol, ARow: Integer; Change: Boolean);
163 begin
164 if (ACol < 0) or (ACol > 2) or (ARow < 0) or (ARow > 7) then Exit;
165 pChanges[ACol, ARow] := Change;
166 end;
168 procedure TStackView.pSetColorTheme(ColorTheme: TViewTheme);
169 begin
170 pColorTheme := ColorTheme;
171 Color := ColorTheme.Line.None.BG;
172 end;
174 procedure TStackView.pSetHardware(Input: THardware);
175 begin
176 pHardware := Input;
177 if not(Input = nil) then
178 begin
179 pOldOnState := Input.OnState;
180 Input.OnState := pOnState;
181 end;
182 end;
184 procedure TStackView.pSetWidth(Width: Integer);
185 begin
186 TStringGrid(Self).Width := Width;
187 ColWidths[0] := Canvas.TextWidth(Cells[0, 0] + ' ');
188 ColWidths[1] := Canvas.TextWidth(DESC_TAG[DESC_TAG_LONGEST] + ' ');
189 ColWidths[2] := ClientWidth - ColWidths[1] - ColWidths[0];
190 end;
192 constructor TStackView.CreateStackView(AOwner: TComponent; Hw: THardware);
194 lselect: TGridRect;
195 begin
196 inherited Create(AOwner);
197 DoubleBuffered := True;
198 ColorTheme := THEME_VIEW_DEFAULT;
199 FixedCols := 0;
200 FixedRows := 0;
201 RowCount := 8;
202 ColCount := 3;
204 Options := [goRangeSelect, goThumbTracking];
205 // Behavior of goRangeSelect differ in Lazarus :-(
206 {$ELSE}
207 Options := [goThumbTracking];
208 {$ENDIF}
209 DefaultDrawing := False;
210 OnDrawCell := pCustomDrawCell;
211 OnDblClick := pCustomDblClick;
212 OnKeyDown := pCustomKeyDown;
213 OnMouseDown := pCustomMouseDown;
214 OnSelectCell := pOnSelectCell;
215 Canvas.Font.Name := FONT_DEFAULT_NAME;
216 Canvas.Font.Size := FONT_DEFAULT_SIZE;
217 DefaultRowHeight := FONT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
218 FloatEdit := TFLoatEdit.Create(AOwner);
219 TagEdit := TTagEdit.Create(AOwner);
220 PopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
221 with PopupMenu do
222 begin
223 Items.Add(TMenuItem.Create(PopupMenu));
224 with Items[Items.Count - 1] do
225 begin
226 Caption := FL_EDIT_MODIFY;
227 OnClick := pCustomDblClick;
228 Default := True;
229 end;
230 end;
231 Hardware := Hw;
232 pOnState(Self);
234 SetColRow(1, 0);
235 // Lazarus is really nice, by having incompatible calls :-(
236 {$ELSE}
237 lselect.Top := 0;
238 lselect.Bottom := 0;
239 lselect.Left := 1;
240 lselect.Right := 1;
241 Selection := lselect;
242 {$ENDIF}
243 end;
245 procedure TStackView.ChangeStack(Line: Integer);
247 lcheck: Boolean;
248 lstate: THardwareState;
249 begin
250 lcheck := True;
251 lstate := Hardware.State;
252 FloatEdit.Caption := FL_EDIT_MODIFY + DESC_STACKS[Line];
253 with lstate.FPUState do
254 if FloatEdit.ShowBox(@ST[Line], SizeOf(ST[Line]), lcheck) then
255 begin
256 if lcheck then
257 case FloatType(@ST[Line], SizeOf(ST[Line])) of
258 -1: SetTag(lstate, Line, 2);
259 0: SetTag(lstate, Line, 1);
260 1: SetTag(lstate, Line, 0);
261 end;
262 Hardware.State := lstate;
263 end;
264 end;
266 procedure TStackView.ChangeTag(Line: Integer);
268 ltag: Integer;
269 lstate: THardwareState;
270 begin
271 lstate := Hardware.State;
272 TagEdit.Caption := FL_EDIT_MODIFY + DESC_STACKS[Line] + ' Tag';
273 ltag := GetTag(lstate, Line);
274 if TagEdit.ShowBox(ltag) then SetTag(lstate, Line, ltag);
275 Hardware.State := lstate;
276 end;
278 end.