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Mailman Web

This is a Django project that contains default settings and url settings for
Mailman 3 Web Interface. It consists of the following sub-projects:

* Postorius
* Hyperkitty


To install this project, you run::

  $ pip install mailman-web

If you want to install the latest development version from Git, run::

  $ pip install git+


0.0.10 (xxxx-xx-xx)

* Set ``ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNTS = False`` in settings/
  (Closes Postorius #591)

0.0.9 (2024-03-07)

* A spurious warning that ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` and ``MAILMAN_WEB_CONFIG``
  are both set in the environment is no longer issued.  (Closes #25)
* Paths in are reordered to avoid redirecting ``mailman3/`` and
  ``archives/`` URLs to ``postorius/`` and ``hyperkitty/`` respectively.

0.0.8 (2023-10-22)

* Bump min version dependency on django-mailman3, which will clear all existing
  django sessions so that changes in session serializer doesn't cause errors.

0.0.7 (2023-10-21)

* [**BREAKING**] Reduce the default no. of workers for qrunner to 2. (Fixes #17)
* [**BREAKING**] Due to change in Django's ``SESSION_SERIALIZER``, it will cause
  all existing sessions to cause 500 errors, unless they are removed from the
  database. To do that, you can upgrade to django-mailman3 1.3.10, which will
  remove all current sessions. (See !25)
* Add a new settings module ```` for development purposes.
  To use this, you can run ``export``
  and then run ``mailman-web`` commands for dev purposes.
* Min Python version has been upgraded to 3.9 since the same is required for Core.
* Print a warning if a user sets both ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` and ``MAILMAN_WEB_CONFIG``
  as the former overrides the latter. (Fixes #7)
* Migrate to using pyproject.toml and PDM for mailman-web.

* Instead of overriding ``PYTHONPATH`` env var always, append to it if it has
  already been defined. (Fixes #19)

Project details

* Project home:
* Report bugs at:
* Documentation:
* Mailman Documentation:


Mailman suite is licensed under the
`GNU GPL v3.0 or later (GPLv3+) <>`_

Copyright (C) 2020 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2024-04-13 Mark SapiroFix lint failure.master
2024-04-13 Mark SapiroInsert path in sys.path for readthedocs to find mailman...
2024-03-12 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'auth' into 'master'
2024-03-12 Mark SapiroSet ACCOUNT_EMAIL_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNTS = False
2024-03-07 Abhilash RajUpdate release date
2024-03-06 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'doc' into 'master'0.0.9
2024-03-06 Mark SapiroUpdate change log for prior fixes.
2024-02-07 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'theme' into 'master'
2024-02-07 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'master' into 'theme'
2024-02-07 Mark SapiroUse sphinx_rtd_theme.
2024-02-07 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'theme' into 'master'
2024-02-07 Mark SapiroUse sphinx_rtd_theme
2023-12-22 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'allauth' into 'master'
2023-12-22 Mark SapiroAdd django.contrib.humanize to INSTALLED_APPS.
2023-12-05 Mark SapiroMerge branch 'urls' into 'master'
2023-12-05 Mark SapiroOrder counts in
7 weeks ago 0.0.9 Mailman-web 0.0.9 release.
6 months ago 0.0.8 mailman-web 0.0.8 release.
6 months ago 0.0.7 mailman-web 0.0.7 release
18 months ago 0.0.6 mailman-web 0.0.6 release.
2 years ago 0.0.5
2 years ago 0.0.4
2 years ago 0.0.3
3 years ago 0.0.2 0.0.2 release of Mailman-web.
5 years ago 0.0.1
2 weeks ago master
5 months ago pdm-migrate
7 months ago fix-docs
14 months ago workers