descriptionLight Weight Event System journaller (Java)
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last changeTue, 5 Oct 2010 20:15:17 +0000 (5 20:15 +0000)
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This is a journaller and dejournaller written in java for the Lightweight event system.

You will need to install maven 2.x in order to build:

% mvn clean package


To start the journaller:
% bin/lwes-journaller -m <multicast_addr> -p <multicast_port> -f <filename>

To stop the journaller:
NOTE: To stop this journaller, you can't just control-c it or kill -9 it. If you do that, the
Java shutdown hook may not catch the signal and the file won't get closed properly. Use the
lwes-journaller-stop script or use kill -15.

% bin/lwes-journaller-stop

To tell the journaller to rotate the log file (you will probably want a cron job for this):

% bin/lwes-rotate-log -m <multicast_addr> -p <multicast_port>

If you are getting bad throughput as far as number of events per second you can process
before you see loss, make sure your operating system udp buffer is set to a reasonable number:

Linux               sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=8388608
Solaris             ndd -set /dev/udp udp_max_buf 8388608
FreeBSD, Darwin     sysctl -w kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=8388608
AIX                 no -o sb_max=8388608

You can also increase the read buffer on the multicast socket by setting the lwes specific
system property MulticastReceiveBufferSize. For example,

java -DMulticastReceiveBufferSize=8388608 ...

There is a dejournaller utility to view the contents of the files. To run this:

% java -jar dejournaller-[version].jar -f <file_name> [-g]

It will output events one per line so you can grep/awk/perl them.
2010-10-05 Frank Maritatoadded 1.0.0 changesmaster
2010-10-05 Frank Maritatochanged the key to be the header and the value to be...
2010-10-04 Frank Maritatorefer to the JournallerConstants class instead of the...
2010-10-04 Frank Maritatomerged sequence file processing into the exisitng classes
2010-10-01 Frank Maritatoversion is 1.0.0 now and upgraded lwes-java to 0.2.4
2010-10-01 Frank Maritatocount dejournal writes to stderr/stdout
2010-10-01 Frank Maritatoremoved closeAndReopen
2010-10-01 Frank Maritatofixed an error message
2010-09-29 Frank Maritatochanged everything around again because i didnt have...
2010-09-29 Frank Maritatonull out the output stream when closed and check for...
2010-09-28 Frank MaritatoMade count dejournaller faster by not deserializing...
2010-09-28 Frank Maritatoforgot to add the closeAndReopen
2010-09-28 Frank Maritatoabstract out closing and reopening the file so it can...
2010-09-23 Frank Maritatoadded jmx flags that turn off auth (for now)
2010-09-23 Frank Maritatonot doing mbeans at the event handler level
2010-09-23 Frank Maritatothe jmx annotations are specific to java 7 which hasn...
13 years ago 1.0.0
14 years ago 0.0.6
14 years ago 0.0.5
14 years ago lwes-journaller-java-0.0.4
14 years ago 0.0.3
13 years ago master
Cached version (4661s old)
lwes-journaller-java/github-mirror.git mirror of 11 years ago