descriptionLight Weight Event System (Java)
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last changeTue, 14 Dec 2010 17:54:25 +0000 (14 17:54 +0000)
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This is the Java API for the Light Weight Event System.

- JDK 1.5.x (
- Maven 2.2.x (

How to build:
% mvn clean package

To create a release:
% mvn --batch-mode release:prepare release:perform

To increase the read buffer size on the multicast socket, set the system property
MulticastReceiveBufferSize. For example,

java -DMulticastReceiveBufferSize=8388608 ...

1.0.0 Changes
- New data types: byte, float, double, ipv4
- Array support (Java implementation uses List)
- Required/Optional
- Size limitations

Changed license to BSD.

- There is a memory leak in jdk 1.6.0_20 and earlier in
java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue so I made a copy of that class and 
fixed the memory leak.

- Allow one to override the size check that is done as part of the Event class. Size
really only matters if one is intending on emitting the created event not if they
are reading it from a file. Also allow introspection into Event to get the size in

0.2.1 -> 0.2.2 Changes
- Added the ability to set a maximum capacity on the internal queue used by the
ThreadedProcessor. If you set the queue size, you can avoid out of memory exceptions,
but you run the risk of dropping events on the floor (it would depend on how fast
you are processing events and how big your network buffer is).

0.1.1 -> 0.2.0 Changes
- I removed the files that are autogenerated by javacc and made it part of the build.
The .java files will end up in target/generated-sources/javacc if you are interested in
seeing them.

- I also nuked the ant build.xml file. I don't want to support both ant and maven and imo,
maven wins. :)

- Added more unit tests

- Allow post event creation validation

- Use LinkedBlockingQueues where possible to retain event order and help synchronization.

- I removed AttributeNotSetException because throwing an exception if an attribute isn't set
in the event should not be the proper behavior (after all, HashMap and the like do not do this).
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatoremoved a debugmaster
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatorelease instructions and added notes from other release...
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatoadded release plugin info
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatosome reformatting
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatotesting priority reset to DEBUG
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatoadded testGetAttributeNames
2010-12-14 Frank Maritatonewline at eof
2010-12-13 Anthony Molinarochanging license to BSD, assigning Yahoo copyrights...
2010-06-30 Frank Maritatomerged in queueSize from 0.2.2 release
2010-06-25 Frank Maritatoreplaced another system.err.println
2010-06-25 Frank Maritatojust check for null as opposed to catching NullPointerE...
2010-06-25 Frank Maritatoadded tests to boost coverage
2010-06-25 Frank Maritatoadded a bunch of tests to get coverage > 50%
2010-06-25 Frank Maritatouse log4j to log errors instead of system.err
2010-06-24 Frank Maritatojust check for null as opposed to catching NullPointerE...
2010-06-24 Frank Maritatoinitial checkin
13 years ago lwes-java-0.2.5
13 years ago lwes-java-0.2.4
14 years ago lwes-java-0.2.3
14 years ago lwes-java-0.2.2
14 years ago lwes-java-0.2.1
14 years ago lwes-java-0.2.0
15 years ago lwes-java-0.1.1
15 years ago lwes-java-0.0.3
15 years ago lwes-java-0.0.2
16 years ago lwes-java-0.0.1
13 years ago master
13 years ago lwes-java-0.2.x
14 years ago 0.3.0
Cached version (768s old)
lwes-java/github-mirror.git mirror of 3 years ago