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16 <h1><tt>jit.*</tt> Library</h1>
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60 <p>
61 The functions in this built-in module control the behavior of the JIT
62 compiler engine. Note that JIT-compilation is fully automatic &mdash;
63 you probably won't need to use any of the following functions unless
64 you have special needs.
65 </p>
67 <h3 id="jit_onoff"><tt>jit.on()<br>
68 jit.off()</tt></h3>
69 <p>
70 Turns the whole JIT compiler on (default) or off.
71 </p>
72 <p>
73 These functions are typically used with the command line options
74 <tt>-j on</tt> or <tt>-j off</tt>.
75 </p>
77 <h3 id="jit_flush"><tt>jit.flush()</tt></h3>
78 <p>
79 Flushes the whole cache of compiled code.
80 </p>
82 <h3 id="jit_onoff_func"><tt>jit.on(func|true [,true|false])<br>
83 jit.off(func|true [,true|false])<br>
84 jit.flush(func|true [,true|false])</tt></h3>
85 <p>
86 <tt>jit.on</tt> enables JIT compilation for a Lua function (this is
87 the default).
88 </p>
89 <p>
90 <tt>jit.off</tt> disables JIT compilation for a Lua function and
91 flushes any already compiled code from the code cache.
92 </p>
93 <p>
94 <tt>jit.flush</tt> flushes the code, but doesn't affect the
95 enable/disable status.
96 </p>
97 <p>
98 The current function, i.e. the Lua function calling this library
99 function, can also be specified by passing <tt>true</tt> as the first
100 argument.
101 </p>
103 If the second argument is <tt>true</tt>, JIT compilation is also
104 enabled, disabled or flushed recursively for all sub-functions of a
105 function. With <tt>false</tt> only the sub-functions are affected.
106 </p>
108 The <tt>jit.on</tt> and <tt>jit.off</tt> functions only set a flag
109 which is checked when the function is about to be compiled. They do
110 not trigger immediate compilation.
111 </p>
113 Typical usage is <tt>jit.off(true, true)</tt> in the main chunk
114 of a module to turn off JIT compilation for the whole module for
115 debugging purposes.
116 </p>
118 <h3 id="jit_flush_tr"><tt>jit.flush(tr)</tt></h3>
120 Flushes the root trace, specified by its number, and all of its side
121 traces from the cache. The code for the trace will be retained as long
122 as there are any other traces which link to it.
123 </p>
125 <h3 id="jit_status"><tt>status, ... = jit.status()</tt></h3>
127 Returns the current status of the JIT compiler. The first result is
128 either <tt>true</tt> or <tt>false</tt> if the JIT compiler is turned
129 on or off. The remaining results are strings for CPU-specific features
130 and enabled optimizations.
131 </p>
133 <h3 id="jit_version"><tt>jit.version</tt></h3>
135 Contains the LuaJIT version string.
136 </p>
138 <h3 id="jit_version_num"><tt>jit.version_num</tt></h3>
140 Contains the version number of the LuaJIT core. Version xx.yy.zz
141 is represented by the decimal number xxyyzz.
142 </p>
144 <h3 id="jit_os"><tt>jit.os</tt></h3>
146 Contains the target OS name:
147 "Windows", "Linux", "OSX", "BSD", "POSIX" or "Other".
148 </p>
150 <h3 id="jit_arch"><tt>jit.arch</tt></h3>
152 Contains the target architecture name:
153 "x86", "x64", "arm", "ppc", "ppcspe", or "mips".
154 </p>
156 <h2 id="jit_opt"><tt>jit.opt.*</tt> &mdash; JIT compiler optimization control</h2>
158 This sub-module provides the backend for the <tt>-O</tt> command line
159 option.
160 </p>
162 You can also use it programmatically, e.g.:
163 </p>
164 <pre class="code">
165 jit.opt.start(2) -- same as -O2
166 jit.opt.start("-dce")
167 jit.opt.start("hotloop=10", "hotexit=2")
168 </pre>
170 Unlike in LuaJIT 1.x, the module is built-in and
171 <b>optimization is turned on by default!</b>
172 It's no longer necessary to run <tt>require("jit.opt").start()</tt>,
173 which was one of the ways to enable optimization.
174 </p>
176 <h2 id="jit_util"><tt>jit.util.*</tt> &mdash; JIT compiler introspection</h2>
178 This sub-module holds functions to introspect the bytecode, generated
179 traces, the IR and the generated machine code. The functionality
180 provided by this module is still in flux and therefore undocumented.
181 </p>
183 The debug modules <tt>-jbc</tt>, <tt>-jv</tt> and <tt>-jdump</tt> make
184 extensive use of these functions. Please check out their source code,
185 if you want to know more.
186 </p>
187 <br class="flush">
188 </div>
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