[llpp.git] / main.ml
1 open Format;;
2 external init : Unix.file_descr -> unit = "ml_init";;
3 external draw : int -> int -> int -> int -> string -> unit = "ml_draw";;
4 external preload : string -> unit = "ml_preload";;
5 (* external layout : int -> unit = "ml_layout";; *)
7 type ('a, 'b, 'c) g =
8 { mutable csock : Unix.file_descr
9 ; mutable ssock : Unix.file_descr
10 ; mutable w : int
11 ; mutable h : int
12 ; mutable y : int
13 ; mutable maxy : int
14 ; mutable layout : (int * int * int * int * int * int * int) list
15 ; pixcache : ((int * int * int), string) Hashtbl.t
16 ; mutable pages : 'a list
17 ; mutable pagecount : int
18 ; lru : string array
19 ; mutable lruidx : int
23 let state =
24 { csock = Unix.stdin
25 ; ssock = Unix.stdin
26 ; w = 0
27 ; h = 0
28 ; y = 0
29 ; layout = []
30 ; maxy = max_int
31 ; pixcache = Hashtbl.create 10
32 ; pages = []
33 ; pagecount = 0
34 ; lru = Array.create 12 ""
35 ; lruidx = 0
39 let aincr = 20;;
40 let log fmt = Printf.kprintf prerr_endline fmt;;
41 let dolog fmt = Printf.kprintf prerr_endline fmt;;
43 let writecmd fd s =
44 let len = String.length s in
45 let n = 4 + len in
46 let b = Buffer.create n in
47 Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((len lsr 24) land 0xff));
48 Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((len lsr 16) land 0xff));
49 Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((len lsr 8) land 0xff));
50 Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((len lsr 0) land 0xff));
51 Buffer.add_string b s;
52 let s' = Buffer.contents b in
53 let n' = Unix.write fd s' 0 n in
54 if n' != n then failwith "write failed";
57 let readcmd fd =
58 let s = "xxxx" in
59 let n = Unix.read fd s 0 4 in
60 if n != 4 then failwith "incomplete read(len)";
61 let len = 0
62 lor (Char.code s.[0] lsl 24)
63 lor (Char.code s.[1] lsl 16)
64 lor (Char.code s.[2] lsl 8)
65 lor (Char.code s.[3] lsl 0)
67 let s = String.create len in
68 let n = Unix.read fd s 0 len in
69 if n != len then failwith "incomplete read(data)";
73 let wcmd s l =
74 let b = Buffer.create 10 in
75 Buffer.add_string b s;
76 let rec combine = function
77 | [] -> Buffer.contents b
78 | x :: xs ->
79 Buffer.add_char b ' ';
80 let s =
81 match x with
82 | `s s -> s
83 | `i i -> string_of_int i
84 | `f f -> string_of_float f
85 | `I f -> string_of_int (truncate f)
87 Buffer.add_string b s;
88 combine xs;
90 let s = combine l in
91 writecmd state.csock s;
94 let layout y sh =
95 let rec f pagenum pindex prev vy py dy l accu =
96 if pagenum = state.pagecount
97 then accu
98 else
99 let ((_, w, h) as curr), rest, pindex =
100 match l with
101 | ((pagenum', _, _) as curr) :: rest when pagenum' = pagenum ->
102 (* log "pagenum=%d(%d) index=%d" pagenum pagenum' pindex; *)
103 curr, rest, pindex + 1
104 | _ ->
105 prev, l, pindex
107 let pagenum' = pagenum + 1 in
108 if py + h > vy
109 then
110 let py' = vy - py in
111 let vh = h - py' in
112 if dy + vh > sh
113 then
114 let vh = sh - dy in
115 let e = pagenum, pindex, w, h, dy, py', vh in
116 (* log "lay1[%d,%d] %dx%d" pagenum pindex w h; *)
117 e :: accu
118 else
119 let e = pagenum, pindex, w, h, dy, py', vh in
120 let accu = e :: accu in
121 (* log "lay2[%d,%d] %dx%d" pagenum pindex w h; *)
122 f pagenum' pindex curr (vy + vh) (py + h) (dy + vh) rest accu
123 else
124 f pagenum' pindex curr vy (py + h) dy rest accu
126 let accu = f 0 ~-1 (0,0,0) y 0 0 state.pages [] in
127 (* log ""; *)
128 List.rev accu
131 let reshape ~w ~h =
132 state.w <- w;
133 state.h <- h;
134 GlDraw.viewport 0 0 w h;
135 GlMat.mode `modelview;
136 GlMat.load_identity ();
137 GlMat.mode `projection;
138 GlMat.load_identity ();
139 GlMat.rotate ~x:1.0 ~angle:180.0 ();
140 GlMat.translate ~x:~-.1.0 ~y:~-.1.0 ();
141 GlMat.scale3 (2.0 /. float state.w, 2.0 /. float state.h, 1.0);
142 state.pages <- [];
143 wcmd "geometry" [`i w; `i h];
144 let pages = layout state.y state.h in
145 state.layout <- pages;
146 Glut.postRedisplay ();
147 log "reshape %dx%d" w h;
150 let act cmd =
151 match cmd.[0] with
152 | 'C' ->
153 let n = Scanf.sscanf cmd "C %d" (fun n -> n) in
154 state.pagecount <- n;
155 let pages = layout state.y state.h in
156 state.layout <- pages;
157 Glut.postRedisplay ();
159 | 'c' ->
160 state.layout <- []
162 | 'r' ->
163 let n, w, h, p =
164 Scanf.sscanf cmd "r %d %d %d %s"
165 (fun n w h p -> (n, w, h, p))
167 Hashtbl.replace state.pixcache (n, w, h) p;
168 let idx = state.lruidx mod (Array.length state.lru) in
169 let s = state.lru.(idx) in
170 if String.length s != 0
171 then begin
172 log "free %s" s;
173 wcmd "free" [`s s];
174 let l = Hashtbl.fold (fun k s' a ->
175 if s = s' then k :: a else a) state.pixcache []
177 List.iter (fun k ->
178 let n,w,h = k in
179 Hashtbl.remove state.pixcache k) l;
180 end;
181 state.lru.(idx) <- p;
182 state.lruidx <- state.lruidx + 1;
183 Glut.postRedisplay ();
185 | 'm' ->
186 let n = Scanf.sscanf cmd "m %d" (fun n -> n) in
187 state.maxy <- n
189 | 'u' ->
190 let n = Scanf.sscanf cmd "u %d" (fun n -> n) in
191 let s = Hashtbl.find state.pixcache (n, state.w, state.h) in
192 Hashtbl.replace state.pixcache (n, state.w, state.h) s
194 | 'l' ->
195 let (n, w, h) as pagelayout =
196 Scanf.sscanf cmd "l %d %d %d" (fun n w h -> n, w, h)
198 (* if n = 0 *)
199 (* then state.pages <- []; *)
200 state.pages <- pagelayout :: state.pages
202 | _ ->
203 log "unknown cmd `%S'" cmd
206 let preload
207 ((pageno, pindex, pagewidth, pageheight, screeny, pageyoffset, screenheight) as page) =
208 let key = (pageno + 1, state.w, state.h) in
209 begin try
210 let pixmap = Hashtbl.find state.pixcache key in
212 String.length pixmap = 0
213 then
215 else (
216 (* preload pixmap *)
218 with Not_found ->
219 log "preload render %d" pageno;
220 Hashtbl.add state.pixcache key "";
221 wcmd "render" [`i (pageno + 1)
222 ;`i pindex
223 ;`i pagewidth
224 ;`i pageheight];
225 end;
228 let idle () =
229 let r, _, _ = Unix.select [state.csock] [] [] 0.01 in
231 begin match r with
232 | [] ->
233 if false then begin
234 let h = state.h in
235 let pages = layout (state.y + state.h) h in
236 List.iter preload pages;
239 | _ ->
240 let cmd = readcmd state.csock in
241 act cmd;
242 end;
245 let clamp incr =
246 let y = state.y + incr in
247 let y = max 0 y in
248 let y = min y state.maxy in
249 state.y <- y;
252 let keyboard ~key ~x ~y =
253 begin match Char.chr key with
254 | '\027' | 'q' -> exit 0
255 | 'n' ->
256 begin match List.rev state.layout with
257 | [] -> ()
258 | (_, _, _, h, _, pyo, sh) :: _ ->
259 log "%d %d" h pyo;
260 clamp (h-pyo);
261 let pages = layout state.y state.h in
262 state.layout <- pages;
263 Glut.postRedisplay ();
266 | 'w' ->
267 begin match state.layout with
268 | [] -> ()
269 | (_, _, w, h, _, _, _) :: _ ->
270 Glut.reshapeWindow w h
273 | 'p' ->
274 begin match state.layout with
275 | [] -> ()
276 | (_, _, _, h, _, _, sh) :: _ ->
277 clamp ~-h;
278 let pages = layout state.y state.h in
279 state.layout <- pages;
280 Glut.postRedisplay ();
282 | _ -> ()
283 end;
284 Glut.postRedisplay ();
287 let special ~key ~x ~y =
288 begin match key with
289 | Glut.KEY_LEFT -> ()
290 | Glut.KEY_RIGHT -> ()
291 | Glut.KEY_UP -> clamp ~-aincr
292 | Glut.KEY_DOWN -> clamp aincr
293 | Glut.KEY_PAGE_UP -> clamp (-state.h)
294 | Glut.KEY_PAGE_DOWN -> clamp state.h
295 | Glut.KEY_HOME -> state.y <- 0
296 | Glut.KEY_END -> state.y <- state.maxy - state.h
297 | _ -> ()
298 end;
299 let pages = layout state.y state.h in
300 state.layout <- pages;
301 Glut.postRedisplay ();
304 let colors =
305 [| (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
306 ; (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
307 ; (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
308 ; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
309 ; (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
310 ; (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
311 ; (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
312 ; (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
316 let drawplaceholder (pageno, pindex, pagewidth, pageheight,
317 screeny, pageyoffset, screenheight) =
318 GlDraw.color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
319 GlDraw.begins `quads;
320 GlDraw.vertex2 (0.0, float screeny);
321 GlDraw.vertex2 (float pagewidth, float screeny);
322 GlDraw.vertex2 (float pagewidth, float (screeny + screenheight));
323 GlDraw.vertex2 (0.0, float (screeny + screenheight));
324 GlDraw.ends ();
327 let now () = Unix.gettimeofday ();;
329 let drawpage i
330 ((pageno, pindex, pagewidth, pageheight, screeny, pageyoffset, screenheight) as page) =
331 let key = (pageno + 1, state.w, state.h) in
332 begin try
333 let pixmap = Hashtbl.find state.pixcache key in
335 String.length pixmap = 0
336 then
337 drawplaceholder page
338 else (
339 GlDraw.color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
340 let a = now () in
341 draw screeny pagewidth screenheight pageyoffset pixmap;
342 let b = now () in
343 let d = b-.a in
344 if d > 0.000405
345 then
346 log "draw %f sec" d
349 with Not_found ->
350 Hashtbl.add state.pixcache key "";
351 drawplaceholder page;
352 wcmd "render" [`i (pageno + 1)
353 ;`i pindex
354 ;`i pagewidth
355 ;`i pageheight];
356 end;
357 succ i;
360 let display () =
361 GlClear.color (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ~alpha:0.0;
362 GlClear.clear [`color];
363 GlDraw.color (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
364 ignore (List.fold_left drawpage 0 (state.layout));
365 Gl.finish ();
366 Glut.swapBuffers ();
369 let () =
370 let w = 704
371 and h = 576 in
372 let w = 1448 in
373 (* let w = 612 *)
374 (* and h = 792 in *)
375 let w = 800
376 and h = 900 in
377 let _ = Glut.init Sys.argv in
378 let () = Glut.initDisplayMode ~depth:false ~double_buffer:true () in
379 let () = Glut.initWindowSize w h in
380 let _ = Glut.createWindow "lpdf (press 'h' to get help)" in
382 let csock, ssock = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
383 init ssock;
384 state.w <- w;
385 state.h <- h;
386 state.csock <- csock;
387 state.ssock <- ssock;
388 let name =
389 if Array.length Sys.argv = 1
390 then "/home/malc/x/inc/Info_PT_Sans.pdf"
391 else Sys.argv.(1)
393 writecmd csock ("open " ^ name ^ "\000");
394 (* writecmd csock "open /home/malc/x/doc/cell/CBE_Handbook_v1.1_24APR2007_pub.pdf\000"; *)
395 (* writecmd csock "box 1"; *)
397 let () = Glut.displayFunc display in
398 let () = Glut.reshapeFunc reshape in
399 let () = Glut.keyboardFunc keyboard in
400 let () = Glut.specialFunc special in
401 let () = Glut.idleFunc (Some idle) in
402 (* let () = Glut.mouseFunc mouse in *)
403 (* let () = Glut.motionFunc motion in *)
404 Glut.mainLoop ();