Get rid of pp.sed
[llpp.git] / wsi.mli
1 type cursor =
7 ;;
9 type winstate =
10 | MaxVert
11 | MaxHorz
12 | Fullscreen
15 type visiblestate =
16 | Unobscured
17 | PartiallyObscured
18 | FullyObscured
21 class type t =
22 object
23 method display : unit
24 method map : bool -> unit
25 method expose : unit
26 method visible : visiblestate -> unit
27 method reshape : int -> int -> unit
28 method mouse : int -> bool -> int -> int -> int -> unit
29 method motion : int -> int -> unit
30 method pmotion : int -> int -> unit
31 method key : int -> int -> unit
32 method enter : int -> int -> unit
33 method leave : unit
34 method winstate : winstate list -> unit
35 method quit : unit
36 end;;
38 val setcursor : cursor -> unit;;
39 val settitle : string -> unit;;
40 val swapb : unit -> unit;;
41 val readresp : Unix.file_descr -> unit;;
42 val init : t -> int -> int -> int
43 -> Utils.platform -> Unix.file_descr * int * int;;
44 val fullscreen : unit -> unit;;
45 val reshape : int -> int -> unit;;
46 val activatewin : unit -> unit;;
47 val mapwin : unit -> unit;;
48 val withalt : int -> bool;;
49 val withctrl : int -> bool;;
50 val withshift : int -> bool;;
51 val withmeta : int -> bool;;
52 val withnone : int -> bool;;
53 val metamask : int;;
54 val altmask : int;;
55 val shiftmask : int;;
56 val ctrlmask : int;;
57 val keyname : int -> string;;
58 val namekey : string -> int;;
59 val setwinbgcol : int -> unit;;
60 val keypadtodigitkey : int -> int;;
61 val isspecialkey : int -> bool;;
62 val kc2pv : int -> [> `B
63 | `Code of int
64 | `F
65 | `F1
66 | `F3
67 | `F9
68 | `G
69 | `Gt
70 | `H
71 | `Lb
72 | `Lt
73 | `N
74 | `P
75 | `Q
76 | `Rb
77 | `S
78 | `W
79 | `_0
80 | `_1
81 | `_2
82 | `_3
83 | `_4
84 | `_9
85 | `a
86 | `apos
87 | `b
88 | `backspace
89 | `c
90 | `delete
91 | `down
92 | `e
93 | `enter
94 | `equals
95 | `escape
96 | `f
97 | `g
98 | `h
99 | `home
100 | `i
101 | `insert
102 | `j
103 | `jend
104 | `k
105 | `kpdelete
106 | `kpdown
107 | `kpend
108 | `kpenter
109 | `kphome
110 | `kpleft
111 | `kpminus
112 | `kpnext
113 | `kpplus
114 | `kpprior
115 | `kpright
116 | `kpup
117 | `l
118 | `left
119 | `m
120 | `minus
121 | `n
122 | `next
123 | `o
124 | `p
125 | `pipe
126 | `plus
127 | `prior
128 | `q
129 | `question
130 | `r
131 | `right
132 | `s
133 | `slash
134 | `space
135 | `t
136 | `tab
137 | `tilde
138 | `u
139 | `up
140 | `v
141 | `w
142 | `x
143 | `y
144 | `z ];;