Avoid possible confusion
[llpp.git] / utils.ml
1 type platform =
2 | Punknown | Plinux | Posx | Psun | Pfreebsd
3 | Pdragonflybsd | Popenbsd | Pnetbsd | Pcygwin
4 ;;
6 let tempfailureretry f a =
7 let rec g () =
8 try f a with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> g ()
9 in g ()
12 external cloexec : Unix.file_descr -> unit = "ml_cloexec";;
13 external hasdata : Unix.file_descr -> bool = "ml_hasdata";;
14 external toutf8 : int -> string = "ml_keysymtoutf8";;
15 external mbtoutf8 : string -> string = "ml_mbtoutf8";;
16 external popen : string -> (Unix.file_descr * int) list -> unit = "ml_popen";;
17 external platform : unit -> platform = "ml_platform";;
19 let now = Unix.gettimeofday;;
20 let platform = platform ();;
21 let dolog fmt = Format.kprintf prerr_endline fmt;;
23 let exntos = function
24 | Unix.Unix_error (e, s, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%s) : %s (%d)"
25 s a (Unix.error_message e) (Obj.magic e)
26 | exn -> Printexc.to_string exn;
29 let error fmt = Printf.kprintf failwith fmt;;
31 module IntSet = Set.Make (struct type t = int let compare = (-) end);;
33 let emptystr s = String.length s = 0;;
34 let nonemptystr s = String.length s > 0;;
35 let bound v minv maxv = max minv (min maxv v);;
37 let popen cmd fda =
38 if platform = Pcygwin
39 then (
40 let sh = "/bin/sh" in
41 let args = [|sh; "-c"; cmd|] in
42 let rec std si so se = function
43 | [] -> si, so, se
44 | (fd, 0) :: rest -> std fd so se rest
45 | (fd, -1) :: rest ->
46 Unix.set_close_on_exec fd;
47 std si so se rest
48 | (_, n) :: _ ->
49 failwith ("unexpected fdn in cygwin popen " ^ string_of_int n)
51 let si, so, se = std Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr fda in
52 ignore (Unix.create_process sh args si so se)
54 else popen cmd fda;
57 module Opaque :
58 sig
59 type t = private string
60 val of_string : string -> t
61 val to_string : t -> string
62 end
64 struct
65 type t = string
66 let of_string s = s
67 let to_string t = t
68 end
71 let (~<) = Opaque.of_string;;
72 let (~>) = Opaque.to_string;;
74 let int_of_string_with_suffix s =
75 let l = String.length s in
76 let s1, shift =
77 if l > 1
78 then
79 let suffix = Char.lowercase s.[l-1] in
80 match suffix with
81 | 'k' -> String.sub s 0 (l-1), 10
82 | 'm' -> String.sub s 0 (l-1), 20
83 | 'g' -> String.sub s 0 (l-1), 30
84 | _ -> s, 0
85 else s, 0
87 let n = int_of_string s1 in
88 let m = n lsl shift in
89 if m < 0 || m < n
90 then raise (Failure "value too large")
91 else m
94 let string_with_suffix_of_int n =
95 if n = 0
96 then "0"
97 else
98 let units = [(30, "G"); (20, "M"); (10, "K")] in
99 let prettyint n =
100 let rec loop s n =
101 let h = n mod 1000 in
102 let n = n / 1000 in
103 if n = 0
104 then string_of_int h ^ s
105 else (
106 let s = Printf.sprintf "_%03d%s" h s in
107 loop s n
110 loop "" n
112 let rec find = function
113 | [] -> prettyint n
114 | (shift, suffix) :: rest ->
115 if (n land ((1 lsl shift) - 1)) = 0
116 then prettyint (n lsr shift) ^ suffix
117 else find rest
119 find units
122 let color_of_string s =
123 Scanf.sscanf s "%d/%d/%d" (fun r g b ->
124 (float r /. 256.0, float g /. 256.0, float b /. 256.0)
128 let color_to_string (r, g, b) =
129 let r = truncate (r *. 256.0)
130 and g = truncate (g *. 256.0)
131 and b = truncate (b *. 256.0) in
132 Printf.sprintf "%d/%d/%d" r g b