Move checkerstexid out of state
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1 external drawstr : int -> int -> int -> string -> float = "ml_draw_string";;
3 let traw = Raw.create_static `float ~len:8;;
4 let vraw = Raw.create_static `float ~len:8;;
6 let filledrect2 x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 =
7 Raw.sets_float vraw ~pos:0 [| x0; y0; x1; y1; x2; y2; x3; y3 |];
8 GlArray.vertex `two vraw;
9 GlArray.draw_arrays `triangle_strip ~first:0 ~count:4;
12 let filledrect1 x0 y0 x1 y1 = filledrect2 x0 y0 x0 y1 x1 y0 x1 y1;;
14 let filledrect x0 y0 x1 y1 =
15 GlArray.disable `texture_coord;
16 filledrect1 x0 y0 x1 y1;
17 GlArray.enable `texture_coord;
20 let linerect x0 y0 x1 y1 =
21 GlArray.disable `texture_coord;
22 Raw.sets_float vraw ~pos:0 [| x0; y0; x0; y1; x1; y1; x1; y0 |];
23 GlArray.vertex `two vraw;
24 GlArray.draw_arrays `line_loop ~first:0 ~count:4;
25 GlArray.enable `texture_coord;
28 let drawstring size x y s =
29 Gl.enable `blend;
30 Gl.enable `texture_2d;
31 GlFunc.blend_func ~src:`src_alpha ~dst:`one_minus_src_alpha;
32 ignore (drawstr size x y s);
33 Gl.disable `blend;
34 Gl.disable `texture_2d;
37 let drawstring1 size x y s =
38 drawstr size x y s;
41 let drawstring2 size x y fmt =
42 Printf.kprintf (drawstring size (x+1) (y+size+1)) fmt
45 let makecheckers () =
46 (* Based on lablGL-1.04/LablGlut/examples/lablGL/ which had
47 following to say:
48 converted by Issac Trotts. July 25, 2002 *)
49 let image = GlPix.create `ubyte ~format:`luminance ~width:2 ~height:2 in
50 Raw.sets_string (GlPix.to_raw image) ~pos:0 "\255\200\200\255";
51 let id = GlTex.gen_texture () in
52 GlTex.bind_texture ~target:`texture_2d id;
53 (`unpack_alignment 1);
54 GlTex.image2d image;
55 List.iter (GlTex.parameter ~target:`texture_2d)
56 [ `mag_filter `nearest; `min_filter `nearest ];
57 id;
60 let redisplay = ref false;;
61 let postRedisplay who =
62 Utils.vlog "redisplay for [%S]" who;
63 redisplay := true;