last changeFri, 14 Aug 2009 12:11:25 +0000 (14 15:11 +0300)
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LiteMan is a simple GUI database manager for the SQLite embeded database 
engine version 3. LiteMan is written in C++ using the Qt toolkit, and is
free software under the terms of the GNU GPL license (see the COPYING file).

LiteMan is meant to be used a quick tool to build database files for dynamic 
websites and application file formats, but can be used as a generic database 
application (though a low-level one).

The latest version of LiteMan is always avialable on the web in the address

To build LiteMan you need the following:
	* A computer with Linux or Windows (MacOS X should work too)
	* A building enviorment (C++ compiler, make, etc)
	* The Qt toolkit, version 4.1 or better, modules Core, GUI and SQL

LiteMan uses the QMAKE building system, which should be included in the Qt4
package (try running qmake in the shell, if you don't have it you need to install
libqt4-devel or the like on Linux and the Qt4 source package on other platforms, 
and put the installation directory on the PATH).

To install LiteMan, unpack the source archive (probably already done if you are 
reading this file) and open a shell in the directory created. Then execute the command

	$ qmake

A platform specific build mechanism should be created. 
On Linux and on windows with mingw you should run 

	$ make  

And as root,

	# make install

to build and install it. On windows with Visual-C++ you should run 

	$ nmake 

On MacOS X an XCode project will be generated.

Currently, no user documentation is available. Developers that wish to understand the
source can generate still incomplete source documentation using the Doxygen tool by running:

$ doxygen Doxyfile

in the top-level source directory, and reading the resulting HTML in the doc/ directory.

If you expirience difficulties while building and using LiteMan, please write to the e-mail
address igorkh [AT] freeshell [DOT] org.
2009-08-14 Igor KhaninInitial commit to git repositorymaster
14 years ago master