Organize the main lisp-unit file.
[lisp-unit.git] / lisp-unit.lisp
1 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
3 #|
4 Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Christopher K. Riesbeck
6 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
7 a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
8 to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
9 the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
10 and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
11 Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
13 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
14 in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
25 How to use
26 ----------
28 1. Read the documentation at:
31 2. Make a file of DEFINE-TEST's. See exercise-tests.lisp for many
32 examples. If you want, start your test file with (REMOVE-TESTS :ALL)
33 to clear any previously defined tests.
35 3. Load this file.
37 4. (use-package :lisp-unit)
39 5. Load your code file and your file of tests.
41 6. Test your code with (RUN-TESTS '(test-name1 test-name2 ...)) or
42 simply (RUN-TESTS :ALL) to run all defined tests.
44 A summary of how many tests passed and failed will be printed.
46 NOTE: Nothing is compiled until RUN-TESTS is expanded. Redefining
47 functions or even macros does not require reloading any tests.
51 ;;; Packages
53 (in-package :cl-user)
55 (defpackage :lisp-unit
56 (:use :common-lisp)
57 ;; Print parameters
58 (:export :*print-summary*
59 :*print-failures*
60 :*print-errors*)
61 ;; Forms for assertions
62 (:export :assert-eq
63 :assert-eql
64 :assert-equal
65 :assert-equalp
66 :assert-equality
67 :assert-prints
68 :assert-expands
69 :assert-true
70 :assert-false
71 :assert-error)
72 ;; Functions for managing tests
73 (:export :define-test
74 :list-tests
75 :test-code
76 :test-documentation
77 :remove-tests
78 :run-tests
79 :use-debugger)
80 ;; Functions for managing tags
81 (:export :list-tags
82 :tagged-tests
83 :remove-tags
84 :run-tags)
85 ;; Functions for reporting test results
86 (:export :test-names
87 :failed-tests
88 :error-tests
89 :missing-tests
90 :summarize-results)
91 ;; Utility predicates
92 (:export :logically-equal :set-equal))
94 (in-package :lisp-unit)
96 ;;; Global counters
98 (defparameter *pass* ()
99 "The passed assertion results.")
101 (defparameter *fail* ()
102 "The failed assertion results.")
104 ;;; Global options
106 (defparameter *print-summary* nil
107 "Print a summary of the pass, fail, and error count if non-nil.")
109 (defparameter *print-failures* nil
110 "Print failure messages if non-NIL.")
112 (defparameter *print-errors* nil
113 "Print error messages if non-NIL.")
115 (defparameter *use-debugger* nil
116 "If not NIL, enter the debugger when an error is encountered in an
117 assertion.")
119 (defun use-debugger-p (condition)
120 "Debug or ignore errors."
121 (cond
122 ((eq :ask *use-debugger*)
123 (y-or-n-p "~A -- debug?" condition))
124 (*use-debugger*)))
126 ;;; Global unit test database
128 (defparameter *test-db* (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
129 "The unit test database is simply a hash table.")
131 (defun package-table (package &optional create)
132 (cond
133 ((gethash (find-package package) *test-db*))
134 (create
135 (setf (gethash package *test-db*) (make-hash-table)))
136 (t (warn "No tests defined for package: ~S" package))))
138 ;;; Global tags database
140 (defparameter *tag-db* (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
141 "The tag database is simply a hash table.")
143 (defun package-tags (package &optional create)
144 "Return the tags DB for the package."
145 (cond
146 ((gethash (find-package package) *tag-db*))
147 (create
148 (setf (gethash package *tag-db*) (make-hash-table)))
149 (t (warn "No tags defined for package: ~S" package))))
151 ;;; Unit test definition
153 (defclass unit-test ()
154 ((doc
155 :type string
156 :initarg :doc
157 :reader doc)
158 (code
159 :type list
160 :initarg :code
161 :reader code))
162 (:default-initargs :doc "" :code ())
163 (:documentation
164 "Organize the unit test documentation and code."))
166 ;;; NOTE: Shamelessly taken from PG's analyze-body
167 (defun parse-body (body &optional doc tag)
168 "Separate the components of the body."
169 (let ((item (first body)))
170 (cond
171 ((and (listp item) (eq :tag (first item)))
172 (parse-body (rest body) doc (nconc (rest item) tag)))
173 ((and (stringp item) (not doc) (rest body))
174 (if tag
175 (values doc tag (rest body))
176 (parse-body (rest body) doc tag)))
177 (t (values doc tag body)))))
179 (defmacro define-test (name &body body)
180 "Store the test in the test database."
181 (multiple-value-bind (doc tag code) (parse-body body)
182 `(let ((doc (or ,doc (string ',name))))
183 (setf
184 ;; Unit test
185 (gethash ',name (package-table *package* t))
186 (make-instance 'unit-test :doc doc :code ',code))
187 ;; Tags
188 (loop for tag in ',tag do
189 (pushnew
190 ',name (gethash tag (package-tags *package* t))))
191 ;; Return the name of the test
192 ',name)))
194 ;;; Manage tests
196 (defun list-tests (&optional (package *package*))
197 "Return a list of the tests in package."
198 (let ((table (package-table package)))
199 (when table
200 (loop for test-name being each hash-key in table
201 collect test-name))))
203 (defun test-documentation (name &optional (package *package*))
204 "Return the documentation for the test."
205 (let ((unit-test (gethash name (package-table package))))
206 (if (null unit-test)
207 (warn "No code defined for test ~A in package ~S."
208 name package)
209 (doc unit-test))))
211 (defun test-code (name &optional (package *package*))
212 "Returns the code stored for the test name."
213 (let ((unit-test (gethash name (package-table package))))
214 (if (null unit-test)
215 (warn "No code defined for test ~A in package ~S."
216 name package)
217 (code unit-test))))
219 (defun remove-tests (names &optional (package *package*))
220 "Remove individual tests or entire sets."
221 (if (eq :all names)
222 (if (null package)
223 (clrhash *test-db*)
224 (progn
225 (remhash (find-package package) *test-db*)
226 (remhash (find-package package) *tag-db*)))
227 (let ((table (package-table package)))
228 (unless (null table)
229 ;; Remove tests
230 (loop for name in names
231 always (remhash name table)
232 collect name into removed
233 finally (return removed))
234 ;; Remove tests from tags
235 (loop with tags = (package-tags package)
236 for tag being each hash-key in tags
237 using (hash-value tagged-tests)
239 (setf
240 (gethash tag tags)
241 (set-difference tagged-tests names)))))))
243 ;;; Manage tags
245 (defun %tests-from-all-tags (&optional (package *package*))
246 "Return all of the tests that have been tagged."
247 (loop for tests being each hash-value in (package-tags package)
248 nconc (copy-list tests) into all-tests
249 finally (return (delete-duplicates all-tests))))
251 (defun %tests-from-tags (tags &optional (package *package*))
252 "Return the tests associated with the tags."
253 (loop with table = (package-tags package)
254 for tag in tags
255 as tests = (gethash tag table)
256 nconc (copy-list tests) into all-tests
257 finally (return (delete-duplicates all-tests))))
259 (defun list-tags (&optional (package *package*))
260 "Return a list of the tags in package."
261 (let ((tags (package-tags package)))
262 (when tags
263 (loop for tag being each hash-key in tags collect tag))))
265 (defun tagged-tests (tags &optional (package *package*))
266 "Run the tests associated with the specified tags in package."
267 (if (eq :all tags)
268 (%tests-from-all-tags package)
269 (%tests-from-tags tags package)))
271 (defun remove-tags (tags &optional (package *package*))
272 "Remove individual tags or entire sets."
273 (if (eq :all tags)
274 (if (null package)
275 (clrhash *tag-db*)
276 (remhash (find-package package) *tag-db*))
277 (let ((table (package-tags package)))
278 (unless (null table)
279 (loop for tag in tags
280 always (remhash tag table)
281 collect tag into removed
282 finally (return removed))))))
284 ;;; Assert macros
286 (defmacro assert-eq (expected form &rest extras)
287 "Assert whether expected and form are EQ."
288 `(expand-assert :equal ,form ,form ,expected ,extras :test #'eq))
290 (defmacro assert-eql (expected form &rest extras)
291 "Assert whether expected and form are EQL."
292 `(expand-assert :equal ,form ,form ,expected ,extras :test #'eql))
294 (defmacro assert-equal (expected form &rest extras)
295 "Assert whether expected and form are EQUAL."
296 `(expand-assert :equal ,form ,form ,expected ,extras :test #'equal))
298 (defmacro assert-equalp (expected form &rest extras)
299 "Assert whether expected and form are EQUALP."
300 `(expand-assert :equal ,form ,form ,expected ,extras :test #'equalp))
302 (defmacro assert-error (condition form &rest extras)
303 "Assert whether form signals condition."
304 `(expand-assert :error ,form (expand-error-form ,form)
305 ,condition ,extras))
307 (defmacro assert-expands (expansion form &rest extras)
308 "Assert whether form expands to expansion."
309 `(expand-assert :macro ,form
310 (expand-macro-form ,form nil)
311 ,expansion ,extras))
313 (defmacro assert-false (form &rest extras)
314 "Assert whether the form is false."
315 `(expand-assert :result ,form ,form nil ,extras))
317 (defmacro assert-equality (test expected form &rest extras)
318 "Assert whether expected and form are equal according to test."
319 `(expand-assert :equal ,form ,form ,expected ,extras :test ,test))
321 (defmacro assert-prints (output form &rest extras)
322 "Assert whether printing the form generates the output."
323 `(expand-assert :output ,form (expand-output-form ,form)
324 ,output ,extras))
326 (defmacro assert-true (form &rest extras)
327 "Assert whether the form is true."
328 `(expand-assert :result ,form ,form t ,extras))
330 (defmacro expand-assert (type form body expected extras &key (test '#'eql))
331 "Expand the assertion to the internal format."
332 `(internal-assert ,type ',form
333 (lambda () ,body)
334 (lambda () ,expected)
335 (expand-extras ,extras)
336 ,test))
338 (defmacro expand-error-form (form)
339 "Wrap the error assertion in HANDLER-CASE."
340 `(handler-case ,form
341 (condition (error) error)))
343 (defmacro expand-output-form (form)
344 "Capture the output of the form in a string."
345 (let ((out (gensym)))
346 `(let* ((,out (make-string-output-stream))
347 (*standard-output*
348 (make-broadcast-stream *standard-output* ,out)))
349 ,form
350 (get-output-stream-string ,out))))
352 (defmacro expand-macro-form (form env)
353 "Expand the macro form once."
354 `(macroexpand-1 ',form ,env))
356 (defmacro expand-extras (extras)
357 "Expand extra forms."
358 `(lambda ()
359 (list ,@(mapcan (lambda (form) (list `',form form)) extras))))
361 (defclass assert-result ()
362 ((form
363 :initarg :form
364 :reader form)
365 (actual
366 :type list
367 :initarg :actual
368 :reader actual)
369 (expected
370 :type list
371 :initarg :expected
372 :reader expected)
373 (extras
374 :type list
375 :initarg :extras
376 :reader extras)
377 (test
378 :type function
379 :initarg :test
380 :reader test)
381 (passed
382 :type boolean
383 :reader passed))
384 (:documentation
385 "Result of the assertion."))
387 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self assert-result)
388 &rest initargs)
389 "Evaluate the actual and expected forms"
390 (with-slots (actual expected) self
391 (setf
392 actual (multiple-value-list (funcall actual))
393 expected (multiple-value-list (funcall expected)))))
395 (defclass equal-result (assert-result)
397 (:documentation
398 "Result of an equal assertion type."))
400 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self equal-result)
401 &rest initargs)
402 "Return the result of the equality assertion."
403 (with-slots (actual expected test passed) self
404 (setf
405 passed
406 (and
407 (<= (length expected) (length actual))
408 (every test expected actual)))))
410 (defclass error-result (assert-result)
412 (:documentation
413 "Result of an error assertion type."))
415 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self error-result)
416 &rest initargs)
417 "Evaluate the result."
418 (with-slots (actual expected passed) self
419 (setf
420 passed
422 (eql (car actual) (car expected))
423 (typep (car actual) (car expected))))))
425 (defclass macro-result (assert-result)
427 (:documentation
428 "Result of a macro assertion type."))
430 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self macro-result)
431 &rest initargs)
432 "Return the result of the macro expansion."
433 (with-slots (actual expected passed) self
434 (setf passed (equal (car actual) (car expected)))))
436 (defclass boolean-result (assert-result)
438 (:documentation
439 "Result of a result assertion type."))
441 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self boolean-result)
442 &rest initargs)
443 "Return the result of the assertion."
444 (with-slots (actual expected passed) self
445 (setf passed (logically-equal (car actual) (car expected)))))
447 (defclass output-result (assert-result)
449 (:documentation
450 "Result of an output assertion type."))
452 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self output-result)
453 &rest initargs)
454 "Return the result of the printed output."
455 (with-slots (actual expected passed) self
456 (setf
457 passed
458 (string=
459 (string-trim '(#\newline #\return #\space) (car actual))
460 (car expected)))))
462 (defun assert-class (type)
463 "Return the class name for the assertion type."
464 (ecase type
465 (:equal 'equal-result)
466 (:error 'error-result)
467 (:macro 'macro-result)
468 (:result 'boolean-result)
469 (:output 'output-result)))
471 (defun internal-assert
472 (type form code-thunk expected-thunk extras test)
473 "Perform the assertion and record the results."
474 (let ((result
475 (make-instance (assert-class type)
476 :form form
477 :actual code-thunk
478 :expected expected-thunk
479 :extras extras
480 :test test)))
481 (if (passed result)
482 (push result *pass*)
483 (push result *fail*))
484 ;; Return the result
485 (passed result)))
487 ;;; Unit test results
489 (defclass test-result ()
490 ((name
491 :type symbol
492 :initarg :name
493 :reader name)
494 (pass
495 :type list
496 :initarg :pass
497 :reader pass)
498 (fail
499 :type list
500 :initarg :fail
501 :reader fail)
502 (exerr
503 :type condition
504 :initarg :exerr
505 :reader exerr))
506 (:default-initargs :exerr nil)
507 (:documentation
508 "Store the results of the unit test."))
510 (defun print-summary (test-result)
511 "Print a summary of the test result."
512 (format t "~&~A: ~S assertions passed, ~S failed"
513 (name test-result)
514 (length (pass test-result))
515 (length (fail test-result)))
516 (format t "~@[, ~S execution errors~].~2%"
517 (exerr test-result)))
519 (defun run-code (code)
520 "Run the code to test the assertions."
521 (funcall (coerce `(lambda () ,@code) 'function)))
523 (defun run-test-thunk (name code)
524 (let ((*pass* ())
525 (*fail* ()))
526 (handler-bind
527 ((error
528 (lambda (condition)
529 (if (use-debugger-p condition)
530 condition
531 (return-from run-test-thunk
532 (make-instance
533 'test-result
534 :name name
535 :pass *pass*
536 :fail *fail*
537 :exerr condition))))))
538 (run-code code))
539 ;; Return the result count
540 (make-instance 'test-result
541 :name name
542 :pass *pass*
543 :fail *fail*)))
545 ;;; Test results database
547 (defclass test-results-db ()
548 ((database
549 :type hash-table
550 :initform (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
551 :reader database)
552 (pass
553 :type fixnum
554 :initform 0
555 :accessor pass)
556 (fail
557 :type fixnum
558 :initform 0
559 :accessor fail)
560 (exerr
561 :type fixnum
562 :initform 0
563 :accessor exerr)
564 (failed-tests
565 :type list
566 :initform ()
567 :accessor failed-tests)
568 (error-tests
569 :type list
570 :initform ()
571 :accessor error-tests)
572 (missing-tests
573 :type list
574 :initform ()
575 :accessor missing-tests))
576 (:documentation
577 "Store the results of the tests for further evaluation."))
579 (defmethod print-object ((object test-results-db) stream)
580 "Print the summary counts with the object."
581 (let ((pass (pass object))
582 (fail (fail object))
583 (exerr (exerr object)))
584 (format
585 stream "#<~A Total(~D) Passed(~D) Failed(~D) Errors(~D)>~%"
586 (class-name (class-of object))
587 (+ pass fail) pass fail exerr)))
589 (defun test-names (test-results-db)
590 "Return a list of the test names in the database."
591 (loop for name being each hash-key in (database test-results-db)
592 collect name))
594 (defun record-result (test-name code results)
595 "Run the test code and record the result."
596 (let ((result (run-test-thunk test-name code)))
597 ;; Store the result
598 (setf (gethash test-name (database results)) result)
599 ;; Count passed tests
600 (when (pass result)
601 (incf (pass results) (length (pass result))))
602 ;; Count failed tests and record the name
603 (when (fail result)
604 (incf (fail results) (length (fail result)))
605 (push test-name (failed-tests results)))
606 ;; Count errors and record the name
607 (when (exerr result)
608 (incf (exerr results))
609 (push test-name (error-tests results)))))
611 (defun summarize-results (results)
612 "Print a summary of all results."
613 (let ((pass (pass results))
614 (fail (fail results)))
615 (format t "~&Unit Test Summary~%")
616 (format t " | ~D assertions total~%" (+ pass fail))
617 (format t " | ~D passed~%" pass)
618 (format t " | ~D failed~%" fail)
619 (format t " | ~D execution errors~%" (exerr results))
620 (format t " | ~D missing tests~2%"
621 (length (missing-tests results)))))
623 ;;; Run the tests
625 (defun %run-all-thunks (&optional (package *package*))
626 "Run all of the test thunks in the package."
627 (loop
628 with results = (make-instance 'test-results-db)
629 for test-name being each hash-key in (package-table package)
630 using (hash-value unit-test)
631 if unit-test do
632 (record-result test-name (code unit-test) results)
633 else do
634 (push test-name (missing-tests results))
635 ;; Summarize and return the test results
636 finally
637 (summarize-results results)
638 (return results)))
640 (defun %run-thunks (test-names &optional (package *package*))
641 "Run the list of test thunks in the package."
642 (loop
643 with table = (package-table package)
644 and results = (make-instance 'test-results)
645 for test-name in test-names
646 as unit-test = (gethash test-name table)
647 if unit-test do
648 (record-result test-name (code unit-test) results)
649 else do
650 (push test-name (missing-tests results))
651 finally
652 (summarize-results results)
653 (return results)))
655 (defun run-tests (test-names &optional (package *package*))
656 "Run the specified tests in package."
657 (if (eq :all test-names)
658 (%run-all-thunks package)
659 (%run-thunks test-names package)))
661 (defun run-tags (tags &optional (package *package*))
662 "Run the tests associated with the specified tags in package."
663 (%run-thunks (tagged-tests tags package) package))
665 ;;; Print failures
667 (defgeneric print-failure (result)
668 (:documentation
669 "Report the results of the failed assertion."))
671 (defmethod print-failure :around ((result assert-result))
672 "Failure header and footer output."
673 (format t "~& | Failed Form: ~S" (form result))
674 (call-next-method)
675 (when (extras result)
676 (format t "~{~& | ~S => ~S~}~%"
677 (funcall (extras result))))
678 (format t "~& |~%")
679 (class-name result))
681 (defmethod print-failure ((result assert-result))
682 (format t "~& | Expected ~{~S~^; ~} " (expected result))
683 (format t "~<~% | ~:;but saw ~{~S~^; ~}~>" (actual result)))
685 (defmethod print-failure ((result error-result))
686 (format t "~& | ~@[Should have signalled ~{~S~^; ~} but saw~]"
687 (expected result))
688 (format t " ~{~S~^; ~}" (actual result)))
690 (defmethod print-failure ((result macro-result))
691 (format t "~& | Should have expanded to ~{~S~^; ~} "
692 (expected result))
693 (format t "~<~%~:;but saw ~{~S~^; ~}~>" (actual result)))
695 (defmethod print-failure ((result output-result))
696 (format t "~& | Should have printed ~{~S~^; ~} "
697 (expected result))
698 (format t "~<~%~:;but saw ~{~S~^; ~}~>"
699 (actual result)))
701 ;;; Print errors
703 (defgeneric print-error (result)
704 (:documentation
705 "Print the error condition."))
707 (defmethod print-error ((result test-result))
708 "Print the error condition."
709 (let ((*print-escape* nil))
710 (format t "~& | Execution error:~% | ~W" (condition result))
711 (format t "~& |~%")
712 (print-summary result)))
714 ;;; Useful equality predicates for tests
716 ;;; (LOGICALLY-EQUAL x y) => true or false
717 ;;; Return true if x and y both false or both true
718 (defun logically-equal (x y)
719 (eql (not x) (not y)))
721 ;;; (SET-EQUAL l1 l2 :test) => true or false
722 ;;; Return true if every element of l1 is an element of l2
723 ;;; and vice versa.
724 (defun set-equal (l1 l2 &key (test #'equal))
725 (and (listp l1)
726 (listp l2)
727 (subsetp l1 l2 :test test)
728 (subsetp l2 l1 :test test)))
730 (pushnew :lisp-unit common-lisp:*features*)