HowManyAreAnalyzed(): use status_user_agent to report progress
[linguistica.git] / LParse.h
1 // Morpheme type
2 // Copyright © 2009 The University of Chicago
3 #ifndef LPARSE_H
4 #define LPARSE_H
6 #include "Parse.h"
7 #include "CorpusCount.h"
9 class CMiniLexicon;
11 /// A subclass of CParse adapted for use in Linguistica.
12 /**
13 A subclass of CParse with some additional, Linguistica specific members and methods.
16 class CLParse : public CParse, public linguistica::corpus_count {
17 protected:
19 //--------------------------------------------------
20 // Protected member variables
21 //--------------------------------------------------
23 bool m_DoNotParse; ///< true if this CLParse should not be further parsed
24 bool m_DoomFlag; ///< true if this CLParse is to be destroyed
25 int m_Index; ///< this CLParse's position in parent collection
26 int m_SortIndex; ///< this CLParse's sorted position in parent collection
27 CParse* m_Trigrams; ///< list of trigrams in this CLParse
28 QString m_AlphabetizedForm; ///< string with all characters of this CLParse alphabetized
29 CMiniLexicon* m_pMyMini; ///< this CLParse's grandparent mini-lexicon
33 public:
35 //--------------------------------------------------
36 // Constructors/Destructor
37 //--------------------------------------------------
39 CLParse( CMiniLexicon* );
40 CLParse( const QChar&, CMiniLexicon* );
41 CLParse( const CParse*, CMiniLexicon* );
42 CLParse( const CStringSurrogate&, CMiniLexicon* );
43 CLParse( const CLParse& x );
44 CLParse( const CParse&, CMiniLexicon* );
45 virtual ~CLParse();
48 CLParse& operator=(const CLParse& other);
51 //--------------------------------------------------
52 // Public accessor methods
53 //--------------------------------------------------
55 int CompareTrigrams(CLParse&);
56 QString GetAlphabetizedForm() const { return m_AlphabetizedForm; }
57 int GetIndex() const { return m_Index; }
58 CMiniLexicon* GetMyMini() const { return m_pMyMini; }
59 int GetSortIndex() const { return m_SortIndex; }
60 virtual float GetSortingQuantity() const { return 0.0; } // TODO: Ask John
61 virtual QString GetSortingString() { return ""; } // TODO: Ask John
62 bool IsDoomed() const { return m_DoomFlag; }
63 bool MayBeParsed() const { return !m_DoNotParse; }
66 //--------------------------------------------------
67 // Public mutator methods
68 //--------------------------------------------------
70 void CalculateTrigrams();
71 void DoNotParse(bool b = true) { m_DoNotParse = b; }
72 void Doomed(bool b = true) { m_DoomFlag = b; }
73 CParse* GetTrigrams();
74 void PrepareWordForInput(bool, QString);
75 void SetAlphabetizedForm(QString s) { m_AlphabetizedForm = s; }
76 void SetIndex (int n) { m_Index = n; }
77 void SetMyMini( CMiniLexicon* mini ) { m_pMyMini = mini; }
78 void SetSortIndex(int n) { m_SortIndex = n; }
79 void SetTriGramsToNULL() { m_Trigrams = NULL; }
81 protected:
82 virtual void SetLengthOfPieceVector( int i ) { m_LengthOfPieceVector = i; };
85 #endif // LPARSE_H