Update some files to lilypond 2.19
[lilypond-ejercicios.git] / holst-marte.ly
1 \version "2.15.20"
3 juntaPentagrama = \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing =
4 #'((basic-distance . 6) (padding . 0))
8 piccolo = { R1*5/4*5 }
10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12 flute = { R1*5/4*5 }
14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
16 oboe = { R1*5/4*5 }
18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
20 horn = { R1*5/4*5 }
22 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
24 bassoboe = { \time 5/4
25 \key c \major
26 R1*5/4*4
27 des'2.~ \mp \> des'2 \! \laissezVibrer % antes ~ \break
28 % des'
31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
33 clarinetes = { R1*5/4*5 }
35 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
37 bassclarinet = { R1*5/4*5 }
39 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
41 bassoonsI = \relative g, {
42 \clef bass
43 \oneVoice R1*5/4 R1*5/4
44 \voiceOne g2. ^"I II a2" ~ ( \p g2 ~
45 g2. ^\< d'2 ) \! des2. ^\> ~ des2 \! \laissezVibrer % ~ des
48 bassoonsIII = \relative d, {
49 \clef bass
50 s1*5/4 s1*5/4 R1*5/4*2
51 % \once \override Voice.DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-2.9 . 2.9 )
52 \override TextScript #'whiteout = ##t
53 \override DynamicText #'whiteout = ##t
54 \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = #-4.5
55 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-0.1 . 2.3 )
56 \once \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f
57 \once \override TextScript #'X-offset = #-4
58 des2.
59 -"III"
60 \mp
61 \> ~ des2 \! \laissezVibrer % ~ des
64 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
66 doble = \relative g, { \key c \major
67 \clef bass
68 R1*5/4 R1*5/4
69 g2.\p ~ ( g2 ~ g2. \< d'2 \! ) des2. \> ~ des2 \! \laissezVibrer % ~ des
72 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
74 hornsI = { R1*5/4*5 }
76 hornsIV = \relative d { \key c \major
77 R1*5/4 R1*5/4
78 \clef bass d2. \p ^"V VI a2" ~ ( d2 ~ d2. \< a'2 \! ) aes2. \> ~ aes2 \! \laissezVibrer % ~ aes
81 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
83 trompetaI = { R1*5/4*5 }
85 trompetaIII = { R1*5/4*5 }
87 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
89 tenor = { \clef tenor
90 R1*5/4*5 }
92 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
94 bass = { \clef bass
95 R1*5/4*5 }
97 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
99 tuba = { R1*5/4*5 }
101 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
103 basstuba = { \clef bass
104 R1*5/4*5 }
106 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
108 timpaniI = \relative g, { \clef bass
109 \key c \major
110 \times 2/3 { g8\p ^\markup { "wooden sticks" } g g } g4 g g8 g g4
111 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
112 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
113 \times 2/3 { g8 \< g g } g4 g g8 g g4\!
114 \times 2/3 { g8 \> g g } g4 g g8 g g4\! }
116 timpaniII = { \clef bass
117 \key c \major
118 R1*5/4 R1*5/4 R1*5/4 R1*5/4 R1*5/4 }
120 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
122 side = { R1*5/4*5 }
124 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
126 cymbals = { R1*5/4*5 }
128 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
130 drum = { R1*5/4*5 }
132 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
134 gong = { g2.:32 \pp g2:32 g2.:32 g2:32 g2.:32 g2:32 g2.\< :32 g2\!:32 g2.\>:32 g2:32 \! }
136 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
138 arpa = { R1*5/4*5 }
139 arpaI = \relative g, { \clef bass
140 \times 2/3 { g8 g, g' } g,4 g' g,8 g' g,4
141 \times 2/3 { g'8 g, g' } g,4 g' g,8 g' g,4
142 \times 2/3 { g'8 g, g' } g,4 g' g,8 g' g,4
143 \times 2/3 { g'8^\< g, g' } g,4 g' g,8 g' g,4 \!
144 \times 2/3 { g'8^\> g, g' } g,4 g' g,8 g' g,4 \! }
146 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
148 arpaII = { R1*5/4*5 }
149 arpaIII = \relative g, { \clef bass
150 \times 2/3 { g,8 g' g, } g'4 g, g'8 g, g'4
151 \times 2/3 { g,8 g' g, } g'4 g, g'8 g, g'4
152 \times 2/3 { g,8 g' g, } g'4 g, g'8 g, g'4
153 \times 2/3 { g,8^\< g' g, } g'4 g, g'8 g, g'4 \!
154 \times 2/3 { g,8^\> g' g, } g'4 g, g'8 g, g'4 \! }
156 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
158 organ = { R1*5/4*5 }
159 organII = { \clef bass R1*5/4*5 }
161 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
163 violinI = \relative g {
164 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-0.8 . 1 )
165 \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = #-2.5
166 \times 2/3 { g8\p ^"col legno" g g } g4 g g8 g g4
167 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
168 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
169 \times 2/3 { g8 \< g g } g4 g g8 g g4\!
170 \times 2/3 { g8 \> g g } g4 g g8 g g4\! }
172 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
174 violinII = \relative g {
175 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-0.8 . 1 )
176 \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = #-2.5
177 \times 2/3 { g8 \p ^"col legno" g g } g4 g g8 g g4
178 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
179 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
180 \times 2/3 { g8 \< g g } g4 g g8 g g4\!
181 \times 2/3 { g8 \> g g } g4 g g8 g g4\! }
183 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
185 viola = \relative g { \clef alto
186 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-0.8 . 1 )
187 \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = #-2.5
188 \times 2/3 { g8\p ^"col legno" g g } g4 g g8 g g4
189 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
190 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
191 \times 2/3 { g8 \< g g } g4 g g8 g g4\!
192 \times 2/3 { g8 \> g g } g4 g g8 g g4\! }
194 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
196 violonchelo = \relative g, { \clef bass
197 \once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-0.8 . 1 )
198 \once \override DynamicText #'X-offset = #-2.5
199 \times 2/3 { g8\p ^"col legno" g g } g4 g g8 g g4
200 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
201 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
202 \times 2/3 { g8 \< g g } g4 g g8 g g4\!
203 \times 2/3 { g8 \> g g } g4 g g8 g g4\! }
205 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
207 base = \relative g, { \clef bass
208 \times 2/3 { g8\p ^"col legno" g g } g4 g g8 g g4
209 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
210 \times 2/3 { g8 g g } g4 g g8 g g4
211 \times 2/3 { g8 \< g g } g4 g g8 g g4\!
212 \times 2/3 { g8 \> g g } g4 g g8 g g4\! }
214 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
217 incipitTimpaniGroup = \markup {
218 \score{
219 \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName= \markup {
220 \center-column {"6 Timpani" "(two players)"}
222 \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "I"
223 \clef bass
224 \time 3/2
225 \cadenzaOn s4 g,2 d2 bes,2
227 \new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "II"
228 \clef bass
229 \time 3/2
230 \cadenzaOn s4 c2 es2 a,2
234 \layout {
235 \context { \Staff
236 \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
237 \remove "Clef_engraver"
239 line-width=2.5\cm indent=1\cm
240 margin-left=0\cm
241 } %layout
242 } %score
243 } %markup
245 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
247 #(set-global-staff-size 10.5) % antes 15.5 para a3
248 #(set-default-paper-size "a4") % antes a3
250 \header {
251 title = \markup { \fontsize #6 { \smallCaps { "I. Mars, " } "the Bringer of War" } }
252 % copyright = "Francisco Vila, sobre un trabajo de Guadalupe Cuevas PiƱero"
253 tagline=##f
257 \score {
259 % main
260 \new StaffGroup <<
263 % piccolos, flutes
264 \new PianoStaff <<
265 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Piccolos" \juntaPentagrama } { \time 5/4 \tempo "Allegro" \piccolo } % ugly hack
266 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Flutes" \juntaPentagrama } { \flute } >>
268 % oboes
269 \new PianoStaff <<
270 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Oboes" \juntaPentagrama } { \oboe }
271 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "English Horn" \juntaPentagrama } { \horn }
272 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bass Oboe" } { \bassoboe } >>
274 %clarinets
275 \new PianoStaff <<
276 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \line { "3 Clarinets in B" \smaller \flat } }
277 \juntaPentagrama }
278 { \clarinetes }
279 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \line { "Bass Clarinet in B" \small \flat } } }
280 { \bassclarinet } >>
282 %bassoons
283 \new PianoStaff <<
284 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "3 Bassoons" } { << \bassoonsI \\ \bassoonsIII >> }
285 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Double Bassoon" } { \doble } >>
287 %horns
288 \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "6 Horns in F" } <<
289 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "I II III" } { \hornsI }
290 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "IV V VI" } { \hornsIV } >>
292 %trumpets
293 \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "4 Trumpets in C" } <<
294 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "I II" } { \trompetaI }
295 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "III IV" } { \trompetaIII } >>
297 %trombones
298 \new PianoStaff <<
299 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2 Tenor Trombones" } { \tenor }
300 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bass Trombone" } { \bass } >>
302 %tubas
303 \new PianoStaff <<
304 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \line { "Tenor Tuba in B" \smaller \flat } } }
305 { \tuba }
306 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Bass Tuba" }
307 { \basstuba } >>
309 %timpani
310 \new PianoStaff \with { systemStartDelimiter=#'SystemStartBar
311 instrumentName = \markup { \incipitTimpaniGroup } } <<
312 \new Staff { \timpaniI }
313 \new Staff \with { \juntaPentagrama }
314 { \timpaniII } >>
316 %side drum
317 \new RhythmicStaff
318 \with { \juntaPentagrama
319 instrumentName = "Side Drum" }
320 { \side }
322 % cymbals
323 \new RhythmicStaff
324 \with { \juntaPentagrama
325 instrumentName = "Cymbals" }
326 { \cymbals }
328 %bass drum
329 \new RhythmicStaff
330 \with { \juntaPentagrama
331 instrumentName = "Bass Drum" }
332 { \drum }
334 %gong
335 \new RhythmicStaff \with { \juntaPentagrama
336 instrumentName = "Gong" }
337 { \gong }
339 %harp 1
340 \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harp I" }
342 \new Staff { \arpa }
343 \new Staff { \arpaI } >>
345 %harp 2
346 \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Harp II" } <<
347 \new Staff { \arpaII }
348 \new Staff { \arpaIII } >>
350 %organ
351 \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Organ" } <<
352 \new Staff { \organ }
353 \new Staff { \organII } >>
355 %violins
356 \new PianoStaff <<
357 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "1st Violins" }
358 { \violinI }
359 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "2nd Violins" }
360 { \violinII } >>
362 %violas
363 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violas" }
364 { \viola }
366 %cellos&basses
367 \new PianoStaff <<
368 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Violoncellos" }
369 { \violonchelo }
370 \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Doublebasses" }
371 { \base } >>
372 >> %main
374 \layout { indent=2.5\cm %era 4 para a3
375 \context { \Staff
376 % \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3) % obsoleto
377 % \override instrumentName #'font-size = #8.0
378 % \override InstrumentName #'padding = #-4
380 \context { \Score
381 % \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3) % obsoleto
382 % \override instrumentName #'font-size = #8.0
383 \override InstrumentName #'padding = #-2 %-2 para a3
384 \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep -3)
390 } %score
393 \paper { ragged-right=##f
394 % ragged-last-bottom=##f
395 page-count=1
396 system-count=1