[lilypad-macos.git] /
1 from distutils.core import setup
2 import py2app
4 import os
6 plist = dict(
7 NSAppleScriptEnabled = 'YES',
8 CFBundleIdentifier = 'org.lilypond.lilypond',
9 LSMinimumSystemVersion = "10.2",
10 CFBundleURLTypes = [
11 dict(CFBundleURLSchemes = ['textedit'],
12 CFBundleURLName = "text editor via url",
13 CFBundleTypeRole = 'Editor',
14 NSDocumentClass = "TinyTinyDocument",
17 CFBundleShortVersionString = open ('VERSION').read (),
18 CFBundleVersion = ('Build from '
19 + os.popen ('date +"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"').read ()),
20 NSHumanReadableCopyright = "(c) 2005 LilyPond Software Design\nLicensed under the GNU General Public License\nLilyPond comes with NO WARRANTY",
21 CFBundleDocumentTypes = [
22 dict(
23 CFBundleTypeExtensions=["ly",],
24 CFBundleTypeName="LilyPond source",
25 CFBundleTypeRole="Editor",
26 NSDocumentClass="TinyTinyDocument",
32 # ugh , need to run lsregister manually
34 setup(
35 app=[""],
36 data_files=["MainMenu.nib",
37 "TinyTinyDocument.nib",
38 'ProcessLog.nib',
39 '',
40 '',
41 'Credits.html',
42 '/sw/lib/python2.4/',
43 'URLHandle.scriptSuite',
44 'URLHandle.scriptTerminology',
45 ''
47 options=dict(py2app=dict(plist=plist)),