take .png files generated from .svg out of version control
[light-and-matter.git] / sn / simple.tex
1 \documentclass{simple}
2 \selectlanguage{english}
3 \usepackage{lmlanguage}
4 %\includeonly{ch07/ch07temp}
5 \input{makefilepreamble}
6 %\inputprotcode
7 \input protcode.tex
8 \makeindex
9 \pdfmapfile{=fullembed.map} % created by the script create_fullembed_file
10 \begin{document}
11 \myeqnspacing % Do this early and often, since it gets reset by \normalsize
13 % The following is all related to margin kerning.
14 % This is activated in simple.cls using the boolean wantmarginkerning.
15 % The constant 1 is to allow margin kerning, but to keep it from affecting
16 % line breaks.
17 %\ifthenelse{\boolean{wantmarginkerning}}{
18 \setprotcode\font
19 {\it \setprotcode \font}
20 {\bf \setprotcode \font}
21 {\bf \it \setprotcode \font}
22 \pdfprotrudechars=1
23 %}{}
25 %========================= frontmatter =========================
26 \formatchtoc{\Large}{}{4mm}
27 \frontmatter
28 \yesiwantarabic
29 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch00}
30 \include{ch00/title}
32 \cleardoublepage
34 \include{ch00/inside-title-page}
36 \include{ch00/copyright}
37 \yesiwantarabic
38 \hbox{}\noindent\huge\bfseries\sffamily{}\vspace{30mm}\ \ Brief Contents\\
39 \vspace{5mm}
40 \mynormaltype\Large\sffamily{}\begin{tabular}{rl}
41 \input{brief-toc.tex}
42 \end{tabular}
43 \mynormaltype
45 \tableofcontents
46 %========================= main matter =========================
47 \mainmatter
48 %-- I want the whole book numbered sequentially, arabic:
49 \pagenumbering{arabic}
50 \addtocounter{page}{12}
51 \parafmt
52 \myeqnspacing % Do this early and often, since it gets reset by \normalsize
53 %========================= chapters =========================
54 \setcounter{chapter}{-1}
55 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch00}\include{ch00/ch00temp}
56 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch01}\include{ch01/ch01temp}
57 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch02}\include{ch02/ch02temp}
58 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch03}\include{ch03/ch03temp}
59 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch04}\include{ch04/ch04temp}
60 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch05}\include{ch05/ch05temp}
61 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch06}\include{ch06/ch06temp}
62 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch07}\include{ch07/ch07temp}
63 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch08}\include{ch08/ch08temp}
64 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch09}\include{ch09/ch09temp}
65 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch10}\include{ch10/ch10temp}
66 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch11}\include{ch11/ch11temp}
67 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch12}\include{ch12/ch12temp}
68 \formatchtoc{\large}{\quad\contentspage}{4mm} % This has to go before the last chapter.
69 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch13}\include{ch13/ch13temp}
70 %========================= backmatter =========================
71 \backmatter
72 \nomarginlayout
73 \renewcommand{\chapdir}{ch99}
74 %========================= appendices =========================
75 \label{splits:appendices}\formatchtoc{\large}{\quad\contentspage}{0mm} % This has to go before first appendix.
76 % essential skills
77 \include{ch99/skillstemp}
78 % python
79 \twocolumn\include{ch99/pythontemp}
80 % miscellany
81 \onecolumn\include{ch99/misc}
82 % acknowledgments
83 % \onecolumn\include{ch99/ack}
84 % photo credits
85 \newpage\include{ch99/photocreditstemp}
86 % hw hints, answers, solutions
87 \onecolumn\include{ch99/hwans}
88 % data
89 \onecolumn\include{ch99/data}
90 % summary
91 \onecolumn\include{ch99/summary}
92 % glossary
93 % \setlength{\parindent}{0mm}
94 % \newpage\include{ch99/glossary}
95 % \setlength{\parindent}{\normalparindent}
96 %========================= index =========================
97 \printindex
99 \end{document}