descriptionYet Another Kernel for Math Operations
last changeWed, 10 Mar 2021 02:54:20 +0000 (9 21:54 -0500)
content tags
This is YAKMO: Yet Another Kernel for Math Operations. You may find it
useful if you want a computer algebra system, if you care about exactly
the same things I do, and if you like pain.

You need

 - myrddin [ ]
 - libt    [ ]


Memory convention: no calls should "absorb ownership" unless they
make it incredibly obvious. Calling

    var x = foo(bar(), baz(), quux())

will, assuming bar, baz, quux : (-> complicated_object#), leak
memory for three complicated objects. As of the moment I'm writing
this, I think the "right thing to do" should be to

    var x = foo(auto bar(), auto baz(), auto quux())

or, even better,

    var x = auto foo(auto bar(), auto baz(), auto quux())
2021-03-10 S. GillesParse negative numbers bettermaster
2020-08-25 S. GillesAdd smoke-test RNG checker for groebner LCM calculation
2020-06-26 S. GillesImport rational functions from s5
2019-12-02 S. GillesDocument Z multiplication taking dangerous bigint path
2019-11-26 S. GillesFast path for polynomial lcm of units
2019-11-26 S. GillesAdd more exhaustive tests for adding/multiplying in Q
2019-11-04 S. GillesImplement polynomial LCM
2019-11-03 S. GillesImplement constructing Gröbner base via Buchberger...
2019-11-03 S. GillesAdd special function for "equals zero", since I use...
2019-10-30 S. GillesMake polynomial division robust when negative powers...
2019-10-30 S. GillesFix error in squaring multi-term polynomials
2019-10-26 S. GillesRemove TODO for killing Laurent polynomials
2019-10-26 S. GillesRemove laurent object: polynomials are good enough
2019-10-26 S. GillesAllow division of polynomials
2019-10-24 S. GillesTrivial functions for lifting rationals to polynomials
2019-10-24 S. GillesRemove explicit laurent#-disposal method; it does no...
3 years ago master