[less_retarded_wiki.git] / earth.md
1 # Earth
3 Well, Earth is the [planet](planet.md) we live on. It is the third planet from the [Sun](sun.md) of our Solar system which itself is part of the [Milky Way](milky_way.md) [galaxy](galaxy.md), [Universe](universe.md). So far it is the only known place to have [life](life.md).
5 Now behold the grand rendering of the Earth map in [ASCII](ascii_art.md) ([equirectangular](equirectangular.md) projection):
7 ```
8 X      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      v      X
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15    ""          \                     _/_            ",_/:_./\_.'                     ASIA            "--.  \/
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19                     |\      __ /                     /"":   ""._..../                          \  "" \_/
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22        PACIFIC           "--._\                     \___:            "/        \ .""\_  <^,..-" __
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24 >.............................|..........",.............:...\......./................_\\_....__/\..,__..........<                
25                               |   SOUTH    \            :   /      |                 "-._\_  \__/  \  ""-_
26                                \ AMERICA   /            :  (       }                     """""===-  """""_  
27                                 \_        |             :   \      \                          __.-""._,"",
28 >                                 \      /              :   /      / |\                     ," AUSTRALIA  \     <
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30                                   |     /               :    \___/            OCEAN           """  ""-._  / 
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38 --....-----""""----""""         ""      "-..__    __......--"""""""     """                              .;_..... 
39                                               """"      : ANTARCTICA
40 X      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      ^      X
41 ```
43 Some numbers about the planet Earth:
45 - age: 4.54 billion years
46 - distance from the [Sun](sun.md) (nearest, furthest): 147098450 km, 152097597 km, 
47 - radius (equator, poles): 6378 km, 6356 km
48 - mass: 5.9 * 10^24 kg
49 - acceleration by gravity: 9.8 m/s^2
50 - axial tilt: 23.4 degrees
51 - length of year: 365.25 days
52 - land vs water area: 148940000 km^2, 361132000 km^2
54 ```
55      _---"""---_
56    .':. ;::.: -./;.
57   /;:;:: ':  .-':::\
58 .|';:'      ';':;:::|.
59 |::         .:'::;:::|
60 |::.         ':;:::::|
61 '|:;           ':;::|'
62   \::          .:::/
63    ':_        .:_.'
64       """----"""
65 ```
67 *Earth from space*