del net-oscar
[learning-git.git] / pgworksheet_yvesf / pgw /
1 import pygtk
2 import gtk
3 import gettext; _ = gettext.gettext
5 import ConfigParser
6 import pickle
8 import pgw
9 from pgw.DBConnection import ConnectionParameter
11 #TODO# from pgw.Widgets import LabeledEntry
14 class ListBox(gtk.ScrolledWindow):
15 def __init__(self, title, liststore):
16 gtk.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self)
18 = liststore
20 self.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)
21 self.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE)
23 self.view = gtk.TreeView(liststore)
25 cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
26 column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(title)
27 column.pack_start(cell, True)
28 column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
29 column.set_sort_column_id(0)
30 self.view.append_column(column)
32 self.add(self.view)
34 def set_array(self, array):
36 for item in array:
39 def get(self):
40 tuple, treeview = self.view.get_cursor()
41 if tuple == None:
42 return None
43 return[tuple[0]]
45 class LabeledEntry(gtk.HBox):
46 def __init__(self, caption):
47 gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
48 self.entry = gtk.Entry()
49 self.label = gtk.Label(caption)
50 self.add(self.label)
51 self.add(self.entry)
53 def connect(self, event, connection):
54 self.entry.connect(event, connection)
56 def get_text(self):
57 return self.entry.get_text()
58 def grab_focus(self, eventFromWidget=None):
59 self.entry.grab_focus()
61 class ConnectDialog(gtk.Window):
62 def __init__(self):
63 gtk.Window.__init__(self)
65 self.set_modal(True)
66 self.set_title(_('Open ConnectionParameter'))
67 self.set_property("width-request", 620)
68 self.set_property("height-request", 400)
69 self.set_property("resizable", False)
71 self.connection = ConnectionParameter(name="", user="", password="", db="", local=False, host="localhost", port="5432")
72 self.action_ok = None
74 self.content = gtk.VBox()
76 self.input = gtk.HBox()
77 self.input.set_homogeneous(True)
79 self.bottom = gtk.HBox()
81 self.left = gtk.VBox()
83 self.right = gtk.VBox()
86 #Entrys
87 self.message = gtk.Label(_('Enter Connection details:'))
88 self.message.set_line_wrap(True)
90 self.connect_style_local = gtk.RadioButton(group=None, label=_('Local Connection'), use_underline=True)
91 self.connect_style_network = gtk.RadioButton(group=self.connect_style_local, label=_('Network Connection'), use_underline=True)
93 vbox = gtk.VBox()
94 vbox.add(self.message)
95 vbox.add(self.connect_style_local)
96 vbox.add(self.connect_style_network)
97 self.right.pack_start(vbox, expand=False, fill=False, padding=5)
99 self.entry_name = LabeledEntry(_('Session Name'))
100 self.entry_name.entry.set_text(
101 self.entry_user = LabeledEntry(_('Username'))
102 self.entry_user.entry.set_text(self.connection.user)
103 self.entry_password = LabeledEntry(_('Password'))
104 self.entry_password.entry.set_text(self.connection.password)
105 self.entry_db = LabeledEntry(_('Database'))
106 self.entry_db.entry.set_text(self.connection.db)
107 self.entry_host = LabeledEntry(_('Host'))
108 self.entry_host.entry.set_text(
109 self.entry_port = LabeledEntry(_('Port'))
110 self.entry_port.entry.set_text(self.connection.port)
112 entrys = [self.entry_name, self.entry_user, self.entry_password, self.entry_db, self.entry_host, self.entry_port]
113 for widget in entrys:
114 self.right.add(widget)
115 widget.connect("key-press-event", self.on_change)
116 try:
117 widget.connect("activate", entrys[entrys.index(widget) + 1].grab_focus)
118 except IndexError:
119 pass #last elem
124 self.connect_style_local.connect("toggled", self.on_change)
125 self.connect_style_network.connect("toggled", self.on_change)
126 self.connect_style_local.set_active(False)
127 self.connect_style_network.set_active(True)
131 self.listbox = ListBox(_('Last Connections'), gtk.ListStore( str, pgw.GObjectContainer ))
132 self.listbox.set_array([['Foo', pgw.GObjectContainer(ConnectionParameter("yvesf", "iii"))],["blafoo", pgw.GObjectContainer(ConnectionParameter("yvesf", "iii"))]])
133 self.listbox.view.connect('cursor-changed', self.on_cursor_changed)
134 self.left.pack_start(self.listbox,True,True)
137 button_connect = gtk.Button(_('Connect'))
138 button_connect.connect("clicked", self.on_clicked_ok)
139 button_connect.set_property("height-request", 45)
140 button_connect.set_property("width-request", 150)
142 button_cancel = gtk.Button(_('Cancel'))
143 button_cancel.connect("clicked", self.on_clicked_cancel)
144 button_cancel.set_property("height-request", 45)
145 button_cancel.set_property("width-request", 150)
147 self.bottom.pack_start(button_connect, True, False)
148 self.bottom.pack_start(button_cancel, True, False)
150 self.input.add(self.left)
151 self.input.add(self.right)
152 self.content.pack_start(self.input)
153 self.content.pack_start(self.bottom, False, False)
154 self.add(self.content)
156 self.on_change()#Check UI
157 self.entry_name.grab_focus()
159 def set_error(self, message):
160 self.message.set_markup(message)
162 def on_clicked_ok(self, widget):
163 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
164 try:
165 cp.readfp(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'r'))
166 except IOError:
167 return
168 try:
169 if not cp.has_section("connection"):
170 cp.add_section("connection")
171 cp.set("connection", "connection", pickle.dumps([]))
172 except:
173 pass
175 if self.action_ok:
176 return_value = self.action_ok(self, self.connection)
177 if return_value == True:
178 self.destroy()
179 else:
180 return
182 def on_clicked_cancel(self, widget):
183 self.destroy()
185 def on_cursor_changed(self, widget=None):
186 pass
188 def on_change(self, widget=None, event=None):
189 """The User entered some new values in any widget"""
190 = self.entry_name.get_text()
191 self.connection.user = self.entry_user.get_text()
192 self.connection.password = self.entry_password.get_text()
193 self.connection.db = self.entry_db.get_text()
194 if self.connect_style_local.get_active(): #Lokale Verbindung
195 self.entry_host.hide()
196 self.entry_port.hide()
197 self.connection.local = True
198 = ""
199 self.connection.port = ""
200 elif self.connect_style_network.get_active():
203 self.connection.local = False
204 = self.entry_host.get_text()
205 self.connection.port = self.entry_port.get_text()
206 else:
207 raise Exception("Something strange happen ;)")
210 def show(self):
211 self.show_all()
213 def connect(self, event, conn):
214 if event == "clicked-ok":
215 self.action_ok = conn
216 else:
217 super.connect(event, conn)
219 def on_dlgconnect_change(self, treeview):
220 """Called when the user choose a connection in the connection history list"""
221 # fill the connection dialog with the selected connection parameters
222 model, iter = treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
223 host, port, db, user = string.split(model.get(iter, 1)[0], ',')
224 self.ui.entry_host.set_text(host)
225 self.ui.entry_port.set_text(port)
226 self.ui.entry_database.set_text(db)
227 self.ui.entry_user.set_text(user)
228 self.ui.entry_password.set_text('')
230 def on_dlgconnect_map(self, widget):
231 """Called when the connection dialog box is displayed"""
232 # load the connections history from the config file
233 cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
234 try:
235 cp.readfp(open(pgw.get_config_path(), 'r'))
236 except IOError:
237 return
238 try:
239 pickled = cp.get("connection", "pickled")
240 old_connections = pickle.loads(pickled)
241 self.listbox.set_array(old_connections)
242 except:
243 if not cp.has_section("connection"):
244 cp.add_section("connection")
245 cp.set("connection", "connection", pickle.dumps([]))
250 if __name__ == "__main__":
251 import thread
252 import time
253 window = ConnectDialog()
254 def test(foo):
255 print "Hello"
256 print "Hello donw"
257 try:
258 print
259 time.sleep(1)
260 except Exception, err:
261 print err
262 #finally:
263 # import sys
264 ## gtk.main_quit()
265 # sys.exit(1)
266 thread.start_new_thread(test, ("foo",))
268 #thread.start_new_thread(gtk.main, ())
270 time.sleep(100)