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1 # -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
3 # PgWorksheet - PostgreSQL Front End
4 #
6 # Copyright © 2004-2008 Henri Michelon & CML
8 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details (read LICENSE.txt).
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 # $Id
24 import string
25 import pygtk
26 import gtk
28 import pgw
31 class RunSQL:
32 """Execute the SQL buffer and fill the GtkNotebook with the results."""
34 def __init__(self, execute, txtSQL, tabResult, result):
35 self.execute = execute
36 self.txtSQL = txtSQL
37 self.lblResult = result
38 self.tabResult = tabResult
39 self.error_font = {}
42 def result(self, msg):
43 """update status bar text"""
44 self.lblResult.set_markup('<span foreground="#004400">' + msg + '</span>')
47 def str_limit(self, s, max = 20):
48 s = string.replace(s, '\\\\', '\\')
49 if (len(s) > (max + 3)):
50 return s[:max] + "..."
51 return s
54 def error(self, msg, title = None):
55 """update the error messages"""
56 if (title is None):
57 title = '<span foreground="#880000">' + _('Errors') + '</span>'
58 scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
59 txt = gtk.TextView()
60 txt.get_buffer().set_text(unicode(msg, pgw.get_user_encoding()))
61 pgw.set_proportional(txt.get_buffer())
62 txt.set_editable(False)
63 scroll.add(txt)
64 scroll.show_all()
65 label = gtk.Label()
66 label.set_markup(title)
67 self.tabResult.append_page(scroll, label)
70 def add_treeview(self, title):
71 """Add a new tree view"""
72 scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
73 tvw = gtk.TreeView()
74 scroll.add(tvw)
76 label = gtk.Label(title)
77 self.tabResult.append_page(scroll, label)
78 return (tvw, label)
81 def fill_treeview(self, sql, result):
82 """build the tree view columns and rows"""
83 sql = sql.strip()
84 treeview, label = self.add_treeview(self.str_limit(sql))
85 type_str = ""
86 cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
87 ncol = 0
88 for col in result.description:
89 column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(string.replace(col[0], "_", "__"))
90 column.pack_start(cell, True)
91 column.add_attribute(cell, 'text', ncol)
92 column.set_sort_column_id(ncol)
93 treeview.append_column(column)
94 ncol = ncol + 1
95 if (type_str == ""):
96 type_str = "str"
97 else:
98 type_str = type_str + ",str"
99 pass
101 # dynamically create the liststore
102 code = "liststore = gtk.ListStore(" + type_str + ")"
103 exec compile(code, "<string>", 'exec')
105 # fill the tree view
106 row = result.fetchone()
107 rows = 0
108 while ( row is not None ) :
109 c = 0
110 while c < len(row):
111 if (row[c] is None) and type(row) == list:
112 row[c] = '(null)'
113 c = c + 1
114 liststore.append(row)
115 row = result.fetchone()
116 rows = rows + 1
117 result.close()
118 treeview.set_model(liststore)
119 treeview.set_reorderable(True)
120 treeview.columns_autosize()
122 label.set_markup(label.get_text() + ' <span foreground="#555555">: ' +
123 str(rows) + "</span>")
124 return rows
127 def run(self):
128 """Run the query and update the results"""
129 # clear the treeviews and the error text buffers
130 for child in self.tabResult.get_children():
131 self.tabResult.remove(child)
132 self.result(_("Please wait, executing the query and fetching the results..."))
133 # update the display
134 while (gtk.events_pending() == True):
135 gtk.main_iteration_do(False)
137 # execute the query
138 sqlbuffer= self.txtSQL.get_buffer()
139 notices = []
140 try:
141 result = self.execute.execute(sqlbuffer)
142 rows = 0
143 if (isinstance(result, list)):
144 # multiple queries and multiple results...
145 parts = self.execute.split(sqlbuffer)
146 sqls = []
147 have_errors = 0
148 for sql in parts :
149 sql = string.strip(sql)
150 if (len(sql) > 0) :
151 sqls.append(sql)
152 for res in result:
153 sql = sqls.pop(0)
154 try:
155 if (res['cursor'].description is not None):
156 rows += self.fill_treeview(sql, res['cursor'])
157 else:
158 rows += res['cursor'].rowcount
159 notices = res['notices']
160 except KeyError:
161 try:
162 self.error(res['text'], "psql : " + self.str_limit(sql))
163 except KeyError:
164 notices = res['notices']
165 self.error(res['error'],
166 '<span foreground="#880000">' + _('Errors :') + '</span> ' +
167 self.str_limit(sql))
168 have_errors += 1
169 self.tabResult.set_current_page(0)
170 if (rows > 1):
171 res_str = _("%d results or affected rows") % rows
172 elif (rows == 1):
173 res_str = _("1 result or affected row")
174 else:
175 res_str = _("No result or no affected row")
176 if (have_errors > 1) :
177 res_str += ', <span foreground="#880000">' + \
178 _('%d queries failed') % have_errors + '</span>'
179 elif (have_errors > 0) :
180 res_str += ', <span foreground="#880000">' + \
181 _('1 query failed') + '</span>'
182 self.result(res_str)
183 else: # one query
184 sql = sqlbuffer.get_text(sqlbuffer.get_start_iter(),
185 sqlbuffer.get_end_iter())
186 try:
187 if (result is None):
188 self.result(_("No result"))
189 elif (result['cursor'].description is None):
190 # not a SELECT
191 rows = result['cursor'].rowcount
192 notices = result['notices']
193 if (rows > 1):
194 self.result(_("%d rows affected") % rows)
195 elif (rows == 1):
196 self.result(_("1 row affected"))
197 else:
198 self.result(_("No row affected"))
199 else:
200 # only one SELECT
201 rows = self.fill_treeview(sql, result['cursor'])
202 notices = result['notices']
203 if (rows > 1):
204 self.result(_("%d results") % rows)
205 elif (rows == 1):
206 self.result(_("1 result"))
207 else:
208 self.result(_("No result"))
209 except KeyError:
210 try:
211 self.error(result['text'], "psql : " + self.str_limit(sql))
212 self.result("")
213 except KeyError:
214 self.error(result['error'])
215 self.result('<span foreground="#880000">' + _('query failed') + '</span>')
216 notices = result['notices']
217 buffer = self.txtSQL.get_buffer()
218 buffer.move_mark_by_name('selection_bound', buffer.get_start_iter());
219 buffer.move_mark_by_name('insert', buffer.get_end_iter());
221 except KeyError, errstr:
222 self.result('<span foreground="#880000">' + _('query failed') + '</span>')
223 self.error(str(errstr))
225 if (len(notices) > 0):
226 msg = ""
227 while len(notices):
228 msg += notices.pop()
229 self.error(msg, '<span foreground="#000088">'+ _("log") + '</span>')
231 # restore the focus
232 self.txtSQL.grab_focus()