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2 <head><title>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control HOWTO</title>
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7 <H1>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control</H1>
8 <?
9 if(!ereg("^\/lartc\/",$SCRIPT_NAME))
10 print("<big><font color=#ff0000>You are not using the canonical URL: <a
11 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc>http://ds9a.nl/lartc</a> -
12 not all links may work! This URL may vanish in the future.</font></big>");
14 </td><td valign=top align=right><a href=http://www.powerdns.com><img
15 src=http://ds9a.nl/pub/pdns88x33c.gif></a><p></td>
16 <tr><td><a href="http://ds9a.nl/">bert hubert</a> (<a
17 href=http://www.powerdns.com>PowerDNS.COM BV</a>) <a href=mailto:bert.hubert@netherlabs.nl>&lt;bert.hubert@netherlabs.nl&gt;</a>,<br>
18 <a href="http://linuxpower.cx/~greg/">Greg Maxwell</a> <a
19 href=mailto:greg@linuxpower.cx>&lt;greg@linuxpower.cx&gt;</a> and <br>
20 <a href=http://slashme.org>Remco van Mook</a> (<a
21 href=http://www.virtu.nl>Virtu Secure Webservices</a>) &lt;remco@virtu.nl&gt; <br>
22 Martijn van Oosterhout &lt;kleptog@cupid.suninternet.com&gt; <br>
23 Paul B Schroeder &lt;paulsch@us.ibm.com&gt; <br>
24 <a href="http://jsp.ds9a.nl/">Jasper Spaans</a> &lt;jasper@spaans.ds9a.nl&gt; <br>
25 <a href="mailto:HOWTO@ds9a.nl">HOWTO@ds9a.nl</a> <small>(HOWTO related only, do
26 <strong>not</strong> send questions)</small> <br>
27 <a href="#mailinglist">lartc@mailman.ds9a.nl</a>
28 (<small>mailing list</a>/<a
29 href=http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/>archive</a>, the <strong>only</strong> place to send
30 questions!</a></small>)<br>
31 #lartc on <a href=http://www.openprojects.net>irc.openprojects.net</a> (<a
32 href=dejairc.php>archives</a>)</td><td valign=bottom align=right>
34 </td>
35 </table>
36 <center>
37 <table border=1>
38 <tr>
39 <td><a href="#news">News</a> </td>
40 <td><a href="#mailinglist">Mailinglist</a> </td>
41 <td><strong><a href="#download">Download</a></strong></td>
42 <td><a href=manpages/>Manpages</a></td>
43 <td><strong><a href=HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing.html><font color=#ff0000>Dive
44 in!</font></a></strong>
45 <td><a href="#jobs">Jobs</a> </td>
46 <td><a href="#bazaar">Bazaar</a></td>
47 <td><a href="#sponsor">Sponsor</a>
48 </td></tr>
49 </table>
50 Massive thanks to:<br>
51 <small>
53 readfile("HOWTO/cvs/2.4routing/contriblist");
55 </small></center>
56 <p>
58 Linux has very advanced Routing, filtering and traffic shaping options.
59 This site attempts to document how to configure and use these features.
61 <a name="news"></a>
62 <h2>News</H2>
63 <table border=1>
64 <tr><td valign=top>2002-01-04</td><td>We now have a favicon! Stolen from <a
65 href=http://www.kernel.org>www.kernel.org</a>. In other news, I've been
66 painting the <a href=http://ds9a.nl>house</a> and I'm busy at <a
67 href=http://www.powerdns.com>work</a> so it has been a bit quiet. But I'm
68 still there, don't worry.</td>
69 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-10</td><td>Added <a
70 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-15.html#ss15.8>The Wonder
71 Shaper</a>, which allows you to retain very low latency while doing very
72 fast up- and downloads. You can even do both at the same time, but then
73 latency suffers. Added <a href=dejairc.php>logs
74 for the irc channel</a> which is already seeing some traffic.</td>
75 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-10</td><td>The <a
76 href=manpages/>manpages</a> now include a huge CBQ page. Read it and weep.</td>
77 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-09</td><td>We now have an IRC channel, #lartc on
78 <a href=http://www.openprojects.net>irc.openprojects.net</a>. Join #lartc
79 to chat about Linux &amp; Routing &amp; Shaping!</td>
81 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-06</td><td>Finished documenting policing filters,
82 added short piece on Generic Random Early Detection queueing.
84 This is a major release and as such some things are changing. We are no
85 longer the '2.4 HOWTO', the canonical name now is 'Linux Advanced Routing
86 &amp; Shaping HOWTO', the canonical URL is <a
87 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc>http://ds9a.nl/lartc</a>. Bumped the version
88 number to 0.9.0. Now is the time to help us spot mistakes, I'm going to push
89 the HOWTO to the LDP somewhere next week, I want it to be perfect then. Oh,
90 and we re-licensed under the Open Publication License, which increases
91 your freedom as a user.
92 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-03</td><td>All other queueing disciplines are now
93 documented as well. Furthermore, '<a
94 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-12.html>hashed filtered
95 queueing</a>' (last section) is also
96 explained. Some chapters were shuffled, this chapter is mostly new:
98 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO/cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-14.html>14.
99 Advanced & less common queueing disciplines</a>. Chapter 9 was improved a
100 lot too. Only policing filters are next!
101 </td>
102 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-01</td><td>CBQ is now nearly completely
103 documented. And how shaping works in general as well. Big reorganization.
104 Read all about it <a
105 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-9.html>here</a>!
106 </td>
107 <tr><td valign=top>2001-11-28</td><td>Lecture was given to a pretty full
108 room, read more about it <a
109 href=http://ds9a.nl/cbq-presentation>here</a>.</td>
110 <tr><td valign=top>2001-11-22</td><td>Mailinglist has been back for a while
111 and is in full swing again. Server broken again, due to crappy 1U case
112 design we are seeing CPU temperatures of 80C. In contact with vendor. Bert
113 Hubert will be giving a lecture about CBQ during this year's <a
114 href=http://www.linux-kongress.de>Linux Kongress</a>
115 , you need to <b>be there</b>. There will be a tremendous Netfilter/iptables presence!
116 </td>
117 <tr><td valign=top>2001-09-11</td><td><a
118 href=http://outpost.powerdns.com>New server</a>! If you can read this, it
119 works. Expect the mailinglist to return shortly.
120 </td>
121 <tr><td valign=top>2001-09-09</td><td><a href=/404.html>Server still
122 broken</a>,
123 supplier has so far managed to ship a broken system twice. New hardware has
124 just arrived, so we hope to be back soon.. Apologies for having the
125 mailinglist down for so long...
126 </td>
127 <tr><td>2000/2001</td><td><a href=oldnews.html>Older news</a></td>
128 </table>
129 <a name="mailinglist"></a>
130 <H2>LARTC Mailinglist</H2>
131 It appears that the topic of our HOWTO is getting popular, so we decided to
132 start a mailinglist dedicated to discussions about advanced routing &amp;
133 shaping with Linux!
135 The advent of the Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control list also
136 means that questions asked privately will no longer be answered, as these
137 answers benefit only single users. Asking questions on the list is far more
138 net-friendly. So if you want to ask us a question, <a
139 href=http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc>subscribe to the
140 mailinglist</a>, and ask it! An <a
141 href=http://mailman.ds9a.nl/pipermail/lartc/>archive</a> is also available,
142 and google has picked it up as well.
144 <font color=#ff0000>Please note that due to excessive spam the list has
145 become 'members only' - so please <a
146 href=http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc>subscribe</a> first!</font>
148 <a name="download"></a>
149 <H2>Linux Advanced Routing &amp; Traffic Control HOWTO</H2>
151 Current version is 0.9.0 Files were last updated at
153 if(!($st=stat("HOWTO/cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.sgml")))
154 $st=stat("2.4routing.sgml");
155 print date("Y-m-d H:i",$st[9]);
156 print " CET ";
158 printf("(ie, about %.1f hours ago). ",((time()-$st[9])/3600));
159 if(((time()-$st[9])/3600)<1)
161 print "There has been a recent update - use of shift-reload".
162 " is advised!";
166 The French version by Laurent Foucher and Philippe Latu from the
167 <a href=http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc>
168 Technology Institute of the University of Toulouse</a>
169 plus Thierry Mallard and Yannick Quenec'hdu from
170 <a href=http://www.idealx.com>
171 Idealx</a> is available <a
172 href=http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc/i/net/guides/2.4routingfr/>
173 here</a>. Terrific work!
175 A Korean translation can be found on
176 <a href="http://www.gnukorea.org/2.4routing-kr/2.4routing.html">here</a>.
178 <ul>
179 <li><a href="HOWTO/cvs/2.4routing/cvs.log">CVS Changelog</a>
180 <li><a href="HOWTO/cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.sgml">SGML</A>
181 <li><a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.txt">ASCII</A>, .txt
182 <li><a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing.html">HTML</A>, <a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing-howto.html">One-big-page
183 HTML</A>, <a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.tar.gz">HTML tarfile</A>
184 <li><a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.dvi">dvi</A>
185 <li><a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.ps">ps</A>, <a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.ps.gz">ps.gz</A>
186 <li><a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.pdf">pdf</A>, <a href="HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/2.4routing.pdf.gz">pdf.gz</A>
187 </ul>
188 <a name="jobs"></a>
189 <H2>Jobs list</H2>
190 Like the Linux kernel, we have a jobs list. If you have any expertise
191 in any of these areas, please pitch in.
192 <ul>
193 <li>remove incorrect or dead content
194 <li>There are a *lot* of FIXME notices, so this means YOU!</li>
195 <li>IPsec</li>
196 <li>Multipath routing
197 </ul>
198 <a name="bazaar"></a>
199 <H2>Bazaar</H2>
200 This HOWTO is intended to be very much a <a
201 href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/">Bazaar</a> style development. If it
203 were to be any more open, bits would fall out.
205 A CVS tree is available. try this:
206 <pre>
207 $ export CVSROOT=:pserver:anon@outpost.ds9a.nl:/var/cvsroot
208 $ cvs login
209 CVS password: [enter 'cvs' (without 's)]
210 $ cvs co 2.4routing
211 cvs server: Updating 2.4routing
212 U 2.4routing/2.4routing.sgml
214 </pre>
216 If you made changes and want to contribute them, run 'cvs -z3 diff -uBb',
217 and mail the output to <a href=mailto:howto@ds9a.nl>howto@ds9a.nl</a>, we
218 can then integrate it easily. Thanks! Please make sure that you edit the
219 .sgml, by the way, the other files are generated from that one.
221 The idea is that this HOWTO will be a cooperative effort, much like the
222 Linux kernel itself.
224 <a name="sponsor"></a>
225 <H2>Sponsor</h2>
226 <a href=http://www.powerdns.com>
227 This site made possible by PowerDNS, for all your domain needs and
228 nameserver software.
229 </a>
230 <br>
231 <a href=http://ds9a.nl/>Other ds9a.nl projects.</a>
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