Greatly improve experience for LDAP (e.g. MS Active Directory) administrators.
[kdenetwork.git] / krdc / config / general.ui
1 <ui version="4.0" >
2  <class>General</class>
3  <widget class="QWidget" name="General" >
4   <property name="geometry" >
5    <rect>
6     <x>0</x>
7     <y>0</y>
8     <width>344</width>
9     <height>269</height>
10    </rect>
11   </property>
12   <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
13    <item>
14     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_RememberSessions" >
15      <property name="text" >
16       <string>Remember open sessions for next startup</string>
17      </property>
18     </widget>
19    </item>
20    <item>
21     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_NormalUrlInputLine" >
22      <property name="text" >
23       <string>Use normal inputline for address input</string>
24      </property>
25     </widget>
26    </item>
27    <item>
28     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowPreferencesForNewConnections" >
29      <property name="text" >
30       <string>Show the preferences dialog for new connections</string>
31      </property>
32     </widget>
33    </item>
34    <item>
35     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ShowStartPage" >
36      <property name="text" >
37       <string>Show start page</string>
38      </property>
39     </widget>
40    </item>
41    <item>
42     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_WalletSupport" >
43      <property name="text" >
44       <string>Remember passwords (KWallet)</string>
45      </property>
46     </widget>
47    </item>
48    <item>
49     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_SystemTrayIcon" >
50      <property name="text" >
51       <string>Enable System Tray Icon</string>
52      </property>
53     </widget>
54    </item>
55    <item>
56     <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_KeepAspectRatio" >
57      <property name="text" >
58       <string>Keep aspect ratio when scaling</string>
59      </property>
60     </widget>
61    </item>
62    <item>
63     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
64      <item>
65       <widget class="QLabel" name="backgroundLabel" >
66        <property name="text" >
67         <string>Background color of empty place:</string>
68        </property>
69       </widget>
70      </item>
71      <item>
72       <spacer>
73        <property name="orientation" >
74         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
75        </property>
76        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
77         <size>
78          <width>40</width>
79          <height>20</height>
80         </size>
81        </property>
82       </spacer>
83      </item>
84      <item>
85       <widget class="KColorButton" name="kcfg_BackgroundColor" >
86        <property name="sizePolicy" >
87         <sizepolicy vsizetype="Fixed" hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" >
88          <horstretch>0</horstretch>
89          <verstretch>0</verstretch>
90         </sizepolicy>
91        </property>
92       </widget>
93      </item>
94     </layout>
95    </item>
96    <item>
97     <spacer>
98      <property name="orientation" >
99       <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
100      </property>
101      <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
102       <size>
103        <width>20</width>
104        <height>40</height>
105       </size>
106      </property>
107     </spacer>
108    </item>
109   </layout>
110  </widget>
111  <customwidgets>
112   <customwidget>
113    <class>KColorButton</class>
114    <extends>QPushButton</extends>
115    <header>kcolorbutton.h</header>
116   </customwidget>
117  </customwidgets>
118  <resources/>
119  <connections/>
120 </ui>