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[kdeedu.git] / doc / ktouch / index.docbook
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4 <!ENTITY kappname "&ktouch;"><!-- replace kapp here -->
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7 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
8 ]>
10 <book lang="&language;">
12 <bookinfo>
13 <title>The &ktouch; Handbook</title>
15 <authorgroup>
16 <author>
17 <firstname>Haavard</firstname>
18 <surname>Froeiland</surname>
19 <affiliation>
20 <address><email></email></address>
21 </affiliation>
22 </author>
26 </authorgroup>
28 <copyright>
29 <year>1999</year>
30 <year>2000</year>
31 <year>2001</year>
32 <year>2002</year>
33 <holder>Haavard Froeiland</holder>
34 </copyright>
36 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
38 <date>2002-10-08</date>
39 <releaseinfo>1.2</releaseinfo>
41 <abstract>
42 <para>&ktouch; is a program for learning to touch type. &ktouch;
43 provides you with text to train on, and adjust to different levels,
44 depending on how good you are. It can display which key to press next,
45 and the correct finger to use.</para>
47 </abstract>
49 <keywordset>
50 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
51 <keyword>touchwriting</keyword>
52 <keyword>touchtyping</keyword>
53 <keyword>typing</keyword>
54 <keyword>typewriting</keyword>
55 <keyword>Froeiland</keyword>
56 <keyword>education</keyword>
57 <keyword>KTouch</keyword>
58 <keyword>Touch</keyword>
59 <keyword>Type</keyword>
60 </keywordset>
62 </bookinfo>
64 <chapter id="introduction">
65 <title>Introduction</title>
67 <para>&ktouch; is a program for learning to touch type.</para>
69 <para>&ktouch; provides you with text to train on, and adjust to
70 different levels, depending on how good you are. It can display which
71 key to press next, and the correct finger to use. It's the perfect
72 touch typing tutor, you learn typing with all the fingers without
73 looking at the keys, in an step by step way. It is convenient for all
74 ages, and the perfect typing tutor for schools, universities and
75 individuals. It is free and licensed under the &GNU; Public License, so
76 you will never have to pay anything for the program, or any update.
77 </para>
78 </chapter>
80 <chapter id="using-ktouch">
81 <title>Using &ktouch;</title>
83 <para>Here's a screenshot of &ktouch; in action:</para>
85 <screenshot>
86 <screeninfo>&ktouch; main screen</screeninfo>
87 <mediaobject>
88 <imageobject>
89 <imagedata fileref="screenshot1.png" format="PNG" width="300"/>
90 </imageobject>
91 <textobject>
92 <phrase>&ktouch; main screen</phrase>
93 </textobject>
94 </mediaobject>
95 </screenshot>
97 <para>You see that using &ktouch; is easy to use, and even children can
98 learn touch typing with it.</para>
100 <screenshot>
101 <screeninfo>&ktouch; with keyboard option dialog</screeninfo>
102 <mediaobject>
103 <imageobject>
104 <imagedata fileref="screenshot2.png" format="PNG" width="300"/>
105 </imageobject>
106 <textobject>
107 <phrase>&ktouch; with the keyboard option dialog visible.</phrase>
108 </textobject>
109 <caption>
110 <para>Screenshot of &ktouch;'s keyboard option dialog.</para>
111 </caption>
112 </mediaobject>
113 </screenshot>
115 <para>Change the layout of your keyboard, so people all over the world
116 can use it!</para>
118 <screenshot>
119 <screeninfo>&ktouch; with the training option</screeninfo>
120 <mediaobject>
121 <imageobject>
122 <imagedata fileref="screenshot3.png" format="PNG" width="300"/>
123 </imageobject>
124 <textobject>
125 <phrase>&ktouch; with the training option dialog visible</phrase>
126 </textobject>
127 <caption><para>Here is a screenshot of &ktouch;'s training dialog.</para>
128 </caption>
129 </mediaobject>
130 </screenshot>
132 <para>If you are too good for this world, you can change the
133 level.</para>
135 </chapter>
137 <chapter id="faq">
138 <title>Questions and Answers</title>
140 <qandaset id="faqlist">
141 <qandaentry id="make-training-file">
142 <question>
143 <para>Can I make my own training files?</para>
144 </question>
145 <answer>
146 <para>
147 Yes you can. Make a file as described below and call it something like
148 <filename>myfile.ktouch</filename> To use this file go to
149 <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
150 and find your file.Another good way to make your own training files is
151 just to modify the existing files. If you look at the top of the
152 &ktouch; window, you should see the name of the training file in
153 use.</para>
155 <screen width="40">---myTrainingFile.ktouch-----
156 #This is a example of a training file (and a comment)
157 #This will be level one
158 jf fj jf fjf jf jjf jf jfjf jfj
159 jfj fj fjfj jf fj fj fjf jf jf
161 #A blank line indicates then next level, so this is level two
162 lskdk djslk fjkdlskdjf lskdj f
163 kdfj lksjdl kjsldf lsdkksldslk
164 </screen>
166 <para>To add more levels just make blank spaces between the levels. If
167 you want to have comments in your file, use # at the beginning of the
168 line. </para>
169 </answer>
170 </qandaentry>
172 <qandaentry>
173 <question>
174 <para>My keyboard doesn't look like the keyboard on the screen?</para>
175 </question>
176 <answer>
177 <para>It is possible to make your own keyboard file. See the <link
178 linkend="contribute">How can I contribute</link> section.</para>
179 </answer>
180 </qandaentry>
181 <qandaentry>
182 <question>
183 <para>Will I ever have to pay for &ktouch;?</para>
184 </question>
185 <answer>
186 <para>No, never. But you can send a pizza voucher to the developer, so
187 he gets fat and the only thing he can do, is code and code and
188 code!</para>
189 </answer>
190 </qandaentry>
191 <qandaentry>
193 <question>
194 <para>Will there ever be a &Windows; version?</para>
195 </question>
196 <answer>
197 <para>No, at the moment not, but you can download the source and make
198 your own windows version. It should not be a big problem, because it is
199 written with Trolltech's &Qt; libs. But for what do you need &Windows;?
200 Get the latest &Linux;, and you will live on the edge.</para>
202 </answer>
203 </qandaentry>
205 </qandaset>
206 </chapter>
208 <chapter id="contribute">
209 <title>How can I contribute?</title>
211 <qandaset id="tasks">
212 <qandaentry>
214 <question>
215 <para>Make a training file</para>
216 </question>
218 <answer>
219 <para>Yes you can. See the <link linkend="make-training-file">answer in the
220 <acronym>FAQ</acronym></link> for more information and an
221 example of the file format.</para>
222 </answer>
223 </qandaentry>
225 <qandaentry>
226 <question>
227 <para>Making a new keyboard file</para>
228 </question>
229 <answer>
230 <para>You will find a complete keyboard file below with comments. Just
231 edit the file <filename>keyboard.en</filename> and save it as
232 <filename>keyboard.<replaceable>yourCountryCode</replaceable></filename>.</para>
234 <para>Please let me know if you are making a new keyboard file, at
235 <email></email></para>
237 <screen width="40">####################################################
238 # KTouch
239 # Keyboard layout file
240 ####################################################
243 # FingerKey: This class represents the keys where
244 # your fingers should rest between typing.
246 # ASCII KeyText x y
247 FingerKey 97 A 18 20
248 FingerKey 115 S 28 20
249 FingerKey 100 D 38 20
250 FingerKey 102 F 48 20
251 FingerKey 106 J 78 20
252 FingerKey 107 K 88 20
253 FingerKey 108 L 98 20
254 FingerKey 59 ; 108 20
257 # ControlKey: This class will represent all the
258 # control keys that you are using. These keys
259 # will be used later when you want to use uppercase.
261 # ASCII KeyText x y Width
263 ControlKey 260 Tab 0 10 15
264 ControlKey 13 Enter 128 20 22
265 ControlKey 258 Shift 123 30 27
266 ControlKey 264 Alt 120 40 15
267 ControlKey 265 Ctrl 135 40 15
268 ControlKey 263 Alt 15 40 15
269 ControlKey 262 Ctrl 0 40 15
270 ControlKey 32 Space 30 40 90
271 ControlKey 257 Shift 0 30 23
272 ControlKey 259 Caps_L 0 20 18
275 # NormalKey: This class represents all the
276 # normal keys where you don't need to press
277 # anything else than just one key. That would
278 # basically be all the numbers and the lowercase
279 # letters. For this class you have to indicate
280 # which finger key you are going to use.
282 # ASCII KeyText x y FingerKey
284 NormalKey 96 ` 0 0 97
285 NormalKey 49 1 10 0 97
286 NormalKey 50 2 20 0 115
287 NormalKey 51 3 30 0 100
288 NormalKey 52 4 40 0 102
289 NormalKey 53 5 50 0 102
290 NormalKey 54 6 60 0 106
291 NormalKey 55 7 70 0 106
292 NormalKey 56 8 80 0 107
293 NormalKey 57 9 90 0 108
294 NormalKey 48 0 100 0 59
295 NormalKey 95 - 110 0 59
296 NormalKey 61 = 120 0 59
297 NormalKey 92 \ 130 0 59
298 NormalKey 8 &lt;- 140 0 59
300 NormalKey 113 Q 15 10 97
301 NormalKey 119 W 25 10 115
302 NormalKey 101 E 35 10 100
303 NormalKey 114 R 45 10 102
304 NormalKey 116 T 55 10 102
305 NormalKey 121 Y 65 10 106
306 NormalKey 117 U 75 10 106
307 NormalKey 105 I 85 10 107
308 NormalKey 111 O 95 10 108
309 NormalKey 112 P 105 10 59
310 NormalKey 91 [ 115 10 59
311 NormalKey 93 ] 125 10 59
313 NormalKey 103 G 58 20 102
314 NormalKey 104 H 68 20 106
315 NormalKey 39 ' 118 20 59
317 NormalKey 122 Z 23 30 97
318 NormalKey 120 X 33 30 115
319 NormalKey 99 C 43 30 100
320 NormalKey 118 V 53 30 102
321 NormalKey 98 B 63 30 102
322 NormalKey 110 N 73 30 106
323 NormalKey 109 M 83 30 106
324 NormalKey 44 , 93 30 107
325 NormalKey 46 . 103 30 108
326 NormalKey 47 / 113 30 59
329 # HiddenKey: This are all the keys that
330 # you can't see. That means that you have
331 # to use a control key to get them. Basically
332 # these are all the uppercase letters.
334 # ASCII Target Finger Control
336 HiddenKey 65 97 97 258 #A
337 HiddenKey 66 98 102 258 #B
338 HiddenKey 67 99 100 258 #C
339 HiddenKey 68 100 100 258 #D
340 HiddenKey 69 101 100 258 #E
341 HiddenKey 70 102 102 258 #F
342 HiddenKey 71 103 102 258 #G
343 HiddenKey 72 104 106 258 #H
344 HiddenKey 73 105 107 258 #I
345 HiddenKey 74 106 106 258 #J
346 HiddenKey 75 107 107 258 #K
347 HiddenKey 76 108 106 258 #L
348 HiddenKey 77 109 106 258 #M
349 HiddenKey 78 110 106 258 #N
350 HiddenKey 79 111 108 258 #O
351 HiddenKey 80 112 59 258 #P
352 HiddenKey 81 113 97 258 #Q
353 HiddenKey 82 114 102 258 #R
354 HiddenKey 83 115 115 258 #S
355 HiddenKey 84 116 102 258 #T
356 HiddenKey 85 117 106 258 #U
357 HiddenKey 86 118 102 258 #V
358 HiddenKey 87 119 115 258 #W
359 HiddenKey 88 120 115 258 #X
360 HiddenKey 89 121 106 258 #Y
361 HiddenKey 90 122 97 258 #Z</screen>
363 <para>Please be careful to save the new keyboard file as utf8.
364 </para>
366 <para>If you need additional help please send me an email at
367 <email></email>.</para>
369 </answer>
370 </qandaentry>
372 <qandaentry>
373 <question>
374 <para>Find some bugs or give some suggestions</para>
375 </question>
376 <answer>
377 <para>
378 If you find some bugs in the program, or have some suggestions for
379 improvements, please let me know.
380 </para>
381 </answer>
384 </qandaentry>
385 </qandaset>
386 </chapter>
388 <chapter id="credits">
390 <title>Credits and License</title>
391 <para>&ktouch;</para>
392 <para>
393 Program Copyright, 1999, 2000, 2001 Haavard Froeiland
394 <email></email>
395 </para>
397 <para> Contributors:</para>
399 <itemizedlist>
400 <listitem><para>Frank Quotschalla, German keyboard and german training file and
401 translation.</para></listitem>
402 <listitem><para>Ernesto Hern&aacute;ndez-Novich, Latinamerican
403 keyboard</para></listitem>
404 <listitem><para>Jo&atilde;o Miguel Neves, Portuguese keyboard</para></listitem>
405 <listitem><para>Henri Girard, Frence keyboard</para></listitem>
406 </itemizedlist>
410 &underFDL; <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
411 &underGPL; <!-- GPL License -->
413 </chapter>
415 <appendix id="installation">
416 <title>Installation</title>
418 <sect1 id="getting-ktouch">
419 <title>How to obtain &ktouch;</title>
421 &install.intro.documentation;
423 <para>&ktouch; has its own home page on Sourceforge <ulink
424 url="">Sourceforge</ulink>, at <ulink
425 url=""></ulink></para>
426 </sect1>
428 <sect1 id="requirements">
429 <title>Requirements</title>
431 <para>
432 In order to successfully use &ktouch; (version > 0.7), you need &kde; > 2.0 .
433 </para>
435 <para>
436 &ktouch; itself can be found
437 on <ulink url="">The &ktouch; home page</ulink>
438 and is part of the KDE-Edu project and <ulink
439 url="">the
440 &ktouch; &FTP; server</ulink>. </para>
442 <para>You can find a list of changes at <ulink
443 url=""></ulink>.</para>
445 </sect1>
447 <sect1 id="compilation">
448 <title>Compilation and Installation</title>
450 &install.compile.documentation;
452 </sect1>
454 </appendix>
456 &documentation.index;
457 </book>
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