descriptionfork of FLK forth kernel
last changeSun, 20 Sep 2020 04:42:52 +0000 (20 07:42 +0300)
content tags
fork of FLK forth kernel
2020-09-20 Ketmar Darkcosmetixmaster
2020-08-08 Ketmar Darkit compiles again
2018-02-28 Ketmar Darkchanged `NAME>STRING` primitive description
2018-02-28 Ketmar Darknew build binary
2018-02-28 Ketmar Darkfixed `mmap()` result checking
2018-02-28 Ketmar Darknew flk compiler binary
2018-02-28 Ketmar Darkuse `mmap()` instead of `calloc()` to allocate image...
2012-09-24 ketmarIFNOT removed; new 'bootstrap' flk
2012-09-24 ketmarINCLUDED now searches in current dir and in bin dir
2012-09-24 ketmarnew word: IFNOT
2012-09-24 ketmarnew 'bootstrap' flk
2012-09-24 ketmar'include"' fixes; new 'bootstrap' flk
2012-09-24 ketmarwe don't need SRCDIR anymore; using GET-BIN-PATH instead
2012-09-24 ketmarnew 'bootstrap' flk
2012-09-24 ketmarGET-BIN-PATH ldrfunc
2012-09-24 ketmarremoved (SYSTEM-BYE) ldrfunc; (BYE) ldrfunc now accepts...
4 years ago master