Initial import of iotop
[iotop.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # iotop: Display I/O usage of processes in a top like UI
3 # Copyright (c) 2007 Guillaume Chazarain <>, GPLv2
4 # See ./ --help for some help
6 import curses
7 import errno
8 import optparse
9 import os
10 import pwd
11 import select
12 import socket
13 import struct
14 import sys
15 import time
18 # Check for requirements:
19 # o Python >= 2.5 for AF_NETLINK sockets
20 # o Linux >= 2.6.20 with I/O accounting
22 try:
24 python25 = True
25 except AttributeError:
26 python25 = False
28 ioaccounting = os.path.exists('/proc/self/io')
30 if not python25 or not ioaccounting:
31 def boolean2string(boolean):
32 return boolean and 'Found' or 'Not found'
33 print 'Could not run iotop as some of the requirements are not met:'
34 print '- Python >= 2.5 for AF_NETLINK support:', boolean2string(python25)
35 print '- Linux >= 2.6.20 with I/O accounting support:', \
36 boolean2string(ioaccounting)
37 sys.exit(1)
40 # Netlink stuff
41 # Based on code from pynl80211: Netlink message generation/parsing
42 #
43 # Copyright 2007 Johannes Berg <>
44 # GPLv2
46 # flags
49 # types
51 NLMSG_MIN_TYPE = 0x10
53 class Attr:
54 def __init__(self, type, str, *kw):
55 self.type = type
56 if len(kw):
57 = struct.pack(str, *kw)
58 else:
59 = str
61 def _dump(self):
62 hdr = struct.pack('HH', len(, self.type)
63 length = len(
64 pad = ((length + 4 - 1) & ~3 ) - length
65 return hdr + + '\0' * pad
67 def u16(self):
68 return struct.unpack('H',[0]
70 class NulStrAttr(Attr):
71 def __init__(self, type, str):
72 Attr.__init__(self, type, '%dsB'%len(str), str, 0)
74 class U32Attr(Attr):
75 def __init__(self, type, val):
76 Attr.__init__(self, type, 'L', val)
80 class Message:
81 def __init__(self, tp, flags = 0, seq = -1, payload = []):
82 self.type = tp
83 self.flags = flags
84 self.seq = seq
85 = -1
86 if type(payload) == list:
87 contents = []
88 for attr in payload:
89 contents.append(attr._dump())
90 self.payload = ''.join(contents)
91 else:
92 self.payload = payload
94 def send(self, conn):
95 if self.seq == -1:
96 self.seq = conn.seq()
98 =
99 length = len(self.payload)
101 hdr = struct.pack('IHHII', length + 4*4, self.type, self.flags,
102 self.seq,
103 conn.send(hdr + self.payload)
105 class Connection:
106 def __init__(self, nltype, groups=0, unexpected_msg_handler = None):
107 self.fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_NETLINK, socket.SOCK_RAW, nltype)
108 self.fd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, 65536)
109 self.fd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 65536)
110 self.fd.bind((0, groups))
111, self.groups = self.fd.getsockname()
112 self._seq = 0
113 self.unexpected = unexpected_msg_handler
115 def send(self, msg):
116 self.fd.send(msg)
118 def recv(self):
119 cntnts = self.fd.recv(65536)
120 # should check msgflags for TRUNC!
121 len, type, flags, seq, pid = struct.unpack('IHHII', cntnts[:16])
122 m = Message(type, flags, seq, cntnts[16:])
123 = pid
124 if m.type == NLMSG_ERROR:
125 errno = -struct.unpack('i', m.payload[:4])[0]
126 if errno != 0:
127 e = OSError('Netlink error: %s (%d)' % \
128 (os.strerror(errno), errno))
129 e.errno = errno
130 return m
132 def seq(self):
133 self._seq += 1
134 return self._seq
136 def parse_attributes(str):
137 attrs = {}
138 while str:
139 l, tp = struct.unpack('HH', str[:4])
140 attrs[tp] = Attr(tp, str[4:l])
141 l = ((l + 4 - 1) & ~3 )
142 str = str[l:]
143 return attrs
150 class GenlHdr:
151 def __init__(self, cmd, version = 0):
152 self.cmd = cmd
153 self.version = version
155 def _dump(self):
156 return struct.pack('BBxx', self.cmd, self.version)
158 def _genl_hdr_parse(data):
159 return GenlHdr(*struct.unpack('BBxx', data))
163 class GeNlMessage(Message):
164 def __init__(self, family, cmd, attrs=[], flags=0):
165 self.cmd = cmd
166 self.attrs = attrs
167 = family
168 Message.__init__(self, family, flags=flags,
169 payload=[GenlHdr(self.cmd)] + attrs)
171 class Controller:
172 def __init__(self, conn):
173 self.conn = conn
175 def get_family_id(self, family):
176 a = NulStrAttr(CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME, family)
178 flags=NLM_F_REQUEST, attrs=[a])
179 m.send(self.conn)
180 m = self.conn.recv()
181 gh = _genl_hdr_parse(m.payload[:4])
182 attrs = parse_attributes(m.payload[4:])
183 return attrs[CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID].u16()
186 # Netlink usage for taskstats
193 class TaskStatsNetlink(object):
194 # Keep in sync with human_stats(stats, duration)
195 members_offsets = [
196 ('blkio_delay_total', 40),
197 ('swapin_delay_total', 56),
198 ('ac_etime', 144),
199 ('read_bytes', 248),
200 ('write_bytes', 256),
201 ('cancelled_write_bytes', 264)
204 def __init__(self, options):
205 self.options = options
206 self.connection = Connection(NETLINK_GENERIC)
207 controller = Controller(self.connection)
208 self.family_id = controller.get_family_id('TASKSTATS')
210 def get_task_stats(self, pid):
211 if self.options.processes:
213 else:
215 request = GeNlMessage(self.family_id, cmd=TASKSTATS_CMD_GET,
216 attrs=[U32Attr(attr, pid)],
217 flags=NLM_F_REQUEST)
218 request.send(self.connection)
219 try:
220 reply = self.connection.recv()
221 except OSError, e:
222 if e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
223 # OSError: Netlink error: No such process (3)
224 return
225 raise
226 if len(reply.payload) != 292:
227 return
228 reply_data = reply.payload[20:]
230 reply_length, reply_type = struct.unpack('HH', reply.payload[4:8])
231 reply_version = struct.unpack('H', reply.payload[20:22])[0]
232 assert (reply_length, reply_type, reply_version) == (288, attr + 3, 4)
234 res = {}
235 for name, offset in TaskStatsNetlink.members_offsets:
236 data = reply_data[offset: offset + 8]
237 res[name] = struct.unpack('Q', data)[0]
239 return res
242 # PIDs manipulations
245 def find_uids(options):
246 options.uids = []
247 error = False
248 for u in options.users or []:
249 try:
250 uid = int(u)
251 except ValueError:
252 try:
253 passwd = pwd.getpwnam(u)
254 except KeyError:
255 print >> sys.stderr, 'Unknown user:', u
256 error = True
257 else:
258 uid = passwd.pw_uid
259 if not error:
260 options.uids.append(uid)
261 if error:
262 sys.exit(1)
264 class pinfo(object):
265 def __init__(self, pid, options):
266 self.mark = False
267 = pid
268 self.stats = {}
269 for name, offset in TaskStatsNetlink.members_offsets:
270 self.stats[name] = (0, 0) # Total, Delta
271 self.parse_status('/proc/%d/status' % pid, options)
273 def check_if_valid(self, uid, options):
274 self.valid = not options.uids and not options.pids
275 if not self.valid:
276 self.valid = uid in options.uids
277 if not self.valid:
278 self.valid = in options.pids
280 def parse_status(self, path, options):
281 for line in open(path):
282 if line.startswith('Name:'):
283 # Name kernel threads
284 = '[' + line.split()[1].strip() + ']'
285 elif line.startswith('Uid:'):
286 uid = int(line.split()[1])
287 # We check monitored PIDs only here
288 self.check_if_valid(uid, options)
289 try:
290 self.user = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
291 except KeyError:
292 self.user = str(uid)
293 break
295 def add_stats(self, stats):
296 self.stats_timestamp = time.time()
297 for name, value in stats.iteritems():
298 prev_value = self.stats[name][0]
299 self.stats[name] = (value, value - prev_value)
301 def get_cmdline(self, max_length):
302 # A process may exec, so we must always reread its cmdline
303 try:
304 proc_cmdline = open('/proc/%d/cmdline' %
305 except IOError:
306 return '{no such process}'
307 cmdline =
308 parts = cmdline.split('\0')
309 first_command_char = parts[0].rfind('/') + 1
310 parts[0] = parts[0][first_command_char:]
311 cmdline = ' '.join(parts).strip()
312 return cmdline.encode('string_escape') or
314 class ProcessList(object):
315 def __init__(self, taskstats_connection, options):
316 # {pid: pinfo}
317 self.processes = {}
318 self.taskstats_connection = taskstats_connection
319 self.options = options
321 # A first time as we are interested in the delta
322 self.update_process_counts()
324 def get_process(self, pid):
325 process = self.processes.get(pid, None)
326 if not process:
327 try:
328 process = pinfo(pid, self.options)
329 except IOError:
330 # IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/...'
331 return
332 if not process.valid:
333 return
334 self.processes[pid] = process
335 return process
337 def list_pids(self, tgid):
338 if self.options.processes:
339 return [tgid]
340 try:
341 return map(int, os.listdir('/proc/%d/task' % tgid))
342 except OSError:
343 return []
345 def update_process_counts(self):
346 total_read = total_write = 0
347 duration = None
348 tgids = [int(tgid) for tgid in os.listdir('/proc') if
349 '0' <= tgid[0] and tgid[0] <= '9']
350 for tgid in tgids:
351 for pid in self.list_pids(tgid):
352 process = self.get_process(pid)
353 if process:
354 stats = self.taskstats_connection.get_task_stats(pid)
355 if stats:
356 process.mark = False
357 process.add_stats(stats)
358 total_read += process.stats['read_bytes'][1]
359 total_write += process.stats['write_bytes'][1]
360 if duration is None:
361 duration = process.stats['ac_etime'][1] / 1000000.0
362 return total_read, total_write, duration
364 def refresh_processes(self):
365 for process in self.processes.values():
366 process.mark = True
367 total_read_and_write_and_duration = self.update_process_counts()
368 to_delete = []
369 for pid, process in self.processes.iteritems():
370 if process.mark:
371 to_delete.append(pid)
372 for pid in to_delete:
373 del self.processes[pid]
374 return total_read_and_write_and_duration
377 # Utility functions for the UI
380 UNITS = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']
382 def human_bandwidth(size, duration):
383 bw = float(size) / duration
384 for i in xrange(len(UNITS) - 1, 0, -1):
385 base = 1 << (10 * i)
386 if 2 * base < size:
387 res = '%.2f %s' % ((float(size) / base), UNITS[i])
388 break
389 else:
390 res = str(size) + ' ' + UNITS[0]
391 return res + '/s'
393 def human_stats(stats):
394 # Keep in sync with TaskStatsNetlink.members_offsets and
395 # IOTopUI.get_data(self)
396 duration = stats['ac_etime'][1] / 1000000.0
397 def delay2percent(name): # delay in ns, duration in s
398 return '%.2f %%' % min(99.99, stats[name][1] / (duration * 10000000.0))
399 io_delay = delay2percent('blkio_delay_total')
400 swapin_delay = delay2percent('swapin_delay_total')
401 read_bytes = human_bandwidth(stats['read_bytes'][1], duration)
402 written_bytes = stats['write_bytes'][1] - stats['cancelled_write_bytes'][1]
403 written_bytes = max(0, written_bytes)
404 write_bytes = human_bandwidth(written_bytes, duration)
405 return io_delay, swapin_delay, read_bytes, write_bytes
408 # The UI
411 class IOTopUI(object):
412 # key, reverse
413 sorting_keys = [
414 (lambda p:, False),
415 (lambda p: p.user, False),
416 (lambda p: p.stats['read_bytes'][1], True),
417 (lambda p: p.stats['write_bytes'][1] -
418 p.stats['cancelled_write_bytes'][1], True),
419 (lambda p: p.stats['swapin_delay_total'][1], True),
420 # The default sorting (by I/O % time) should show processes doing
421 # only writes, without waiting on them
422 (lambda p: p.stats['blkio_delay_total'][1] or
423 int(not(not(p.stats['read_bytes'][1] or
424 p.stats['write_bytes'][1]))), True),
425 (lambda p: p.get_cmdline(4096), False),
428 def __init__(self, win, process_list, options):
429 self.process_list = process_list
430 self.options = options
431 self.sorting_key = 5
432 self.sorting_reverse = IOTopUI.sorting_keys[5][1]
433 if not self.options.batch:
434 = win
435 self.resize()
436 curses.use_default_colors()
437 curses.start_color()
438 curses.curs_set(0)
440 def resize(self, *unused):
441 self.height, self.width =
443 def run(self):
444 iterations = 0
445 poll = select.poll()
446 if not self.options.batch:
447 poll.register(sys.stdin.fileno(), select.POLLIN|select.POLLPRI)
448 while self.options.iterations is None or \
449 iterations < self.options.iterations:
450 total = self.process_list.refresh_processes()
451 total_read, total_write, duration = total
452 self.refresh_display(total_read, total_write, duration)
453 if self.options.iterations is not None:
454 iterations += 1
455 if iterations >= self.options.iterations:
456 break
458 events = poll.poll(self.options.delay_seconds * 1000.0)
459 if events:
460 key =
461 self.handle_key(key)
463 def reverse_sorting(self):
464 self.sorting_reverse = not self.sorting_reverse
466 def adjust_sorting_key(self, delta):
467 orig_sorting_key = self.sorting_key
468 self.sorting_key += delta
469 self.sorting_key = max(0, self.sorting_key)
470 self.sorting_key = min(len(IOTopUI.sorting_keys) - 1, self.sorting_key)
471 if orig_sorting_key != self.sorting_key:
472 self.sorting_reverse = IOTopUI.sorting_keys[self.sorting_key][1]
474 def handle_key(self, key):
475 key_bindings = {
476 ord('q'):
477 lambda: sys.exit(0),
478 ord('Q'):
479 lambda: sys.exit(0),
480 ord('r'):
481 lambda: self.reverse_sorting(),
482 ord('R'):
483 lambda: self.reverse_sorting(),
484 curses.KEY_LEFT:
485 lambda: self.adjust_sorting_key(-1),
486 curses.KEY_RIGHT:
487 lambda: self.adjust_sorting_key(1),
488 curses.KEY_HOME:
489 lambda: self.adjust_sorting_key(-len(IOTopUI.sorting_keys)),
490 curses.KEY_END:
491 lambda: self.adjust_sorting_key(len(IOTopUI.sorting_keys))
494 action = key_bindings.get(key, lambda: None)
495 action()
497 def get_data(self):
498 if self.options.batch:
499 max_length = 4096
500 else:
501 max_length = self.width
502 def format(p):
503 stats = human_stats(p.stats)
504 io_delay, swapin_delay, read_bytes, write_bytes = stats
505 return '%5d %-8s %11s %11s %7s %7s %s' % \
506 (, p.user[:8], read_bytes, write_bytes, swapin_delay,
507 io_delay, p.get_cmdline(max_length))
508 processes = self.process_list.processes.values()
509 key = IOTopUI.sorting_keys[self.sorting_key][0]
510 processes.sort(key=key, reverse=self.sorting_reverse)
511 if not self.options.batch:
512 del processes[self.height - 2:]
513 return map(format, processes)
515 def refresh_display(self, total_read, total_write, duration):
516 summary = 'Total DISK READ: %s | Total DISK WRITE: %s' % (
517 human_bandwidth(total_read, duration),
518 human_bandwidth(total_write, duration))
519 titles = [' PID', ' USER', ' DISK READ', ' DISK WRITE',
520 ' SWAPIN', ' IO', ' COMMAND']
521 lines = self.get_data()
522 if self.options.batch:
523 print summary
524 print ''.join(titles)
525 for l in lines:
526 print l
527 else:
530, 0, ord(' ') | curses.A_REVERSE, self.width)
531 for i in xrange(len(titles)):
532 attr = curses.A_REVERSE
533 title = titles[i]
534 if i == self.sorting_key:
535 attr |= curses.A_BOLD
536 title += self.sorting_reverse and '>' or '<'
537, attr)
538 for i in xrange(len(lines)):
539 + 2, 0, lines[i])
542 def run_iotop(win, options):
543 taskstats_connection = TaskStatsNetlink(options)
544 process_list = ProcessList(taskstats_connection, options)
545 ui = IOTopUI(win, process_list, options)
549 # Main program
552 VERSION = '0.1'
554 USAGE = 'Usage: %s [OPTIONS]' % sys.argv[0] + '''
556 DISK READ and DISK WRITE are the block I/O bandwidth used during the sampling
557 period. SWAPIN and IO are the percentages of time the thread spent respectively
558 while swapping in and waiting on I/O more generally.
559 Controls: left and right arrows to should the sorting column, r to invert the
560 sorting order, q to quit, any other key to force a refresh'''
562 def main():
563 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version='iotop ' + VERSION)
564 parser.add_option('-d', '--delay', type='float', dest='delay_seconds',
565 help='delay between iterations [1 second]',
566 metavar='SEC', default=1)
567 parser.add_option('-p', '--pid', type='int', dest='pids', action='append',
568 help='processes to monitor [all]', metavar='PID')
569 parser.add_option('-u', '--user', type='str', dest='users', action='append',
570 help='users to monitor [all]', metavar='USER')
571 parser.add_option('-b', '--batch', action='store_true', dest='batch',
572 help='non-interactive mode')
573 parser.add_option('-P', '--processes', action='store_true',
574 dest='processes',
575 help='show only processes, not all threads')
576 parser.add_option('-n', '--iter', type='int', dest='iterations',
577 metavar='NUM',
578 help='number of iterations before ending [infinite]')
579 options, args = parser.parse_args()
580 if args:
581 parser.error('Unexpected arguments: ' + ' '.join(args))
582 find_uids(options)
583 options.pids = options.pids or []
584 if options.batch:
585 run_iotop(None, options)
586 else:
587 curses.wrapper(run_iotop, options)
589 if __name__ == '__main__':
590 try:
591 main()
592 except KeyboardInterrupt:
593 pass
594 sys.exit(0)