Remove superfluous use of (SETF DEVICE-POSITION).
[iolib/alendvai.git] / io.streams / zeta / device.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- Device common functions.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :io.zeta-streams)
8 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; Device Classes and Types
10 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (defclass device ()
13 ((input-handle :initarg :input-handle :accessor input-handle-of)
14 (output-handle :initarg :output-handle :accessor output-handle-of))
15 (:default-initargs :input-timeout nil
16 :output-timeout nil))
18 (defclass single-channel-device (device) ())
20 (defclass dual-channel-device (device) ())
22 (defclass direct-device (single-channel-device) ())
24 (defclass memory-buffer-device (direct-device) ())
26 (defclass socket-device (dual-channel-device)
27 ((domain :initarg :domain)
28 (type :initarg :type)
29 (protocol :initarg :protocol)))
31 (deftype device-timeout ()
32 `(or null non-negative-real))
34 (deftype stream-position () '(unsigned-byte 64))
37 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 ;;; Generic functions
39 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 (defgeneric device-open (device &rest initargs))
43 (defgeneric device-close (device))
45 (defgeneric device-read (device vector start end &optional timeout))
47 (defgeneric device-write (device vector start end &optional timeout))
49 (defgeneric device-position (device))
51 (defgeneric (setf device-position) (position device &rest args))
53 (defgeneric device-length (device))
56 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 ;;; Default no-op methods
58 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 (defmethod device-position ((device device))
61 (values nil))
63 (defmethod (setf device-position) (position (device device) &rest args)
64 (declare (ignore position args))
65 (values nil))
67 (defmethod device-length ((device device))
68 (values nil))
71 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 ;;; Get and Set O_NONBLOCK
73 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 (defun %get-fd-nonblock-mode (fd)
76 (let ((current-flags (nix:fcntl fd nix:f-getfl)))
77 (logtest nix:o-nonblock current-flags)))
79 (defun %set-fd-nonblock-mode (fd mode)
80 (let* ((current-flags (nix:fcntl fd nix:f-getfl))
81 (new-flags (if mode
82 (logior current-flags nix:o-nonblock)
83 (logandc2 current-flags nix:o-nonblock))))
84 (when (/= new-flags current-flags)
85 (nix:fcntl fd nix:f-setfl new-flags))
86 (values mode)))
89 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 ;;; Default DEVICE-READ
91 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 (defmethod device-read ((device device) vector start end &optional timeout)
94 (when (= start end) (return-from device-read 0))
95 (if (and timeout (zerop timeout))
96 (read-octets/non-blocking (input-handle-of device) vector start end)
97 (read-octets/timeout (input-handle-of device) vector start end timeout)))
99 (defun read-octets/non-blocking (input-handle vector start end)
100 (declare (type unsigned-byte input-handle)
101 (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
102 (type iobuf-index start end))
103 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
104 (handler-case
105 (nix:repeat-upon-eintr
106 (nix:read input-handle (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start)))
107 (nix:ewouldblock () 0)
108 (:no-error (nbytes)
109 (if (zerop nbytes) :eof nbytes)))))
111 (defun read-octets/timeout (input-handle vector start end timeout)
112 (declare (type unsigned-byte input-handle)
113 (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
114 (type iobuf-index start end)
115 (type device-timeout timeout))
116 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
117 (nix:repeat-decreasing-timeout (remaining timeout :rloop)
118 (flet ((check-timeout ()
119 (if (plusp remaining)
120 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready input-handle :input remaining)
121 (return-from :rloop 0))))
122 (handler-case
123 (nix:read input-handle (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start))
124 (nix:eintr () (check-timeout))
125 (nix:ewouldblock () (check-timeout))
126 (:no-error (nbytes)
127 (if (zerop nbytes) :eof nbytes)))))))
130 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 ;;; Default DEVICE-WRITE
132 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 (defmethod device-write ((device device) vector start end &optional timeout)
135 (when (= start end) (return-from device-write 0))
136 (if (and timeout (zerop timeout))
137 (write-octets/non-blocking (output-handle-of device) vector start end)
138 (write-octets/timeout (output-handle-of device) vector start end timeout)))
140 (defun write-octets/non-blocking (output-handle vector start end)
141 (declare (type unsigned-byte output-handle)
142 (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
143 (type iobuf-index start end))
144 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
145 (handler-case
146 (osicat-posix:repeat-upon-eintr
147 (nix:write output-handle (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start)))
148 (nix:ewouldblock () 0)
149 (nix:epipe () :eof))))
151 (defun write-octets/timeout (output-handle vector start end timeout)
152 (declare (type unsigned-byte output-handle)
153 (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
154 (type iobuf-index start end)
155 (type device-timeout timeout))
156 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
157 (nix:repeat-decreasing-timeout (remaining timeout :rloop)
158 (flet ((check-timeout ()
159 (if (plusp remaining)
160 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready output-handle :output remaining)
161 (return-from :rloop 0))))
162 (handler-case
163 (nix:write output-handle (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start))
164 (nix:eintr () (check-timeout))
165 (nix:ewouldblock () (check-timeout))
166 (nix:epipe () :eof))))))