Added stream-write-char and stream-write-string by Francois-Rene Rideau.
[iolib.git] / sockets / address.lisp
1 ;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Stelian Ionescu
4 ;;
5 ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 ;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
7 ;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 ;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
9 ;; preamble found here:
10 ;;
12 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
18 ;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
19 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
20 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
22 (in-package :net.sockets)
24 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
25 ;;; ERRORS ;;;
26 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
28 (define-condition invalid-address ()
29 ((address :initarg :address :initform nil :reader address)
30 (addrtype :initarg :type :initform nil :reader address-type))
31 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
32 (format stream "Invalid ~A address: ~A"
33 (address-type condition) (address condition))))
34 (:documentation "Condition raised when an address designator is invalid."))
36 ;;;
37 ;;; Conversion functions
38 ;;;
40 ;; From CLOCC's PORT library
41 (defun ipaddr-to-vector (ipaddr)
42 (declare (type ub32 ipaddr))
43 (vector (ldb (byte 8 24) ipaddr)
44 (ldb (byte 8 16) ipaddr)
45 (ldb (byte 8 8) ipaddr)
46 (ldb (byte 8 0) ipaddr)))
48 (defun ipaddr-to-dotted (ipaddr)
49 (declare (type ub32 ipaddr))
50 (format nil "~A.~A.~A.~A"
51 (ldb (byte 8 24) ipaddr)
52 (ldb (byte 8 16) ipaddr)
53 (ldb (byte 8 8) ipaddr)
54 (ldb (byte 8 0) ipaddr)))
56 (defun dotted-to-vector (string &key (errorp t))
57 (labels ((err (&rest args)
58 (if errorp
59 (apply #'error args)
60 (return-from dotted-to-vector nil)))
61 (type-error ()
62 (err 'type-error :datum string :expected-type 'string))
63 (invalid-address ()
64 (err 'invalid-address :address string :type :ipv4)))
65 (unless (stringp string)
66 (type-error))
68 (let ((addr (make-array 4 :element-type 'ub8))
69 (split (split-sequence #\. string :count 5)))
70 ;; must have exactly 4 tokens
71 (when (/= 4 (length split))
72 (invalid-address))
73 (loop
74 :for element :in split
75 :for index :below 4
76 :for parsed := (parse-number-or-nil element :ub8) :do
77 (if parsed
78 (setf (aref addr index) parsed)
79 (invalid-address)))
80 addr)))
82 (defun dotted-to-ipaddr (string)
83 (vector-to-ipaddr (dotted-to-vector string)))
85 (defun vector-to-dotted (vector)
86 (setf vector (coerce vector '(simple-array ub8 (4))))
87 (format nil "~A.~A.~A.~A"
88 (aref vector 0)
89 (aref vector 1)
90 (aref vector 2)
91 (aref vector 3)))
93 (defun colon-separated-to-vector (string &key (errorp t))
94 (when (not (stringp string))
95 (if errorp
96 (error 'type-error :datum string
97 :expected-type 'string)
98 (return-from colon-separated-to-vector nil)))
100 (with-foreign-object (in6-addr :uint16 8)
101 (with-foreign-string (string-pointer string)
102 (et:bzero in6-addr 16)
103 (handler-case
104 (et:inet-pton et:af-inet6 ; address family
105 string-pointer ; name
106 in6-addr) ; pointer to struct in6_addr
107 (unix-error (err)
108 (declare (ignore err))
109 (if errorp
110 (error 'invalid-address :address string :type :ipv6)
111 (return-from colon-separated-to-vector nil)))))
112 (make-vector-u16-8-from-in6-addr in6-addr)))
114 (defun vector-to-colon-separated (vector &key (case :downcase) (errorp t))
115 (handler-case
116 (setf vector (coerce vector '(simple-array ub16 (8))))
117 (type-error (err)
118 (declare (ignore err))
119 (if errorp
120 (error 'type-error :datum vector
121 :expected-type '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (8)))
122 (return-from vector-to-colon-separated nil))))
124 (with-foreign-object (sin6 'et:sockaddr-in6)
125 (with-foreign-pointer (namebuf et:inet6-addrstrlen bufsize)
126 (make-sockaddr-in6 sin6 vector)
127 (et:inet-ntop et:af-inet6 ; address family
128 (foreign-slot-pointer
129 sin6 'et:sockaddr-in6 'et:addr) ; pointer to struct in6_addr
130 namebuf ; destination buffer
131 bufsize) ; INET6_ADDRSTRLEN
132 (return-from vector-to-colon-separated
133 (let ((str (foreign-string-to-lisp namebuf bufsize)))
134 (ecase case
135 (:downcase str)
136 (:upcase (nstring-upcase str))))))))
138 (defun string-address->vector (address)
139 (or (dotted-to-vector address :errorp nil)
140 (colon-separated-to-vector address :errorp nil)))
142 (defun vector-address-or-nil (address)
143 (let (vector addr-type)
144 (typecase address
145 (string (cond
146 ((setf vector (dotted-to-vector address :errorp nil))
147 (setf addr-type :ipv4))
148 ((setf vector (colon-separated-to-vector address :errorp nil))
149 (setf addr-type :ipv6))))
150 ((array * (4)) (cond ((setf vector (ignore-errors
151 (coerce address '(simple-array ub8 (4)))))
152 (setf addr-type :ipv4))))
153 ((array * (8)) (cond ((setf vector (ignore-errors
154 (coerce address '(simple-array ub16 (8)))))
155 (setf addr-type :ipv6))))
156 (ipv4addr (setf vector (name address)
157 addr-type :ipv4))
158 (ipv6addr (setf vector (name address)
159 addr-type :ipv6)))
160 (values vector addr-type)))
164 ;;; Class definitions
167 (defclass sockaddr ()
168 ((name :initarg :name :reader name :type vector))
169 (:documentation "Base class for all socket address classes."))
171 (defclass inetaddr (sockaddr) ()
172 (:documentation "IP addresses."))
174 (defclass ipv4addr (inetaddr) ()
175 (:documentation "IPv4 address."))
177 (defclass ipv6addr (inetaddr) ()
178 (:documentation "IPv6 address."))
180 (defclass localaddr (sockaddr)
181 ((abstract :initform nil :initarg :abstract :reader abstract-p :type boolean))
182 (:documentation "UNIX socket address."))
186 ;;; Print methods
189 (defmethod print-object ((address ipv4addr) stream)
190 (print-unreadable-object (address stream :type nil :identity nil)
191 (with-slots (name) address
192 (format stream "IPv4 address: ~A"
193 (sockaddr->presentation address)))))
195 (defmethod print-object ((address ipv6addr) stream)
196 (print-unreadable-object (address stream :type nil :identity nil)
197 (with-slots (name) address
198 (format stream "IPv6 address: ~A"
199 (sockaddr->presentation address)))))
201 (defmethod print-object ((address localaddr) stream)
202 (print-unreadable-object (address stream :type nil :identity nil)
203 (with-slots (name abstract) address
204 (format stream "Unix socket address: ~A. Abstract: ~:[no~;yes~]"
205 (sockaddr->presentation address) abstract))))
207 (defgeneric sockaddr->presentation (addr)
208 (:documentation "Returns a textual presentation of ADDR."))
210 (defmethod sockaddr->presentation ((addr ipv4addr))
211 (vector-to-dotted (name addr)))
213 (defmethod sockaddr->presentation ((addr ipv6addr))
214 (vector-to-colon-separated (name addr)))
216 (defmethod sockaddr->presentation ((addr localaddr))
217 (if (abstract-p addr)
218 "unknown socket"
219 (name addr)))
223 ;;; Equality methods
226 (defun vector-equal (v1 v2)
227 (and (equal (length v1) (length v2))
228 (every #'eql v1 v2)))
230 (defgeneric sockaddr= (addr1 addr2)
231 (:documentation "Returns T if both arguments are the same socket address."))
233 (defmethod sockaddr= ((addr1 inetaddr) (addr2 inetaddr))
234 (vector-equal (name addr1) (name addr2)))
236 (defmethod sockaddr= ((addr1 localaddr) (addr2 localaddr))
237 (equal (name addr1) (name addr2)))
241 ;;; Copy methods
244 (defgeneric copy-sockaddr (addr)
245 (:documentation "Returns a copy of ADDR which is SOCKADDR= to the original."))
247 (defmethod copy-sockaddr ((addr ipv4addr))
248 (make-instance 'ipv4addr
249 :name (copy-seq (name addr))))
251 (defmethod copy-sockaddr ((addr ipv6addr))
252 (make-instance 'ipv6addr
253 :name (copy-seq (name addr))))
255 (defmethod copy-sockaddr ((addr localaddr))
256 (make-instance 'localaddr
257 :name (copy-seq (name addr))
258 :abstract (abstract-p addr)))
260 (defgeneric map-ipv4-address->ipv6 (addr)
261 (:documentation "Returns an IPv6 address by mapping ADDR onto it."))
262 (defmethod map-ipv4-address->ipv6 ((addr ipv4addr))
263 (make-instance 'ipv6addr
264 :name (map-ipv4-vector-to-ipv6 (name addr))))
267 ;;; Constructor
268 (defun make-address (name)
269 (let (n)
270 (cond
271 ((stringp name)
272 (make-instance 'localaddr :name name))
273 ((setf n (ignore-errors
274 (coerce name '(simple-array ub8 (4)))))
275 (make-instance 'ipv4addr :name n))
276 ((setf n (ignore-errors
277 (coerce name '(simple-array ub16 (8)))))
278 (make-instance 'ipv6addr :name n))
279 (t (error 'invalid-address :address name :type :unknown)))))
283 ;;; Well-known addresses
286 (defparameter +ipv4-unspecified+
287 (make-address #(0 0 0 0)))
289 (defparameter +ipv4-loopback+
290 (make-address #(127 0 0 1)))
292 (defparameter +ipv6-unspecified+
293 (make-address #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
295 (defparameter +ipv6-loopback+
296 (make-address #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)))
298 ;; Multicast addresses replacing IPv4 broadcast addresses
299 (defparameter +ipv6-interface-local-all-nodes+
300 (make-address #(#xFF01 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)))
302 (defparameter +ipv6-link-local-all-nodes+
303 (make-address #(#xFF02 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)))
305 (defparameter +ipv6-interface-local-all-routers+
306 (make-address #(#xFF01 0 0 0 0 0 0 2)))
308 (defparameter +ipv6-link-local-all-routers+
309 (make-address #(#xFF02 0 0 0 0 0 0 2)))
311 (defparameter +ipv6-site-local-all-routers+
312 (make-address #(#xFF05 0 0 0 0 0 0 2)))
316 ;;; Predicates
319 ;; General predicates
320 (defgeneric ipv4-address-p (addr)
321 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an IPv4 address object."))
323 (defmethod ipv4-address-p ((addr ipv4addr))
326 (defmethod ipv4-address-p (addr)
327 nil)
329 (defgeneric ipv6-address-p (addr)
330 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an IPv6 address object."))
332 (defmethod ipv6-address-p ((addr ipv6addr))
335 (defmethod ipv6-address-p (addr)
336 nil)
338 (defgeneric local-address-p (addr)
339 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is local address object."))
341 (defmethod local-address-p ((addr localaddr))
344 (defmethod local-address-p (addr)
345 nil)
347 (defmethod address-type ((address ipv4addr))
348 :ipv4)
350 (defmethod address-type ((address ipv6addr))
351 :ipv6)
353 (defmethod address-type ((address localaddr))
354 :local)
356 (defmethod address-type (address)
357 nil)
359 ;; IPv4 predicates
361 (defgeneric inetaddr-unspecified-p (addr)
362 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an \"unspecified\" internet address."))
363 (defmethod inetaddr-unspecified-p ((addr ipv4addr))
364 (sockaddr= addr +ipv4-unspecified+))
366 (defgeneric inetaddr-loopback-p (addr)
367 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is a loopback internet address."))
368 (defmethod inetaddr-loopback-p ((addr ipv4addr))
369 (sockaddr= addr +ipv4-loopback+))
371 (defgeneric inetaddr-multicast-p (addr)
372 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an multicast internet address."))
373 (defmethod inetaddr-multicast-p ((addr ipv4addr))
374 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
375 #xE0)
376 #xE0))
378 (defgeneric inetaddr-unicast-p (addr)
379 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an unicast internet address."))
380 (defmethod inetaddr-unicast-p ((addr ipv4addr))
381 (and (not (inetaddr-unspecified-p addr))
382 (not (inetaddr-loopback-p addr))
383 (not (inetaddr-multicast-p addr))))
385 ;; IPv6 predicates
386 ;; definitions taken from RFC 2460
388 (defmethod inetaddr-unspecified-p ((addr ipv6addr))
389 (sockaddr= addr +ipv6-unspecified+))
391 (defmethod inetaddr-loopback-p ((addr ipv6addr))
392 (sockaddr= addr +ipv6-loopback+))
394 (defgeneric ipv6-ipv4-mapped-p (addr)
395 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an IPv6 address representing an IPv4 mapped address."))
396 (defmethod ipv6-ipv4-mapped-p ((addr ipv6addr))
397 (with-slots (name) addr
398 (and (zerop (aref name 0))
399 (zerop (aref name 1))
400 (zerop (aref name 2))
401 (zerop (aref name 3))
402 (zerop (aref name 4))
403 (eql (aref name 5) #xFFFF)
404 (< (ldb (byte 8 0) (aref name 6))
405 255)
406 (< (ldb (byte 8 8) (aref name 6))
407 255)
408 (< (ldb (byte 8 0) (aref name 7))
409 255)
410 (< (ldb (byte 8 8) (aref name 7))
411 255))))
413 (defmethod inetaddr-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
414 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
415 #xFF00)
416 #xFF00))
418 (defgeneric ipv6-interface-local-multicast-p (addr)
419 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an interface-local IPv6 address."))
420 (defmethod ipv6-interface-local-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
421 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
422 #xFF0F)
423 #xFF01))
425 (defgeneric ipv6-link-local-multicast-p (addr)
426 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is a link-local IPv6 address."))
427 (defmethod ipv6-link-local-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
428 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
429 #xFF0F)
430 #xFF02))
432 (defgeneric ipv6-admin-local-multicast-p (addr)
433 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is a admin-local multicast IPv6 address."))
434 (defmethod ipv6-admin-local-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
435 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
436 #xFF0F)
437 #xFF04))
439 (defgeneric ipv6-site-local-multicast-p (addr)
440 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an site-local multicast IPv6 address."))
441 (defmethod ipv6-site-local-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
442 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
443 #xFF0F)
444 #xFF05))
446 (defgeneric ipv6-organization-local-multicast-p (addr)
447 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an organization-local multicast IPv6 address."))
448 (defmethod ipv6-organization-local-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
449 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
450 #xFF0F)
451 #xFF08))
453 (defgeneric ipv6-global-multicast-p (addr)
454 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is a global multicast IPv6 address."))
455 (defmethod ipv6-global-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
456 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
457 #xFF0F)
458 #xFF0E))
460 (defgeneric ipv6-reserved-multicast-p (addr)
461 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is a reserved multicast IPv6 address."))
462 (defmethod ipv6-reserved-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
463 (member (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
464 #xFF0F)
465 (list #xFF00 #xFF03 #xFF0F)))
467 (defgeneric ipv6-unassigned-multicast-p (addr)
468 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an unassigned multicast IPv6 address."))
469 (defmethod ipv6-unassigned-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
470 (member (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
471 #xFF0F)
472 (list #xFF06 #xFF07 #xFF09 #xFF0A #xFF0B #xFF0C #xFF0D)))
474 (defgeneric ipv6-transient-multicast-p (addr)
475 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is a transient multicast IPv6 address."))
476 (defmethod ipv6-transient-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
477 (eql (logand (aref (name addr) 0)
478 #xFF10)
479 #xFF10))
481 (defgeneric ipv6-solicited-node-multicast-p (addr)
482 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an solicited-node multicast IPv6 address."))
483 (defmethod ipv6-solicited-node-multicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
484 (let ((vec (name addr)))
485 (and (eql (aref vec 0) #xFF02) ; link-local permanent multicast
486 (eql (aref vec 5) 1)
487 (eql (logand (aref vec 6)
488 #xFF00)
489 #xFF00))))
491 (defgeneric ipv6-link-local-unicast-p (addr)
492 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an link-local unicast IPv6 address."))
493 (defmethod ipv6-link-local-unicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
494 (eql (aref (name addr) 0) #xFE80))
496 (defgeneric ipv6-site-local-unicast-p (addr)
497 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an site-local unicast IPv6 address."))
498 (defmethod ipv6-site-local-unicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
499 (eql (aref (name addr) 0) #xFEC0))
501 (defgeneric ipv6-global-unicast-p (addr)
502 (:documentation "Returns T if ADDR is an global unicasst IPv6 address."))
503 (defmethod ipv6-global-unicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
504 (and (not (inetaddr-unspecified-p addr))
505 (not (inetaddr-loopback-p addr))
506 (not (inetaddr-multicast-p addr))
507 (not (ipv6-link-local-unicast-p addr))))
509 (defmethod inetaddr-unicast-p ((addr ipv6addr))
510 (or (ipv6-link-local-unicast-p addr)
511 (and (not (inetaddr-unspecified-p addr))
512 (not (inetaddr-loopback-p addr))
513 (not (inetaddr-multicast-p addr)))))
515 (defgeneric ipv6-multicast-type (addr)
516 (:documentation "Returns the multicast type of ADDR(which must be IPv6)."))
517 (defmethod ipv6-multicast-type ((addr ipv6addr))
518 (cond
519 ((ipv6-interface-local-multicast-p addr) :interface-local)
520 ((ipv6-link-local-multicast-p addr) :link-local)
521 ((ipv6-admin-local-multicast-p addr) :admin-local)
522 ((ipv6-site-local-multicast-p addr) :site-local)
523 ((ipv6-organization-local-multicast-p addr) :organization-local)
524 ((ipv6-global-multicast-p addr) :global)
525 ((ipv6-reserved-multicast-p addr) :reserved)
526 ((ipv6-unassigned-multicast-p addr) :unassigned)))
528 (defgeneric inetaddr-type (addr)
529 (:documentation "Returns the address type of ADDR."))
531 (defmethod inetaddr-type ((addr ipv6addr))
532 (cond
533 ((inetaddr-unspecified-p addr) (values :ipv6 :unspecified))
534 ((inetaddr-loopback-p addr) (values :ipv6 :loopback))
535 ((inetaddr-multicast-p addr) (values :ipv6 :multicast (ipv6-multicast-type addr)))
536 ((ipv6-link-local-unicast-p addr) (values :ipv6 :unicast :link-local))
537 (t (values :ipv6 :unicast :global))))
539 (defmethod inetaddr-type ((addr ipv4addr))
540 (cond
541 ((inetaddr-unspecified-p addr) (values :ipv4 :unspecified))
542 ((inetaddr-loopback-p addr) (values :ipv4 :loopback))
543 ((inetaddr-multicast-p addr) (values :ipv4 :multicast))
544 ((inetaddr-unicast-p addr) (values :ipv4 :unicast))))