ADDRESS-FAMILY, TYPE and CONNECT keyword parameters of MAKE-SOCKET now take defaults.
[iolib.git] / utils / symbols.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 ;;;; *************************************************************************
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Name: symbols.lisp
6 ;;;; Purpose: Returns all defined Common Lisp symbols
7 ;;;; Programmer: Kevin M. Rosenberg
8 ;;;; Date Started: Apr 2000
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; $Id: symbols.lisp 9652 2004-06-17 20:32:00Z kevin $
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This file, part of KMRCL, is Copyright (c) 2002 by Kevin M. Rosenberg
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; KMRCL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
15 ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
16 ;;;; (, also known as the LLGPL.
17 ;;;; *************************************************************************
19 (in-package :iolib-utils)
21 ;;; Symbol functions
23 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
24 (when (char= #\a (schar (symbol-name '#:a) 0))
25 (pushnew :iolib-utils-lowercase-reader *features*))
26 (when (not (string= (symbol-name '#:a)
27 (symbol-name '#:A)))
28 (pushnew :iolib-utils-case-sensitive *features*)))
30 (defun string-default-case (str)
31 #+(and (not iolib-utils-lowercase-reader)) (string-upcase str)
32 #+(and iolib-utils-lowercase-reader) (string-downcase str))
34 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
35 (setq cl:*features* (delete :iolib-utils-lowercase-reader *features*))
36 (setq cl:*features* (delete :iolib-utils-case-sensitive *features*)))
38 (defun concat-symbol-pkg (pkg &rest args)
39 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
40 (flet ((stringify (arg)
41 (etypecase arg
42 (string
43 (string-upcase arg))
44 (symbol
45 (symbol-name arg)))))
46 (let ((str (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'stringify args))))
47 (nth-value 0 (intern (string-default-case str)
48 (or pkg *package*))))))
50 (defun concat-symbol (&rest args)
51 (apply #'concat-symbol-pkg nil args))
53 (defun ensure-keyword (name)
54 "Returns keyword for a name"
55 (etypecase name
56 (keyword name)
57 (string (nth-value 0 (intern (string-default-case name) :keyword)))
58 (symbol (nth-value 0 (intern (symbol-name name) :keyword)))))
60 (defun ensure-keyword-upcase (desig)
61 (nth-value 0 (intern (string-upcase
62 (symbol-name (ensure-keyword desig))) :keyword)))
64 (defun ensure-keyword-default-case (desig)
65 (nth-value 0 (intern (string-default-case
66 (symbol-name (ensure-keyword desig))) :keyword)))
68 (defun make-symbol-name (sym)
69 (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
70 (start (if (char= (char name 0) #\$) 1 0))
71 (end (- (length name)
72 (if (char= (char name (1- (length name))) #\$) 1 0))))
73 (concatenate 'string (subseq name start end) "-")))
75 (defun make-gensym (var)
76 (etypecase var
77 (symbol `(,var (gensym ,(make-symbol-name var))))
78 (cons `(,(first var) (gensym ,(string (second var)))))))
80 (defmacro with-gensyms (vars &body body)
81 (if vars
82 `(let ,(mapcar #'make-gensym vars)
83 ,@body)
84 `(progn ,@body)))
86 ;; cribbed from ALEXANDRIA
87 (defmacro once-only (names &body forms)
88 "Evaluates FORMS with NAMES rebound to temporary variables,
89 ensuring that each is evaluated only once.
90 Example:
91 (defmacro cons1 (x) (once-only (x) `(cons ,x ,x)))
92 (let ((y 0)) (cons1 (incf y))) => (1 . 1)"
93 (flet ((make-gensym-list (length &optional x)
94 "Returns a list of LENGTH gensyms, each generated with a call to
95 GENSYM using (if provided) as the argument."
96 (loop :repeat length
97 :collect (gensym x))))
98 (let ((gensyms (make-gensym-list (length names) "ONCE-ONLY")))
99 ;; bind in user-macro
100 `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (g n) (list g `(gensym ,(make-symbol-name n))))
101 gensyms names)
102 ;; bind in final expansion
103 `(let (,,@(mapcar (lambda (g n) ``(,,g ,,n)) gensyms names))
104 ;; bind in user-macro
105 ,(let ,(mapcar #'list names gensyms)
106 ,@forms))))))
108 (export '(string-default-case concat-symbol-pkg concat-symbol
109 ensure-keyword ensure-keyword-upcase ensure-keyword-default-case
110 with-gensyms once-only))