Removed DECLAIMs, switched to IOLIB-POSIX, minor fixes.
[iolib.git] / protocols / dns-client / dns-query.lisp
1 ;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ; Copyright (C) 2006 by Stelian Ionescu ;
5 ; ;
6 ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;
7 ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;
8 ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;
9 ; (at your option) any later version. ;
10 ; ;
11 ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;
12 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;
14 ; GNU General Public License for more details. ;
15 ; ;
16 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;
17 ; along with this program; if not, write to the ;
18 ; Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;
19 ; 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;
20 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
22 (in-package :net.sockets)
24 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
25 ;;; ;;;
27 ;;; ;;;
28 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
30 (defclass dns-message ()
31 ((id :initform 0 :initarg :id :accessor dns-message-id)
32 (flags :initform 0 :initarg :flags :accessor dns-message-flags)
33 (decoded-flags :reader decoded-flags)
34 (qdcount :initarg :qdcount :reader dns-message-question-count)
35 (ancount :initarg :ancount :reader dns-message-answer-count)
36 (nscount :initarg :nscount :reader dns-message-authority-count)
37 (arcount :initarg :arcount :reader dns-message-additional-count)
38 (question :reader dns-message-question)
39 (answer :reader dns-message-answer)
40 (authority :reader dns-message-authority)
41 (additional :reader dns-message-additional))
42 (:default-initargs :qdcount 1 :ancount 0 :nscount 0 :arcount 0))
44 (defmacro define-flags-bitfield (name offset length &optional (type :integer))
45 (let ((method-name (iolib-utils:concat-symbol name :-field)))
46 `(progn
47 (defgeneric ,method-name (message))
48 (defmethod ,method-name ((message dns-message))
49 ,(ecase type
50 (:integer `(ldb (byte ,length ,offset) (dns-message-flags message)))
51 (:boolean `(logbitp ,offset (dns-message-flags message)))
52 (:rcode `(rcode-id
53 (ldb (byte ,length ,offset) (dns-message-flags message))))))
54 (defgeneric (setf ,method-name) (value message))
55 (defmethod (setf ,method-name) (value (message dns-message))
56 ,(ecase type
57 (:integer `(setf (ldb (byte ,length ,offset) (dns-message-flags message))
58 value))
59 (:boolean `(setf (ldb (byte ,length ,offset) (dns-message-flags message))
60 (lisp->c-bool value)))
61 (:rcode `(setf (ldb (byte ,length ,offset) (dns-message-flags message))
62 (rcode-number value))))))))
64 (define-flags-bitfield response 15 1 :boolean)
65 (define-flags-bitfield opcode 11 4 :integer)
66 (define-flags-bitfield authoritative 10 1 :boolean)
67 (define-flags-bitfield truncated 9 1 :boolean)
68 (define-flags-bitfield recursion-desired 8 1 :boolean)
69 (define-flags-bitfield recursion-available 7 1 :boolean)
70 (define-flags-bitfield rcode 0 4 :rcode)
72 (defgeneric decode-flags (message))
73 (defmethod decode-flags ((msg dns-message))
74 (let (flags)
75 (push (if (response-field msg) :response :query) flags)
76 (push (if (eql (opcode-field msg) +opcode-standard+)
77 :opcode-standard :opcode-unknown)
78 flags)
79 (when (authoritative-field msg) (push :authoritative flags))
80 (when (truncated-field msg) (push :truncated flags))
81 (when (recursion-desired-field msg) (push :recursion-desired flags))
82 (when (recursion-available-field msg) (push :recursion-available flags))
83 (push (or (rcode-field msg) :rcode-unknown) flags)
84 (nreverse flags)))
86 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((msg dns-message) &key
87 qdcount ancount nscount arcount)
88 (with-slots (id flags decoded-flags question answer authority additional) msg
89 (setf decoded-flags (decode-flags msg))
90 (setf question (make-array qdcount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
91 (setf answer (make-array ancount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
92 (setf authority (make-array nscount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
93 (setf additional (make-array arcount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))))
95 (defclass dns-record ()
96 ((name :initarg :name :accessor dns-record-name)
97 (type :initarg :type :accessor dns-record-type)
98 (class :initarg :class :accessor dns-record-class)))
100 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record dns-record) &key)
101 (with-slots (name type class) record
102 (check-type name string "a string")
103 (check-type type (satisfies valid-type-p) "a valid record type")
104 (check-type class (member :in) "a valid record class")))
106 (defclass dns-question (dns-record) ())
108 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record dns-question) &key)
109 (with-slots (name) record
110 (let ((name-length (length name)))
111 (when (char-not-equal (aref name (1- name-length))
112 #\.)
113 (setf name (concatenate 'string name (string #\.)))))))
116 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
117 ;;; ;;;
118 ;;; CONSTRUCTORS ;;;
119 ;;; ;;;
120 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
122 (defun make-question (qname qtype qclass)
123 (make-instance 'dns-question
124 :name qname
125 :type qtype
126 :class qclass))
128 (defun make-query (id question &optional recursion-desired)
129 (let ((msg (make-instance 'dns-message :id id)))
130 (setf (opcode-field msg) +opcode-standard+)
131 (setf (recursion-desired-field msg) recursion-desired)
132 (vector-push-extend question (dns-message-question msg))
133 msg))
136 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
137 ;;; ;;;
138 ;;; OUTPUT-RECORD ;;;
139 ;;; ;;;
140 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
142 (defgeneric write-dns-string (buffer string))
143 (defmethod write-dns-string ((buffer dynamic-output-buffer)
144 (string string))
145 (write-unsigned-8 buffer (length string))
146 (write-vector buffer (flexi-streams:string-to-octets string)))
148 (defun domain-name-to-dns-format (domain-name)
149 (let* ((octets (flexi-streams:string-to-octets domain-name))
150 (tmp-vec (make-array (1+ (length octets))
151 :element-type 'octet)))
152 (replace tmp-vec octets :start1 1)
153 (let ((vector-length (length tmp-vec)))
154 (loop
155 :for start-off := 1 then (1+ end-off)
156 :for end-off := (or (position (char-code #\.) tmp-vec :start start-off)
157 vector-length)
158 :do (setf (aref tmp-vec (1- start-off)) (- end-off start-off))
159 :when (>= end-off vector-length) :do (loop-finish)))
160 tmp-vec))
162 (defgeneric write-domain-name (buffer name))
163 (defmethod write-domain-name ((buffer dynamic-output-buffer)
164 (domain-name string))
165 (write-vector buffer (domain-name-to-dns-format domain-name)))
167 (defgeneric write-record (buffer record))
168 (defmethod write-record ((buffer dynamic-output-buffer)
169 (record dns-question))
170 (with-slots (name type class) record
171 (write-domain-name buffer name)
172 (write-unsigned-16 buffer (query-type-number type))
173 (write-unsigned-16 buffer (query-class-number class))))
175 (defgeneric write-message-header (buffer message))
176 (defmethod write-message-header ((buffer dynamic-output-buffer)
177 (message dns-message))
178 (with-slots (id flags question answer authority additional)
179 message
180 (write-unsigned-16 buffer id)
181 (write-unsigned-16 buffer flags)
182 (write-unsigned-16 buffer (length question))
183 (write-unsigned-16 buffer (length answer))
184 (write-unsigned-16 buffer (length authority))
185 (write-unsigned-16 buffer (length additional))))
187 (defgeneric write-dns-message (message))
188 (defmethod write-dns-message ((message dns-message))
189 (with-slots (question) message
190 (with-output-buffer buffer
191 (write-message-header buffer message)
192 (write-record buffer (aref question 0)))))