Grammatical fix
[iolib.git] / src / os / create-process-unix.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- Wrapper over lfp_spawn(3)
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.os)
8 (defun tty-read-fn (fd buf nbytes)
9 (handler-case
10 (isys:read fd buf nbytes)
11 (isys:eio () 0)))
13 (defun tty-write-fn (fd buf nbytes)
14 (handler-case
15 (isys:write fd buf nbytes)
16 (isys:eio ()
17 (error 'isys:epipe
18 :handle fd
19 :syscall "write"))))
21 (defclass tty-stream (iolib.streams:dual-channel-gray-stream)
23 (:default-initargs :read-fn #'tty-read-fn
24 :write-fn #'tty-write-fn))
26 (defclass process ()
27 ((pid :initarg :pid :reader process-pid)
28 (status :initform :running)
29 (closed :initform nil)
30 (stdin :reader process-stdin)
31 (stdout :reader process-stdout)
32 (stderr :reader process-stderr)))
34 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((process process) &key
35 stdin stdout stderr external-format)
36 (with-slots ((in stdin) (out stdout) (err stderr))
37 process
38 (when stdin
39 (setf in (make-instance 'tty-stream :fd stdin
40 :external-format external-format)))
41 (when stdout
42 (setf out (make-instance 'tty-stream :fd stdout
43 :external-format external-format)))
44 (when stderr
45 (setf err (make-instance 'tty-stream :fd stderr
46 :external-format external-format)))))
48 (defmethod close ((process process) &key abort)
49 (if (slot-value process 'closed)
50 nil
51 (macrolet ((close-process-stream (slot)
52 `(when (slot-boundp process ',slot)
53 (close (slot-value process ',slot) :abort abort)
54 (slot-makunbound process ',slot))))
55 (close-process-stream stdin)
56 (close-process-stream stdout)
57 (close-process-stream stderr)
58 (process-status process :wait (not abort))
59 (setf (slot-value process 'closed) t)
60 t)))
62 (defmethod print-object ((o process) s)
63 (print-unreadable-object (o s :type t :identity t)
64 (format s "~S ~S ~S ~S"
65 :pid (process-pid o)
66 :status (process-status o))))
68 (defun exit-status (status)
69 (cond
70 ((isys:wifexited status)
71 (isys:wexitstatus status))
72 ((isys:wifsignaled status)
73 (values (isys:wtermsig* status)
74 (isys:wcoredump status)))))
76 (defmethod process-status ((process process) &key wait)
77 (if (integerp (slot-value process 'status))
78 (exit-status (slot-value process 'status))
79 (multiple-value-bind (pid status)
80 (isys:waitpid (process-pid process)
81 (if wait 0 isys:wnohang))
82 (cond
83 ((zerop pid)
84 :running)
86 (setf (slot-value process 'status) status)
87 (exit-status status))))))
89 (defmethod process-activep ((process process))
90 (eql :running (process-status process)))
92 (defmethod process-kill ((process process) &optional (signum :sigterm))
93 (isys:kill (process-pid process) signum)
94 process)
97 (defmacro with-lfp-spawn-arguments ((attributes file-actions pid) &body body)
98 (with-gensyms (spawnattr-initialized-p file-actions-initialized-p)
99 `(with-foreign-objects ((,attributes 'lfp-spawnattr-t)
100 (,file-actions 'lfp-spawn-file-actions-t)
101 (,pid 'pid-t))
102 (let ((,spawnattr-initialized-p nil)
103 (,file-actions-initialized-p nil))
104 (unwind-protect
105 (progn
106 (setf ,spawnattr-initialized-p
107 (lfp-spawnattr-init ,attributes))
108 (setf ,file-actions-initialized-p
109 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-init ,file-actions))
110 ,@body)
111 (when ,spawnattr-initialized-p
112 (lfp-spawnattr-destroy ,attributes))
113 (when ,file-actions-initialized-p
114 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-destroy ,file-actions)))))))
116 (defun allocate-argv (argv program arglist)
117 ;; copy program name
118 (setf (mem-aref argv :pointer 0)
119 (foreign-string-alloc program))
120 ;; copy program arguments
121 (loop :for i :from 1
122 :for arg :in arglist :do
123 (setf (mem-aref argv :pointer i)
124 (foreign-string-alloc arg))))
126 (defun find-program (program)
127 (cond
128 ((eql :shell program)
129 "/bin/sh")
131 (file-path-namestring program))))
133 (defmacro with-argv (((arg0 argv) program arguments) &body body)
134 (with-gensyms (argc)
135 `(let ((,program (find-program ,program))
136 (,argc (+ 2 (length ,arguments))))
137 (with-foreign-object (,argv :pointer ,argc)
138 (isys:bzero ,argv (* ,argc (isys:sizeof :pointer)))
139 (unwind-protect
140 (progn
141 (allocate-argv ,argv ,program ,arguments)
142 (let ((,arg0 (mem-ref ,argv :pointer)))
143 ,@body))
144 (delocate-null-ended-list ,argv))))))
146 (defun redirect-one-stream (file-actions fd stream &optional flags (mode #o644) close-old-fd)
147 (flet ((dup-from-path (path)
148 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-addopen file-actions fd path flags mode))
149 (dup-from-fd (oldfd)
150 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-adddup2 file-actions oldfd fd)
151 (when close-old-fd
152 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-addclose file-actions oldfd))))
153 (etypecase stream
154 ((eql t) nil)
155 ((or string file-path pathname)
156 (dup-from-path (file-path-namestring stream)))
157 ((eql :null)
158 (dup-from-path "/dev/null"))
159 (unsigned-byte
160 (dup-from-fd stream))
161 (iolib.streams:dual-channel-fd-mixin
162 (dup-from-fd (iolib.streams:fd-of stream)))
163 (null
164 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-addclose file-actions fd)))))
166 (defun redirect-to-pipes (file-actions fd keep-write-fd)
167 (multiple-value-bind (pipe-parent pipe-child)
168 (isys:pipe)
169 (when keep-write-fd (rotatef pipe-parent pipe-child))
170 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-adddup2 file-actions pipe-child fd)
171 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-addclose file-actions pipe-parent)
172 (lfp-spawn-file-actions-addclose file-actions pipe-child)
173 (values pipe-parent pipe-child)))
175 (defun setup-redirections (file-actions stdin stdout stderr ptmfd pts)
176 (let (infd infd-child outfd outfd-child errfd errfd-child)
177 ;; Standard input
178 (case stdin
179 (:pipe
180 (setf (values infd infd-child)
181 (redirect-to-pipes file-actions +stdin+ t)))
182 (:pty
183 (setf infd (isys:dup ptmfd))
184 (redirect-one-stream file-actions +stdin+ pts isys:o-rdonly))
185 (t (redirect-one-stream file-actions +stdin+ stdin isys:o-rdonly)))
186 ;; Standard output
187 (case stdout
188 (:pipe
189 (setf (values outfd outfd-child)
190 (redirect-to-pipes file-actions +stdout+ nil)))
191 (:pty
192 (setf outfd (isys:dup ptmfd))
193 (redirect-one-stream file-actions +stdout+ pts (logior isys:o-wronly
194 isys:o-creat)))
195 (t (redirect-one-stream file-actions +stdout+ stdout (logior isys:o-wronly
196 isys:o-creat))))
197 ;; Standard error
198 (case stderr
199 (:pipe
200 (setf (values errfd errfd-child)
201 (redirect-to-pipes file-actions +stderr+ nil)))
202 (:pty
203 (setf errfd (isys:dup ptmfd))
204 (redirect-one-stream file-actions +stderr+ pts (logior isys:o-wronly
205 isys:o-creat)))
206 (t (redirect-one-stream file-actions +stderr+ stderr (logior isys:o-wronly
207 isys:o-creat))))
208 (values infd infd-child outfd outfd-child errfd errfd-child)))
210 (defun close-fds (&rest fds)
211 (dolist (fd fds)
212 (when fd (isys:close fd))))
214 (defun setup-slave-pty ()
215 (let ((ptmfd (isys:openpt (logior isys:o-rdwr isys:o-noctty isys:o-cloexec))))
216 (isys:grantpt ptmfd)
217 (isys:unlockpt ptmfd)
218 (values ptmfd (isys:ptsname ptmfd))))
220 (defmacro with-pty ((ptmfd pts) &body body)
221 `(multiple-value-bind (,ptmfd ,pts)
222 (setup-slave-pty)
223 (unwind-protect
224 (locally ,@body)
225 (close-fds ,ptmfd))))
227 (defmacro with-redirections (((infd outfd errfd)
228 (file-actions stdin stdout stderr))
229 &body body)
230 (with-gensyms (infd-child outfd-child errfd-child ptmfd pts)
231 `(with-pty (,ptmfd ,pts)
232 (multiple-value-bind (,infd ,infd-child ,outfd ,outfd-child ,errfd ,errfd-child)
233 (setup-redirections ,file-actions ,stdin ,stdout ,stderr ,ptmfd ,pts)
234 (unwind-protect-case ()
235 (locally ,@body)
236 (:always
237 (close-fds ,infd-child ,outfd-child ,errfd-child))
238 (:abort
239 (close-fds ,infd ,outfd ,errfd)))))))
241 (defun process-other-spawn-args (attributes new-session current-directory
242 uid gid resetids)
243 (when new-session
244 (lfp-spawnattr-setsid attributes))
245 (when current-directory
246 (lfp-spawnattr-setcwd attributes current-directory))
247 (when uid
248 (lfp-spawnattr-setuid attributes uid))
249 (when gid
250 (lfp-spawnattr-setgid attributes gid))
251 (when resetids
252 (lfp-spawnattr-setflags attributes lfp-spawn-resetids)))
254 ;; program: :shell - the system shell
255 ;; file-path designator - a path
256 ;; arguments: list
257 ;; environment: t - inherit environment
258 ;; nil - NULL environment
259 ;; alist - the environment to use
260 ;; stdin, stdout, stderr:
261 ;; file-path designator - open file, redirect to it
262 ;; :null - redirect to /dev/null - useful because /dev/null doesn't exist on Windows
263 ;; file-descriptor designator(integer or stream) - file descriptor, redirecto to it
264 ;; :pipe - create pipe, redirect the child descriptor to one end and wrap the other end
265 ;; into a stream which goes into PROCESS slot
266 ;; t - inherit
267 ;; nil - close
268 ;; new-session: boolean - create a new session using setsid()
269 ;; current-directory: path - a directory to switch to before executing
270 ;; uid: user id - unsigned-byte or string
271 ;; gid: group id - unsigned-byte or string
272 ;; resetids: boolean - reset effective UID and GID to saved IDs
274 (defun create-process (program-and-args &key (environment t)
275 (stdin :pipe) (stdout :pipe) (stderr :pipe)
276 new-session current-directory uid gid resetids
277 (external-format :utf-8))
278 (flet ((new-ctty-p (stdin stdout stderr)
279 (or (eql :pty stdin)
280 (eql :pty stdout)
281 (eql :pty stderr))))
282 (destructuring-bind (program &rest arguments)
283 (ensure-list program-and-args)
284 (when (new-ctty-p stdin stdout stderr)
285 (setf new-session t))
286 (with-argv ((arg0 argv) program arguments)
287 (with-c-environment (envp environment)
288 (with-lfp-spawn-arguments (attributes file-actions pid)
289 (with-redirections ((infd outfd errfd)
290 (file-actions stdin stdout stderr))
291 (process-other-spawn-args attributes new-session current-directory
292 uid gid resetids)
293 (lfp-spawnp pid arg0 argv envp file-actions attributes)
294 (make-instance 'process :pid (mem-ref pid 'pid-t)
295 :stdin infd :stdout outfd :stderr errfd
296 :external-format external-format))))))))
298 (defun run-program (program-and-args &key (environment t) (stderr :pipe)
299 (external-format :utf-8))
300 (flet ((slurp (stream)
301 (with-output-to-string (s)
302 (loop :for c := (read-char stream nil nil)
303 :while c :do (write-char c s)))))
304 (let ((process (create-process program-and-args
305 :environment environment
306 :stdin nil
307 :stdout :pipe
308 :stderr stderr
309 :external-format external-format)))
310 (unwind-protect
311 (values (process-status process :wait t)
312 (slurp (process-stdout process))
313 (if (eql :pipe stderr)
314 (slurp (process-stderr process))
315 (make-string 0)))
316 (close process)))))