Remove prefix %SYS- from syscalls.
[iolib.git] / src / streams / zeta / ffi-functions-unix.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- *NIX-specific routines.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.zstreams)
8 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; FD polling
10 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (defun compute-poll-flags (type)
13 (ecase type
14 (:input (logior isys:pollin isys:pollrdhup isys:pollpri))
15 (:output (logior isys:pollout))
16 (:io (logior isys:pollin isys:pollrdhup isys:pollpri isys:pollout))))
18 (defun process-poll-revents (fd event-type revents)
19 (flet ((poll-error ()
20 (error 'isys:poll-error :code isys:ebadf :identifier :ebadf
21 :os-handle fd :event-type event-type
22 :message "invalid OS handle")))
23 (let ((readp nil) (rhupp nil)
24 (writep nil) (whupp nil))
25 (flags-case revents
26 ((isys:pollin isys:pollpri) (setf readp t))
27 ((isys:pollrdhup) (setf rhupp t))
28 ((isys:pollout) (setf writep t))
29 ((isys:pollhup) (setf whupp t))
30 ((isys:pollerr isys:pollnval) (poll-error)))
31 (values readp rhupp writep whupp))))
33 (defun timeout->milisec (timeout)
34 (multiple-value-bind (sec usec)
35 (decode-timeout timeout)
36 (+ (* sec 1000) (truncate usec 1000))))
38 (defun %poll (fds timeout)
39 (isys:repeat-upon-condition-decreasing-timeout
40 ((isys:eintr) remaining-time timeout)
41 (isys:poll fds 1 (timeout->milisec remaining-time))))
43 (defun poll-fd (file-descriptor event-type timeout)
44 "Poll file descriptor `FD' for I/O readiness. `EVENT-TYPE' must be either
45 :INPUT, :OUTPUT or :IO. `TIMEOUT' must be a non-negative real measured
46 in seconds. If a timeout occurs `POLL-TIMEOUT' is signaled.
47 Returns two boolean values indicating readability and writeability of `FD'."
48 (flet ((poll-error (posix-err)
49 (error 'poll-error
50 :code (posix-file-error-code posix-err)
51 :identifier (posix-file-error-identifier posix-err)
52 :event-type event-type
53 :os-handle file-descriptor
54 :message (format nil "OS error ~A"
55 (posix-file-error-identifier posix-err)))))
56 (with-foreign-object (pollfd 'isys:pollfd)
57 (isys:bzero pollfd isys:size-of-pollfd)
58 (with-foreign-slots ((isys:fd isys:events isys:revents)
59 pollfd isys:pollfd)
60 (setf isys:fd file-descriptor
61 isys:events (compute-poll-flags event-type))
62 (handler-case
63 (cond
64 ((plusp (%poll pollfd timeout))
65 (process-poll-revents isys:fd event-type isys:revents))
67 (error 'isys:poll-timeout
68 :os-handle file-descriptor
69 :event-type event-type)))
70 (isys:syscall-error (err) (poll-error err)))))))
73 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 ;;; Set FD nonblocking
75 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 (defun %set-fd-nonblock (fd)
78 (declare (special *device*))
79 (handler-case
80 (with-foreign-object (arg :int)
81 (setf (mem-aref arg :int) 1)
82 (isys:ioctl fd isys:fionbio arg))
83 (isys:syscall-error (err)
84 (posix-file-error err *device* "issuing FIONBIO IOCTL on")))
85 (values))
88 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 ;;; Get number of bytes availabe on FD
90 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 (defun %get-fd-nbytes (fd)
93 (declare (special *device*))
94 (handler-case
95 (with-foreign-object (arg :int)
96 (isys:ioctl fd isys:fionread arg)
97 (mem-aref arg :int))
98 (isys:syscall-error (err)
99 (posix-file-error err *device* "issuing FIONREAD IOCTL on"))))
102 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 ;;; File Descriptor reading
104 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 (defun %read-octets/non-blocking (fd vector start end)
107 (declare (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
108 (special *device*))
109 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
110 (handler-case
111 (isys:read fd (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start))
112 (isys:ewouldblock () 0)
113 (isys:syscall-error (err)
114 (posix-file-error err *device* "reading data from"))
115 (:no-error (nbytes)
116 (if (zerop nbytes) :eof nbytes)))))
118 (defun %read-octets/timeout (fd vector start end timeout)
119 (declare (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
120 (special *device*))
121 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
122 (isys:repeat-decreasing-timeout
123 (remaining (clamp-timeout timeout) :rloop)
124 (flet ((check-timeout ()
125 (if (plusp remaining)
126 (poll-fd fd :input remaining)
127 (return-from :rloop 0))))
128 (handler-case
129 (isys:read fd (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start))
130 (isys:ewouldblock () (check-timeout))
131 (isys:syscall-error (err)
132 (posix-file-error err *device* "reading data from"))
133 (:no-error (nbytes)
134 (return-from :rloop
135 (if (zerop nbytes) :eof nbytes))))))))
138 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 ;;; File Descriptor writing
140 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 (defun %write-octets/non-blocking (fd vector start end)
143 (declare (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
144 (special *device*))
145 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
146 (handler-case
147 (isys:write fd (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start))
148 (isys:ewouldblock () 0)
149 (isys:epipe () :hangup)
150 (isys:syscall-error (err)
151 (posix-file-error err *device* "writing data to"))
152 (:no-error (nbytes)
153 (if (zerop nbytes) :hangup nbytes)))))
155 (defun %write-octets/timeout (fd vector start end timeout)
156 (declare (type ub8-simple-vector vector)
157 (special *device*))
158 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (buf vector)
159 (isys:repeat-decreasing-timeout
160 (remaining (clamp-timeout timeout) :rloop)
161 (flet ((check-timeout ()
162 (if (plusp remaining)
163 (poll-fd fd :output remaining)
164 (return-from :rloop 0))))
165 (handler-case
166 (isys:write fd (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start))
167 (isys:ewouldblock () (check-timeout))
168 (isys:epipe () (return-from :rloop :hangup))
169 (isys:syscall-error (err)
170 (posix-file-error err *device* "writing data to"))
171 (:no-error (nbytes)
172 (return-from :rloop
173 (if (zerop nbytes) :hangup nbytes))))))))