[intricacy.git] / Server.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
14 module Main where
16 import Network.Fancy
18 import Control.Applicative
19 import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
20 import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)
21 import Control.Monad
22 import Control.Monad.Catch
23 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
24 import Control.Monad.Trans
25 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
26 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
27 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
28 import Control.Monad.Trans.State
29 import Data.Array
30 import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
31 import qualified Data.Binary as B
32 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as CS
33 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
34 import Data.Foldable (for_)
35 import Data.Function (on)
36 import Data.List
37 import Data.Maybe
38 import qualified Data.Text as TS
39 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
40 import qualified Data.Text.Short as TSh
41 import Data.Time.Clock
42 import Data.Word
43 import Pipes
44 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
45 import System.Directory (renameFile)
46 import System.FilePath
47 import System.IO
48 import System.IO.Error
49 import System.Random
51 import Data.Time.Format
52 import Data.Time.LocalTime
53 import Text.Feed.Constructor
54 import Text.Feed.Export (xmlFeed)
55 import Text.Feed.Import (parseFeedFromFile)
56 import qualified Text.XML as XML
58 import qualified Crypto.Argon2 as A2
59 import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256 (..))
60 import Crypto.PubKey.RSA (generate, generateBlinder)
61 import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP (decrypt, defaultOAEPParams)
62 import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types (private_n)
64 #ifdef SENDMAIL
65 import Network.Mail.Mime (plainPart)
66 import qualified Network.Mail.SMTP as SMTP
67 import qualified Text.Email.Validate
68 #endif
70 import System.Console.GetOpt
71 import System.Environment
72 import System.Exit
74 import AsciiLock
75 import Database
76 import Frame
77 import Lock
78 import Maxlocksize
79 import Metagame
80 import Mundanities
81 import Protocol
82 import Version
84 defaultPort = 27001 -- 27001 == ('i'<<8) + 'y'
86 data Opt = RequestDelay Int | Daemon | LogFile FilePath | Port Int | DBDir FilePath | ServerLockSize Int | FeedPath FilePath | Help | Version
87 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
88 options =
89 [ Option ['p'] ["port"] (ReqArg (Port . read) "PORT") $ "TCP port to listen on (default: " ++ show defaultPort ++ ")"
90 , Option ['P'] ["delay"] (ReqArg (RequestDelay . read) "MICROSECS") "delay before sending response (for testing) (default: 0)"
91 -- , Option ['d'] ["daemon"] (NoArg Daemon) "Run as daemon"
92 , Option ['l'] ["logfile"] (ReqArg LogFile "PATH") "Log to file"
93 , Option ['d'] ["dir"] (ReqArg DBDir "PATH") "directory for server database [default: intricacydb]"
94 , Option ['s'] ["locksize"] (ReqArg (ServerLockSize . read) "SIZE") "size of locks (only takes effect when creating a new database) [default: 8]"
95 , Option ['f'] ["feed"] (ReqArg FeedPath "PATH") "write news feed to this path"
96 , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show usage information"
97 , Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version information"
100 usage :: String
101 usage = usageInfo header options
102 where header = "Usage: intricacy-server [OPTION...]"
104 parseArgs :: [String] -> IO ([Opt],[String])
105 parseArgs argv =
106 case getOpt Permute options argv of
107 (o,n,[]) -> return (o,n)
108 (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
109 where header = "Usage: intricacy-server [OPTION...]"
111 main = do
112 argv <- getArgs
113 (opts,_) <- parseArgs argv
114 {- FIXME: doesn't work
115 if Daemon `elem` opts
116 then void $ forkIO $ main' opts
117 else main' opts
119 when (Help `elem` opts) $ putStr usage >> exitSuccess
120 when (Version `elem` opts) $ putStrLn version >> exitSuccess
121 let delay = fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe [ d | RequestDelay d <- opts ]
122 port = fromMaybe defaultPort $ listToMaybe [ p | Port p <- opts ]
123 dbpath = fromMaybe "intricacydb" $ listToMaybe [ p | DBDir p <- opts ]
124 mfeedPath = listToMaybe [ p | FeedPath p <- opts ]
125 locksize = min maxlocksize $ fromMaybe 8 $ listToMaybe [ s | ServerLockSize s <- opts ]
126 withDB dbpath $ setDefaultServerInfo locksize >> setKeyPair
127 writeFile (lockFilePath dbpath) ""
128 logh <- case listToMaybe [ f | LogFile f <- opts ] of
129 Nothing -> return stdout
130 Just path -> openFile path AppendMode
131 streamServer serverSpec{address = IPv4 "" port, threading=Threaded} $ handler dbpath delay logh mfeedPath
132 sleepForever
134 setDefaultServerInfo locksize = do
135 alreadySet <- recordExists RecServerInfo
136 unless alreadySet $ putRecord RecServerInfo (RCServerInfo $ defaultServerInfo locksize)
138 setKeyPair :: DBM ()
139 setKeyPair = do
140 alreadySet <- recordExists RecPublicKey
141 unless alreadySet $ do
142 (publicKey, secretKey) <- liftIO $ generate 256 65537
143 putRecord RecPublicKey $ RCPublicKey publicKey
144 putRecord RecSecretKey $ RCSecretKey secretKey
146 -- Note: switching to cryptonite's argon2 implementation would not be
147 -- straightforwardsly backwards-compatible, the output format is different.
148 argon2 :: String -> ExceptT String IO String
149 argon2 s = either (throwE . show) (return . TSh.unpack) $
150 A2.hashEncoded hashOptions (CS.pack s) (CS.pack salt)
151 where
152 salt = "intricacy salt"
153 -- |default argon2 hash options
154 hashOptions = A2.HashOptions
155 { A2.hashIterations = 3
156 , A2.hashMemory = 2 ^ 12 -- 4 MiB
157 , A2.hashParallelism = 1
158 , A2.hashVariant = A2.Argon2i
159 , A2.hashVersion = A2.Argon2Version13
160 , A2.hashLength = 2 ^ 5 -- 32 bytes
164 -- | We lock the whole database during each request, using haskell's native
165 -- file locking, meaning that we have at any time one writer *xor* any number
166 -- of readers.
167 withDBLock :: MonadIO m => [Char] -> IOMode -> m b -> m b
168 withDBLock dbpath lockMode m = do
169 h <- liftIO $ getDBLock lockMode
170 ret <- m
171 liftIO $ hClose h
172 return ret
173 where
174 getDBLock lockMode =
175 catchIO (openFile (lockFilePath dbpath) lockMode) (\_ -> threadDelay (50*10^3) >> getDBLock lockMode)
177 lockFilePath dbpath = dbpath ++ [pathSeparator] ++ "lockfile"
179 logit h s = hPutStrLn h s >> hFlush h
181 handler :: FilePath -> Int -> Handle -> Maybe FilePath -> Handle -> Address -> IO ()
182 handler dbpath delay logh mfeedPath hdl addr = handle ((\e -> return ()) :: SomeException -> IO ()) $
183 handler' hdl addr
184 where handler' hdl addr = do
185 response <- handle (\e -> return $ ServerError $ show (e::SomeException)) $ do
186 request <- B.decode <$> BL.hGetContents hdl
187 let hostname = case addr of
188 IP n _ -> n
189 IPv4 n _ -> n
190 IPv6 n _ -> n
191 Unix path -> path
192 hashedHostname = take 8 $ hash hostname
193 now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
194 logit logh $ show now ++ ": " ++ hashedHostname ++ " >>> " ++ showRequest request
195 response <- handleRequest dbpath mfeedPath request
196 when (delay > 0) $ threadDelay delay
197 now' <- liftIO getCurrentTime
198 logit logh $ show now' ++ ": " ++ hashedHostname ++ " <<< " ++ showResponse response
199 return response
200 BL.hPut hdl $ B.encode response
202 showRequest :: ClientRequest -> String
203 showRequest (ClientRequest ver mauth act) = show ver ++ " "
204 ++ maybe "" (\(Auth name _) -> "Auth:" ++ name) mauth ++ " "
205 ++ showAction act
206 showAction :: Action -> String
207 showAction (SetLock lock idx soln) = "SetLock " ++ show idx ++ " lock:"
208 ++ (if not $ validLock $ reframe lock then " [INVALID LOCK] " else "\n" ++ unlines (lockToAscii lock))
209 ++ "[SOLN]"
210 showAction (DeclareSolution soln ls target idx) = "DeclareSolution [SOLN] "
211 ++ unwords [show ls,show target,show idx]
212 showAction act = show act
213 showResponse :: ServerResponse -> String
214 showResponse (ServedLock lock) = "ServedLock lock:\n" ++ unlines (lockToAscii lock)
215 showResponse (ServedSolution soln) = "ServedSolution [SOLN]"
216 showResponse resp = show resp
218 handleRequest :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> ClientRequest -> IO ServerResponse
219 handleRequest dbpath mfeedPath req@(ClientRequest pv auth action) = do
220 let lockMode = case action of
221 Authenticate -> ReadMode
222 GetServerInfo -> ReadMode
223 GetPublicKey -> ReadMode
224 GetLock _ -> ReadMode
225 GetUserInfo _ _ -> ReadMode
226 GetRetired _ -> ReadMode
227 GetSolution _ -> ReadMode
228 GetRandomNames _ -> ReadMode
229 _ -> ReadWriteMode
231 -- Check solutions prior to write-locking database.
232 -- Slightly awkward, because we have to drop the read lock before
233 -- acquiring the write lock, so need to check preconditions again once we
234 -- have the write lock.
235 withDBLock dbpath ReadMode (runExceptT $ checkRequest Nothing) >>=
236 either (return . ServerError) (\mCheckedLock ->
237 withDBLock dbpath lockMode $
238 runExceptT (checkRequest mCheckedLock >> handleRequest') >>=
239 either (return . ServerError) return)
240 where
241 checkRequest mCheckedLock = do
242 when (pv /= protocolVersion) $ throwE "Bad protocol version"
243 case action of
244 DeclareSolution soln ls target idx -> do
245 info <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth
246 lock <- getLock ls
247 tinfo <- getALock target
248 when (ls /= lockSpec tinfo) $ throwE "Lock no longer in use!"
249 when (public tinfo) $ throwE "Lock solution already public knowledge!"
250 let name = codename info
251 let behind = ActiveLock name idx
252 when (name `elem` map noteAuthor (lockSolutions tinfo)) $
253 throwE "Note already taken on that lock!"
254 when (name == lockOwner target) $
255 throwE "That's your lock!"
256 behindLock <- getALock behind
257 when (public behindLock) $ throwE "Your lock is cracked!"
258 case mCheckedLock of
259 Nothing -> unless (checkSolution lock soln) $ throwE "Bad solution"
260 Just lock' -> unless (lock == lock') $ throwE "Lock changed!"
261 return $ Just lock
262 SetLock lock@(frame,_) idx soln -> do
263 ServerInfo serverSize _ <- getServerInfo
264 when (frame /= BasicFrame serverSize) $ throwE $
265 "Server only accepts size "++show serverSize++" locks."
266 unless (validLock $ reframe lock) $ throwE "Invalid lock!"
267 when (checkSolved $ reframe lock) $ throwE "Lock not locked!"
268 RCLockHashes hashes <- getRecordErrored RecLockHashes
269 `catchE` const (return (RCLockHashes []))
270 let hashed = hash $ show lock
271 when (hashed `elem` hashes) $ throwE "Lock has already been used"
272 case mCheckedLock of
273 Nothing -> unless (checkSolution lock soln) $ throwE "Bad solution"
274 Just lock' -> unless (lock == lock') $ throwE "Lock changed!"
275 return $ Just lock
276 _ -> return Nothing
277 handleRequest' =
278 case action of
279 UndefinedAction -> throwE "Request not recognised by this server"
280 Authenticate -> do
281 checkAuth auth
282 return $ ServerMessage $ "Welcome, " ++ authUser (fromJust auth)
283 Register -> do
284 newUser auth
285 doNews $ "New user " ++ authUser (fromJust auth) ++ " registered."
286 return ServerAck
287 ResetPassword passwd -> resetPassword auth passwd >> return ServerAck
288 SetEmail address -> setEmail auth address >> return ServerAck
289 GetServerInfo -> ServedServerInfo <$> getServerInfo
290 GetPublicKey -> ServedPublicKey <$> getPublicKey
291 GetLock ls -> ServedLock <$> getLock ls
292 GetRetired name -> ServedRetired <$> getRetired name
293 GetUserInfo name mversion -> (do
294 RCUserInfo (curV,info) <- getRecordErrored $ RecUserInfo name
295 (fromJust<$>)$ runMaybeT $ msum [ do
296 v <- MaybeT $ return mversion
297 msum [ guard (v >= curV) >> return ServerFresh
298 , do
299 guard (v >= curV - 10)
300 RCUserInfoDeltas deltas <- lift $ getRecordErrored $ RecUserInfoLog name
301 return $ ServedUserInfoDeltas $ take (curV-v) deltas
303 , return $ ServedUserInfo (curV,info)
305 ) `catchE` \_ -> return ServerCodenameFree
306 GetSolution note -> do
307 uinfo <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth
308 let uname = codename uinfo
309 onLinfo <- getALock $ noteOn note
310 behindMLinfo <- maybe (return Nothing) ((Just<$>).getALock) $ noteBehind note
311 if uname == lockOwner (noteOn note)
312 || uname == noteAuthor note
313 then ServedSolution <$> getSolution note
314 else if case behindMLinfo of
315 Nothing -> True
316 Just behindInfo -> public behindInfo || uname `elem` accessedBy behindInfo
317 || note `elem` notesRead uinfo
318 then if public onLinfo || uname `elem` accessedBy onLinfo
319 then ServedSolution <$> getSolution note
320 else throwE "You can't wholly decipher this note - you would need more notes on the same lock."
321 else throwE "This note is secured behind a lock you have not opened."
322 DeclareSolution soln ls target idx -> do
323 info <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth
324 let name = codename info
325 let behind = ActiveLock name idx
326 let note = NoteInfo name (Just behind) target
327 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecNote note) (RCSolution soln)
328 execStateT (declareNote note behind) [] >>= applyDeltasToRecords
329 doNews $ name ++ " declares solution to "
330 ++ alockStr target ++ ", securing their note behind "
331 ++ alockStr behind ++ "."
332 mailDeclaration target behind
333 return ServerAck
334 SetLock lock@(frame,_) idx soln -> do
335 info <- getUserInfoOfAuth auth
336 let name = codename info
337 let al = ActiveLock name idx
338 RCLockHashes hashes <- getRecordErrored RecLockHashes
339 `catchE` const (return (RCLockHashes []))
340 let hashed = hash $ show lock
341 erroredDB $ putRecord RecLockHashes $ RCLockHashes $ hashed:hashes
343 ls <- erroredDB $ newLockRecord lock
344 let oldLockInfo = userLocks info ! idx
345 execStateT (do
346 when (isJust oldLockInfo) $
347 lift (getALock al) >>= retireLock
348 addDelta name $ PutLock ls idx
349 ) [] >>= applyDeltasToRecords
351 for_ oldLockInfo $ \oldui -> do
352 lss <- getRetired name
353 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecRetiredLocks name) $ RCLockSpecs $ lockSpec oldui:lss
354 doNews $ "New lock " ++ alockStr al ++ "."
355 return ServerAck
356 GetRandomNames n -> do
357 names <- erroredDB listUsers
358 gen <- erroredIO getStdGen
359 let l = length names
360 namesArray = listArray (0,l-1) names
361 negligible name = do
362 uinfo <- getUserInfo name
363 return $ all (maybe True public . (userLocks uinfo !)) [0..2]
365 -- huzzah for pipes!
366 shuffled <- P.toListM $
367 mapM_ Pipes.yield (nub $ randomRs (0,l-1) gen)
368 >-> P.take l -- give up once we've permuted all of [0..l-1]
369 >-> P.map (namesArray !)
370 >-> P.filterM ((not <$>) . negligible) -- throw away negligibles
371 >-> P.take n -- try to take as many as we were asked for
372 liftIO newStdGen
373 return $ ServedRandomNames shuffled
374 _ -> throwE "BUG: bad request"
375 erroredIO :: IO a -> ExceptT String IO a
376 erroredIO c = do
377 ret <- liftIO $ catchIO (Right <$> c) (return.Left)
378 case ret of
379 Left e -> throwE $ "Server IO error: " ++ show e
380 Right x -> return x
381 erroredDB :: DBM a -> ExceptT String IO a
382 erroredDB = erroredIO . withDB dbpath
383 getRecordErrored :: Record -> ExceptT String IO RecordContents
384 getRecordErrored rec = do
385 mrc <- lift $ withDB dbpath $ getRecord rec
386 case mrc of
387 Just rc -> return rc
388 Nothing -> throwE $ "Bad record on server! Record was: " ++ show rec
389 getLock ls = do
390 RCLock lock <- getRecordErrored $ RecLock ls
391 return lock
392 getSolution note = do
393 RCSolution soln <- getRecordErrored $ RecNote note
394 return soln
395 getServerInfo = do
396 RCServerInfo sinfo <- getRecordErrored RecServerInfo
397 return sinfo
398 getPublicKey = do
399 RCPublicKey publicKey <- getRecordErrored RecPublicKey
400 return publicKey
401 getRetired name = do
402 RCLockSpecs lss <- fromMaybe (RCLockSpecs []) <$> erroredDB (getRecord $ RecRetiredLocks name)
403 return lss
404 getALock (ActiveLock name idx) = do
405 info <- getUserInfo name
406 checkValidLockIndex idx
407 case ((! idx).userLocks) info of
408 Nothing -> throwE "Lock not set"
409 Just lockinfo -> return lockinfo
410 checkValidLockIndex idx =
411 unless (0<=idx && idx < maxLocks) $ throwE "Bad lock index"
412 getUserInfo name = do
413 RCUserInfo (version,info) <- getRecordErrored $ RecUserInfo name
414 return info
415 getUserInfoOfAuth auth = do
416 checkAuth auth
417 let Just (Auth name _) = auth
418 getUserInfo name
420 decryptPassword :: String -> ExceptT String IO String
421 decryptPassword pw = do
422 RCSecretKey secretKey <- getRecordErrored RecSecretKey
423 blinder <- liftIO . generateBlinder $ private_n secretKey
424 ExceptT . return . bimap
425 (\err -> show err ++ "; try deleting ~/.intricacy/cache ?")
426 CS.unpack .
427 decrypt (Just blinder) (defaultOAEPParams SHA256) secretKey . CS.pack $ pw
428 -- XXX: <=intricacy-0.6.2 sends the hashed password unencrypted,
429 -- but we don't support that anymore
430 convertLegacyPW :: Codename -> IO ()
431 convertLegacyPW name = void . runExceptT $ do
432 RCPasswordLegacy legacyPw <- getRecordErrored (RecPasswordLegacy name)
433 pwA2 <- argon2 legacyPw
434 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecPasswordArgon2 name) (RCPasswordArgon2 pwA2)
435 erroredDB $ delRecord (RecPasswordLegacy name)
436 checkAuth :: Maybe Auth -> ExceptT String IO ()
437 checkAuth Nothing = throwE "Authentication required"
438 checkAuth (Just (Auth name pw)) = do
439 exists <- checkCodeName name
440 unless exists $ throwE "No such user"
441 liftIO $ convertLegacyPW name
442 pw' <- decryptPassword pw
443 RCPasswordArgon2 correctPwA2 <- getRecordErrored (RecPasswordArgon2 name)
444 pwA2 <- argon2 pw'
445 when (pwA2 /= correctPwA2) $ throwE "Wrong password"
446 newUser :: Maybe Auth -> ExceptT String IO ()
447 newUser Nothing = throwE "Require authentication"
448 newUser (Just (Auth name pw)) = do
449 exists <- checkCodeName name
450 when exists $ throwE "Codename taken"
451 pw' <- decryptPassword pw >>= argon2
452 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecPasswordArgon2 name) (RCPasswordArgon2 pw')
453 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecUserInfo name) (RCUserInfo (1,initUserInfo name))
454 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecUserInfoLog name) (RCUserInfoDeltas [])
455 resetPassword Nothing _ = throwE "Authentication required"
456 resetPassword auth@(Just (Auth name _)) newpw = do
457 checkAuth auth
458 newpw' <- decryptPassword newpw >>= argon2
459 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecPasswordArgon2 name) (RCPasswordArgon2 newpw')
460 setEmail Nothing _ = throwE "Authentication required"
461 setEmail auth@(Just (Auth name _)) addressStr = do
462 checkAuth auth
463 #ifdef SENDMAIL
464 serverAddr <- erroredDB $ getRecord RecServerEmail
465 when (isNothing serverAddr) $ throwE "This server is not configured to support email notifications."
466 let addr = CS.pack addressStr
467 unless (CS.null addr || Text.Email.Validate.isValid addr) $ throwE "Invalid email address"
468 erroredDB $ putRecord (RecEmail name) (RCEmail addr)
469 #else
470 throwE "This server is not compiled to support email notifications."
471 #endif
472 checkCodeName :: Codename -> ExceptT String IO Bool
473 checkCodeName name = do
474 unless (validCodeName name) $ throwE "Invalid codename"
475 liftIO $ withDB dbpath $ do
476 ok <- recordExists $ RecPasswordArgon2 name
477 oklegacy <- recordExists $ RecPasswordLegacy name
478 return $ ok || oklegacy
479 --- | TODO: journalling so we can survive death during database writes?
480 applyDeltasToRecords :: [(Codename, UserInfoDelta)] -> ExceptT String IO ()
481 applyDeltasToRecords nds = sequence_ $ [applyDeltasToRecord name deltas
482 | group <- groupBy ((==) `on` fst) nds
483 , let name = fst $ head group
484 , let deltas = map snd group ]
485 applyDeltasToRecord name deltas = do
486 erroredDB $ modifyRecord (RecUserInfoLog name) $
487 \(RCUserInfoDeltas deltas') -> RCUserInfoDeltas $ deltas ++ deltas'
488 erroredDB $ modifyRecord (RecUserInfo name) $
489 \(RCUserInfo (v,info)) -> RCUserInfo
490 (v+length deltas, applyDeltas info deltas)
491 declareNote note@(NoteInfo _ _ target) behind@(ActiveLock name idx) = do
492 accessLock name target =<< getCurrALock target
493 addDelta (lockOwner target) $ LockDelta (lockIndex target) $ AddSolution note
494 addDelta name $ LockDelta idx $ AddSecured note
495 accessed <- accessedBy <$> getCurrALock behind
496 mapM_ (addReadNote note) (name:accessed)
497 addReadNote note@(NoteInfo _ _ target) name = do
498 info <- getCurrUserInfo name
499 tlock <- getCurrALock target
500 unless (note `elem` notesRead info) $ do
501 addDelta name $ AddRead note
502 checkSuffReadNotes target name
503 accessLock name target@(ActiveLock tname ti) tlock = do
504 addDelta tname $ LockDelta ti $ AddAccessed name
505 mapM_ (`addReadNote` name) $ notesSecured tlock
506 publiciseLock al@(ActiveLock name idx) lock = do
507 addDelta name $ LockDelta idx SetPublic
508 retireLock lock
509 retireLock lock = do
510 mapM_ scrapNote $ lockSolutions lock
511 mapM_ publiciseNote $ notesSecured lock
512 scrapNote note@(NoteInfo _ (Just al@(ActiveLock name idx)) _) = do
513 addDelta name $ LockDelta idx (DelSecured note)
514 unreadNote note
515 scrapNote _ = return ()
516 unreadNote note@(NoteInfo name (Just al) _) = do
517 lock <- getCurrALock al
518 mapM_ (\name' -> addDelta name' (DelRead note)) $ name:accessedBy lock
519 publiciseNote note@(NoteInfo _ _ al@(ActiveLock name idx)) = do
520 unreadNote note
521 addDelta name $ LockDelta idx $ SetPubNote note
522 publified <- checkSuffPubNotes al
523 unless publified $ do
524 lock <- getCurrALock al
525 accessorsOfNotesOnLock <- (++ map noteAuthor (lockSolutions lock)).concat
526 <$> sequence
527 [ accessedBy <$> getCurrALock behind | NoteInfo _ (Just behind) _ <- lockSolutions lock ]
528 forM_ accessorsOfNotesOnLock $ checkSuffReadNotes al
529 checkSuffReadNotes target name = do
530 info <- getCurrUserInfo name
531 tlock <- getCurrALock target
532 unless (name `elem` accessedBy tlock || public tlock || name == lockOwner target) $ do
533 let countRead = fromIntegral $ length $
534 filter (\n -> isNothing (noteBehind n) || n `elem` notesRead info) $ lockSolutions tlock
535 when (countRead == notesNeeded) $
536 accessLock name target tlock
537 checkSuffPubNotes al@(ActiveLock name idx) = do
538 lock <- getCurrALock al
539 let countPub = fromIntegral $ length $
540 filter (isNothing.noteBehind) $ lockSolutions lock
541 if countPub == notesNeeded
542 then publiciseLock al lock >> return True
543 else return False
544 -- | XXX we apply deltas right-to-left, so in the order of adding
545 addDelta name delta = modify ((name,delta):)
546 getCurrUserInfo name = do
547 info <- lift $ getUserInfo name
548 applyDeltas info . map snd . filter ((==name).fst) <$> get
549 getCurrALock al@(ActiveLock name idx) =
550 fromJust.(! idx).userLocks <$> getCurrUserInfo name
551 doNews :: String -> ExceptT String IO ()
552 doNews news = case mfeedPath of
553 Nothing -> return ()
554 Just feedPath -> lift $ void $ forkIO $ do
555 let baseFeed = withFeedTitle (TS.pack "Intricacy updates") $ newFeed $ RSSKind Nothing
556 feed <- fromMaybe baseFeed <$> parseFeedFromFile feedPath
557 time <- formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat <$> getZonedTime
558 let newsText = TS.pack news
559 timeText = TS.pack time
560 item = withItemTitle newsText $ withItemDescription newsText $
561 withItemPubDate timeText $ newItem $ RSSKind Nothing
562 -- TODO: purge old entries
563 let Right element = XML.fromXMLElement $ xmlFeed $ withFeedLastUpdate timeText $ addItem item feed
564 document = XML.Document (XML.Prologue [] Nothing []) element []
565 -- | force the feed, so feedPath is closed (lazy IO)
566 feedString <- return $! TL.unpack $ XML.renderText XML.def document
567 writeFile feedPath feedString
568 #ifdef SENDMAIL
569 mailDeclaration target@(ActiveLock name _) behind@(ActiveLock solverName _) = runMaybeT $ do
570 let makeAddr :: CS.ByteString -> SMTP.Address
571 makeAddr bs = SMTP.Address Nothing $ TS.pack $ CS.unpack bs
572 RCEmail serverAddr <- MaybeT $ erroredDB $ getRecord RecServerEmail
573 RCEmail playerAddr <- MaybeT $ erroredDB $ getRecord $ RecEmail name
574 guard $ not $ CS.null playerAddr
575 lift.lift $ SMTP.sendMail "localhost" $ SMTP.simpleMail (makeAddr serverAddr)
576 [makeAddr playerAddr] [] []
577 (TS.pack $ "[Intricacy] " ++ alockStr target ++" solved by " ++ solverName)
578 [plainPart $ TL.pack $ "A solution to your lock " ++ alockStr target ++ " has been declared by " ++ solverName ++
579 " and secured behind " ++ alockStr behind ++ "." ++
580 "\n\n-----\n\nYou received this email from the game Intricacy" ++
581 "\n\thttp://sdf.org/~mbays/intricacy ." ++
582 "\nYou can disable notifications in-game by pressing 'R' on your home" ++
583 "\nscreen and setting an empty address." ++
584 "\nAlternatively, just reply to this email with the phrase \"stop bugging me\"." ]
585 #else
586 mailDeclaration _ _ = pure ()
587 #endif