[intricacy.git] / SDLUIMInstance.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
14 module SDLUIMInstance () where
16 import Control.Applicative
17 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
18 import Control.Concurrent.STM
19 import Control.Monad.State
20 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
21 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
22 import Data.Array
23 import Data.Foldable (for_)
24 import Data.Function (on)
25 import Data.List
26 import Data.Map (Map)
27 import qualified Data.Map as Map
28 import Data.Maybe
29 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
30 import Data.Word
31 import Graphics.UI.SDL hiding (flip, name)
32 import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
33 import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL.TTF as TTF
34 import Safe (maximumBound)
35 import System.Timeout
36 --import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
38 import Cache
39 import Command
40 import Database
41 import GameStateTypes
42 import Hex
43 import InputMode
44 import KeyBindings
45 import Lock
46 import MainState
47 import Metagame
48 import Mundanities
49 import Protocol
50 import SDLGlyph
51 import SDLRender
52 import SDLUI
53 import ServerAddr
54 import Util
56 instance UIMonad (StateT UIState IO) where
57 runUI m = evalStateT m nullUIState
58 drawMainState = do
59 lift $ clearButtons >> clearSelectables
60 s <- get
61 let mode = ms2im s
62 lift waitFrame
63 drawMainState' s
64 lift . drawTitle =<< getTitle
65 lift $ do
66 drawButtons mode
67 drawUIOptionButtons mode
68 updateHoverStr mode
69 drawMsgLine
70 drawShortMouseHelp mode s
71 refresh
72 clearMessage = clearMsg
73 drawMessage = say
74 drawPrompt full s = say $ s ++ (if full then "" else "_")
75 endPrompt = clearMsg
76 drawError = sayError
78 reportAlerts = playAlertSounds
80 getChRaw = resetMouseButtons >> getChRaw'
81 where
82 resetMouseButtons = modify $ \s -> s
83 { leftButtonDown = Nothing
84 , middleButtonDown = Nothing
85 , rightButtonDown = Nothing
87 getChRaw' = do
88 events <- liftIO getEvents
89 if not.null $ [ True | MouseButtonDown _ _ ButtonRight <- events ]
90 then return Nothing
91 else maybe getChRaw' (return.Just) $ listToMaybe $ [ ch
92 | KeyDown (Keysym _ _ ch) <- events
93 , ch /= '\0' ]
95 setUIBinding mode cmd ch =
96 modify $ \s -> s { uiKeyBindings =
97 Map.insertWith (\ [bdg] bdgs -> if bdg `elem` bdgs then delete bdg bdgs else bdg:bdgs)
98 mode [(ch,cmd)] $ uiKeyBindings s }
100 getUIBinding mode cmd = ($ cmd) <$> getBindingStr mode
102 initUI = (isJust <$>) . runMaybeT $ do
103 let toInit = [InitVideo]
104 #ifdef SOUND
105 ++ [InitAudio]
106 #endif
107 catchIOErrorMT $ SDL.init toInit
108 liftIO (SDL.wasInit [InitVideo]) >>= guard . (InitVideo `elem`)
109 catchIOErrorMT TTF.init
110 lift $ do
111 readUIConfigFile
112 initVideo 0 0
113 liftIO initMisc
114 w <- gets scrWidth
115 h <- gets scrHeight
116 liftIO $ warpMouse (fi $ w`div`2) (fi $ h`div`2)
117 renderToMain erase
118 initAudio
119 readBindings
120 where
121 catchIOErrorMT m = MaybeT . liftIO . warnIOErrAlt $ m >> return (Just ())
123 endUI = do
124 writeUIConfigFile
125 writeBindings
126 liftIO quit
128 unblockInput = return $ pushEvent VideoExpose
129 suspend = return ()
130 redraw = return ()
132 impatience ticks = do
133 liftIO $ threadDelay 50000
134 if ticks>20 then do
135 let pos = serverWaitPos
136 smallFont <- gets dispFontSmall
137 renderToMain $ do
138 mapM_ (drawAtRel (FilledHexGlyph $ bright black)) [ pos +^ i*^hu | i <- [0..3] ]
139 withFont smallFont $
140 renderStrColAtLeft errorCol ("waiting..."++replicate ((ticks`div`5)`mod`3) '.') pos
141 clearButtons
142 registerButton (pos +^ neg hv) CmdQuit 0 [("abort",hu+^neg hw)]
143 drawButtons IMImpatience
144 refresh
145 cmds <- getInput IMImpatience
146 return $ CmdQuit `elem` cmds
147 else return False
149 warpPointer pos = do
150 (scrCentre, size) <- getGeom
151 centre <- gets dispCentre
152 let SVec x y = hexVec2SVec size (pos-^centre) +^ scrCentre
153 liftIO $ warpMouse (fi x) (fi y)
154 lbp <- gets leftButtonDown
155 rbp <- gets rightButtonDown
156 let [lbp',rbp'] = ((const $ pos -^ centre) <$>) <$> [lbp,rbp]
157 modify $ \s -> s {leftButtonDown = lbp', rightButtonDown = rbp'}
159 getUIMousePos = do
160 centre <- gets dispCentre
161 gets ((Just.(+^centre).fst) . mousePos)
163 setYNButtons = do
164 clearButtons
165 registerButton (periphery 5 +^ hw +^ neg hv) (CmdInputChar 'Y') 2 [("confirm",hu+^neg hw)]
166 drawButtons IMTextInput
167 refresh
169 toggleColourMode = modify $ \s -> s {uiOptions = (uiOptions s){
170 useFiveColouring = not $ useFiveColouring $ uiOptions s}}
172 getInput mode = do
173 fps <- gets fps
174 events <- liftIO $ nubMouseMotions <$> getEventsTimeout (10^6`div`fps)
175 (cmds,uiChanged) <- if null events then return ([],False) else do
176 oldUIState <- get
177 cmds <- concat <$> mapM processEvent events
178 setPaintFromCmds cmds
179 newUIState <- get
180 return (cmds,uistatesMayVisiblyDiffer oldUIState newUIState)
181 now <- liftIO getTicks
182 animFrameReady <- gets (maybe False (<now) . nextAnimFrameAt)
183 unless (null cmds) clearMsg
184 return $ cmds ++ [CmdRefresh | uiChanged || animFrameReady]
185 where
186 nubMouseMotions evs =
187 -- drop all but last mouse motion and resize events
188 let nubMouseMotions' (False,r) (mm@MouseMotion {}:evs) = mm:nubMouseMotions' (True,r) evs
189 nubMouseMotions' (m,False) (vr@(VideoResize _ _):evs) = vr:nubMouseMotions' (m,True) evs
190 nubMouseMotions' b (MouseMotion {}:evs) = nubMouseMotions' b evs
191 nubMouseMotions' b (VideoResize _ _:evs) = nubMouseMotions' b evs
192 nubMouseMotions' b (ev:evs) = ev:nubMouseMotions' b evs
193 nubMouseMotions' _ [] = []
194 in reverse $ nubMouseMotions' (False,False) $ reverse evs
195 setPaintFromCmds cmds = sequence_
196 [ modify $ \s -> s { paintTileIndex = pti }
197 | (pti,pt) <- zip [0..] paintTiles
198 , cmd <- cmds
199 , (isNothing pt && cmd == CmdDelete) ||
200 isJust (do
201 pt' <- pt
202 CmdTile t <- Just cmd
203 guard $ ((==)`on`tileType) t pt') ]
205 uistatesMayVisiblyDiffer uis1 uis2 =
206 uis1 { mousePos = (zero,False), lastFrameTicks=0 }
207 /= uis2 {mousePos = (zero,False), lastFrameTicks=0 }
208 processEvent (KeyDown (Keysym _ _ ch)) = case mode of
209 IMTextInput -> return [CmdInputChar ch]
210 _ -> do
211 setting <- gets settingBinding
212 if isJust setting && ch /= '\0'
213 then do
214 modify $ \s -> s {settingBinding = Nothing}
215 when (ch /= '\ESC') $ setUIBinding mode (fromJust setting) ch
216 return []
217 else do
218 uibdgs <- gets (Map.findWithDefault [] mode . uiKeyBindings)
219 let mCmd = lookup ch $ uibdgs ++ bindings mode
220 return $ maybeToList mCmd
221 processEvent MouseMotion {} = do
222 (oldMPos,_) <- gets mousePos
223 (pos@(mPos,_),(sx,sy,sz)) <- getMousePos
224 updateMousePos mode pos
225 lbp <- gets leftButtonDown
226 rbp <- gets rightButtonDown
227 centre <- gets dispCentre
228 let drag :: Maybe HexVec -> Maybe Command
229 drag bp = do
230 fromPos@(HexVec x y z) <- bp
231 -- check we've dragged at least a full hex's distance:
232 guard $ not.all (\(a,b) -> abs (fi a - b) < 1.0) $ [(x,sx),(y,sy),(z,sz)]
233 let dir = hexVec2HexDirOrZero $ mPos -^ fromPos
234 guard $ dir /= zero
235 return $ CmdDrag (fromPos+^centre) dir
236 case mode of
237 IMEdit -> case drag rbp of
238 Just cmd -> return [cmd]
239 Nothing -> if mPos /= oldMPos
240 then do
241 pti <- getEffPaintTileIndex
242 return $ CmdMoveTo (mPos +^ centre) :
243 ([CmdPaintFromTo (paintTiles!!pti) (oldMPos+^centre) (mPos+^centre) | isJust lbp])
244 else return []
245 IMPlay -> return $ maybeToList $ msum $ map drag [lbp, rbp]
246 _ -> return []
247 where
248 mouseFromTo from to = do
249 let dir = hexVec2HexDirOrZero $ to -^ from
250 if dir /= zero
251 then (CmdDir WHSSelected dir:) <$> mouseFromTo (from +^ dir) to
252 else return []
253 processEvent (MouseButtonDown _ _ ButtonLeft) = do
254 pos@(mPos,central) <- gets mousePos
255 modify $ \s -> s { leftButtonDown = Just mPos }
256 rb <- gets (isJust . rightButtonDown)
257 mcmd <- cmdAtMousePos pos mode (Just False)
258 let hotspotAction = listToMaybe
259 $ map (\cmd -> return [cmd]) (maybeToList mcmd)
260 ++ [ modify (\s -> s {paintTileIndex = i}) >> return []
261 | i <- take (length paintTiles) [0..]
262 , mPos == paintButtonStart +^ i*^hv ]
263 ++ [ toggleUIOption uiOB1 >> updateHoverStr mode >> return []
264 | mPos == uiOptPos uiOB1 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB1 ]
265 ++ [ toggleUIOption uiOB2 >> updateHoverStr mode >> return []
266 | mPos == uiOptPos uiOB2 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB2 ]
267 ++ [ toggleUIOption uiOB3 >> updateHoverStr mode >> return []
268 | mPos == uiOptPos uiOB3 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB3 ]
269 ++ [ toggleUIOption uiOB4 >> updateHoverStr mode >> return []
270 | mPos == uiOptPos uiOB4 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB4 ]
271 ++ [ toggleUIOption uiOB5 >> updateHoverStr mode >> return []
272 | mPos == uiOptPos uiOB5 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB5 ]
273 #ifdef SOUND
274 ++ [ toggleUIOption uiOB6 >> updateHoverStr mode >> return []
275 | mPos == uiOptPos uiOB6 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB6 ]
276 #endif
278 if rb
279 then return [ CmdWait ]
280 else flip fromMaybe hotspotAction $ case mode of
281 IMEdit -> do
282 pti <- getEffPaintTileIndex
283 return [ drawCmd (paintTiles!!pti) False ]
284 IMPlay -> do
285 centre <- gets dispCentre
286 return [ CmdManipulateToolAt $ mPos +^ centre ]
287 _ -> return []
288 processEvent (MouseButtonUp _ _ ButtonLeft) = do
289 modify $ \s -> s { leftButtonDown = Nothing }
290 return []
291 processEvent (MouseButtonDown _ _ ButtonRight) = do
292 pos@(mPos,_) <- gets mousePos
293 modify $ \s -> s { rightButtonDown = Just mPos }
294 lb <- gets (isJust . leftButtonDown)
295 if lb
296 then return [ CmdWait ]
297 else (fromMaybe [] <$>) $ runMaybeT $ msum
298 [ do
299 cmd <- MaybeT $ cmdAtMousePos pos mode Nothing
300 guard $ mode /= IMTextInput
301 -- modify $ \s -> s { settingBinding = Just cmd }
302 return [ CmdBind $ Just cmd ]
303 , do
304 cmd <- MaybeT $ cmdAtMousePos pos mode (Just True)
305 return [cmd]
306 , case mode of
307 IMPlay -> return [ CmdClear, CmdWait ]
308 _ -> return [ CmdClear, CmdSelect ] ]
309 processEvent (MouseButtonUp _ _ ButtonRight) = do
310 modify $ \s -> s { rightButtonDown = Nothing }
311 return [ CmdUnselect | mode == IMEdit ]
312 processEvent (MouseButtonDown _ _ ButtonWheelUp) = doWheel 1
313 processEvent (MouseButtonDown _ _ ButtonWheelDown) = doWheel $ -1
314 processEvent (MouseButtonDown _ _ ButtonMiddle) = do
315 (mPos,_) <- gets mousePos
316 modify $ \s -> s { middleButtonDown = Just mPos }
317 rb <- gets (isJust . rightButtonDown)
318 return $ [CmdDelete | rb]
319 processEvent (MouseButtonUp _ _ ButtonMiddle) = do
320 modify $ \s -> s { middleButtonDown = Nothing }
321 return []
322 processEvent (VideoResize w h) = do
323 initVideo w h
324 return [ CmdRedraw ]
325 processEvent VideoExpose = return [ CmdRefresh ]
326 processEvent Quit = return [ CmdForceQuit ]
328 processEvent _ = return []
330 doWheel dw = do
331 rb <- gets (isJust . rightButtonDown)
332 mb <- gets (isJust . middleButtonDown)
333 if ((rb || mb || mode == IMReplay) && mode /= IMEdit)
334 || (mb && mode == IMEdit)
335 then return [ if dw == 1 then CmdRedo else CmdUndo ]
336 else if mode /= IMEdit || rb
337 then return [ CmdRotate WHSSelected dw ]
338 else do
339 modify $ \s -> s { paintTileIndex = (paintTileIndex s + dw) `mod` length paintTiles }
340 return []
343 drawCmd mt True = CmdPaint mt
344 drawCmd (Just t) False = CmdTile t
345 drawCmd Nothing _ = CmdDelete
347 getMousePos :: UIM ((HexVec,Bool),(Double,Double,Double))
348 getMousePos = do
349 (scrCentre, size) <- getGeom
350 (x,y,_) <- lift getMouseState
351 let sv = SVec (fi x) (fi y) +^ neg scrCentre
352 let mPos@(HexVec x y z) = sVec2HexVec size sv
353 let (sx,sy,sz) = sVec2dHV size sv
354 let isCentral = all (\(a,b) -> abs (fi a - b) < 0.5)
355 [(x,sx),(y,sy),(z,sz)]
356 return ((mPos,isCentral),(sx,sy,sz))
357 updateMousePos mode newPos = do
358 oldPos <- gets mousePos
359 when (newPos /= oldPos) $ do
360 modify $ \ds -> ds { mousePos = newPos }
361 updateHoverStr mode
363 showHelp mode HelpPageInput = do
364 bdgs <- nub <$> getBindings mode
365 smallFont <- gets dispFontSmall
366 renderToMain $ do
367 erase
368 let extraHelpStrs = (["Mouse commands:", "Hover over a button to see keys, right-click to rebind;"]
369 ++ case mode of
370 IMPlay -> ["Click on tool to select, drag to move;",
371 "Click by tool to move; right-click to wait;", "Scroll wheel to rotate hook;",
372 "Scroll wheel with right button held down to undo/redo."]
373 IMEdit -> ["Left-click to draw selected; scroll to change selection;",
374 "Right-click on piece to select, drag to move;",
375 "While holding right-click: left-click to advance time, middle-click to delete;",
376 "Scroll wheel to rotate selected piece; scroll wheel while held down to undo/redo."]
377 IMReplay -> ["Scroll wheel for undo/redo."]
378 IMMeta -> ["Left-clicking on something does most obvious thing;"
379 , "Right-clicking does second-most obvious thing."])
380 : case mode of
381 IMMeta -> [[
382 "Basic game instructions:"
383 , "Choose [C]odename, then [R]egister it;"
384 , "select other players, and [S]olve their locks;"
385 , "go [H]ome, then [E]dit and [P]lace a lock of your own;"
386 , "you can then [D]eclare your solutions."
387 , "Make other players green by solving their locks and not letting them solve yours."]]
388 _ -> []
389 when False $ do
390 renderStrColAtCentre cyan "Keybindings:" $ (screenHeightHexes`div`4)*^(hv+^neg hw)
391 let keybindingsHeight = screenHeightHexes - (3 + length extraHelpStrs + sum (map length extraHelpStrs))
392 bdgWidth = (screenWidthHexes-6) `div` 3
393 showKeys chs = intercalate "/" (map showKeyFriendly chs)
394 sequence_ [ with $ renderStrColAtLeft messageCol
395 ( keysStr ++ ": " ++ desc )
396 $ (x*bdgWidth-(screenWidthHexes-6)`div`2)*^hu +^ neg hv +^
397 (screenHeightHexes`div`4 - y`div`2)*^(hv+^neg hw) +^
398 (y`mod`2)*^hw
399 | ((keysStr,with,desc),(x,y)) <- zip [(keysStr,with,desc)
400 | group <- groupBy ((==) `on` snd) $ sortBy (compare `on` snd) bdgs
401 , let cmd = snd $ head group
402 , let desc = describeCommand cmd
403 , not $ null desc
404 , let chs = map fst group
405 , let keysStr = showKeys chs
406 , let with = if True -- 3*(bdgWidth-1) < length desc + length keysStr + 1
407 then withFont smallFont
408 else id
410 (map (`divMod` keybindingsHeight) [0..])
411 , (x+1)*bdgWidth < screenWidthHexes]
412 sequence_ [ renderStrColAtCentre (if firstLine then cyan else messageCol) str
413 $ (screenHeightHexes`div`4 - y`div`2)*^(hv+^neg hw)
414 +^ hw
415 +^ (y`mod`2)*^hw
416 | ((str,firstLine),y) <- intercalate [("",False)] (map (`zip`
417 (True:repeat False)) extraHelpStrs) `zip`
418 --[(keybindingsHeight+1)..]
419 [((screenHeightHexes - sum (length <$> extraHelpStrs)) `div` 2)..]
421 refresh
422 return True
423 showHelp IMInit HelpPageGame = do
424 renderToMain $ drawBasicHelpPage ("INTRICACY",red) (initiationHelpText,purple)
425 return True
426 showHelp IMMeta HelpPageGame = do
427 renderToMain $ drawBasicHelpPage ("INTRICACY",red) (metagameHelpText,purple)
428 return True
429 showHelp IMMeta (HelpPageInitiated n) = do
430 renderToMain $ drawBasicHelpPage ("Initiation complete",purple) (initiationCompleteText n,red)
431 return True
432 showHelp IMEdit HelpPageFirstEdit = do
433 renderToMain $ drawBasicHelpPage ("Your first lock:",purple) (firstEditHelpText,green)
434 return True
435 showHelp _ _ = return False
437 onNewMode mode = clearMsg
439 withNoBG m = do
440 bg <- gets bgSurface
441 modify $ \uiState -> uiState{bgSurface=Nothing}
443 isNothing <$> gets bgSurface >>?
444 modify (\uiState -> uiState{bgSurface=bg})
446 drawMainState' :: MainState -> MainStateT UIM ()
447 drawMainState' PlayState { psCurrentState=st, psLastAlerts=alerts,
448 wrenchSelected=wsel, psTutLevel=tutLevel, psSolved=solved } = do
449 canRedo <- gets (null . psUndoneStack)
450 let isTut = isJust tutLevel
451 lift $ do
452 let selTools = [ idx |
453 (idx, PlacedPiece pos p) <- enumVec $ placedPieces st
454 , (wsel && isWrench p) || (not wsel && isHook p) ]
455 drawMainGameState selTools False alerts st
456 lb <- gets (isJust . leftButtonDown)
457 rb <- gets (isJust . leftButtonDown)
458 when isTut $ do
459 centre <- gets dispCentre
460 sequence_
461 [ registerSelectable (pos -^ centre) 0 $
462 case p of
463 Wrench v -> SelToolWrench $ v /= zero
464 _ -> SelToolHook
465 | not $ lb || rb
466 , PlacedPiece pos p <- Vector.toList $ placedPieces st
467 , isTool p]
468 unless (noUndoTutLevel tutLevel) $ do
469 registerUndoButtons canRedo
470 registerButtonGroup markButtonGroup
471 registerButton (periphery 0) CmdOpen (if solved then 2 else 0) $
472 ("open", hu+^neg hw) : [("Press-->",9*^neg hu) | solved && isTut]
473 drawMainState' ReplayState { rsCurrentState=st, rsLastAlerts=alerts } = do
474 canRedo <- gets (null . rsMoveStack)
475 lift $ do
476 drawMainGameState [] False alerts st
477 registerUndoButtons canRedo
478 renderToMain $ drawCursorAt Nothing
479 drawMainState' EditState { esGameState=st, esGameStateStack=sts, esUndoneStack=undostack,
480 selectedPiece=selPiece, selectedPos=selPos } = lift $ do
481 drawMainGameState (maybeToList selPiece) True [] st
482 renderToMain $ drawCursorAt $ if isNothing selPiece then Just selPos else Nothing
483 registerUndoButtons (null undostack)
484 when (isJust selPiece) $ mapM_ registerButtonGroup
485 [ singleButton (periphery 2 +^ 3*^hw+^hv) CmdDelete 0 [("delete",hu+^neg hw)]
486 , singleButton (periphery 2 +^ 3*^hw) CmdMerge 1 [("merge",hu+^neg hw)]
488 sequence_
489 [ unless (any (pred . placedPiece) . Vector.toList $ placedPieces st)
490 $ registerButton (periphery 0 +^ d) cmd 2 [("place",hu+^neg hw),(tool,hu+^neg hv)]
491 | (pred,tool,cmd,d) <- [
492 (isWrench, "wrench", CmdTile $ WrenchTile zero, (-4)*^hv +^ hw),
493 (isHook, "hook", CmdTile HookTile, (-3)*^hv +^ hw) ] ]
494 drawPaintButtons
495 drawMainState' InitState {initLocks=initLocks, tutProgress=TutProgress{tutSolved=tutSolved}} = lift $ do
496 renderToMain (erase >> drawCursorAt Nothing)
497 renderToMain . renderStrColAtCentre white "I N T R I C A C Y" $ 3 *^ (hv +^ neg hw)
498 drawInitLock zero
499 mapM_ drawInitLock $ Map.keys accessible
500 registerButton (tutPos +^ 3 *^ neg hu +^ hv) (CmdSolveInit Nothing) 2
501 [("solve",hu+^neg hw),("lock",hu+^neg hv)]
502 where
503 accessible = accessibleInitLocks tutSolved initLocks
504 tutPos = maximumBound 0 (hx <$> Map.keys accessible) *^ neg hu
505 name v | v == zero = "TUT"
506 | otherwise = maybe "???" initLockName $ Map.lookup v accessible
507 solved v | v == zero = tutSolved
508 | otherwise = Just True == (initLockSolved <$> Map.lookup v accessible)
509 isLast v | v == zero = False
510 | otherwise = Just True == (isLastInitLock <$> Map.lookup v accessible)
511 drawInitLock v = do
512 let pos = tutPos +^ 2 *^ v
513 drawNameCol (name v) pos $ if solved v then brightish green else brightish yellow
514 renderToMain $ sequence_
515 [ (if open then PathGlyph h $ brightish white
516 else GateGlyph h $ (if inbounds then dim else bright) white)
517 `drawAtRel` (pos +^ h)
518 | h <- hexDirs
519 , let v' = v +^ h
520 , let inbounds = abs (hy v') < 2 && hx v' >= 0 && hz v' <= 0
521 , let acc = v' `Map.member` accessible || v' == zero
522 , not acc || h `elem` [hu, neg hw, neg hv]
523 , let open = inbounds && (solved v || solved v') && (acc || (isLast v && h == hu)) ]
524 registerSelectable pos 0 $ if v == zero then SelTut (solved v) else SelInitLock v (solved v)
525 drawMainState' MetaState {curServer=saddr, undeclareds=undecls,
526 cacheOnly=cOnly, curAuth=auth, codenameStack=names,
527 randomCodenames=rnamestvar, retiredLocks=mretired, curLockPath=path,
528 curLock=mlock, asyncCount=count} = do
529 modify $ \ms -> ms { listOffsetMax = True }
530 let ourName = authUser <$> auth
531 let selName = listToMaybe names
532 let home = isJust ourName && ourName == selName
533 lift $ renderToMain (erase >> drawCursorAt Nothing)
534 lift $ do
535 smallFont <- gets dispFontSmall
536 renderToMain $ withFont smallFont $ renderStrColAtLeft purple
537 (saddrStr saddr ++ if cOnly then " (offline mode)" else "")
538 $ serverPos +^ hu
540 when (length names > 1) $ lift $ registerButton
541 (codenamePos +^ neg hu +^ 2*^hw) CmdBackCodename 0 [("back",3*^hw)]
543 runMaybeT $ do
544 name <- MaybeT (return selName)
545 FetchedRecord fresh err muirc <- lift $ getUInfoFetched 300 name
546 pending <- ((>0) <$>) $ liftIO $ readTVarIO count
547 lift $ do
548 lift $ do
549 unless ((fresh && not pending) || cOnly) $ do
550 smallFont <- gets dispFontSmall
551 let str = if pending then "(response pending)" else "(updating)"
552 renderToMain $ withFont smallFont $
553 renderStrColBelow (opaquify $ dim errorCol) str codenamePos
554 maybe (return ()) (setMsgLineNoRefresh errorCol) err
555 when (fresh && (isNothing ourName || isNothing muirc || home)) $
556 let reg = isNothing muirc || isJust ourName
557 in registerButton (codenamePos +^ 2*^hu)
558 (if reg then CmdRegister $ isJust ourName else CmdAuth)
559 (if isNothing ourName then 2 else 0)
560 [(if reg then "reg" else "auth", 3*^hw)]
561 (if isJust muirc then drawName else drawNullName) name codenamePos
562 lift $ registerSelectable codenamePos 0 (SelSelectedCodeName name)
563 drawRelScore name (codenamePos+^hu)
564 when (isJust muirc) $ lift $
565 registerButton retiredPos CmdShowRetired 5 [("retired",hu+^neg hw)]
566 for_ muirc $ \(RCUserInfo (_,uinfo)) -> case mretired of
567 Just retired -> do
568 fillArea locksPos
569 (map (locksPos+^) $ zero:[rotate n $ 4*^hu-^4*^hw | n <- [0,2,3,5]])
570 [ \pos -> lift (registerSelectable pos 1 (SelOldLock ls)) >> drawOldLock ls pos
571 | ls <- retired ]
572 lift $ registerButton (retiredPos +^ hv) (CmdPlayLockSpec Nothing) 1 [("play",hu+^neg hw),("no.",hu+^neg hv)]
573 Nothing -> do
574 sequence_ [ drawLockInfo (ActiveLock (codename uinfo) i) mlockinfo |
575 (i,mlockinfo) <- assocs $ userLocks uinfo ]
576 when (isJust $ msum $ elems $ userLocks uinfo) $ lift $ do
577 registerButton interactButtonsPos (CmdSolve Nothing) 2 [("solve",hu+^neg hw),("lock",hu+^neg hv)]
578 when (isJust ourName) $
579 registerButton (interactButtonsPos+^hw) (CmdViewSolution Nothing) 1 [("view",hu+^neg hw),("soln",hu+^neg hv)]
581 when home $ do
582 lift.renderToMain $ renderStrColAt messageCol
583 "Home" (codenamePos+^hw+^neg hv)
584 unless (null undecls) $ do
585 lift.renderToMain $ renderStrColAtLeft messageCol "Undeclared:" (undeclsPos+^2*^hv+^neg hu)
586 lift $ registerButton (undeclsPos+^hw+^neg hu) (CmdDeclare Nothing) 2 [("decl",hv+^4*^neg hu),("soln",hw+^4*^neg hu)]
587 fillArea (undeclsPos+^hv)
588 (map (undeclsPos+^) $ hexDisc 1 ++ [hu+^neg hw, neg hu+^hv])
589 [ \pos -> lift (registerSelectable pos 0 (SelUndeclared undecl)) >> drawActiveLock al pos
590 | undecl@(Undeclared _ _ al) <- undecls ]
591 lift $ do
592 maybe
593 (drawEmptyMiniLock miniLockPos)
594 ((`drawMiniLock` miniLockPos) <$> fst) mlock
595 registerSelectable miniLockPos 1 SelOurLock
596 registerButton (miniLockPos+^3*^neg hw+^2*^hu) CmdEdit 2
597 [("edit",hu+^neg hw),("lock",hu+^neg hv)]
598 registerButton lockLinePos CmdSelectLock 1 []
599 lift $ unless (null path) $ do
600 renderToMain $ renderStrColAtLeft messageCol (take 16 path) $ lockLinePos +^ hu
601 registerSelectable (lockLinePos +^ 2*^hu) 1 SelLockPath
602 sequence_
603 [ registerButton (miniLockPos +^ 2*^neg hv +^ 2*^hu +^ dv) cmd 1
604 [(dirText,hu+^neg hw),("lock",hu+^neg hv)]
605 | (dv,cmd,dirText) <- [(zero,CmdPrevLock,"prev"),(neg hw,CmdNextLock,"next")] ]
606 let tested = maybe False (isJust.snd) mlock
607 when (isJust mlock && home) $ lift $ registerButton
608 (miniLockPos+^2*^neg hw+^3*^hu) (CmdPlaceLock Nothing)
609 (if tested then 2 else 1)
610 [("place",hu+^neg hw),("lock",hu+^neg hv)]
611 rnames <- liftIO $ readTVarIO rnamestvar
612 unless (null rnames) $
613 fillArea randomNamesPos
614 (map (randomNamesPos+^) $ hexDisc 2)
615 [ \pos -> lift (registerSelectable pos 0 (SelRandom name)) >> drawName name pos
616 | name <- rnames ]
618 when (ourName /= selName) $ void $ runMaybeT $ do
619 when (isJust ourName) $
620 lift.lift $ registerButton (codenamePos +^ hw +^ neg hv) CmdHome 1 [("home",3*^hw)]
621 sel <- liftMaybe selName
622 us <- liftMaybe ourName
623 ourUInfo <- mgetUInfo us
624 selUInfo <- mgetUInfo sel
625 let accesses = map (uncurry getAccessInfo) [(ourUInfo,sel),(selUInfo,us)]
626 let posLeft = scoresPos +^ hw +^ neg hu
627 let posRight = posLeft +^ 3*^hu
628 size <- snd <$> (lift.lift) getGeom
629 lift $ do
630 lift.renderToMain $ renderStrColAbove (brightish white) "ESTEEM" scoresPos
631 lift $ sequence_ [ registerSelectable (scoresPos+^v) 0 SelRelScore | v <- [hv, hv+^hu] ]
632 drawRelScore sel scoresPos
633 fillArea (posLeft+^hw) (map (posLeft+^) [zero,hw,neg hv])
634 [ \pos -> do
635 lift $ registerSelectable pos 0 (SelScoreLock (Just sel) accessed $ ActiveLock us i)
636 drawNameWithCharAndCol us white (lockIndexChar i) col pos
637 lift $ drawRelScoreGlyph pos relScore
638 | i <- [0..2]
639 , let accessed = head accesses !! i
640 , let (col, relScore)
641 | accessed == Just AccessedPub = (dim pubColour, Just $ -1)
642 | isJust accessed = (dim $ scoreColour $ -3, Just $ -1)
643 | otherwise = (obscure $ scoreColour 3, Nothing) ]
644 fillArea (posRight+^hw) (map (posRight+^) [zero,hw,neg hv])
645 [ \pos -> do
646 lift $ registerSelectable pos 0 (SelScoreLock Nothing accessed $ ActiveLock sel i)
647 drawNameWithCharAndCol sel white (lockIndexChar i) col pos
648 lift $ drawRelScoreGlyph pos relScore
649 | i <- [0..2]
650 , let accessed = accesses !! 1 !! i
651 , let (col, relScore)
652 | accessed == Just AccessedPub = (dim pubColour, Just 1)
653 | isJust accessed = (dim $ scoreColour 3, Just 1)
654 | otherwise = (obscure $ scoreColour $ -3, Nothing) ]
655 (posScore,negScore) <- MaybeT $ (snd<$>) <$> getRelScoreDetails sel
656 let (shownPosScore, shownNegScore) = (3 - negScore, 3 - posScore)
657 lift.lift $ sequence_
658 [ do
659 renderToMain $ renderStrColAt (scoreColour score) (sign:show (abs score)) pos
660 registerSelectable pos 0 SelRelScoreComponent
661 | (sign,score,pos) <-
662 [ ('-',-shownNegScore,posLeft+^neg hv+^hw)
663 , ('+',shownPosScore,posRight+^neg hv+^hw) ] ]
666 drawShortMouseHelp mode s = do
667 mwhs <- gets $ whsButtons.uiOptions
668 showBT <- gets (showButtonText . uiOptions)
669 when (showBT && isNothing mwhs) $ do
670 let helps = shortMouseHelp mode s
671 smallFont <- gets dispFontSmall
672 renderToMain $ withFont smallFont $ sequence_
673 [ renderStrColAtLeft (dim white) help
674 (periphery 3 +^ neg hu +^ (2-n)*^hv )
675 | (n,help) <- zip [0..] helps ]
676 where
677 shortMouseHelp IMPlay PlayState { psTutLevel = tutLevel } =
678 [ "LMB: select/move tool"
679 , "LMB+drag: move tool" ] ++
680 [ "Wheel: turn hook"
681 | not $ wrenchOnlyTutLevel tutLevel ] ++
682 [ "RMB+Wheel: undo/redo"
683 | not $ noUndoTutLevel tutLevel ] ++
684 [ "RMB: wait a turn"
685 | isNothing tutLevel ]
686 shortMouseHelp IMEdit _ =
687 [ "LMB: paint; Ctrl+LMB: delete"
688 , "Wheel: set paint type"
689 , "RMB: select piece; drag to move"
690 , "RMB+Wheel: tighten/loosen spring, rotate piece"
691 , "RMB+LMB: wait; RMB+MMB: delete piece"
692 , "MMB+Wheel: undo/redo"
694 shortMouseHelp IMReplay _ =
695 [ "Wheel: advance/regress time" ]
696 shortMouseHelp _ _ = []
698 -- waitEvent' : copy of SDL.Events.waitEvent, with the timeout increased
699 -- drastically to reduce CPU load when idling.
700 waitEvent' :: IO Event
701 waitEvent' = loop
702 where loop = do pumpEvents
703 event <- pollEvent
704 case event of
705 NoEvent -> threadDelay 10000 >> loop
706 _ -> return event
708 getEvents = do
709 e <- waitEvent'
710 es <- pollEvents
711 return $ e:es
713 getEventsTimeout us = do
714 es <- maybeToList <$> timeout us waitEvent'
715 es' <- pollEvents
716 return $ es++es'
718 updateHoverStr :: InputMode -> UIM ()
719 updateHoverStr mode = do
720 p@(mPos,isCentral) <- gets mousePos
721 showBT <- gets (showButtonText . uiOptions)
722 hstr <- runMaybeT $ msum
723 [ MaybeT ( cmdAtMousePos p mode Nothing ) >>= lift . describeCommandAndKeys
724 , guard showBT >> MaybeT (helpAtMousePos p mode)
725 , guard (showBT && mode == IMEdit) >> msum
726 [ return $ "set paint mode: " ++ describeCommand (paintTileCmds!!i)
727 | i <- take (length paintTiles) [0..]
728 , mPos == paintButtonStart +^ i*^hv ]
729 , guard (mPos == uiOptPos uiOB1 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB1) >> describeUIOptionButton uiOB1
730 , guard (mPos == uiOptPos uiOB2 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB2) >> describeUIOptionButton uiOB2
731 , guard (mPos == uiOptPos uiOB3 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB3) >> describeUIOptionButton uiOB3
732 , guard (mPos == uiOptPos uiOB4 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB4) >> describeUIOptionButton uiOB4
733 , guard (mPos == uiOptPos uiOB5 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB5) >> describeUIOptionButton uiOB5
734 #ifdef SOUND
735 , guard (mPos == uiOptPos uiOB6 && mode `elem` uiOptModes uiOB6) >> describeUIOptionButton uiOB6
736 #endif
738 modify $ \ds -> ds { hoverStr = hstr }
739 where
740 describeCommandAndKeys :: Command -> UIM String
741 describeCommandAndKeys cmd = do
742 uibdgs <- gets (Map.findWithDefault [] mode . uiKeyBindings)
743 return $ describeCommand cmd ++ " ["
744 ++ intercalate ","
745 (map showKeyFriendly $ findBindings (uibdgs ++ bindings mode) cmd)
746 ++ "]"
749 fillArea :: HexVec -> [HexVec] -> [HexVec -> MainStateT UIM ()] -> MainStateT UIM ()
750 fillArea centre area draws = do
751 offset <- gets listOffset
752 let na = length area
753 listButton cmd pos = lift $ registerButton pos cmd 3 []
754 draws' = if offset > 0 && length draws > na
755 then listButton CmdPrevPage :
756 drop (max 0 $ na-1 + (na-2)*(offset-1)) draws
757 else draws
758 (selDraws,allDrawn) = if length draws' > na
759 then (take (na-1) draws' ++ [listButton CmdNextPage], False)
760 else (take na draws', True)
761 unless allDrawn . modify $ \ms -> ms { listOffsetMax = False }
762 mapM_ (uncurry ($)) (
763 zip selDraws $ sortBy (compare `on` hexVec2SVec 37) $
764 take (length selDraws) $ sortBy
765 (compare `on` (hexLen . (-^centre)))
766 area)
768 drawOldLock ls pos = void.runMaybeT $ msum [ do
769 lock <- mgetLock ls
770 lift.lift $ drawMiniLock lock pos
771 , lift.lift.renderToMain $
772 renderStrColAt messageCol (show ls) pos
776 drawName,drawNullName :: Codename -> HexVec -> MainStateT UIM ()
777 drawName name pos = do
778 lift . drawNameCol name pos =<< nameCol name
779 lift . drawRelScoreGlyph pos =<< getRelScore name
780 drawNullName name pos = lift . drawNameCol name pos $ invisible white
782 drawNameCol name pos col = renderToMain $ do
783 drawAtRel (playerGlyph col) pos
784 renderStrColAt buttonTextCol name pos
786 drawRelScoreGlyph pos Nothing = return ()
787 drawRelScoreGlyph pos relScore = renderToMain . (`drawAtRel` pos) $ ScoreGlyph relScore
789 drawRelScore name pos = do
790 col <- nameCol name
791 relScore <- getRelScore name
792 flip (maybe (return ())) relScore $ \score ->
793 lift $ do
794 renderToMain $ renderStrColAt col
795 ((if score > 0 then "+" else "") ++ show score) pos
796 registerSelectable pos 0 SelRelScore
798 drawNote note pos = case noteBehind note of
799 Just al -> drawActiveLock al pos
800 Nothing -> drawPublicNote (noteAuthor note) pos
801 drawActiveLock al@(ActiveLock name i) pos = do
802 accessed <- accessedAL al
803 drawNameWithChar name
804 (if accessed then accColour else white)
805 (lockIndexChar i) pos
806 drawPublicNote name = drawNameWithChar name pubColour 'P'
807 drawNameWithChar name charcol char pos = do
808 col <- nameCol name
809 drawNameWithCharAndCol name charcol char col pos
810 lift . drawRelScoreGlyph pos =<< getRelScore name
811 drawNameWithCharAndCol :: String -> Pixel -> Char -> Pixel -> HexVec -> MainStateT UIM ()
812 drawNameWithCharAndCol name charcol char col pos = do
813 size <- fi.snd <$> lift getGeom
814 let up = FVec 0 $ 1/2 - ylen
815 let down = FVec 0 ylen
816 smallFont <- lift $ gets dispFontSmall
817 lift.renderToMain $ do
818 drawAtRel (playerGlyph col) pos
819 displaceRender up $
820 renderStrColAt buttonTextCol name pos
821 displaceRender down $ withFont smallFont $
822 renderStrColAt charcol [char] pos
823 pubWheelAngle = 5
824 pubColour = colourWheel pubWheelAngle -- ==purple
825 accColour = cyan
826 nameCol name = do
827 ourName <- gets ((authUser <$>) . curAuth)
828 relScore <- getRelScore name
829 return $ dim $ case relScore of
830 Nothing -> Pixel $ if ourName == Just name then 0xc0c0c000 else 0x80808000
831 Just score -> scoreColour score
832 scoreColour :: Int -> Pixel
833 scoreColour score = Pixel $ case score of
834 0 -> 0x80800000
835 1 -> 0x70a00000
836 2 -> 0x40c00000
837 3 -> 0x00ff0000
838 (-1) -> 0xa0700000
839 (-2) -> 0xc0400000
840 (-3) -> 0xff000000
842 drawLockInfo :: ActiveLock -> Maybe LockInfo -> MainStateT UIM ()
843 drawLockInfo al@(ActiveLock name idx) Nothing = do
844 let centre = hw+^neg hv +^ 7*(idx-1)*^hu
845 lift $ drawEmptyMiniLock centre
846 drawNameWithCharAndCol name white (lockIndexChar idx) (invisible white) centre
847 ourName <- gets ((authUser <$>) . curAuth)
848 lift $ registerSelectable centre 3 $ SelLockUnset (ourName == Just name) al
849 drawLockInfo al@(ActiveLock name idx) (Just lockinfo) = do
850 let centre = locksPos +^ 7*(idx-1)*^hu
851 let accessedByPos = centre +^ 3*^(hv +^ neg hw)
852 let accessedPos = centre +^ 2*^(hw +^ neg hv)
853 let notesPos = centre +^ 3*^(hw +^ neg hv)
854 ourName <- gets ((authUser <$>) . curAuth)
855 runMaybeT $ msum [
857 lock <- mgetLock $ lockSpec lockinfo
858 lift.lift $ do
859 drawMiniLock lock centre
860 registerSelectable centre 3 $ SelLock al
861 , lift $ do
862 drawActiveLock al centre
863 lift $ registerSelectable centre 3 $ SelLock al
866 size <- snd <$> lift getGeom
867 lift $ do
868 renderToMain $ displaceRender (FVec 1 0) $ renderStrColAt (brightish white) "SOLUTIONS" $ accessedByPos +^ hv
869 registerSelectable (accessedByPos +^ hv) 0 SelPrivyHeader
870 registerSelectable (accessedByPos +^ hv +^ hu) 0 SelPrivyHeader
871 if public lockinfo
872 then lift $ do
873 renderToMain $ renderStrColAt pubColour "Public" accessedByPos
874 registerSelectable accessedByPos 1 SelPublicLock
875 else if null $ accessedBy lockinfo
876 then lift.renderToMain $ renderStrColAt dimWhiteCol "None" accessedByPos
877 else fillArea accessedByPos
878 [ accessedByPos +^ d | j <- [0..2], i <- [-2..3]
879 , i-j > -4, i-j < 3
880 , let d = j*^hw +^ i*^hu ]
881 $ [ \pos -> lift (registerSelectable pos 0 (SelSolution note)) >> drawNote note pos
882 | note <- lockSolutions lockinfo ]
884 undecls <- gets undeclareds
885 case if isJust $ guard . (|| public lockinfo) . (`elem` map noteAuthor (lockSolutions lockinfo)) =<< ourName
886 then if public lockinfo
887 then Just (pubColour,"Accessed!",AccessedPublic)
888 else Just (accColour, "Solved!",AccessedSolved)
889 else if any (\(Undeclared _ ls _) -> ls == lockSpec lockinfo) undecls
890 then Just (yellow, "Undeclared",AccessedUndeclared)
891 else Nothing
893 Just (col,str,selstr) -> lift $ do
894 renderToMain $ renderStrColAt col str accessedPos
895 registerSelectable accessedPos 1 (SelAccessedInfo selstr)
896 Nothing -> do
897 read <- take 3 <$> getNotesReadOn lockinfo
898 unless (ourName == Just name) $ do
899 let readPos = accessedPos +^ (-3)*^hu
900 lift.renderToMain $ renderStrColAt (if length read == 3 then accColour else dimWhiteCol)
901 "Read:" readPos
902 when (length read == 3) $ lift $ registerSelectable readPos 0 (SelAccessedInfo AccessedReadNotes)
903 fillArea (accessedPos+^neg hu) [ accessedPos +^ i*^hu | i <- [-1..1] ]
904 $ take 3 $ [ \pos -> lift (registerSelectable pos 0 (SelReadNote note)) >> drawNote note pos
905 | note <- read ] ++ repeat (\pos -> lift $ registerSelectable pos 0 SelReadNoteSlot >>
906 renderToMain (drawAtRel (HollowGlyph $ dim green) pos))
908 lift $ do
909 renderToMain $ displaceRender (FVec 1 0) $ renderStrColAt (brightish white) "SECURING" $ notesPos +^ hv
910 registerSelectable (notesPos +^ hv) 0 SelNotesHeader
911 registerSelectable (notesPos +^ hv +^ hu) 0 SelNotesHeader
912 if null $ notesSecured lockinfo
913 then lift.renderToMain $ renderStrColAt dimWhiteCol "None" notesPos
914 else fillArea notesPos
915 [ notesPos +^ d | j <- [0..2], i <- [-2..3]
916 , i-j > -4, i-j < 3
917 , let d = j*^hw +^ i*^hu ]
918 [ \pos -> lift (registerSelectable pos 0 (SelSecured note)) >> drawActiveLock (noteOn note) pos
919 | note <- notesSecured lockinfo ]
921 drawBasicHelpPage :: (String,Pixel) -> ([String],Pixel) -> RenderM ()
922 drawBasicHelpPage (title,titleCol) (body,bodyCol) = do
923 erase
924 let startPos = hv +^ (length body `div` 4)*^(hv+^neg hw)
925 renderStrColAtCentre titleCol title $ startPos +^ hv +^neg hw
926 sequence_
927 [ renderStrColAtCentre bodyCol str $
928 startPos
929 +^ (y`div`2)*^(hw+^neg hv)
930 +^ (y`mod`2)*^hw
931 | (y,str) <- zip [0..] body ]