[intricacy.git] / InteractUtil.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 module InteractUtil where
13 import Control.Applicative
14 import Control.Monad.State
15 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
16 import Control.Monad.Writer
17 import Data.Array
18 import Data.Char
19 import Data.Function (on)
20 import Data.List
21 import Data.Map (Map)
22 import qualified Data.Map as Map
23 import Data.Maybe
24 import System.Directory
26 import Command
27 import EditGameState
28 import Frame
29 import GameState
30 import GameStateTypes
31 import Hex
32 import InputMode
33 import Lock
34 import MainState
35 import Metagame
36 import Mundanities
37 import Physics
38 import Protocol
39 import Util
41 checkWon :: UIMonad uiM => MainStateT uiM ()
42 checkWon = do
43 st <- gets psCurrentState
44 frame <- gets psFrame
45 wasSolved <- gets psSolved
46 let solved = checkSolved (frame,st)
47 when (solved /= wasSolved) $ do
48 modify $ \ps -> ps {psSolved = solved}
49 obdg <- lift $ getUIBinding IMPlay CmdOpen
50 lift $ if solved then do
51 drawMessage $ "Unlocked! '"++obdg++"' to open."
52 reportAlerts st [AlertUnlocked]
53 else clearMessage
55 doForce force = do
56 st <- gets esGameState
57 let (st',alerts) = runWriter $ resolveSinglePlForce force st
58 lift (reportAlerts st' alerts) >> pushEState st'
59 drawTile pos tile painting = do
60 modify $ \es -> es {selectedPiece = Nothing}
61 lastMP <- gets lastModPos
62 modifyEState $ modTile tile pos lastMP painting
63 modify $ \es -> es {lastModPos = pos}
64 paintTilePath frame tile from to = if from == to
65 then modify $ \es -> es {lastModPos = to}
66 else do
67 let from' = hexVec2HexDirOrZero (to-^from) +^ from
68 when (inEditable frame from') $ drawTile from' tile True
69 paintTilePath frame tile from' to
71 adjustSpringTension :: UIMonad uiM => PieceIdx -> Int -> MainStateT uiM ()
72 adjustSpringTension p dl = do
73 st <- gets esGameState
74 let updateConn c@(Connection r e@(p',_) (Spring d l))
75 | p' == p
76 , let c' = Connection r e (Spring d $ l + dl)
77 , springExtensionValid st c'
78 = c'
79 | otherwise = c
80 pushEState $ st { connections = updateConn <$> connections st }
82 pushEState :: UIMonad uiM => GameState -> MainStateT uiM ()
83 pushEState st = do
84 st' <- gets esGameState
85 sts <- gets esGameStateStack
86 when (st' /= st) $ modify $ \es -> es {esGameState = st, esGameStateStack = st':sts, esUndoneStack = []}
87 pushPState :: UIMonad uiM => (GameState,PlayerMove) -> MainStateT uiM ()
88 pushPState (st,pm) = do
89 st' <- gets psCurrentState
90 stms <- gets psGameStateMoveStack
91 when (st' /= st) $ modify $ \ps -> ps {psCurrentState = st,
92 psGameStateMoveStack = (st',pm):stms, psUndoneStack = []}
93 modifyEState :: UIMonad uiM => (GameState -> GameState) -> MainStateT uiM ()
94 modifyEState f = do
95 st <- gets esGameState
96 pushEState $ f st
98 doPhysicsTick :: UIMonad uiM => PlayerMove -> GameState -> uiM (GameState, [Alert])
99 doPhysicsTick pm st =
100 let r@(st',alerts) = runWriter $ physicsTick pm st in
101 reportAlerts st' alerts >> return r
103 nextLock :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
104 nextLock newer path = do
105 lockdir <- confFilePath "locks"
106 time <- (Just <$> (fullLockPath path >>= getModificationTime))
107 `catchIO` const (return Nothing)
108 paths <- getDirContentsRec lockdir
109 maybe path (drop (length lockdir + 1) . fst) . listToMaybe .
110 (if newer then id else reverse) . sortBy (compare `on` snd) .
111 filter (maybe (const True)
112 (\x y -> (if newer then (<) else (>)) x (snd y)) time) <$>
113 (\p -> (,) p <$> getModificationTime p) `mapM` paths
115 hasLocks :: IO Bool
116 hasLocks = do
117 lockdir <- confFilePath "locks"
118 not.null <$> getDirContentsRec lockdir
120 setLockPath :: UIMonad uiM => FilePath -> MainStateT uiM ()
121 setLockPath path = do
122 lock <- liftIO $ fullLockPath path >>= readLock
123 modify $ \ms -> ms {curLockPath = path, curLock = lock}
125 declare undecl@(Undeclared soln ls al) = do
126 ourName <- mgetOurName
127 ourUInfo <- mgetUInfo ourName
128 [pbdg,ebdg,hbdg] <- mapM (lift.lift . getUIBinding IMMeta)
129 [ CmdPlaceLock Nothing, CmdEdit, CmdHome ]
130 haveLock <- gets (isJust . curLock)
131 idx <- askLockIndex "Secure behind which lock?"
132 (if haveLock
133 then "First you must place ('"++pbdg++"') a lock to secure your solution behind, while at home ('"++hbdg++"')."
134 else "First design a lock in the editor ('"++ebdg++"'), behind which to secure your solution.")
135 (\i -> isJust $ userLocks ourUInfo ! i)
136 guard $ isJust $ userLocks ourUInfo ! idx
137 lift $ curServerActionAsyncThenInvalidate
138 (DeclareSolution soln ls al idx)
139 -- rather than recurse through the tree to find what scores may have
140 -- changed as a result of this declaration, or leave it to timeouts
141 -- and explicit refreshes to reveal it, we just invalidate all UInfos.
142 (Just AllCodenames)
144 startMark = '^'
146 marksSet :: UIMonad uiM => MainStateT uiM [Char]
147 marksSet = do
148 mst <- get
149 return $ case ms2im mst of
150 IMEdit -> Map.keys $ esMarks mst
151 IMPlay -> Map.keys $ psMarks mst
152 IMReplay -> Map.keys $ rsMarks mst
153 _ -> []
155 jumpMark :: UIMonad uiM => Char -> MainStateT uiM ()
156 jumpMark ch = do
157 mst <- get
158 void.runMaybeT $ case ms2im mst of
159 IMEdit -> do
160 st <- liftMaybe $ ch `Map.lookup` esMarks mst
161 lift $ setMark True '\'' >> pushEState st
162 IMPlay -> do
163 mst' <- liftMaybe $ ch `Map.lookup` psMarks mst
164 put mst' { psMarks = Map.insert '\'' mst $ psMarks mst }
165 IMReplay -> do
166 mst' <- liftMaybe $ ch `Map.lookup` rsMarks mst
167 put mst' { rsMarks = Map.insert '\'' mst $ rsMarks mst }
168 _ -> return ()
170 setMark :: (Monad m) => Bool -> Char -> MainStateT m ()
171 setMark overwrite ch = get >>= \mst -> case mst of
172 -- ugh... remind me why I'm not using lens?
173 EditState { esMarks = marks, esGameState = st } ->
174 put $ mst { esMarks = insertMark ch st marks }
175 PlayState {} -> put $ mst { psMarks = insertMark ch mst $ psMarks mst }
176 ReplayState {} -> put $ mst { rsMarks = insertMark ch mst $ rsMarks mst }
177 _ -> return ()
178 where insertMark = Map.insertWith $ \new old -> if overwrite then new else old
180 askLockIndex :: UIMonad uiM => [Char] -> String -> (Int -> Bool) -> MaybeT (MainStateT uiM) Int
181 askLockIndex prompt failMessage pred = do
182 let ok = filter pred [0,1,2]
183 case length ok of
184 0 -> (lift.lift) (drawError failMessage) >> mzero
185 1 -> return $ head ok
186 _ -> ask ok
187 where
188 ask ok = do
189 let prompt' = prompt ++ " [" ++ intersperse ',' (lockIndexChar <$> ok) ++ "]"
190 idx <- MaybeT $ lift $ (((charLockIndex<$>).listToMaybe) =<<) <$>
191 textInput prompt' 1 False True Nothing Nothing
192 if idx `elem` ok then return idx else ask ok
193 confirmOrBail :: UIMonad uiM => String -> MaybeT (MainStateT uiM) ()
194 confirmOrBail prompt = (guard =<<) $ lift.lift $ confirm prompt
195 confirm :: UIMonad uiM => String -> uiM Bool
196 confirm prompt = do
197 drawPrompt False $ prompt ++ " [y/N] "
198 setYNButtons
199 waitConfirm <* endPrompt
200 where
201 waitConfirm = do
202 cmds <- getInput IMTextInput
203 maybe waitConfirm return (msum $ ansOfCmd <$> cmds)
204 ansOfCmd (CmdInputChar 'y') = Just True
205 ansOfCmd (CmdInputChar 'Y') = Just True
206 ansOfCmd (CmdInputChar c) = if isPrint c then Just False else Nothing
207 ansOfCmd CmdRedraw = Just False
208 ansOfCmd CmdRefresh = Nothing
209 ansOfCmd CmdUnselect = Nothing
210 ansOfCmd _ = Just False
212 -- | TODO: draw cursor
213 textInput :: UIMonad uiM => String -> Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe [String] -> Maybe String -> uiM (Maybe String)
214 textInput prompt maxlen hidden endOnMax mposss init = getText (fromMaybe "" init, Nothing) <* endPrompt
215 where
216 getText :: UIMonad uiM => (String, Maybe String) -> uiM (Maybe String)
217 getText (s,mstem) = do
218 drawPrompt (length s == maxlen) $ prompt ++ " " ++ if hidden then replicate (length s) '*' else s
219 if endOnMax && isNothing mstem && maxlen <= length s
220 then return $ Just $ take maxlen s
221 else do
222 cmds <- getInput IMTextInput
223 case foldM applyCmd (s,mstem) cmds of
224 Left False -> return Nothing
225 Left True -> return $ Just s
226 Right (s',mstem') -> getText (s',mstem')
227 where
228 applyCmd (s,mstem) (CmdInputChar c) = case c of
229 '\ESC' -> Left False
230 '\a' -> Left False -- ^G
231 '\ETX' -> Left False -- ^C
232 '\n' -> Left True
233 '\r' -> Left True
234 '\NAK' -> Right ("",Nothing) -- ^U
235 '\b' -> Right (take (length s - 1) s, Nothing)
236 '\DEL' -> Right (take (length s - 1) s, Nothing)
237 '\t' -> case mposss of
238 Nothing -> Right (s,mstem)
239 Just possibilities -> case mstem of
240 Nothing -> let
241 completions = filter (completes s) possibilities
242 pref = if null completions then s else
243 let c = head completions
244 in head [ c' | n <- reverse [0..length c],
245 let c'=take n c, all (completes c') completions ]
246 in Right (pref,Just pref)
247 Just stem -> let
248 completions = filter (completes stem) possibilities
249 later = filter (>s) completions
250 s' | null completions = s
251 | null later = head completions
252 | otherwise = minimum later
253 in Right (s',mstem)
254 _ -> Right $ if isPrint c
255 then ((if length s >= maxlen then id else (++[c])) s, Nothing)
256 else (s,mstem)
257 applyCmd x (CmdInputSelLock idx) =
258 setTextOrSubmit x [lockIndexChar idx]
259 applyCmd x (CmdInputSelUndecl (Undeclared _ _ (ActiveLock name idx))) =
260 setTextOrSubmit x $ name++[':',lockIndexChar idx]
261 applyCmd x (CmdInputCodename name) =
262 setTextOrSubmit x name
263 applyCmd x CmdRefresh = Right x
264 applyCmd x CmdUnselect = Right x
265 applyCmd _ _ = Left False
266 completes s s' = take (length s) s' == s
267 setTextOrSubmit (s,_) t = if s == t then Left True else Right (t,Nothing)