[intricacy.git] / GameState.hs
1 -- This file is part of Intricacy
2 -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
13 module GameState where
15 import Control.Applicative
16 import Control.Monad
17 import Control.Monad.State
18 import Data.Function (on)
19 import Data.List
20 import Data.Map (Map)
21 import qualified Data.Map as Map
22 import Data.Maybe
23 import Data.Set (Set)
24 import qualified Data.Set as Set
25 import Data.Vector (Vector, (!), (//))
26 import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
28 import GameStateTypes
29 import Hex
30 import Util
31 --import Debug
33 ppidxs :: GameState -> [PieceIdx]
34 ppidxs = Vector.toList . Vector.findIndices (const True) . placedPieces
36 getpp :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> PlacedPiece
37 getpp st idx = placedPieces st ! idx
39 setpp :: PieceIdx -> PlacedPiece -> GameState -> GameState
40 setpp idx pp st@(GameState pps _) =
41 let displacement = placedPos (getpp st idx) -^ placedPos pp
42 updateConn conn@(Connection root@(ridx,rpos) end@(eidx,epos) link)
43 | ridx == idx = Connection (ridx,rpos+^displacement) end link
44 | eidx == idx = Connection root (eidx,epos+^displacement) link
45 | otherwise = conn
46 in st {placedPieces = pps // [(idx, pp)]
47 , connections = updateConn <$> connections st }
49 addpp :: PlacedPiece -> GameState -> GameState
50 addpp pp st@(GameState pps _) = st {placedPieces = Vector.snoc pps pp}
52 addConn :: Connection -> GameState -> GameState
53 addConn conn st@(GameState _ conns) = st {connections = conn:conns}
55 type Component = (HexVec, Set HexVec)
56 components :: Set HexVec -> [Component]
57 components patt
58 | Set.null patt = []
59 | otherwise =
60 let c = if zero `Set.member` patt then zero else head $ Set.toList patt
61 (patt',comp) = floodfill c patt
62 in ( (c, Set.map (+^ neg c) comp) : components patt' )
64 floodfill :: HexVec -> Set HexVec -> (Set HexVec, Set HexVec)
65 floodfill start patt = floodfill' start `execState` (patt, Set.empty)
66 where
67 floodfill' :: HexVec -> State (Set HexVec, Set HexVec) ()
68 floodfill' start = do
69 (patt, dels) <- get
70 let patt' = Set.delete start patt
71 unless (Set.size patt' == Set.size patt) $ do
72 put (patt', Set.insert start dels)
73 sequence_ [ floodfill' (dir+^start) | dir <- hexDirs ]
75 delPiece :: PieceIdx -> GameState -> GameState
76 delPiece idx (GameState pps conns) =
77 GameState (Vector.concat [Vector.take idx pps, Vector.drop (idx+1) pps])
78 [ Connection (ridx',rv) (eidx',ev) link |
79 Connection (ridx,rv) (eidx,ev) link <- conns
80 , ridx /= idx
81 , eidx /= idx
82 , let ridx' = if ridx > idx then ridx-1 else ridx
83 , let eidx' = if eidx > idx then eidx-1 else eidx ]
85 delPieceIn :: HexPos -> GameState -> GameState
86 delPieceIn pos st =
87 case fst <$> Map.lookup pos (stateBoard st) of
88 Just idx -> delPiece idx st
89 _ -> st
91 setPiece :: PieceIdx -> Piece -> GameState -> GameState
92 setPiece idx p st =
93 setpp idx (PlacedPiece (placedPos $ getpp st idx) p) st
95 adjustPieces :: (Piece -> Piece) -> GameState -> GameState
96 adjustPieces f st =
97 st { placedPieces =
98 (\pp -> pp { placedPiece = f $ placedPiece pp }) <$> placedPieces st }
100 addBlockPos :: PieceIdx -> HexPos -> GameState -> GameState
101 addBlockPos b pos st =
102 let PlacedPiece ppos (Block patt) = getpp st b
103 in setPiece b (Block (pos -^ ppos:patt)) st
105 addPivotArm :: PieceIdx -> HexPos -> GameState -> GameState
106 addPivotArm p pos st =
107 let PlacedPiece ppos (Pivot arms) = getpp st p
108 in setPiece p (Pivot (pos -^ ppos:arms)) st
110 locusPos :: GameState -> Locus -> HexPos
111 locusPos s (idx,v) = v +^ placedPos (getpp s idx)
113 posLocus :: GameState -> HexPos -> Maybe Locus
114 posLocus st pos = listToMaybe [ (idx,pos-^ppos) |
115 (idx,pp@(PlacedPiece ppos _)) <- enumVec $ placedPieces st
116 , pos `elem` plPieceFootprint pp ]
118 connectionLength :: GameState -> Connection -> Int
119 connectionLength st (Connection root end _) =
120 let rootPos = locusPos st root
121 endPos = locusPos st end
122 in hexLen (endPos -^ rootPos) - 1
124 springsAtIdx,springsEndAtIdx,springsRootAtIdx :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> [Connection]
125 springsAtIdx st idx =
126 [ c | c@(Connection (ridx,_) (eidx, _) (Spring _ _)) <- connections st
127 , idx `elem` [ridx,eidx] ]
128 springsAtIdxIgnoring st idx idx' =
129 [ c | c@(Connection (ridx,_) (eidx, _) (Spring _ _)) <- connections st
130 , idx `elem` [ridx,eidx], idx' `notElem` [ridx,eidx] ]
131 springsEndAtIdx st idx =
132 [ c | c@(Connection _ (eidx, _) (Spring _ _)) <- connections st
133 , eidx==idx ]
134 springsRootAtIdx st idx =
135 [ c | c@(Connection (ridx, _) _ (Spring _ _)) <- connections st
136 , ridx==idx ]
137 connectionsBetween :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> PieceIdx -> [Connection]
138 connectionsBetween st idx idx' =
139 filter connIsBetween $ connections st
140 where
141 connIsBetween conn =
142 isPerm (idx,idx') (fst $ connectionRoot conn, fst $ connectionEnd conn)
143 isPerm = (==) `on` (\(x,y) -> Set.fromList [x,y])
145 connGraphPathExists :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> PieceIdx -> Bool
146 connGraphPathExists st ridx eidx = (ridx == eidx) ||
147 any ((connGraphPathExists st `flip` eidx) . fst . connectionEnd)
148 (springsRootAtIdx st ridx)
150 connGraphHeight :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> Int
151 connGraphHeight st idx =
152 maximum . (0:) $ (+1) . connGraphHeight st . fst . connectionRoot <$> springsEndAtIdx st idx
154 type Digraph a = Map a (Set a)
155 checkConnGraphAcyclic :: GameState -> Bool
156 checkConnGraphAcyclic st =
157 let idxs = ppidxs st
158 leaves dg = (fst <$>) . filter (Set.null . snd) $ Map.toList dg
159 checkDigraphAcyclic :: Ord a => Digraph a -> Bool
160 checkDigraphAcyclic dg = case listToMaybe $ leaves dg of
161 Nothing -> Map.null dg
162 Just leaf -> checkDigraphAcyclic $ Map.delete leaf $ Set.delete leaf <$> dg
163 in checkDigraphAcyclic $ Map.fromList
164 [ (idx, Set.fromList $ fst . connectionRoot <$> springsEndAtIdx st idx) | idx <- idxs ]
166 repossessConns :: GameState -> GameState -> GameState
167 repossessConns st st' =
168 st' {connections = [ Connection root' end' link |
169 Connection root end link <- connections st
170 , root' <- maybeToList $ posLocus st' $ locusPos st root
171 , end' <- maybeToList $ posLocus st' $ locusPos st end ] }
173 delConnectionsIn :: HexPos -> GameState -> GameState
174 delConnectionsIn pos st =
175 st {connections = filter
176 ((pos `notElem`) . connectionFootPrint st)
177 $ connections st}
179 delPiecePos :: PieceIdx -> HexPos -> GameState -> (GameState, Maybe PieceIdx)
180 -- ^ returns new state and the new index of what remains of the piece, if
181 -- anything
182 delPiecePos idx pos st =
183 let PlacedPiece ppos p = getpp st idx
184 v = pos -^ ppos
185 in case p of
186 Block patt ->
187 let (st',midx) = componentify idx $ setpp idx (PlacedPiece ppos $ Block $ patt \\ [v]) st
188 in (repossessConns st st', midx)
189 Pivot arms -> if v == zero
190 then (delPiece idx st, Nothing)
191 else ((setPiece idx $ Pivot $ arms \\ [v]) st, Just idx)
192 _ -> (delPiece idx st, Nothing)
193 componentify :: PieceIdx -> GameState -> (GameState, Maybe PieceIdx)
194 componentify idx st = let PlacedPiece ppos p = getpp st idx
195 in case p of
196 Block patt ->
197 let comps = components $ Set.fromList patt
198 ppOfComp (v,patt) = PlacedPiece (v+^ppos) $ Block $ Set.toList patt
199 in case comps of
200 [] -> (delPiece idx st, Nothing)
201 zeroComp:newComps ->
202 (setpp idx (ppOfComp zeroComp)
203 $ foldr (addpp . ppOfComp) st newComps, Just idx)
204 _ -> (st,Nothing)
206 springExtended,springCompressed,springFullyExtended
207 ,springFullyCompressed :: GameState -> Connection -> Bool
208 springExtended st c@(Connection _ _ (Spring _ natLen)) =
209 connectionLength st c > natLen
210 springExtended _ _ = False
211 springCompressed st c@(Connection _ _ (Spring _ natLen)) =
212 connectionLength st c < natLen
213 springCompressed _ _ = False
214 springFullyExtended st c@(Connection _ _ (Spring _ natLen)) =
215 connectionLength st c >= 2*natLen
216 springFullyExtended _ _ = False
217 springFullyCompressed st c@(Connection _ _ (Spring _ natLen)) =
218 connectionLength st c <= (natLen+1)`div`2
219 springFullyCompressed _ _ = False
220 springExtensionValid st c@(Connection _ _ (Spring _ natLen)) =
221 let l = connectionLength st c
222 in l >= (natLen+1)`div`2 && l <= 2*natLen
223 springExtensionValid _ _ = True
225 stateBoard :: GameState -> GameBoard
226 stateBoard st@(GameState plPieces conns) =
227 addConnAdjs st conns $
228 Map.unions (plPieceBoard <$> enumVec plPieces) `Map.union`
229 Map.unions (connectionBoard st <$> conns)
231 addConnAdjs :: GameState -> [Connection] -> GameBoard -> GameBoard
232 addConnAdjs st = flip $ foldr addConnAdj
233 where
234 addConnAdj (Connection root end (Spring dir _)) board =
235 addAdj (locusPos st root) dir $
236 addAdj (locusPos st end) (neg dir) board
237 addConnAdj _ board = board
238 addAdj pos d =
239 Map.adjust (\(o,tile) -> (o,case tile of
240 BlockTile adjs -> BlockTile (d:adjs)
241 _ -> tile))
244 plPieceBoard :: (PieceIdx,PlacedPiece) -> GameBoard
245 plPieceBoard (idx,pp) = (idx,) <$> plPieceMap pp
247 plPieceMap :: PlacedPiece -> Map HexPos Tile
248 plPieceMap (PlacedPiece pos (Block patt)) =
249 let pattSet = Set.fromList patt
250 in Map.fromList [ (rel +^ pos, BlockTile adjs)
251 | rel <- patt
252 , let adjs = filter (\dir -> (rel +^ dir) `Set.member` pattSet) hexDirs ]
253 plPieceMap (PlacedPiece pos (Pivot arms)) =
254 let overarmed = length arms > 2 in
255 Map.fromList $ (pos, PivotTile $ if overarmed then head arms else zero ) :
256 [ (rel +^ pos, ArmTile rel main)
257 | (rel,main) <- map (,False) arms ]
258 plPieceMap (PlacedPiece pos (Hook arm _)) =
259 Map.fromList $ (pos, HookTile) : [ (arm +^ pos, ArmTile arm True) ]
260 plPieceMap (PlacedPiece pos (Wrench mom)) = Map.singleton pos $ WrenchTile mom
261 plPieceMap (PlacedPiece pos Ball) = Map.singleton pos BallTile
263 plPieceFootprint :: PlacedPiece -> [HexPos]
264 plPieceFootprint = Map.keys . plPieceMap
266 fullFootprint :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> [HexPos]
267 -- ^footprint of piece and connections ending at it
268 fullFootprint st idx = plPieceFootprint (getpp st idx) ++
269 concatMap (connectionFootPrint st) (springsEndAtIdx st idx)
271 footprintAt :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> [HexPos]
272 -- ^footprint of piece and any connections at it
273 footprintAt st idx = plPieceFootprint (getpp st idx) ++
274 concatMap (connectionFootPrint st) (springsAtIdx st idx)
276 footprintAtIgnoring :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> PieceIdx -> [HexPos]
277 -- ^footprint of piece and any connections at it, except those with idx'
278 footprintAtIgnoring st idx idx' = plPieceFootprint (getpp st idx) ++
279 concatMap (connectionFootPrint st) (springsAtIdxIgnoring st idx idx')
281 collisions :: GameState -> PieceIdx -> PieceIdx -> [HexPos]
282 -- ^intersections of two pieces and their connections, disregarding
283 -- the connections which connect the two pieces
284 collisions st idx idx' =
285 intersect (footprintAt st idx) (footprintAt st idx') \\
286 concatMap (connectionFootPrint st) (connectionsBetween st idx idx')
288 connectionBoard :: GameState -> Connection -> GameBoard
289 connectionBoard st (Connection root end@(eidx,_) (Spring dir natLen)) =
290 let rootPos = locusPos st root
291 endPos = locusPos st end
292 curLen = hexLen (endPos -^ rootPos) - 1
293 in Map.fromList $
294 [ ((d *^ dir) +^ rootPos, (eidx, SpringTile extension dir))
295 | d <- [1..curLen],
296 let extension | d <= natLen - curLen = Compressed
297 | curLen-d < 2*(curLen - natLen) = Stretched
298 | otherwise = Relaxed ]
299 connectionBoard _ _ = Map.empty
301 connectionFootPrint :: GameState -> Connection -> [HexPos]
302 connectionFootPrint s c = Map.keys $ connectionBoard s c
304 castRay :: HexPos -> HexDir -> GameBoard -> Maybe (PieceIdx, HexPos)
305 castRay start dir board =
306 castRay' 30 start
307 where castRay' 0 _ = Nothing
308 castRay' n pos =
309 case Map.lookup pos board of
310 Nothing -> castRay' (n-1) (dir+^pos)
311 Just (idx,_) -> Just (idx,pos)
313 validGameState :: GameState -> Bool
314 validGameState st@(GameState pps conns) = and
315 [ checkValidHex st
316 , checkConnGraphAcyclic st
317 , and [ null $ collisions st idx idx'
318 | idx <- ppidxs st
319 , idx' <- [0..idx-1] ]
320 , and [ isHexDir dir
321 && castRay (dir+^rpos) dir
322 (stateBoard $ GameState pps (conns \\ [c]))
323 == Just (eidx, epos)
324 && springExtensionValid st c
325 && validRoot st root
326 && validEnd st end
327 | c@(Connection root@(ridx,_) end@(eidx,_) (Spring dir _)) <- conns
328 , let [rpos,epos] = locusPos st <$> [root,end] ]
329 , and [ 1 == length (components $ Set.fromList patt)
330 | Block patt <- placedPiece <$> Vector.toList pps ]
333 validRoot st (idx,v) = case placedPiece $ getpp st idx of
334 (Block _) -> True
335 (Pivot _) -> v==zero
336 _ -> False
337 validEnd st (idx,_) = case placedPiece $ getpp st idx of
338 (Block _) -> True
339 _ -> False
341 checkValidHex (GameState pps conns) = all validPP (Vector.toList pps) && all validConn conns
342 where
343 validVec (HexVec x y z) = x+y+z==0
344 validPos (PHS v) = validVec v
345 validDir v = validVec v && isHexDir v
346 validPP (PlacedPiece pos piece) = validPos pos && validPiece piece
347 validPiece (Block patt) = all validVec patt
348 validPiece (Pivot arms) = all validDir arms
349 validPiece (Hook dir _) = validDir dir
350 validPiece _ = True
351 validConn (Connection (_,rv) (_,ev) link) = all validVec [rv,ev] && validLink link
352 validLink (Free v) = validVec v
353 validLink (Spring dir _) = validDir dir
355 protectedPiece :: PieceIdx -> Bool
356 protectedPiece = isFrame
357 isFrame :: PieceIdx -> Bool
358 isFrame = (==0)