Add facility to read frames in RGB & RGBA format
[imageviewer.git] /
1 HEADERS += rawIOrgba.h \
2 rawIOrgb.h \
3 mainwindow.h \
4 view.h \
5 transformDialog.h \
6 customSizeDialog.h \
7 chromaResample.h \
8 colourSpace.h \
9 sequenceReader.h
10 HEADERS += array_df.h \
11 rawFrame.h \
12 rawFrameIO.h
13 HEADERS += rawIOv210.h \
14 rawIOv216.h \
15 rawIOYV12.h \
16 rawIOuyvy.h \
17 rawIOuy16.h \
18 rawIOi420.h \
19 rawIOyy16.h \
20 rawIOyyy8.h
21 HEADERS += rawIOppm.h \
22 rawIOpgm.h \
23 rawIOsgi.h \
24 rawIOleader-frm.h
25 HEADERS += rawIO16P0.h \
26 rawIO16P2.h \
27 rawIO16P4.h \
28 rawIO8P2.h
29 SOURCES += rawIOrgba.cpp \
30 rawIOrgb.cpp \
31 main.cpp \
32 sequenceReader.cpp
33 SOURCES += mainwindow.cpp \
34 view.cpp \
35 transformDialog.cpp \
36 customSizeDialog.cpp \
37 chromaResample.cpp \
38 colourSpace.cpp
39 SOURCES += rawIOv210.cpp \
40 rawIOv216.cpp \
41 rawIOYV12.cpp \
42 rawIOuyvy.cpp \
43 rawIOuy16.cpp \
44 rawIOi420.cpp \
45 rawIOyy16.cpp \
46 rawIOyyy8.cpp
47 SOURCES += rawIOppm.cpp \
48 rawIOpgm.cpp \
49 rawIOsgi.cpp \
50 rawIOleader-frm.cpp
51 SOURCES += rawIO16P0.cpp \
52 rawIO16P2.cpp \
53 rawIO16P4.cpp \
54 rawIO8P2.cpp
55 TEMPLATE = app
56 TARGET = imageviewer
57 RESOURCES = imageviewer.qrc
58 HELP_SOURCES = documentation/imageviewer.qhcp
59 CONFIG += embed_mainfest_exe \
60 assistant \
61 debug_and_release
62 QT += svg
64 win32 {
65 # icon resource on windows
66 RC_FILE = imageviewer.rc
67 executable.path = win-install
68 executable.files = release/imageviewer.exe
70 QT_VER = $$find(MY_QT_VER, 4.[4-9].[0-9]
71 isEmpty(QT_VER):executable.files += $$(QTDIR)/bin/assistant.exe
72 else:# after Qt 4.4.0, the help system changed so we need the legacy one
73 executable.files += $$(QTDIR)/bin/assistant_adp.exe
74 documentation.path = win-install/documentation
75 documentation.files = documentation/imageviewer.qhc
76 install_libraries.path = win-install
77 install_libraries.files = $$(QTDIR)/bin/QtCore4.dll \
78 $$(QTDIR)/bin/QtGui4.dll
79 install_libraries.files += $$(QTDIR)/bin/QtSvg4.dll
81 # for assistant[_adp].exe
82 install_libraries.files += $$(QTDIR)/bin/QtXml4.dll
83 install_libraries.files += $$(QTDIR)/bin/QtNetwork4.dll
84 icon_plugin.path = win-install/iconengines
85 icon_plugin.files = $$(QTDIR)/plugins/iconengines/qsvgicon4.dll
86 INSTALLS += executable
87 INSTALLS += documentation
88 INSTALLS += install_libraries
89 INSTALLS += icon_plugin
91 unix {
92 # destination directory for the executable
93 executable.path = /usr/local/bin/
94 executable.files = imageviewer
96 # destination directory for the docs
97 documentation.path = /usr/share/imageviewer/
98 documentation.files = documentation/imageviewer.qhc
99 DEFINES += DOCDIR=\\\"$$documentation.path\\\"
100 INSTALLS += executable
101 INSTALLS += documentation
104 # attempt to integrate building of the qhc (helpcollection) file with the build
105 # - still problematic - if helpgen.CONFIG = no_link is set the helpcollection target never gets built.
106 # - if this is not set the qhc file gets built but is also added to the OBJECTS list which is passed to the linker,
107 # which subsequently fails.
109 # QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += helpcollection dummy
110 # QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += helpgen dummygen
112 # = dummy.o
113 # dummy.depends = helpcollection
114 # dummygen.output = dummy.o
115 # dummygen.commands = echo \
116 # \"void \
117 # dummy(void){};\" \
118 # > \
119 # dummy.c; \
120 # g++ \
121 # -c \
122 # -o \
123 # dummy.o \
124 # dummy.c
125 # = documentation/imageviewer.qhc
126 # helpcollection.depends = documentation/imageviewer.qhcp
127 # helpgen.output = documentation/imageviewer.qhc
128 # helpgen.input = HELP_SOURCES
129 # helpgen.commands = qcollectiongenerator \
131 # helpgen.CONFIG = no_link