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16 <p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.3</p>
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21 <div id="page-content">
22 <div id="preamble"><h1>Apache Module mod_headers</h1>
23 <div class="toplang">
24 <p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="../en/mod/mod_headers.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
25 <a href="../ja/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese">&nbsp;ja&nbsp;</a> |
26 <a href="../ko/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a></p>
27 </div>
28 <table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">Description:</a></th><td>Customization of HTTP request and response
29 headers</td></tr>
30 <tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
31 <tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">Module Identifier:</a></th><td>headers_module</td></tr>
32 <tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#SourceFile">Source File:</a></th><td>mod_headers.c</td></tr></table>
33 <h3>Summary</h3>
35 <p>This module provides directives to control and modify HTTP
36 request and response headers. Headers can be merged, replaced
37 or removed.</p>
38 </div>
39 <div id="quickview"><h3 class="directives">Directives</h3>
40 <ul id="toc">
41 <li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#header">Header</a></li>
42 <li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#requestheader">RequestHeader</a></li>
43 </ul>
44 <h3>Topics</h3>
45 <ul id="topics">
46 <li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#order">Order of Processing</a></li>
47 <li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#early">Early and Late Processing</a></li>
48 <li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
49 </ul></div>
50 <div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
51 <div class="section">
52 <h2><a name="order" id="order">Order of Processing</a></h2>
54 <p>The directives provided by <code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_headers.html">mod_headers</a></code> can
55 occur almost anywhere within the server configuration, and can be
56 limited in scope by enclosing them in <a href="../sections.html">configuration sections</a>.</p>
58 <p>Order of processing is important and is affected both by the
59 order in the configuration file and by placement in <a href="../sections.html#mergin">configuration sections</a>. These
60 two headers have a different effect if reversed:</p>
62 <div class="example"><p><code>
63 RequestHeader append MirrorID "mirror 12"<br />
64 RequestHeader unset MirrorID
65 </code></p></div>
67 <p>This way round, the <code>MirrorID</code> header is not set. If
68 reversed, the MirrorID header is set to "mirror 12".</p>
69 </div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
70 <div class="section">
71 <h2><a name="early" id="early">Early and Late Processing</a></h2>
72 <p><code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_headers.html">mod_headers</a></code> can be applied either early or late
73 in the request. The normal mode is late, when Request Headers are
74 set immediately before running the content generator and Response
75 Headers just as the response is sent down the wire. Always use
76 Late mode in an operational server.</p>
78 <p>Early mode is designed as a test/debugging aid for developers.
79 Directives defined using the <code>early</code> keyword are set
80 right at the beginning of processing the request. This means
81 they can be used to simulate different requests and set up test
82 cases, but it also means that headers may be changed at any time
83 by other modules before generating a Response.</p>
85 <p>Because early directives are processed before the request path's
86 configuration is traversed, early headers can only be set in a
87 main server or virtual host context. Early directives cannot depend
88 on a request path, so they will fail in contexts such as
89 <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;Location&gt;</code>.</p>
90 </div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
91 <div class="section">
92 <h2><a name="examples" id="examples">Examples</a></h2>
94 <ol>
95 <li>
96 Copy all request headers that begin with "TS" to the
97 response headers:
99 <div class="example"><p><code>
100 Header echo ^TS
101 </code></p></div>
102 </li>
104 <li>
105 Add a header, <code>MyHeader</code>, to the response including a
106 timestamp for when the request was received and how long it
107 took to begin serving the request. This header can be used by
108 the client to intuit load on the server or in isolating
109 bottlenecks between the client and the server.
111 <div class="example"><p><code>
112 Header set MyHeader "%D %t"
113 </code></p></div>
115 <p>results in this header being added to the response:</p>
117 <div class="example"><p><code>
118 MyHeader: D=3775428 t=991424704447256
119 </code></p></div>
120 </li>
122 <li>
123 Say hello to Joe
125 <div class="example"><p><code>
126 Header set MyHeader "Hello Joe. It took %D microseconds \<br />
127 for Apache to serve this request."
128 </code></p></div>
130 <p>results in this header being added to the response:</p>
132 <div class="example"><p><code>
133 MyHeader: Hello Joe. It took D=3775428 microseconds for Apache
134 to serve this request.
135 </code></p></div>
136 </li>
138 <li>
139 Conditionally send <code>MyHeader</code> on the response if and
140 only if header <code>MyRequestHeader</code> is present on the request.
141 This is useful for constructing headers in response to some client
142 stimulus. Note that this example requires the services of the
143 <code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_setenvif.html">mod_setenvif</a></code> module.
145 <div class="example"><p><code>
146 SetEnvIf MyRequestHeader myvalue HAVE_MyRequestHeader<br />
147 Header set MyHeader "%D %t mytext" env=HAVE_MyRequestHeader
148 </code></p></div>
150 <p>If the header <code>MyRequestHeader: myvalue</code> is present on
151 the HTTP request, the response will contain the following header:</p>
153 <div class="example"><p><code>
154 MyHeader: D=3775428 t=991424704447256 mytext
155 </code></p></div>
156 </li>
158 <li>
159 Enable DAV to work with Apache running HTTP through SSL hardware
160 (<a href="http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2006-03/0549.shtml">problem
161 description</a>) by replacing <var>https:</var> with
162 <var>http:</var> in the <var>Destination</var> header:
164 <div class="example"><p><code>
165 RequestHeader edit Destination ^https: http: early
166 </code></p></div>
167 </li>
169 <li>
170 Set the same header value under multiple non-exclusive conditions,
171 but do not duplicate the value in the final header.
172 If all of the following conditions applied to a request (i.e.,
173 if the <code>CGI</code>, <code>NO_CACHE</code> and
174 <code>NO_STORE</code> environment variables all existed for the
175 request):
177 <div class="example"><p><code>
178 Header merge Cache-Control no-cache env=CGI<br />
179 Header merge Cache-Control no-cache env=NO_CACHE<br />
180 Header merge Cache-Control no-store env=NO_STORE
181 </code></p></div>
183 <p>then the response would contain the following header:</p>
185 <div class="example"><p><code>
186 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
187 </code></p></div>
189 <p>If <code>append</code> was used instead of <code>merge</code>,
190 then the response would contain the following header:</p>
192 <div class="example"><p><code>
193 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-cache, no-store
194 </code></p></div>
195 </li>
196 </ol>
197 </div>
198 <div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
199 <div class="directive-section"><h2><a name="Header" id="Header">Header</a> <a name="header" id="header">Directive</a></h2>
200 <table class="directive">
201 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Description">Description:</a></th><td>Configure HTTP response headers</td></tr>
202 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax">Syntax:</a></th><td><code>Header [<var>condition</var>] add|append|echo|edit|merge|set|unset
203 <var>header</var> [<var>value</var>] [early|env=[!]<var>variable</var>]</code></td></tr>
204 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Context">Context:</a></th><td>server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess</td></tr>
205 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Override">Override:</a></th><td>FileInfo</td></tr>
206 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
207 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_headers</td></tr>
208 </table>
209 <p>This directive can replace, merge or remove HTTP response
210 headers. The header is modified just after the content handler
211 and output filters are run, allowing outgoing headers to be
212 modified.</p>
214 <p>The optional <var>condition</var> can be either <code>onsuccess</code>
215 or <code>always</code>. It determines, which internal header table should be
216 operated on. <code>onsuccess</code> stands for <code>2<var>xx</var></code>
217 status codes and <code>always</code> for all status codes (including
218 <code>2<var>xx</var></code>). Especially if you want to unset headers
219 set by certain modules, you should try out, which table is affected.</p>
221 <p>The action it performs is determined by the second
222 argument. This can be one of the following values:</p>
224 <dl>
225 <dt><code>add</code></dt>
226 <dd>The response header is added to the existing set of headers,
227 even if this header already exists. This can result in two
228 (or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to
229 unforeseen consequences, and in general <code>set</code>,
230 <code>append</code> or <code>merge</code> should be used instead.</dd>
232 <dt><code>append</code></dt>
233 <dd>The response header is appended to any existing header of
234 the same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing
235 header it is separated from the existing header with a comma.
236 This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values.</dd>
238 <dt><code>echo</code></dt>
239 <dd>Request headers with this name are echoed back in the
240 response headers. <var>header</var> may be a
241 <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>.
242 <var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
244 <dt><code>edit</code></dt>
245 <dd>If this request header exists, its value is transformed according
246 to a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>
247 search-and-replace. The <var>value</var> argument is a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>, and the <var>replacement</var>
248 is a replacement string, which may contain backreferences.</dd>
250 <dt><code>merge</code></dt>
251 <dd>The response header is appended to any existing header of
252 the same name, unless the value to be appended already appears in the
253 header's comma-delimited list of values. When a new value is merged onto
254 an existing header it is separated from the existing header with a comma.
255 This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values.
256 Values are compared in a case sensitive manner, and after
257 all format specifiers have been processed. Values in double quotes
258 are considered different from otherwise identical unquoted values.</dd>
260 <dt><code>set</code></dt>
261 <dd>The response header is set, replacing any previous header
262 with this name. The <var>value</var> may be a format string.</dd>
264 <dt><code>unset</code></dt>
265 <dd>The response header of this name is removed, if it exists.
266 If there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be
267 removed. <var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
268 </dl>
270 <p>This argument is followed by a <var>header</var> name, which
271 can include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
272 ignored for <code>set</code>, <code>append</code>, <code>merge</code>,
273 <code>add</code>, <code>unset</code> and <code>edit</code>.
274 The <var>header</var> name for <code>echo</code>
275 is case sensitive and may be a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular
276 expression</a>.</p>
278 <p>For <code>set</code>, <code>append</code>, <code>merge</code> and
279 <code>add</code> a <var>value</var> is specified as the third argument.
280 If <var>value</var>
281 contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double quotes.
282 <var>value</var> may be a character string, a string containing format
283 specifiers or a combination of both. The following format specifiers
284 are supported in <var>value</var>:</p>
286 <table class="bordered"><tr class="header"><th>Format</th><th>Description</th></tr>
287 <tr><td><code>%%</code></td>
288 <td>The percent sign</td></tr>
289 <tr class="odd"><td><code>%t</code></td>
290 <td>The time the request was received in Universal Coordinated Time
291 since the epoch (Jan. 1, 1970) measured in microseconds. The value
292 is preceded by <code>t=</code>.</td></tr>
293 <tr><td><code>%D</code></td>
294 <td>The time from when the request was received to the time the
295 headers are sent on the wire. This is a measure of the duration
296 of the request. The value is preceded by <code>D=</code>.</td></tr>
297 <tr class="odd"><td><code>%{VARNAME}e</code></td>
298 <td>The contents of the <a href="../env.html">environment
299 variable</a> <code>VARNAME</code>.</td></tr>
300 <tr><td><code>%{VARNAME}s</code></td>
301 <td>The contents of the <a href="mod_ssl.html#envvars">SSL environment
302 variable</a> <code>VARNAME</code>, if <code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_ssl.html">mod_ssl</a></code> is enabled.</td></tr>
303 </table>
305 <div class="note"><h3>Note</h3>
306 <p>The <code>%s</code> format specifier is only available in
307 Apache 2.1 and later; it can be used instead of <code>%e</code>
308 to avoid the overhead of enabling <code>SSLOptions
309 +StdEnvVars</code>. If <code>SSLOptions +StdEnvVars</code> must
310 be enabled anyway for some other reason, <code>%e</code> will be
311 more efficient than <code>%s</code>.</p>
312 </div>
314 <p>For <code>edit</code> there is both a <var>value</var> argument
315 which is a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>,
316 and an additional <var>replacement</var> string.</p>
318 <p>The <code class="directive">Header</code> directive may be followed by an
319 an additional argument, which may be used to specify conditions under
320 which the action will be taken, or may be the keyword <code>early</code>
321 to specify <a href="#early">early processing</a>. If the
322 <a href="../env.html">environment variable</a> specified in the
323 <code>env=<var>...</var></code> argument exists (or if the environment
324 variable does not exist and <code>env=!<var>...</var></code> is specified)
325 then the action specified by the <code class="directive">Header</code> directive
326 will take effect. Otherwise, the directive will have no effect
327 on the request.</p>
329 <p>Except in <a href="#early">early</a> mode, the
330 <code class="directive">Header</code> directives are processed just
331 before the response is sent to the network. These means that it is
332 possible to set and/or override most headers, except for those headers
333 added by the header filter.</p>
335 </div>
336 <div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
337 <div class="directive-section"><h2><a name="RequestHeader" id="RequestHeader">RequestHeader</a> <a name="requestheader" id="requestheader">Directive</a></h2>
338 <table class="directive">
339 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Description">Description:</a></th><td>Configure HTTP request headers</td></tr>
340 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax">Syntax:</a></th><td><code>RequestHeader add|append|edit|merge|set|unset <var>header</var>
341 [<var>value</var>] [<var>replacement</var>] [early|env=[!]<var>variable</var>]</code></td></tr>
342 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Context">Context:</a></th><td>server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess</td></tr>
343 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Override">Override:</a></th><td>FileInfo</td></tr>
344 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
345 <tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_headers</td></tr>
346 </table>
347 <p>This directive can replace, merge, change or remove HTTP request
348 headers. The header is modified just before the content handler
349 is run, allowing incoming headers to be modified. The action it
350 performs is determined by the first argument. This can be one
351 of the following values:</p>
353 <dl>
355 <dt><code>add</code></dt>
356 <dd>The request header is added to the existing set of headers,
357 even if this header already exists. This can result in two
358 (or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to
359 unforeseen consequences, and in general <code>set</code>,
360 <code>append</code> or <code>merge</code> should be used instead.</dd>
362 <dt><code>append</code></dt>
363 <dd>The request header is appended to any existing header of the
364 same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing header
365 it is separated from the existing header with a comma. This
366 is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple
367 values.</dd>
369 <dt><code>edit</code></dt>
370 <dd>If this request header exists, its value is transformed according
371 to a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>
372 search-and-replace. The <var>value</var> argument is a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a>, and the <var>replacement</var>
373 is a replacement string, which may contain backreferences.</dd>
375 <dt><code>merge</code></dt>
376 <dd>The response header is appended to any existing header of
377 the same name, unless the value to be appended already appears in the
378 existing header's comma-delimited list of values. When a new value is
379 merged onto an existing header it is separated from the existing header
380 with a comma. This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple
381 values. Values are compared in a case sensitive manner, and after
382 all format specifiers have been processed. Values in double quotes
383 are considered different from otherwise identical unquoted values.</dd>
385 <dt><code>set</code></dt>
386 <dd>The request header is set, replacing any previous header
387 with this name</dd>
389 <dt><code>unset</code></dt>
390 <dd>The request header of this name is removed, if it exists. If
391 there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be removed.
392 <var>value</var> must be omitted.</dd>
393 </dl>
395 <p>This argument is followed by a header name, which can
396 include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
397 ignored. For <code>set</code>, <code>append</code>, <code>merge</code> and
398 <code>add</code> a <var>value</var> is given as the third argument. If a
399 <var>value</var> contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double
400 quotes. For <code>unset</code>, no <var>value</var> should be given.
401 <var>value</var> may be a character string, a string containing format
402 specifiers or a combination of both. The supported format specifiers
403 are the same as for the <code class="directive"><a href="#header">Header</a></code>,
404 please have a look there for details. For <code>edit</code> both
405 a <var>value</var> and a <var>replacement</var> are required, and are
406 a <a class="glossarylink" href="../glossary.html#regex" title="see glossary">regular expression</a> and a
407 replacement string respectively.</p>
409 <p>The <code class="directive">RequestHeader</code> directive may be followed by
410 an additional argument, which may be used to specify conditions under
411 which the action will be taken, or may be the keyword <code>early</code>
412 to specify <a href="#early">early processing</a>. If the
413 <a href="../env.html">environment
414 variable</a> specified in the <code>env=<var>...</var></code> argument
415 exists (or if the environment variable does not exist and
416 <code>env=!<var>...</var></code> is specified) then the action specified
417 by the <code class="directive">RequestHeader</code> directive will take effect.
418 Otherwise, the directive will have no effect on the request.</p>
420 <p>Except in <a href="#early">early</a> mode, the
421 <code class="directive">RequestHeader</code> directive is processed
422 just before the request is run by its handler in the fixup phase.
423 This should allow headers generated by the browser, or by Apache
424 input filters to be overridden or modified.</p>
426 </div>
427 </div>
428 <div class="bottomlang">
429 <p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="../en/mod/mod_headers.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
430 <a href="../ja/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ja" rel="alternate" title="Japanese">&nbsp;ja&nbsp;</a> |
431 <a href="../ko/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a></p>
432 </div><div id="footer">
433 <p class="apache">Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation.<br />Licensed under the <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.</p>
434 <p class="menu"><a href="../mod/">Modules</a> | <a href="../mod/directives.html">Directives</a> | <a href="../faq/">FAQ</a> | <a href="../glossary.html">Glossary</a> | <a href="../sitemap.html">Sitemap</a></p></div>
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