[htalkat.git] / Talkat.hs
1 -- This file is part of htalkat
2 -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
13 module Main where
15 import Control.Monad (forM_, mplus, when)
16 import Data.List (sort)
17 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
18 import Safe (headMay)
19 import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing,
20 doesDirectoryExist, getHomeDirectory)
21 import System.Environment (getArgs, lookupEnv)
22 import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
23 import System.FilePath ((</>))
25 #ifndef WINDOWS
26 import System.Posix.Files (ownerModes, setFileMode)
27 #endif
29 import Command
30 import Config
31 import Fingerprint
32 import Host
33 import Identity
34 import Incoming
35 import Notify
36 import Petname
37 import Prompt
38 import TLSTalk
39 import User
40 import Util
41 import Version
43 import qualified Opts as O
45 #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
46 import Data.Semigroup
47 #endif
49 die :: String -> IO ()
50 die s = putStrLn s >> exitFailure
52 main :: IO ()
53 main = do
54 (opts,args) <- O.parseGlobal =<< getArgs
55 when (O.Version `elem` opts) $ putStrLn version >> exitSuccess
57 ddir <- do
58 let optDir = headMay [ path | O.DataDir path <- opts ]
59 envDir <- lookupEnv "HTALKAT_DIR"
60 defDir <- (</> ".htalkat") <$> getHomeDirectory
61 pure . fromMaybe defDir $ optDir `mplus` envDir
62 doesDirectoryExist ddir >>! do
63 createDirectoryIfMissing True ddir
64 #ifndef WINDOWS
65 setFileMode ddir ownerModes -- chmod 700
66 #endif
67 createDirectoryIfMissing True $ ddir </> "incoming"
68 createDirectoryIfMissing True $ ddir </> "names"
69 createConfigFileIfNecessary ddir
70 createNotifyScriptIfNecessary ddir
72 let socksProxy = maybe (const NoSocksProxy) Socks5Proxy
73 (headMay [ h | O.SocksHost h <- opts ])
74 . fromMaybe "1080" $ headMay [ p | O.SocksPort p <- opts ]
76 let (mcmd,args') = if O.Help `elem` opts then (Just Help, args)
77 else (cmdOfStr =<< headMay args, drop 1 args)
79 conf <- loadConfig ddir
80 case mcmd of
81 Nothing -> do
82 isConnectArg <- case args of
83 [target] -> isJust <$> resolveTarget ddir target
84 _ -> pure False
85 if isConnectArg
86 then doCmd ddir conf socksProxy [] args Connect
87 else die "Unknown command/name. Use 'htalkat h' for help."
88 Just cmd -> do
89 (lOpts,lArgs) <- O.parseLocal cmd args'
90 let conf' = foldr applyOptToConf conf lOpts
91 doCmd ddir conf' socksProxy lOpts lArgs cmd
93 doCmd :: FilePath -> Config -> SocksProxy -> [O.Opt] -> [String] -> Command -> IO ()
94 doCmd ddir conf socksProxy opts args = \case
95 Help -> case args of
96 [] -> putStr . O.globalHelp . init $ concatMap (<>"\n")
97 [ "Usage: htalkat [OPTION...] COMMAND [ARG...]"
98 , ""
99 , "Commands:"
100 , " htalkat i[dentity] [PUBLIC_NAME] create/show identity"
101 , " htalkat c[onnect] [talkat:]FP@HOST connect to host"
102 , " htalkat c[onnect] NAME connect to named user"
103 , " htalkat n[ame] [talkat:]FP[@HOST] [NAME] set name for user [at host]"
104 , " htalkat l[isten] start server"
105 , " htalkat a[nswer] [NAME] accept connection [from user]"
106 , " htalkat a[nswer] --list list unanswered connections"
107 , " htalkat n[ame] +N NAME set name for unnamed caller"
108 , " htalkat h[elp] [COMMAND] show help [on command]"
109 , ""
110 , "FP is a 32 hex character public key fingerprint."
111 , "HOST can specify a nonstandard port as \"HOSTNAME:PORT\""
112 , ""
113 , "Options:"
115 [c] | Just cmd <- cmdOfStr c -> putStr $ cmdHelp ddir cmd
116 _ -> pure ()
118 cmd | O.Help `elem` opts -> putStr $ cmdHelp ddir cmd
120 Identity -> createOrShowIdentity ddir $ headMay args
122 Name -> case args of
123 target:args' | length args' <= 1 ->
124 resolveTarget ddir target >>= \case
125 Nothing -> die $ "Unknown: " <> target
126 Just user -> case args' of
127 name:_ | Just pet <- parsePetname name ->
128 writeName ddir user pet
129 name:_ -> die $ "Invalid name: " <> name
130 [] -> do
131 name <- promptLine $ "Enter name to assign to " <> showUser user <> ": "
132 doCmd ddir conf socksProxy [] [target,name] Name
133 [] -> do
134 names <- sort <$> loadNames ddir
135 forM_ names $ \name -> do
136 mUser <- lookupName ddir name
137 putStrLn $ showPetname name <> ": " <> case mUser of
138 Nothing -> "[unparseable name file!]"
139 Just (User fp mh) -> showFingerprint fp <>
140 maybe "" (("@" <>) . showHost) mh
141 _ -> die "Usage: htalkat n [talkat:]FP[@HOST[:PORT]] NAME; htalkat n NAME1 NAME2"
143 Answer | O.ListPending `elem` opts -> mapM_ putStrLn =<< listIncoming ddir
144 Answer | Just sockPath <- headMay [ p | O.SpawnInteractive p <- opts ] ->
145 case args of
146 [name] -> spawnDefaultInteractiveClient ddir conf name sockPath
147 _ -> die "Usage: htalkat a -i SOCK_PATH NAME"
148 Answer | [target] <- args ->
149 resolveTarget ddir target >>= \case
150 Nothing -> die $ "Unknown: " <> target
151 Just (User fp _) -> answerLast ddir conf (Just fp)
152 Answer -> answerLast ddir conf Nothing
154 Listen -> loadIdentity ddir IdListen >>= \case
155 Nothing -> die "You must first create an identity with 'htalkat i'."
156 Just cred -> serve ddir conf cred
157 Connect -> loadIdentity ddir IdConnect >>= \case
158 Nothing -> die "You must first create an identity with 'htalkat i'."
159 Just cred -> case args of
160 [target] -> resolveTarget ddir target >>= \case
161 Nothing ->
162 die $ "Unknown: " <> target
163 Just (User _ Nothing) ->
164 die $ "No host associated with '" <> target <> "'."
165 Just (User fp (Just host)) ->
166 connect ddir conf cred name socksProxy host fp
167 where
168 name | Just pet <- parsePetname target = showPetname pet
169 | otherwise = showHost host
170 _ -> die "Usage: htalkat c NAME[@HOST]; htalkat c [talkat:]FP@HOST"
172 cmdHelp :: FilePath -> Command -> String
173 cmdHelp ddir c = O.localHelp c . unlines $ cmdHelp' c
174 where
175 cmdHelp' Help =
176 [ "htalkat h[elp] [COMMAND]"
177 , " Show help [on command]." ]
178 cmdHelp' Identity =
179 [ "htalkat i[dentity] [PUBLIC_NAME]"
180 , " Create new identity (prompting for public name if omitted),"
181 , " or show existing identity."
182 , " If PUBLIC_NAME is given and identity exists, change public name in identity."
184 cmdHelp' Name =
185 [ "htalkat n[ame] [talkat:]FP[@HOST] [NAME]"
186 , " Set NAME as a synonym for the user identified by the given fingerprint."
187 , " The name will be shown when receiving a call from the user."
188 , " If a host is specified, then NAME can be used with the c[onnect] command."
189 , " If NAME already exists, it will be overwritten."
190 , " If NAME is omitted, it will be prompted for; this makes a good URI handler."
191 , "htalkat n[ame] NAME1 NAME2:"
192 , " As above, but setting NAME2 to whatever NAME1 is currently set to."
193 , " NAME1 may be of the form +N (+1, +2 etc); these pseudonames are"
194 , " automatically assigned to unknown incoming callers."
195 , "htalkat n[ame]:"
196 , " List known names."
197 , ""
198 , "Names are saved as files in " <> ddir </> "names" <> "."
199 , "To delete, rename, or copy names, manipulate these files directly." ]
200 cmdHelp' Connect =
201 [ "htalkat c[onnect] NAME"
202 , " Connect to user at host as previously named with the n[ame] command."
203 , "htalkat c[onnect] [talkat:]FP@HOST"
204 , " Call host. It is important to obtain the correct fingerprint of the person"
205 , " you intend to call, not just give whatever fingerprint is served by the host."
206 , ""
207 , "The command 'c[onnect]' can normally be omitted."
208 , "NAME@HOST also works."
210 cmdHelp' Answer =
211 [ "htalkat a[nswer] [NAME]"
212 , " Answer most recent incoming call, restricting to calls from NAME if given."
214 cmdHelp' Listen =
215 [ "htalkat l[isten]"
216 , " Start server process which will listen for calls and announce them."
217 , " Other users will be able to connect to you at talkat:FP@HOST[:PORT],"
218 , " where FP is as given by i[dentity], HOST is your hostname or IP address,"
219 , " and PORT is a non-standard port if you set one."
220 , " See " <> ddir </> "htalkat.conf" <> " for configuration options,"
221 , " and " <> ddir </> "notify.sh" <> " to set up notifications." ]