[htalkat.git] / CursesClient.hs
1 -- This file is part of htalkat
2 -- Copyright (C) 2021 Martin Bays <mbays@sdf.org>
3 --
4 -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
6 -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version.
7 --
8 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
9 -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
11 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
15 module CursesClient (cursesClient) where
17 import Prelude hiding (lines)
19 import Control.Concurrent
20 import Control.Exception (bracket, bracket_)
21 import Control.Monad.State
22 import Data.Char (isSpace)
23 import Data.Function (on)
24 import Data.Int (Int64)
25 import Data.List (uncons, (\\))
26 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
27 import Safe (headMay)
28 import System.Exit (exitFailure)
29 import System.IO (Handle, hFlush)
30 import UI.HSCurses.Curses hiding (ls)
32 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
33 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T
34 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
35 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as T
36 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
37 import qualified Network.Socket as S
38 import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy as SL
39 import UI.HSCurses.CursesHelper as CH
41 import Mundanities
42 import Util
43 import WCWidth
45 #ifndef WINDOWS
46 import System.Posix.Signals
47 #endif
49 #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
50 import Data.Semigroup
51 #endif
53 newtype Reversed = Reversed {getReversed :: T.Text}
55 data StreamState = StreamState
56 { streamWin :: Window
57 , streamLines :: [T.Text]
58 , streamHeights :: [Int]
59 , streamCurLine :: Reversed
60 , streamView :: Int
63 resetSS :: Int -> Window -> StreamState -> StreamState
64 resetSS w win ss = ss
65 { streamWin = win
66 , streamHeights = lineHeight w <$> streamLines ss
67 , streamView = 0
70 curLineHeight :: Int -> StreamState -> Int
71 curLineHeight w = lineHeight w . T.reverse . getReversed . streamCurLine
73 mapCurLine :: (T.Text -> T.Text) -> StreamState -> StreamState
74 mapCurLine f s = s { streamCurLine = Reversed . f . getReversed $ streamCurLine s }
76 allHeights :: Int -> StreamState -> [Int]
77 allHeights w ss = curLineHeight w ss : streamHeights ss
79 allLines :: StreamState -> [T.Text]
80 allLines ss = (T.reverse . getReversed $ streamCurLine ss) : streamLines ss
82 data TalkStream = OutStream | InStream
83 deriving Eq
85 data CState = CState
86 { otherName :: String
87 , connectionClosed :: Bool
88 , monitor :: Bool
89 , logHandle :: Maybe Handle
90 , lastMoved :: TalkStream
91 , onTop :: TalkStream
92 , outStream :: StreamState
93 , inStream :: StreamState
96 initCState :: String -> TalkStream -> Maybe Handle -> (Window,Window) -> CState
97 initCState name top mLog (w,w') = CState
98 { otherName = name
99 , connectionClosed = False
100 , monitor = False
101 , lastMoved = OutStream
102 , onTop = top
103 , logHandle = mLog
104 , outStream = emptySS $ if top == OutStream then w else w'
105 , inStream = emptySS $ if top == InStream then w else w'
106 } where emptySS x = StreamState x [] [] (Reversed "") 0
108 resetWindows :: Int -> TalkStream -> (Window,Window) -> CState -> CState
109 resetWindows ww top (w,w') =
110 mapSS OutStream (resetSS ww $ winOf OutStream) .
111 mapSS InStream (resetSS ww $ winOf InStream)
112 where winOf str = if str == top then w else w'
114 getSS :: TalkStream -> CState -> StreamState
115 getSS OutStream = outStream
116 getSS InStream = inStream
118 mapSS :: TalkStream -> (StreamState -> StreamState) -> CState -> CState
119 mapSS OutStream f ss = ss { outStream = f $ outStream ss }
120 mapSS InStream f ss = ss { inStream = f $ inStream ss }
123 wcwidthNonNeg :: Char -> Int
124 wcwidthNonNeg = max 0 . wcwidth
126 wcLength :: T.Text -> Int
127 wcLength = sum . (wcwidthNonNeg <$>) . T.unpack
130 resetTerm :: IO ()
131 resetTerm = nl True >> raw False >> cBreak True
133 getGeom :: IO ((Int,Int),Int)
134 getGeom = do
135 (lines,cols) <- scrSize
136 let (d,m) = divMod lines 2
137 pure ((d + m - 1, d), cols)
139 getWidth :: IO Int
140 getWidth = snd <$> getGeom
142 getDividerY :: IO Int
143 getDividerY = fst . fst <$> getGeom
145 checkSize :: IO ()
146 checkSize = do
147 dy <- getDividerY
148 ww <- getWidth
149 when (dy == 0 || ww <= maxWCWidth) $
150 CH.end >> putStrLn "Terminal too small." >> exitFailure
151 where maxWCWidth = 2
153 initWindows :: IO (Window,Window)
154 initWindows = do
155 ((wh,wh'),ww) <- getGeom
156 liftM2 (,)
157 (newWin wh (ww + 1) 0 0)
158 (newWin wh' (ww + 1) (wh+1) 0)
160 data Event = InCharEv Char | KeyEv Key | ConnectionClosed | NeedReset | Quit
161 deriving (Eq)
163 isQuit :: Event -> Bool
164 isQuit =
165 -- Handle ^C, in case it doesn't generate a signal (as on windows?)
166 (`elem` [Quit, KeyEv (KeyChar '\ETX')])
168 connectingNamedSocket :: FilePath -> (S.Socket -> IO a) -> IO a
169 connectingNamedSocket path =
170 (`bracket` (`S.gracefulClose` 1000)) $ do
171 sock <- S.socket S.AF_UNIX S.Stream 0
172 S.connect sock $ S.SockAddrUnix path
173 pure sock
175 cursesClient :: Bool -> Maybe Handle -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
176 cursesClient localTop mLog name path = connectingNamedSocket path $ \sock -> do
177 charStream <- T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode <$> SL.getContents sock
178 putStrLn "Waiting for answer..."
179 case uncons charStream of
180 Nothing -> putStrLn "Connection closed."
181 Just ('T', charStream') -> bracket_ CH.start CH.end $ do
182 checkSize
183 resetTerm
184 eventChan <- newChan
185 #ifndef WINDOWS
186 let suspHandler = CatchOnce $ do
187 raiseSignal sigTSTP
188 void installTSTP
189 writeChan eventChan NeedReset
190 installTSTP = installHandler sigTSTP suspHandler Nothing
191 _ <- installTSTP
192 _ <- installHandler sigINT (Catch $ writeChan eventChan Quit) Nothing
193 #endif
194 let top = if localTop then OutStream else InStream
195 st <- initCState name top mLog <$> initWindows
196 _ <- forkIO $ do
197 mapM_ (writeChan eventChan . InCharEv) charStream'
198 writeChan eventChan ConnectionClosed
199 _ <- forkIO $ writeList2Chan eventChan . (KeyEv <$>) =<< getContentsCurses
200 void . (`runStateT` st) $ do
201 redrawAll
202 mapM_ (handleEvent sock) . takeWhile (not . isQuit) =<<
203 liftIO (getChanContents eventChan)
204 _ -> error "Impossible handshake char!"
206 -- hscurses doesn't bind get_wch, so we do utf8 decoding by hand.
207 getContentsCurses :: IO [Key]
208 getContentsCurses = do
209 cChan <- newChan
210 kChan <- newChan
211 _ <- forkIO . forever $ getCh >>= \case
212 (KeyChar c) -> writeChan cChan c
213 k -> writeChan kChan k
214 _ <- forkIO . writeList2Chan kChan . (KeyChar <$>) .
215 T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode . BLC.concat . (BLC.singleton <$>) =<<
216 getChanContents cChan
217 getChanContents kChan
219 handleEvent :: S.Socket -> Event -> StateT CState IO ()
220 handleEvent _ (InCharEv c) = do
221 gets monitor >>? do
222 liftIO beep
223 modify $ \cs -> cs { monitor = False }
224 redrawIndicators
225 addCharToStream InStream $ if allowedTalkatChar c then c else '?'
226 handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\DLE')) = -- ^P
227 viewAddPg InStream 1
228 handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\SO')) = -- ^N
229 viewAddPg InStream $ -1
230 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyPPage) = viewAddPg OutStream 1
231 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyNPage) = viewAddPg OutStream $ -1
232 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyUp) = modView InStream (+1)
233 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyDown) = modView InStream (+ (-1))
234 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyLeft) = modView OutStream (+1)
235 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyRight) = modView OutStream (+ (-1))
236 handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\ETB')) = do -- ^W
237 l <- gets $ getReversed . streamCurLine . getSS OutStream
238 let (spaces, rest) = break (> 0) . (fromIntegral . T.length <$>) $ T.split isSpace l
239 n = length spaces + fromMaybe 0 (headMay rest)
240 replicateM_ n $ handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\b'))
241 handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\a')) = do
242 modify $ \cs -> cs { monitor = not $ monitor cs }
243 redrawIndicators
244 handleEvent _ (KeyEv (KeyChar '\f')) = redrawAll
245 handleEvent sock (KeyEv k) | k `elem` [KeyBackspace, KeyDC, KeyChar '\DEL'] =
246 handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\b'))
247 handleEvent sock (KeyEv KeyEnter) =
248 handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar '\n'))
249 handleEvent _ (KeyEv KeyResize) = do
250 liftIO checkSize
251 forM_ [InStream,OutStream] $ \strm -> liftIO . delWin =<< gets (streamWin . getSS strm)
252 ww <- liftIO $ CH.resizeui >> getWidth
253 top <- gets onTop
254 modify . resetWindows ww top =<< liftIO initWindows
255 redrawAll
256 handleEvent sock (KeyEv (KeyChar c)) | allowedTalkatChar c =
257 gets connectionClosed >>! do
258 addCharToStream OutStream c
259 liftIO . ignoreIOErr . SL.sendAll sock . T.encodeUtf8 $ T.singleton c
260 handleEvent _ (KeyEv _) = liftIO showHelp
261 handleEvent _ ConnectionClosed = do
262 modify $ \cs -> cs { connectionClosed = True }
263 redrawIndicators
264 handleEvent _ NeedReset = do
265 liftIO resetTerm
266 redrawAll
267 handleEvent _ _ = pure ()
269 allowedTalkatChar :: Char -> Bool
270 allowedTalkatChar c =
271 -- disallow C0 control chars without special meaning
272 -- (curses displays them with the wrong width)
273 c `notElem` (['\0'..'\31'] \\ "\b\NAK\n")
275 addCharToStream :: TalkStream -> Char -> StateT CState IO ()
276 addCharToStream strm c = do
277 modify (\cs -> cs { lastMoved = strm })
278 case c of
279 '\b' -> eraseLast strm 1
280 '\NAK' -> do
281 n <- gets $ T.length . getReversed . streamCurLine . getSS strm
282 eraseLast strm n
283 '\n' -> do
284 ww <- liftIO getWidth
285 curLine <- gets $ T.reverse . getReversed . streamCurLine . getSS strm
286 modify . mapSS strm $ \ss -> ss
287 { streamLines = curLine : streamLines ss
288 , streamHeights = curLineHeight ww ss : streamHeights ss
289 , streamCurLine = Reversed ""
291 maybe (pure ()) (liftIO . logLine strm curLine) =<< gets logHandle
292 redrawStream strm
293 _ -> do
294 modify . mapSS strm $ mapCurLine (T.cons c)
295 p <- gets (streamView . getSS strm)
296 win <- gets $ streamWin . getSS strm
297 (_,x) <- liftIO $ getYX win
298 ww <- liftIO getWidth
299 if x + wcwidthNonNeg c <= ww
300 then when (p == 0) . liftIO $
301 wAddStr win [c] >> wRefresh win
302 else redrawStream strm
303 placeCursor
305 logLine :: TalkStream -> T.Text -> Handle -> IO ()
306 logLine strm s h = (>> hFlush h) . T.hPutStrLn h . (<> s) $ case strm of
307 InStream -> "<< "
308 OutStream -> ">> "
310 redrawAll :: StateT CState IO ()
311 redrawAll = do
312 liftIO $ wclear stdScr >> refresh
313 forM_ [InStream,OutStream] redrawStream
314 redrawIndicators
315 placeCursor
317 placeCursor :: StateT CState IO ()
318 placeCursor = do
319 lst <- gets lastMoved
320 scrolled <- gets $ (>0) . streamView . getSS lst
321 closed <- gets connectionClosed
322 if scrolled || closed
323 then liftIO $ do
324 dy <- getDividerY
325 wMove stdScr dy 0
326 else
327 liftIO . wRefresh =<< gets (streamWin . getSS lst)
329 redrawIndicators :: StateT CState IO ()
330 redrawIndicators = do
331 ov <- gets $ streamView . getSS OutStream
332 iv <- gets $ streamView . getSS InStream
333 name <- gets otherName
334 closed <- gets connectionClosed
335 mtr <- gets monitor
336 let os = if ov > 0 then "[you ^ " <> show ov <> "]" else ""
337 is = "[" <> name <> (if iv > 0 then " ^ " <> show iv else "") <>
338 (if mtr then "*" else "") <> "]"
339 cs = "[Connection lost; ^C to quit]"
340 csShort = "[Closed]"
341 liftIO $ do
342 ww <- getWidth
343 dy <- getDividerY
344 mvWAddStr stdScr dy 0 $ replicate ww ''
345 when closed $ do
346 let drawCentred s = mvWAddStr stdScr dy ((ww - length s) `div` 2) s
347 if ww > length cs + 4 then drawCentred cs
348 else when (ww > length csShort + 4) $ drawCentred csShort
349 when (ww > 12 + length is + length os + (if closed then length cs + 2 else 0)) $
350 sequence_ [ unless (null s) $ mvWAddStr stdScr dy p s
351 | (s,p) <- [(is,5), (os, ww - 5 - length os)] ]
352 wMove stdScr dy 0
353 refresh
355 showHelp :: IO ()
356 showHelp = do
357 ww <- liftIO getWidth
358 dy <- liftIO getDividerY
359 mvWAddStr stdScr dy 0 $ replicate ww ''
360 mvWAddStr stdScr dy (max 1 ((ww - length helpStr) `div` 2)) $
361 take (ww - 2) helpStr
362 wMove stdScr dy 0
363 refresh
364 where helpStr = "^P/^N,PgUp/PgDn,arrows scroll; ^W/^U erase; ^C quit; ^G monitor; ^L redraw"
367 getStreamHeight :: TalkStream -> StateT CState IO Int
368 getStreamHeight strm = do
369 top <- gets onTop
370 ((wh,wh'),_) <- liftIO getGeom
371 pure $ if top == strm then wh else wh'
373 redrawStream :: TalkStream -> StateT CState IO ()
374 redrawStream strm = do
375 ww <- liftIO getWidth
376 wh <- getStreamHeight strm
377 ss <- gets $ getSS strm
378 let v = streamView ss
379 (len,n) = lenToSum (wh + v) $ allHeights ww ss
380 ls = reverse . take len $ allLines ss
381 pls = take wh . drop (n - (wh + v)) $ concatMap
382 (reverse . zip (False:repeat True) . reverse . wrap ww) ls
383 win = streamWin ss
384 liftIO $ do
385 werase win
386 sequence_ [ do
387 mvWAddStr win y 0 $ T.unpack s
388 when isWrap $ do
389 CH.wSetStyle win $ CH.mkCursesStyle [CH.Reverse]
390 mvWAddStr win y (ww-1) " "
391 CH.wResetStyle win
392 | ((isWrap,s),y) <- zip pls [(wh - length pls) ..] ]
393 wRefresh win
394 where
395 lenToSum :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> [n] -> (Int,n)
396 lenToSum m = go 0 0 where
397 go l n (a:as) | n < m = go (l + 1) (n + a) as
398 go l n _ = (l,n)
401 wrap :: Int -> T.Text -> [T.Text]
402 wrap wrapWidth _ | wrapWidth < 2 = error "Tried to wrap with too small width!"
403 wrap wrapWidth line = wrap' "" 0 . mergeSpaces $ T.groupBy ((==) `on` isSpace) line
404 where
405 mergeSpaces (s:ws) | isSpace (T.head s) = s : mergeSpaces ws
406 mergeSpaces (w:s:ws) = (w <> s) : mergeSpaces ws
407 mergeSpaces ws = ws
409 wrap' l n ws | n > wrapWidth =
410 let (a,b) = splitAtWC (wrapWidth - 1) l in a : wrap' b (n - wcLength a) ws
411 wrap' l _ [] = [l]
412 wrap' l n (w:ws) =
413 let l' = l <> w
414 nw = wcLength w
415 n' = n + nw
416 in if n' > wrapWidth
417 then (if T.null l then id else (l:)) $ wrap' w nw ws
418 else wrap' l' n' ws
420 splitAtWC :: Int -> T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text)
421 splitAtWC m = go m T.empty where
422 go !n !acc t
423 | Just (c,r) <- T.uncons t = let w = max 0 $ wcwidth c in
424 if w > max 0 n then (T.reverse acc,t)
425 else go (n - w) (T.cons c acc) r
426 | otherwise = (T.reverse acc, T.empty)
428 lineHeight :: Int -> T.Text -> Int
429 lineHeight w = length . wrap w
431 eraseLast :: TalkStream -> Int64 -> StateT CState IO ()
432 eraseLast strm n = do
433 ss <- gets $ getSS strm
434 ww <- liftIO getWidth
435 p <- gets (streamView . getSS strm)
436 let cur = getReversed $ streamCurLine ss
437 mightDecreaseHeight =
438 -- +1 to handle case of wrapping at double-width char
439 wcLength cur + 1 > ww
440 wErase = wcLength $ T.take n cur
441 modify . mapSS strm . mapCurLine $ T.drop n
442 if mightDecreaseHeight
443 then redrawStream strm
444 else when (p == 0) . liftIO $ do
445 let win = streamWin ss
446 (y,x) <- getYX win
447 mvWAddStr win y (x - wErase) (replicate wErase ' ')
448 wMove win y $ x - wErase
449 wRefresh win
452 viewAddPg :: TalkStream -> Int -> StateT CState IO ()
453 viewAddPg strm n = do
454 wh <- getStreamHeight strm
455 modView strm (+ (n * wh))
457 modView :: TalkStream -> (Int -> Int) -> StateT CState IO ()
458 modView strm f = do
459 ww <- liftIO getWidth
460 wh <- getStreamHeight strm
461 ss <- gets $ getSS strm
462 let h = (+ (-wh)) . sum . allHeights ww $ ss
463 oldView = streamView ss
464 newView = max 0 . min h $ f oldView
465 when (newView /= oldView) $ do
466 modify . mapSS strm $ \s -> s { streamView = newView }
467 redrawStream strm
468 redrawIndicators
469 placeCursor