add file headers
[hs-pgms.git] / src / Mine.hs
1 -- |
2 -- Module : Mine
3 -- Copyright : (c) 2008 Bertram Felgenhauer
4 -- License : BSD3
5 --
6 -- Maintainer : Bertram Felgenhauer <>
7 -- Stability : experimental
8 -- Portability : portable
9 --
10 -- This module is part of Haskell PGMS.
13 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
15 module Mine (
16 Config (..),
17 validConfig,
18 beginner,
19 intermediate,
20 expert,
21 Pos (..),
22 Cell (..),
23 Board (..),
24 View,
25 neighbours,
26 StrategyM,
27 Strategy (..),
28 defaultStrategy,
29 move,
30 move_,
31 mark,
32 getView,
33 getConfig,
34 traceMine,
35 Result (..),
36 playGame,
37 Play (..),
38 playGameP,
39 ) where
41 import Control.Monad.Prompt
42 import Control.Monad.State
43 import Data.Array
44 import System.Random
46 data Pos = Pos { pX :: Int, pY :: Int } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Ix)
48 data Cell = Hidden | Marked | Exploded | Exposed Int deriving Eq
50 type View = Array Pos Cell
52 data Board = Board {
53 bConfig :: Config,
54 bMines :: Array Pos Bool,
55 bView :: View,
56 bTodo :: Int
59 instance Show Board where
60 show Board { bConfig = Config { cSize = p }, bMines = b, bView = v } =
61 '\n' : unlines [ "|" ++ concat [cell (Pos x y) | x <- [1..pX p]] ++ " |"
62 | y <- [1..pY p]]
63 where
64 cell p | b ! p = case v ! p of
65 Hidden -> " :"
66 Marked -> " X"
67 Exploded -> ">%"
68 | otherwise = case v ! p of
69 Hidden -> " ."
70 Marked -> " !"
71 Exposed 0 -> " "
72 Exposed i -> ' ' : toEnum (48 + i) : ""
74 data Config = Config {
75 cSize :: Pos,
76 cMines :: Int
77 } deriving Eq
79 validConfig :: Config -> Bool
80 validConfig Config { cSize = sz@(Pos sX sY), cMines = m } =
81 sX >= 2 && sY >= 2 && m >= 1 && m < sX * sY
83 beginner, intermediate, expert :: Config
84 beginner = Config { cSize = Pos 9 9, cMines = 10 }
85 intermediate = Config { cSize = Pos 16 16, cMines = 40 }
86 expert = Config { cSize = Pos 30 16, cMines = 99 }
88 mkBoard :: Config -> StdGen -> Board
89 mkBoard cfg@Config { cSize = sz@(Pos sX sY), cMines = m } gen
90 | not (validConfig cfg) = error "invalid mine config"
91 | otherwise = Board {
92 bConfig = cfg,
93 bView = listArray (Pos 1 1, sz) (repeat Hidden),
94 bMines = listArray (Pos 1 1, sz) (pick gen (sX * sY) m),
95 bTodo = sX * sY - m
97 where
98 pick gen n m | r <= m = True : pick gen' (n-1) (m-1)
99 | otherwise = False : pick gen' (n-1) m
100 where
101 (r, gen') = randomR (1, n) gen
103 neighbours :: Config -> Pos -> [Pos]
104 neighbours Config { cSize = Pos sX sY } (Pos x y) =
105 [ Pos (x + dx) (y + dy)
106 | dx <- if x == 1 then [0..1] else if x == sX then [-1..0] else [-1..1],
107 dy <- if y == 1 then [0..1] else if y == sY then [-1..0] else [-1..1],
108 dx /= 0 || dy /= 0]
110 mines :: Board -> Pos -> Int
111 mines Board { bConfig = cfg, bMines = m } =
112 length . filter (m !) . neighbours cfg
114 data Request a where
115 Move :: Pos -> Request Int
116 Mark :: Pos -> Request ()
117 GetView :: Request View
118 GetConfig :: Request Config
119 TraceMine :: String -> Request ()
121 move :: Pos -> StrategyM Int
122 move = StrategyM . prompt . Move
124 move_ :: Pos -> StrategyM ()
125 move_ = (>> return ()) . move
127 mark :: Pos -> StrategyM ()
128 mark = StrategyM . prompt . Mark
130 getView :: StrategyM View
131 getView = StrategyM (prompt GetView)
133 getConfig :: StrategyM Config
134 getConfig = StrategyM (prompt GetConfig)
136 traceMine :: String -> StrategyM ()
137 traceMine = StrategyM . prompt . TraceMine
139 data Result a = Won | Unfinished a | Lost deriving (Show, Eq)
141 newtype StrategyM a = StrategyM {
142 runStrategyM :: Prompt Request a
143 } deriving Monad
145 data Strategy = Strategy {
146 sName :: String,
147 sAuthor :: String,
148 sDescription :: String,
149 sRun :: StdGen -> StrategyM String
152 defaultStrategy :: Strategy
153 defaultStrategy = Strategy {
154 sName = "<unknown strategy>",
155 sAuthor = "<unknown author>",
156 sDescription = "This strategy has no description.",
157 sRun = \_ -> return "<unimplemented strategy>"
160 data Play a where
161 Start :: Board -> Play ()
162 Update :: Pos -> Board -> Play ()
163 Trace :: String -> Board -> Play ()
165 type PlayM a = StateT Board (Prompt Play) (Result a)
167 playGameP :: Config -> StdGen -> StrategyM a -> Prompt Play (Result a, Board)
168 playGameP cfg gen strategy = runStateT (game strategy) (mkBoard cfg gen)
169 where
170 game :: StrategyM a -> PlayM a
171 game strategy = do
172 get >>= lift . prompt . Start
173 runPromptC (return . Unfinished) handle (runStrategyM strategy)
175 handle :: Request p -> (p -> PlayM a) -> PlayM a
176 handle GetView cont = gets bView >>= cont
177 handle GetConfig cont = gets bConfig >>= cont
178 handle (Move p) cont = do
179 b@Board { bMines = bm, bView = bv, bTodo = bt } <- get
180 if bm ! p then do put b { bView = bv // [(p, Exploded)] }
181 get >>= lift . prompt . Update p
182 return Lost
183 else case bv ! p of
184 Exposed i -> cont i
185 _ -> do let n = mines b p
186 put b { bView = bv // [(p, Exposed n)],
187 bTodo = bt - 1 }
188 get >>= lift . prompt . Update p
189 if bt == 1 then return Won else cont n
190 handle (Mark p) cont = do
191 b@Board { bMines = bm, bView = bv } <- get
192 when (bv ! p == Hidden) $ do
193 put b { bView = bv // [(p, Marked)] }
194 get >>= lift . prompt . Update p
195 if bm ! p then
196 cont ()
197 else
198 return Lost
199 handle (TraceMine s) cont = get >>= lift . prompt . Trace s >> cont ()
201 playGame :: Config -> StdGen -> StrategyM a -> (Result a, Board)
202 playGame cfg gen strat = runPrompt handle (playGameP cfg gen strat) where
203 handle :: Play a -> a
204 handle Start {} = ()
205 handle Update {} = ()
206 handle (Trace s b) = ()
209 example won game:
210 playGame True beginner (mkStdGen 164806687) (mark (Pos 9 1) >> mark (Pos 3 4) >> mark (Pos 5 4) >> mark (Pos 1 5) >> mark (Pos 5 5) >> mark (Pos 9 5) >> mark (Pos 1 8) >> mark (Pos 3 8) >> mark (Pos 8 8) >> mark (Pos 3 9) >> getView >>= \l -> sequence [move p | (p, Hidden) <- assocs l])