descriptionmy homepage
homepage URL
last changeMon, 5 Apr 2010 00:07:08 +0000 (5 02:07 +0200)
content tags
About this file:
This is the README file for my project at
Here are some links: git://

About this project:
These are the files for my homepage at the Humboldt University
of Berlin ( My page is at the Department
of Computer Science (

About Sanpu Heavy Industries:
Sanpu Heavy Industries is a project of mine. It deals with computer
science and computer science ethics. Right now there is not much done
about its development, because the project consists only of me, the 
creator of Sanpu Heavy Industries.

About me:
More about me later. :)
2010-04-05 Dimitar Dimitrovtesting gitmaster
2010-03-29 Dimitar Dimitrovwasn't a good idea
2010-03-28 Dimitar Dimitrovremoved a tab in from of every line
2010-03-28 Dimitar Dimitrovadded hourplan for the new semester
2010-03-20 Dimitar Dimitrovadded sitemap.xml and changed robots file accordingly
2010-03-12 Dimitar Dimitrovadded referer url for css validation
2010-03-12 Dimitar Dimitrovno more change of the color of links
2010-03-11 Dimitar Dimitrovadded anweisungen
2010-03-11 Dimitar Dimitrovadded favicon
2010-03-11 Dimitar Dimitrovadd in colors page, showing color.js0.1.2
2010-03-11 Dimitar Dimitrovsome housekeeping
2010-03-10 Dimitar Dimitrovencoding
2010-03-10 Dimitar Dimitrovsomething strange
2010-03-06 Dimitar Dimitrovadded code for the favicon0.1.1
2010-03-06 Dimitar Dimitrovadd in robots.txt file
2010-03-06 Dimitar Dimitrovadd in favicon
14 years ago 0.1.2
14 years ago 0.1.1
14 years ago 0.1
14 years ago master