descriptionGwave - a waveform viewer
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last changeSat, 19 Feb 2011 23:47:58 +0000 (19 17:47 -0600)
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This is a git-svn mirror of the svn repository at sourceforge. Default branch 'guile-gnome-platform-branch' has the current activity, branch 'master' is svn trunk and old.
2011-02-19 Dan WhiteIgnore all generated/compiled filesguile-gnome-platform-branch
2010-10-18 sgtellMerge Dan White's contributed additions to spicefile...
2010-06-29 sgtelldisplay the measurement value in the measurebutton...
2009-10-29 sgtellbump version number to 20091028
2009-10-28 sgtellremove redundant ndv element from GWDataFile
2009-10-28 sgtellreally work around the locale problem this time
2009-10-28 sgtelladd call to setlocale to force consistent handling...
2009-06-12 sgtellfinish wf_add_var()
2009-06-11 sgtellstart coding wavelist method wf_add_var(), in preparati...
2009-03-03 sgtellyet another hspice file format variant
2009-02-13 sgtellClean up a slew of warnings from gcc -Wall - mostly...
2009-02-12 sgtelladd g-wrap patch and discussion of it in INSTALL instru...
2009-02-12 sgtellhandle blank lines in spice3 ascii format - as produced...
2009-02-12 sgtellClean up tooltips-related warnings by rejiggering how...
2009-02-09 sgtelladd guile-cario to dependency list in INSTALL
2009-01-24 sgtelldocumentation updates
13 years ago spice3
13 years ago guile-gnome-platform-branch
15 years ago trunk