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The gsm daemon works as a centralized software application to modem
hardware and provides dbus IPC mechanism to other applications.

gsmd2 is alpha level software

Compilation and installation

In order to compile gsmd2  you need following software packages:
    - GNU build tools
    - D-Bus library
    - SQLite 3
    - glib

Additionally self tests using DBUS interface require python (>= 2.5),
dbus python bindings and gobject python bindings. Self tests for
libfreesmartphone API wrapper require cython.

To generate configure script:

To configure run (for example):
	./configure --prefix=/opt/freesmartphone

Configure automatically searches for all required components and

To compile and install run:
	make && make install

Refer to INSTALL file for more information.

Running gsmd2

You need supported modem device.

gsmd2 uses DBus system bus so you need to allow that by placing
res/freesmartphone.conf to your dbus system configuration directory
(e.g. /etc/dbus-1/system.d/) and restart dbus service
(e.g. /etc/init.d/dbus restart)

Run "gsmd2 --help" for information about command line options.

Example configuration file is supplied.

Supported modems

 * 862-GPS
 * UC864-E
2009-06-01 Heikki PaajanenFixed typo in error message.master
2008-10-24 Vesa PikkiAdded default configuration file for gsmd2.
2008-10-24 Vesa PikkiApplied raster's patches to remove dbus-binding-tools...
2008-10-23 Vesa PikkiUpdated dbus Call and SIM interfaces to newer ones
2008-08-13 Heikki PaajanenStarted updating FSO APIs
2008-06-27 Heikki PaajanenRandom fixes and cleanups
2008-06-24 Heikki PaajanenBring us closer to fso error spec
2008-06-23 Heikki PaajanenAdded empty prepare to suspend and recover from suspend...
2008-06-19 Heikki PaajanenClean device get info for consistency
2008-06-18 Heikki PaajanenImplemented GetPhonebookInfo
2008-06-17 Heikki PaajanenAdded generic vendor
2008-06-17 Heikki PaajanenRemoved more phonebook stuff
2008-06-17 Heikki PaajanenUpdated SIM interface
2008-06-16 Heikki PaajanenImplemented libfso network tests
2008-06-16 Heikki PaajanenIgnore generated file in serial/
2008-06-09 Heikki PaajanenFixed network Status signal signature
14 years ago master