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[greclusters.git] / index.tmpl.html
1 <html xmlns:py="">
2 <head>
3 <title>GRE Word Clusters</title>
4 <style py:def="loadcss(src)" type="text/css">
5 <!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
6 ${Markup(open(src).read())}
7 /*]]>*/-->
8 </style>
9 <script py:def="loadjs(src)" type="text/javascript">
10 ${Markup(open(src).read())}
11 </script>
13 ${loadjs("jquery.js")}
14 ${loadjs("jquery.shortkeys.js")}
15 ${loadjs("jqModal.js")}
17 ${loadcss("jqModal.css")}
18 ${loadcss("style.css")}
20 </head>
22 <body>
23 <script py:def="loadjs(src)" type="text/javascript">
24 ${Markup(open(src).read())}
25 </script>
27 <script py:def="loadjs_a(src)" type="text/javascript" src="$src">
28 </script>
30 ${loadjs("wz_tooltip.js")}
31 <!-- ${loadjs("shortcuts.js")} -->
33 <script type="text/javascript">
34 var total = ${len(clusters)};
35 </script>
37 ${loadjs("ui.js")}
39 <div class="jqmWindow" id="dialog">
41 <a href="#" class="jqmClose">Close</a>
42 <hr />
43 <p>GRE Word Clusters is an easy-to-use application to help you
44 prepare for the GRE Verbal exam. Prof. Donald E. James is known
45 for his renowned teaching in vocabulary, especially the GRE. He
46 recommends studying the words by first clustering them. Using
47 this application you can interactively go over the word
48 clusters.
49 </p>
51 <p>Did you know that you can,
52 <ul>
53 <li>hover over any word to get its <em>definition</em>
54 popup?</li>
55 <li>press <em>n</em> or <em>p</em> to smoothly scroll this page?</li>
56 <li>press <em>r</em> to go to a random cluster?</li>
57 <li>press <em>1</em>,<em>2</em>,..,<em>9</em> to go to the
58 corresponding cluster set?</li>
59 <li>save this file to your hard disk for off-line access?</li>
60 </ul>
61 </p>
63 </div>
65 <div id="content">
66 <h1>GRE Word Clusters</h1>
67 <ul class="nav">
68 <li><a href="#c1">1-100</a></li>
69 <li><a href="#c100">100-200</a></li>
70 <li><a href="#c200">200-300</a></li>
71 <li><a href="#c300">300-400</a></li>
72 <li><a href="#c400">400-500</a></li>
73 <li><a href="#c500">500-600</a></li>
74 <li><a href="#c600">600-700</a></li>
75 <li><a href="#c700">700-800</a></li>
76 <li><a href="#c800">800-900</a></li>
77 <li><a href="#c900">900-1000</a></li>
78 <li><a href="#c1000">1000-</a></li>
79 <li><a onclick="random_cluster(); return false;"
80 href="#"
81 title="Go to a random cluster! (or press 'r' key)"
82 >[random]</a>
83 </li>
84 </ul>
86 <ul class="nav">
87 <li><a href="#" class="jqModal"><b>What's this?</b></a></li>
88 </ul>
90 <script type="text/javascript">
91 $('#dialog').jqm();
93 function t(id){
94 var definition = $('#d'+id).html();
95 var title = $('#d'+id).attr('title');
96 Tip(definition, SHADOW, false, TITLE, title, PADDING, 9, DELAY, 0);
99 </script>
101 <py:def function="q(s)">${s.replace('\'', '\\\'')}</py:def>
103 <span py:def="render_word(w)"><span py:if="w in keydict" id="${'d%d'%keydict[w]}" title="${w}" style="display:none;">${Markup(defdict[w])}</span><a onMouseover="t(${keydict[w]})">${w}</a></span>
105 <ul py:def="render_wl(wl)" class="wl"><li py:for="w in wl">${render_word(w)}</li></ul>
107 <dl id="words">
108 <div py:for="i, w in zip(range(len(words)), words)">
109 <span class="i" id="${'c%d' % (i+1)}">${i+1}</span>
110 <dt><span class="w">${render_word(w)}</span></dt>
111 <dd><span class="s">${render_wl(clusters[w][0])}</span>
112 <span class="a">${render_wl(clusters[w][1])}</span>
113 </dd>
114 </div>
115 </dl>
116 </div>
118 <div id="footer">
119 This page works well in Firefox. Do not ridiculously try to view
120 in IE. <br />
121 By <a href="">Sridhar Ratna</a> <br />
122 Clusters
123 by <a
124 href="">Prof. Donald
125 E. James</a>. Compiled
126 by <a
127 href="">Varadhan</a>.
128 </div>
130 </body>
131 </html>