descriptionGo Image Recognition system
last changeSun, 25 Jan 2009 23:22:50 +0000 (26 00:22 +0100)
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GoIR is meant to grow into an Image-recognition software taking successive photos of go game as input, and producing an SGF file of the game as output. It is a try at being faster than GoCam at finding the grid, and more accurate than Image2SGF at finding the stones.

The algorithm is expected to be possible to tune for other games involving a grid and round pieces.

Repository currently holds an image library, and tests about the algorithm.

2009-01-25 Yann DirsonMerge evaluate() functionnality into find_edges(),... master
2009-01-25 Yann DirsonUse a flag to denote false matches, rather than a separ...
2009-01-25 Yann DirsonFixed edge-recognition to record delta, not sample...
2009-01-25 Yann DirsonTODO
2009-01-25 Yann DirsonRename is_edge to is_known_edge for clarity.
2009-01-15 Yann DirsonFix comparison order of points on a line with negative...
2009-01-14 Yann DirsonAccept delta value in known edges list.
2009-01-14 Yann DirsonWhether edges are known is a LineData attribute, not...
2009-01-14 Yann DirsonSmall refactorings to reduce dependencies on ImageInfo...
2009-01-14 Yann DirsonProvide an Histogram::samples() accessor, adapt Histogr...
2009-01-10 Yann DirsonDo not assume that there is any known_edges in every...
2009-01-10 Yann DirsonDraw missed and false matches as well.
2009-01-10 Yann DirsonAdd secondary colors definitions to sImLib.
2009-01-09 Yann DirsonNext things TODO in evaluating.
2009-01-09 Yann DirsonRework and fix AlgoResults evaluation algorithm.
2009-01-09 Yann DirsonRewrite AlgoResults::fprint to make use of evaluation...
15 years ago master