descriptiona Game development Objective framework from xomBIE
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last changeSat, 2 Oct 2010 03:58:01 +0000 (1 20:58 -0700)
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Gobie is an SDL and OpenGL wrapper and small framework written in C++. Its main concerns are ease of use, pretty code, and features which automatically enhance your game project. Gobie automatically caches content, such as graphics and sound, when it is used. The content is cached for a predetermined amount of time. Content that is used will not leave memory until the cache times out, so frequently used content will stay open. This decreases hard drive use and loading times. The current version of SDL only allows one window, and that window is where everything happens. Gobie is written so that you can cleanly and beautifully center your code around your window, rather than having to shuffle its pointer around.
2010-10-02 Paul MerrillInitial commit.master
13 years ago master